DAILY EA81 IRKIiOMAS. HENDLKTrON, OKEGvyN, MONDAY, JILY 31, 1911. PAGE Til REE AGED PIONEER OF oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooo o o Unfurnished Housekeeping Rooms ' WESTON DEAD o o o o EIGHT PACKS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Offer BOSTON DARK ANSWERS CALL AT RIPE OLD AGE Eire 111 Giuiii I leld IMin'iiMied y l ifflers After De-troj in Ten Sucks or Whiiil Oilier Xo.s Nolo from Mcuntiiin Town. Semi-Weekly OREGON JOURNAL . and Semi-Weekly EAST OREGONIAN FOR RENT Q A o with new gas range in the kitchen of EACH SUITE ft Located- on Main Street. 1 Every Mod ern Convenience Inquire at East Oregonian Office SYSTEM CONSIDERED l'irurr.iaiv owners not A(;ieei ox pipe Mils. Meeting Culled lo Submit Milt lor to DiwiiMsioii la 'Attempt to Reach mi EiiclcrNtuinling General Ni'wu. (Special "Correspondence.) llctniiston, Ore., July 31. Presi dent Elmer Dodd of tHe Hermis ton Commerclul club has called a meeting ff that organisation for Tuesday evening to take up the mat ter f the new water system that the city council Is now working on. On account of some disagreement am ong the property owners, in regard j to me pipe line, u is iiiuugiu mai a mass meeting will have the effect of getting every ono familiar with the new plans, and changes 'can he made accordingly, all the facts prepared by the city engineer will he on hand, and Attorney 111. Word has been received from Wal ter J inkle, who is at Lehman Springs that his brother J. 11. Hinkle, attorney of Hermiston, Is sick at that lace with throat trouble, a telephone message from Mr. Hinkle this morn- j lug states, however, that his brother Is a great deal better, and that the trouble is nothing of a serious na LIXUl ture. Mr. William H. Skinner returned from Spokane Saturday after having spent the week there on business and visiting his son who lives at Spo ! kane. Mr. George E. Brlggs the popular .wncr and manager of the Oregon hotel, expects to move Into his new home this week. .Mrs. w. s. rhlllips and children have left for Spokane for a few weeks visit. The Rev. Clevenger, of Montana, preached at the Baptist church Sun day. Mr. John W. Campbell of the Her mlston Produce and Supply Co., has gone to Portland to spend his va cation. Mr. T R. Barks, the popular musi cian has gone to Portland for the balance of the summer. He has ac cepted a position with one of the leading hotels. Mrs. Harks left sov- all objections to the plans will he put before the council. In this way it is ( eral weVks ago and will be Joined by supposed will meet all objections. her husband nt that place. Picture Show Oim-iis. I Mr. M. V. Crandall. of Butte, Mon- Mr. Welsh opened his new moving ', tana, was a visitor to the project this picture show Saturday evening and it has proved n perfect success, the pic tures are as good as those seen in the larger cities. Miss Mumma, ren ders the music, which she executes in n very capable manner. Mr. Welsh has charge of the machine, und his work shows that he is an old hand at the business. A large crowd was in attendance und It is thought that this new enterprise will be a success. Invite Seerctnry. On account of some reports to the effect that Secretary of the Interior Fisher will not visit the Umatilla propect, the Commercial organiza tion and the Water Users' associa tion will write to tho secretary and extend to him a pressing Invitation to make this project one of his stops on his trip to Alaska. They wish the secretary to Investigate for him self the phoject, and to show him what Is being -done by the farmers. THROW OUT THE UNE. Give, Tliem Help nnd Many Pendle ton People Will He Hivppler. "Throw Out the Life Lino" The kidneys need help. They're overworked can't get the poison filtered out of the blood. They're getting worse every minute. week. He owns 10 acres of land in section 16. Mr. Crandall is a trav eling man, and will make Hermiston his future home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McNuught, nnd Mr. and Mrs II. T. Fraser are expect ed back from Lehman Springs to day, where they have been for the pust week on an outing. They made the trip with an automobile. Mr. Percy Holland is in Portland on business. He is expected home today. Mr. K. H. Hobson, supervising en gineer of the Pacific Coast division of the reclamation service, has been at Hermiston for the last few days on business. Mr. Herbert P. Newell, pro ject engineer returned with his fam ily from the east Saturday. Reentering lYoni Injury. Mr. M. F. Callbeck Is gradually im proving from a very