nnirr pages Ladies9 Summer Silk Dresses One-Half Price For Tuesday Only. Come in Taffeta, Messaline, Foulard and Pongee, in navy, black and brown. All in the season's newest models. Low neck and Kimona sleeves, and high neck and long sleeves. Fancy Lawn Dresses --at-- One-Half Price For Tuesday Only. Come in light blue, pink, Tan and lavender. Trimmed with lace with Messaline pipings, made in all the latest models. PENDLET0K1AN IKES GOOD AS MANAGER ;eai:.k stovai.l am.y DIRECTS fl.KVKI.AXU TKM i:a4i-tn lla-eUil! Authority fltisM Him as Howling Sm-oos and Equal U HiviulH'ti !HiclnMr or Ka Rerrti!l. The Peoples I!'.';-re it Pays to Trod-:: j district. Cojotox Eat Vegetable-. Davenport. Wash Farmers in the vicinity of Telford complain that the) eoyots. which are many .n that sec- I ti"n. steal into their gardens at night nd destroy garden truck. Poultry have also been killed. All old f..t:s in the city wi'.l re Mifmbrr Georte Stovali. first iase :nan of the famous team that made Pendleton chum j ion of eastern urc f:on and who is now covering the in i'.al s.ick and acting as manager for the Cleve'.md Amerk an?. They wi'.l bo sra'.i.l. i to learn that he is ha; termed a "fowling saccws" in bis !iui!)e-r!al capacity and bids fair to handle tin- reins .if the Naps perma nently. Moveil sot his first xperi.nce at f'-:.-rt base lure in Pendleton. H-' started ut a a Uvirler but did not 1 r "Ve to be a v ry treat enbjma in that josi:i.,n and was swit-hel to first W'h.-re he remained umii th-' of the s-a.-..n. He was consid ered a ? i"d man at that bag but noth ing phenomenal. As a sticker be '.vn.- Vri.'!i,.n I'erfornier. After bavins; Pendleton, mo-t ..f the fans u.st sisjl-.i of l.im f,,r u oUT'l- of years after which In- reap peared in biir company an -em t. have ma ! po.-d In every vny. Ti:i is the w !y . Fams.vorth wr:te. ;)... ut him from New York: IViif'ii Jim MeQuire, aft-r two di.--'..--;r..i: - weeks, resigned the man agership of the Cleveland American !.acu' club on M'.y 3 of this year snyir.j; tbj't be was not poss.-s. j o' the mat -rial to turn out a winning '. am fj'-orvo Stovr.il was pl-i.-ed in miiorory command and since then has made what j rp-:. '....,;.- would c-i'l a howling hit. 11 onvr" i tiri manar, but n-T.t !ia!:a?er. and l't it be in "r?ps." To. jay jStovall is the Presnahan of the Amerian b-asu-. Never a s risa-ti'-na! ; layer himself, although above the ordinary fir--t baseman at that, he has developed a lot of raw re cruits Into a corking pood ball team and one that is going to cause a lot of trouble in the pennant race before the season is completed. Iwikeil Like stovnll. When t-'tovall was jut in charge of the Xaps, it was generaMy understood that as soon as Harry Davis bad fin "Vhed schooling "Stuffy" Jtclnness in the art "f . laying first hasp for th" .Xth'etus. Conrie Mack would l.-t t:it veterari go to Cleveland ' manage that club. But Stovall hns uj s. t ;.;i that plan, and it looks as though Davis will not burst into the league ranks as a man ager, at least not for the present. Stovall has given Clevi land the first real te.im it has hnd since liois. when they finished fourth to Detroit, and were onlv two g-im-s behind the leader, at that. Charlev Sorners is Slav Cinnamon Itoar. : beginning to reap a harvest and he is Proper, Wash. Wills Jlercer and ' s" l'ltUIi"J Stovall's wr.rk that it is MKeiy ne win a JU a sweet bonus to his salary. made in the make-up of the Inner works. At once Olson began to play an Improved game, especially with the willow, batting in pinches as well i us when the bases were unoccupied. Players ; on Toes. j The team lacked pepper, but Sto va'd got them all upon their toes and today th.-y jabber away like a lot of pod parrots. They are full of fight, back up i.a.h other like champions. ;ti l you tan look for them to be very much in r.ext year' nennant race. St 'Vali dots not believe in morning i r.i. tioc. Put evi ry man must report ..c the grounds at lu o'clock when the t -am is home, where they must clus t r in the grandstand and talk over lays. Si o.tli belitvis that morning ; ractUe tikes Ur players off edge and that th.-y .u e 'lot in tip top shape ti rei't.re in the afternoon. Although Slovall .va never consid c : cd a first sack-r of the Coast- class, hr h; s :n mag', t to b dd bis position with tlo1 Naps fince lii)4, when he l-r..;,.. into the American league, al ih ..iL'h ..one pretty uever men have tii'd to earn his jib, among whom w i iv Hickman on two occasions. render without a struggle and prove miwt docile subjects. They are tre mendously fond of slight of hand and feats of dexterity. - 3. "An Old JIan's Folly." Esuunify. Dramatic. This domestic story tells the danger which lurks In an old man marrying a young woman, especially when that woman happens to be an actress. 