serious accident which he had last week. While work ing on tho new home of H. A. Water man he stepped on a nail running it through his foot. Dr. Turley being called dressed the wound, and at the i present time he is doing very nicely, and expects to be able to oversee his work soon. Mr. rhllllp H. Paradise having sold out all of his lands under the project has gone to Portland for a few days. He will return to Hermiston in the near future. Mr. Paradise has been nt Hermiston only a short time, but Will you help them? Doan's Kidney PUls have brought M nnd mM lte Rn apre. age of land while on the project. He expects to make this his home and to purchase more holdings in the their thousands of kidney sufferers back from tho verge of despair, rendlcton testimony proves worth. C. S. Howard, 1614' W. Webb street, Pendleton Oregon says: "For fifteen years I had a great deal of trouble from a dull pain through the small of near future. Baldwin to Enter Unco. Chicago. Captain Thomas Bald- my back and left side and during win, dean of American aeronauts, the past year thero was a numbness j from whom the government purchns under my shoulders. I was unable to its first dlrglhle balloon, Is the lie comfortably on my back and I; latest entry in the international avl was bothered a great deal by too fre-j tlon meet to he held In Chicago Au qucnt passages of the kidney sccre-KURt 12-20. With him will rome Wll tions. After Beveral well-known rem-pin Bndger the Pittsburg millionaire cdles had failed to help me I tookw,0 turned from nutomohiles to nvl Donn's kidney Pills and they relieved i ntlon, nnd two other members of the my trouble. I am grateful to this I Baldwin fleet. This brings the prln remedy for Its good work." i clpals, under contract to 20, with from For sale by all dealers. Price 60 in to ifi understudies The stadium cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, 'Rt Crant Park on Lake front will be New York, sole agents for tho United States. Remember the name Donn's and take no other. increased to sent 70.000 penrsnns. Two hundred thousnnd may attend. (,-pt.viai Correspondence.) j Q We.-'t-m, Ore.,' July 31. Through the ( death off Ki.M-.n lMrr last . Friday j morning, We.--.ti.ii and eastern Oregon ! lost one of tb,e oldest an 1 most high- ! f ly respected citizens in this m i-'luii of Zj? the state. ; Deceased had passed his seventy- i Q e gr.in birthday only tli day preced ing his death . A sincere Christian, londucting both his private and bus- i J in ess affairs on a standard cummcn- ft uiirnti. ,,-itVi ,Ii:d ,1........ -..I ...r... ! recognized as a living example of all that was lde;il In man and hail won and enjoyed the fullest resptet of this community, causing his ilcm.se to be deeply felt by all who knew him. Funeral services were from the res- j Hence, Reverend Larson of the Athe na Methodist iiurch officiating and, and the remain-- were Interred in the 1 Od,l Fellows cemetery. Eire Threatens Grain. A fire wh'.eh started in the grain 1 Q lei I it James Mill, a tarmcr l.vmg a; few mile- north of town, was soon . extinguished by the prompt action of' the harvest crew with the loss of unly i 10 sacks of grain. j Henry Barrett, hardware man from 1 Athena, drove over to Weston Sun- day in his au'o. Geijige Wcddin;ham was in Pen dleton Saturday with a load of early peaches which he easily disposed of at a good price. Rey. Rexroid of Milton, principal elect of the Weston high school, was in the city Saturday transacting busi ness. His brother, A. C. Rexroad and o 0 Both Papers One Year . $2.00 sum Paid in Advance family, accompanied hiin home Sat urday evening. Little Louis Vanwinkle wh has been quite ill during the past week, is decidedly better. Ira Kemp, cashier of the Weston bank, visited friends in Athena Sun day. Quite a number of automobiles from Walla Walla passed through town yesterday for Wenah.l Springs.' R. .ports from the mountains ore that huckleberries are plentiful. OIL WELL PILLAR ON EIRE. Pocket of (ins Ignites Hnkcrsl'icid Gusher, Converting: It Into Toivh. Bakersfield. The No. 3 well of the Honolulu Consolidated Oil company is u huge flame, lighting up th" sky for miles around. While drilling a heavy pocket of gas was vncountered and in the blow out the gas took fire from the forge n the, derrick. The great flow is one huge torch plainly visible from the high build ings and other vantage points in Ba kersfield, more than forty miles away. GIRL SHOOTS BIG RICK. Read the Want Ads. .Miss Minna Baron Kills Ifc-cr Which lrvsses at 1 H Pounds. Santa Rosa. Miss Minna Baron a pretty Cloverdale girl, has the dis tinction of having killed one of the Wgest bucks seen in the hills In that section this season. While out hunting with her broth er. Jack Baron, Miss Baron shot and killed a buck th.it dressed at 140 pounds. She Is a crack shot and greatly en joys hunting on her father's ranch. 