4. "The Phoney Prince." The Mc Sweeneys having inherited money, be come socially ambitious. In conse quence Jack Madden, Nora's lover, Is not good enough for the old lady. The MeSweeneys move up a peg. Jack learns that Nora is going to marry a Persian prince. He Is therefore In deep despair. H's chums, however, fix up a scheme to do up the nabob. Following out their plan they meet him at the depot with an automobile a his arrival In town and take him to Jack's apartments where through a subterfuge they get him to take off part of his regalia: Then they lock him in a room and Jack makes up as the prince. Then as his Persian high ness J.uk marries the blushing Nora. In this tory a former lover figures to some extent, though he does not wrecu the home. The husband's surprise when he returns home Is tho featuro of the drama. "The Water Hcetle and Its Young.'1 This 1 most fascinating picture. Always a Tuesday's ;. ' wattn. Car: Rossman. lister. Daa- ,. . , ii ,,, The Pastime. Started as a Twirler. The house of duality. .-tovnl! .- tarted his baseball care :'! well selected program, s tvirb v i'! the semi-pro. ranks i i harev follows; f bis h or.c town. K'tisas City. He "The Price of a Man." Edison, j . . '.. l.i.r 1 -o ; ,r. oi th. re nnl iiiiH-re is i n!Mes! in tr storv of a man .-.j. - , . ...1,..,, LI, of the Pacific co;ut ; wr irgfubv accused .-fa cr!m. mak- marrie.i a weso in h.n ...... .o-. 1 him. He was traded ing his escape from prison, befriend-! f-rmer wife tried to annul tho mnr of tlie .-ame circuit, the'-rd by a wido w whose home is about ; rlaso Mie fotm.l that he was lega.'y i.,.f Mo ,irr-f i.-. . , ...v-.-. v,o. ..i..- rnn irom nor. snc jouicu me n.o.i- Tho Coh-. For Monday und Tuesday, war drama, two western pictures, a child siory and two breezy comedies. Two brothers go to the civil war, and after a battle sceno they are do it plckVt duty. J'm is shot by a southtrn shnrpshooter, and Rill In rage, chases the "reb." but iails and i:t made prisoner. Just then a com pany of union soldiers come up and take the rebels. Feeling repentant f..r shooting Jim, Towd asks porm's ..on 'o nurse the wounded man, and later he takes him to his northern home, where he meets Jim's sister, and they fall in love. Dowd goes back to bis regiment, prom'slng to return after Ihe war. Years later there Is a reunion on Independence day whore all unite to honor the flag, and tbr story closes with a display of fireworks. "For Her Sin." Champ. A story of the west. A w If" b ft her husband I to go with another man. and he in despair went west and In the whirl or roMbov Ife learned t forget Ho .".t S-atlle . g a. . - cut i Portland., o .bowing .-oas .n iitia went lb? be 'aken from her under foreclos- uid he was released. tire prot e"dmcf He gives himself He w. s a in-u l youngster and did- i up to the parson that the reward may i w ant to r. turn l.o:':c under the! be given to her to save tier home. The condition-, "i decided to b ar:', how I man is proved innocent and freed t. pi ay f.tst b e. He played around TVs pty g;vc a decided tug at one's A ith .'ui:Vr.. r.t e-mi-pro. teams lit j heart strings. It is a very worthy and California for a few J play, convincing and effective. :r.o:uv's an.! tie n sc ared a berth with !!.. i'u. l:t:--i'.n 1- ag-O . V. io-re Tb.-Mity ,fod g si tiol. i'lce'.alii f. biv-i ov r and f..r C 1 'h i. H. f t'ue Iowa state club he developed into a lardian of t:-.e opening "Stubhs' New Servants." JV.ograph. ,i IS lio rma-pelb-d Stti'ibs" man and maid servant leave, hi -'.h being matrimonially Inclined. The-.- !( cide to do their own work ! but it grows monotonous. Each en .uts w-'.e out to look ! gaging a servant unknown to tee finnlly purchased him i other, induces complications which has In en with 'leve-I elm' st br-ak up the Stubhs home. :nce. He was a pretty raw j - w -r.de: f ul Eye." n.ograph. A Ii'1 frrt Joined the Naps. sTcn led theatrical troupo manages to n .t yet a graceful player ; get to xew Tork in rather a not - .'.ns. be is a most consist- j ,. f...i1ion. ner. i "a P.ussian C.ypsv." American Patbe. Th.s f,!m s colored and ef- out the Gypsy '.ove It tells a tragic story Make (.ihhI Ifx. ibl b- a good manag.ri fet.t.tl.,v brint one. as he is still under j ,V t,r;..v tints Warehouse Save Yov.r Coupons. ii-.u-o of the f.r.- is unknown. The resWVr.ee of William Buchanan, on : an adjoining lot, was a 'so burned, j Neither house w as insured. The loss i of Mathews is about $2)0 and that of Iluchanan 4M'V Prompt action of the fire department prevented the spr- ad of the flames to the residence i -.. run : and wbio by ar.y :r f t j.erf ' !iouM Stovoll sip for vears to come, as he .b.i oar mark, and is beloved by I ;;il of his j layi rs. w ho have confi-! i.-m in bis ability to make chain-j pjor.s of them. He is aggressive, but ! for from an uaipi: e-bailer. j St'.val! tdcvtd '.asebiill at school ! aIo u Jo'-so Jani-' sons and the name of tlie ban was the Oitlaws. George sas it was th-' best boys- team that i ev r j. lave 2. In four years' time they J 4 lost but three games. ! " And h" says that n"xt season he ' f i have a big l-iuu- club tnatj: ev ry 'oit a.- good by compari- iiis school boy'r.ir.". II" is of f no right start, ai ynay. i tT of a Uussian pvasjnt who f dl In love ith n b-autiful gypsy girl. ?he is false to him and a few month after h marries her he klils her, with a gypsy man. The acting is very good. "The Wife's Awakening." Lubin. tioii Army In order to atone for hi r 'ife of Bin. "The Cow puncher." Nestor. Joe didn't want Jack to visit h's si "tor, Annie, so the two had a fight and' Jack won. Joe followed Jack, deter mined to shoot him and they were followed by Annie. The two cowboys were at'acked by Indians and whlie Annie rode for help, they kept the savages off. When rescued they he cam" friends and Jack got Its girl. "The I.iltle Hurglar." Nestor. Lit tle Kth' 1 lobbed her daddy's safe md marly caused an Innocent man some ti.nibie. However, she was the menu of bringing about a reconciliation be. t v-r-n i nemles. A charming li'.tle sb ry. "Cured and the Comet." polnx. Poo! tried to prevent his girl marryin-; by taking a.vay her clothes, but she p'l'. a dad's clothes and fooled the des p .. The young couple had lot of troubles but they W'-'i ou' in the en I. "Johnnie Waters the Garden." P -lax A k'd and a hose make a great lomb'nation, If the youngter full f miser if. A good comedy. von Grande Ronde Apple Orchards oa the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton ix-ople who hart- visited these P.I.ACh HAND I.KADKK i P.IUTAI.J.Y Ml IIDEKKI) tractii. JoM-pli ! Salvo. Said to 15c a Mom Ikt f ltuml of, ItlackmaibTs, Is round Ihiul in His H'kmii by the Pnlicf. . KILL & I1IBBERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOORHOUSE CO. ecd Man Hangs Self. Pros.w-r. Wash. Peter Hansen, father of Councilman D. C. Hansen of this city, committed suicide by hang- tag himself in a barn in the Horse j Htaven country', where he was work ing for Peter Timra. carloads of sheep to place on the range and report the killing of a large cinnamon bear. Mr. Roberts and Herman Roberts returned from Hot Springs, where thev had taken seven ' . rrcn-ni fYom Mc;iilro. I Stovall's policy has been entirely j different from that pursued by Me- Mr. Mercer saw the animal about ?00 luire, and it has proved to be the vards awav and they both took three j ri"t McGuire worked on the shots at it, but thought that it had theory that Cleveland had a chance succeeded in ge'ting awav without l" wln lne pennant ana tne .ap receiving serious injury. Their sur- Boiiins Water Scalds lVs. Butte, Mont. Timothy Duggan, aged three, was probably fatally scalded and Jeremiah Haniey, aged 4, seriously injured when the children flaying "bear," rolled under a stove t the home of Mr. Dan Duggan, a widow, kicking a leg off, and tum ied a boiler of boiling water down spon them. Prize liaby I4 Dead. La Grande, Ore. The Cove, cherry show 'prize winning baby, Oswald Jo seph Harrui, died at his home, at 406 T.t-i street, in La Grande. The baby 5 entered in the contest at the Cove cherry ribbon as the fattest baby ir.d a red ribbon as the second pret tiest, and as a result, it is thought, of swallowing a cherry seed at the show The baby was S months and 17 days old. prise was great three days later when they came upon bruin, hidden in the deep brush, dead. Drowned in Ivake Wallowa. Joseph, Ore. James Lane, a young man about 29 years of age. was drowned in Wallowa lake while in bathing with a crowd of young men. They had been in the water some time when Lane took a cramp and disap peared The lake being very deep and cold at the point where Lane disap peared they did not succeed in reach ing him until it was too late. He is survived by a mother and sister living here. to win the pennant and the must win right from the start. At any rate, he intended to try until the of blood, last man was out to win every game, letto and regardless of the manipulation players he regarded necessary. Working on this system, he Chicago. His throat cut from ear to ear. his jaw broken and his chest I and abdomen hacked and battered, Joseph De Salvo. 