0 o Q O O o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o o o o o o Reg. Price Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, by mail reg. rnce Semi- Weekly bast Uregonian, by mail $1.3U Total $3.00 Our Price of $2.00 Saves You $1.00 and is for Both New and Old Subscriptions. The Smw Weekly Oregon Journal Publishes the latest and most complete telegraphic news of the world; gives reliable market reports, as it is published at Portland, where the market news can be and is corrected to date for each issue. It also has a page of special matter for the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or more of comic each week, and it goes to the subscriber twice every week 104 times a year. The Semi-Weekly East Oregonian is the official paper of Pendleton and Umatilla county, gives all the local news and happenings and should be In every home In this vicinity. The two papers make a splendid combination and you save $1 by send ing in the coupon at once. We can also give our subscribers a good clubbing offer for the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal, In connection with the Semi-Weekly and Daily East Oregonian. Cut out and mail today. Our Special offer "E" East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon Enclose find $2,00 for which please send me the Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal and Semi-Weekly East Oregonian for one year. Name ' Address. Please state whether new or renewal. o Q o o $1.50. o 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000 A Golden Wedding. means that man nnd wife have lived to a good old age and consequently huvo kept healthy. The best way. to keep healthy is to see that your liver j does It's dutv 366 days out of 365. j The only way to do this is to keep Ballard's Herbine in the house and take it . whenever your liver gets in active. BOc per bottle. A. 0. Koep per. & Bros.. MASSACRES IN PERSIA. l'ollowers of I)ej)sI Shall Put Men, Women and Children to Sword. Teheran, Persia. The Turkoman tribesman, followers of Mohammed All Mlrza, the deposed Shah, have pillaged Shah Rud, where they made the first halt on the march to the capital. It is said that they massa cred men. women and children. It Is understood here that England nsk ed Russia to Join In representing to the ex-shah that he ought to withdraw from Persia and that Russia refused. AMESEMENT- EIRM RREAKS. Keith & Proetor Will Plvlle the The atrical Houses Owned by Them. Portland, Me. The amusement firm of Keith & Proctor was formal ly dissolved. The houses controlled by the combination are to be divided between the members of the firm on a pro rata basis. Kill More Thnn Wild Reasts. The number of people killed yearly by wild beasts don't approach the vast number killed by disease germs. No life Is safe from their attacks. They're In air, water, dust, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Electric Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from the system. That's why chills, fever and ague, all malarial, and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them and enjoy the glorious health and now strength they'll give you. Money back, if not satisfied. Only 60c nt Koeppens. Train Kills Tnenuui lirmer. Tacoma, Wash. While driving nrvnvs the railway tracks nt the edge of the c'ty, John I.. Eddy. 0,9 n re tired farmer, was instantly killed. For an enjoyable and invigorating vacation, spend the summer at Weimalia Springs The popular family and tourists resort of the Blue Mountains. Season of 1911 Opens June 1 5 jj $2.00 and $2.50 per Day ) $12.50 to $15 per Week 4 weeks or more, 10 per cent reduction Tents rented furnished or unfurnished. Cottages rented for sleeping room only. Camping privileges $1.25 per week each adult. Swimming Pool free to guests of Ilotel -jr campers. AUTOMOBILE STAGE FAKE $1.00 EACH WAY. EXCESS BAGGAGE AND FREIGHT C IIAHGES r.0 CENTS PEli CWT. Tents, per week $2.00 Bed Springs, per week 25e Bedsteads, per week 25c Mattresses, per week 2oc EXTRAS FURNISHED TO CAMPERS: RATES MADE TO FAMILIES Further information furnished upon applicati"ii to P. A. McPHEE, Wenaha Springs, Ore. Manager Gibbon P. O. w o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o