35 years old. be lieved to have been a member of a band of Italian blackmailers, was found Iead in his room at 1S33 South Clark street. When the police of the Twenty Second street station broke into the room they found DeSalvo in a pool Beside the body was a sti an ax, both smeared with of blood. He is belleyed to have been killed for revenge or by an Intended der- victim. Although suspected several ricked his young pitchers often. He times of being implicated in black removed Shortstop Olson from the hand killings, the police have never opening game of the season at a been able to get direct evidence time when the Naps were eight runs against De Salvo. A sawed-off gun behind, sending In a substitute batter was also found in one corner of the for him when there were two out and room. The murder Ls believed to none on the bases. In fact, he was have been committed several days constantly shifting his players ap- ago, parently striving to hit what might prove a winning combination. F.ixlv on HI'kmI Stainotl Bel. The grewsome discovery was made A. TriE OFFICE SCHNE1TER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE. FarT)ily Liquor Store V Main 299 71 1 Main &reet StovalJ. of course, had the success by Sergeant McCann and several de- JIUCIPROCITY FIGHT XOW ON IV CANADA I.irnl(iii-.t' Ilody lU-intorred. Davenport, Wash. Follow. ng in structions from the lodges of which he was a member at Phoenix. B. C, the body of Martin L'nd'iuin, the miner whose body was found in an eddy in the Columbia river near Peach, has t'e-i dish.terred from the pauper e't,on of the Creston cemetery and reinf rred in a more desirable sec tion of that burial ground. Ororllle Home Is f2iirnl. '.rovlhe Wash. The residence of Tjank Thompson was destroyed by f,r- Mr, Thompson had but recently remodeb-d the building at a large ex !!. -e an dfurnished it throughout. Th- fi:e burned so rapidly that not sr. art:- !e in the building was saved. I'- ' r gin is a mystery. The loss Is boil' 13500. with an Insurance of $2""0 .n the building and J500 on the rortents. Ottawa; Ont Now that the op position to reciprocity with the Unit ed States by the conservatives has brought about a dissolution of parlia ment, the question today is before the people for decision. The matter will be voted on September 21 and Sir Wilfred Laurier is confident that the government will be supported at the polls.' In that event parliament will reassemble, in October and pass the reciprocity bill. The campaign for and against re ciprocity will be very strong and there are indications the "annexa tion talk" will be frequently used in an effort to defeat the measure. If the government is defeated it will probably mean Laurler's retirement of the team Just as much at heart as McGuire, but he believed that-the de sired results could be secured by ad opting a somewhat different policy. Had Staff of YoimgMiTS, tectives when they went to the place in search of the Italian. He had not been seen for several days and his room was broken Into. The body was found on a blood-stained bed with He realized the fact that, with the the weapons lying nearby. pirrrif;i:nv would not TOI'P TO fiOVKIlXORSHIP ire t'.e the .on Itago in Tamarack Iias.ln. iV':. fire. The only firest fire it' i so far this season to Super g" Fit" Warden Palmer s one at looi 1 of Truckee creek, in Tam il Ba"in. This fire, accord:: g to reports of the miners who have e over from that locality, has Sioux Falls, S. D. "Will you tell me what honor It would be to hold an office that has been held by such men as Sheldon, Elrod and others? If I were out of the country and re celvel notice of my nomination to the office of governor, I would not exception of Falkenberg, Cleveland had to depend upon young pitchers entirely: he knew that he had an out field which had much to learn about fielding; he knew that both of his catchers, although "combacks," were recruits; he knew that he had an ex perlmental shortstop. With such a situation, he felt that Cleveland could not be expected to start off the campaign like pennant winners. He knew it must lose a lot of games through lack of co-operation and because of blunders. But, in the event of better team work being ac quired through practice and pati ence, he was of the opinion that the team which was losing for the reas ons mentioned, would begin to win when the players found themselves and became more of a baseball ma chine. Believing that, he realized that what he would have to instill in to the, youngsters was confidence in themselves and Incidentally In the team as a whole. Consequently, he adopted the system of leaving his young pitchers in the box from start to finish, regardless of their lack of control or Ineffectiveness In spots. Keit Men In Game. Dr Salvo's cousin, Nick De Salvo, Is now in the county jail awaiting trial for the murder of Camille De Rosa on June 19 at Armour avenue and West Nineteenth street. Only about a month ago the murdered man was arrested for carrying concealed wea pons while loitering about the home of Detective Longsbardi on the North Side and was fined $200 and costs. At that time the police also tried to connect the prisoner with several Italian killings, but were unsuccess-iul. PENDLETON'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Where tho entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort. FUN, PATUOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Change Sun., Mon., Wed., FrL Next Door to St. Qeorqe Hotel. Admission 5 and 10t MOtnUltKIt Ilt'ItT BKT.U'SE WIFE MARINES ANOTHER Galveston, Tex. Pardoned from state penitentiary where he served fifteen of a thirty years sentence for killing a neighbor, Ennis Garfield, 55 returned to his home to find his wife had married another man two years ago. Broken hearted the old man returned to the penitentiary and ask ed to be permitted to serve out his unexpired term. Read the want ads. come back until such action was re elnded." In those words, former U. a Addle Joss remarked two weeks 3. Senator Pettigrew denied stortes J before he died, Stovall believed that that he would be the candidate of I a young pitcher's career can be the democrats next year. bun.ed over an ar- a of five square 3fle. a.d is still going. Mr. Palmer Tel rir,g-r of the United States for mi i-'-rv e are at the fire engaged In n attempt to get it under control. Tmo Colvllle Houses P.uriwd. Colv'dle, Wash. The cabinet shop of A. H. Matthews, situated on Third venue, was destroyed by fire. The KAISER EXPELS AGITATOR. KHth & Proctor Will Divide the? TIm; Frfiiicii Anti-Militarist DlHsrinlnut cvl. Berlin. M. Yvetol. the French anti-militarist agitator, who at a Fran-co-German socialist meeting on Mon day, delivered a flaming speech on the possibility of the armies of France and Germany turning against the gov ernments Instead of fighting each other in the event of war, was ex pelled from Germany. ATM PICTURE SI0W5 in jured bv being taken from the box upon the slightest provocation in his early trial He was, therefore, ' working on the plan that, the sooner , Orpdieuni. he could restore confidence among Program for Tuesday's change very his heavers, the sooner the team Inf restlng. would win. 1 i- "The I-r'it Spark." Vltagraph. Chlcag scored seven runs against ! comedy drama. It bursts forth in each of tho two Nap pitchers, Gregg to a patriotic fervor that kindles and Krapp, yet each stuck to the fin- 'v-ry spark of devotion to our coun Ish. That be acted wisely has been try. From an humble start to a glor demonstrated since. ,,u" f inlHh- Agaln, with Olson going bad In the 2- "The White Medicine Man." Se fleld and at the bat, he informed the I'B- This little comedy Is based upon shortstop that he was there to stay the well known ease with which In that no changes were going; to be dians can be hypnotized. They sur- Pendleton Beer THE BEST Quality-quality first, last and all the time is the watchword in the produc-" tion of City Brewery Beer You do not find it lacking in that "life" so neceesary to pive it the required zest You assist in providing employment for home labor, build ing up your borne city and supporting institutions that place money in circulation here, when you buy home product in preference to those that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at tho following places: 1 BILLY'S PLACE, W. J. Bogart, Prop. BREWERY DEPOT, Paul Ilemmelgarn, Prop. OPERA BAR, Anton Krnft, Prop. STATE SALOON, II. .T. Latourelle, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOON, J. IL Taylor, Prop. i