EIGHT PAG KB BASLt KAjrT OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JIXV 28, 1911. FACT SKTKIf L IN SWINE TRADE THICK CiETTIXG VICKY XKAR EIGHT DOLLARS Poor Qiiillly of Cuttle Offerings. In jure .Market Sheep Trade Unchang ed Wall Sniull Run Chicugo Wheat Recovers. (From Thursday's Journal.) The situation In the swine trade Is one of unuHUiil strength. Sales were made this morning at North Portland on the basis of $7.75 for first class quality. The transaction In cluded 22 head of Willamette valley stock that sold at $7.65. Eastern Oregon or Idaho supplies always bring a dime or even better price than Willamette valley offerings be cause of the firmer flesh, besides the offerings of the small valley lot a carload came through from Rlgby, Idaho, but details of the sale were not made public until a lute hour. As has been forecast repeatedly In this paper, the outlook for favorable hog values is much better than ex pected by most interests.. Naturally killers are bearish, but the fact that they cannot get the hogs, only adds weakness to their arguments. Packers are still forced to get prac tically all their swine from the Oma ha territory, and for that reason are helping to maintain the market here at a basis that Is the full Omaha price with the freight added. North Portland general range: Best light hogs $7.75 Medium hogs 7.65 Good and heavy hogs ... $6.50 6' 6.75 Rough and heavy hogs... 5.50 6.00 Poor Cattle Hurt Trade. Poor quality cattle are what alls the cattle trade at North Portland ! these days; In fact. Is hurting the trade of the entire country. Top steers are still selling at $6.75, but II takes excellent quality to bring this figure. Ed Knorr and W. H. Jones, two shippers from Grange llle, Id'ihn, topped the market for both steers and cows this morning. These were about the best arrivals seen at North Portland recently and for that reason were able to com mand best figures. A total of 471 head was received In the. cattle pens today, compared with 834 on this day last week, when the big run was shown. North Portland range: Pest steers Choice Steers . Ordinary steers Common steers Fancy heifers . Fancy cows . . ..$5.65 5.75 5.60 5.75 , 4.50 Si 5.00 '. . 4.004.25 5.00 4.60 Drink H ires The Genuine Rootbeer Absolutely pure. Refreshes vou when thirsty, invigorates you w hen tired, delights you . at any time. Order a case from the exclusive bottlers Pendleton Soda Works Phone Main 459. Every Woman u Interested and should know bet if the wonderful l MARVEL Whirling Spay t new Vaginal Syr. no a. Bei t moit convenient. It cleanses instantly. Ask your drugs lit for I If he cannot fupDly MARVEL, accent no oiher but tend lump for Illustrated book sealed. It slves full partlc lart and directions Invaluahleto ladies. MU CO.. 44 fast 2M llrttt. Haw York tmm -sr 7fT 7 ' j m Lehman Hoi Springs Among ihe Pines of the Blue Mountains Fine medical batlis; large swimming pool; new dance lial1, dancing daily; bowling alley; fins hunting and fishing and ideal camping grounds. AUTO STAGE Leaves Pendleton Auto Co. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday of each week. Round -Trip Fare $8.00 Special trips may he arranged with either stage line. Board, by tlie day $l.i"0; bv the week .$9.00. Store r.t spring, carrying full line of groceries, bathing suits and everything needed. , Join the Jolly Crowds at Lehman Frank L. McNeil, .Proprietor Ordinary cows 3.00B4.00 Common cows . ... 3.00(0)3.25 Fancy bulls 3.75JM.00 Good ordinary bulls 3.50 3.60 Common bulls 2.00 (ft 2.25 Fancy light calves 7.00 (ft 7.25 Ordinary calves , 6.50SH.00 Common calves 4.00 5.00 Sheep .Market Is Uiicliuiijvd. Practically no change in condition la showing In the sheep and lamb trade at North Portland. There was a small run for the trade, but with the present overloaded condition of killers, there. Is no hope for any beneficial change In values. Today's run of heep,and lambs was 340 head compared with "2435 last Thurs day. Nortn Portlund sheep and lamb ranges: , Select lambs $5.255.30 Ordinary lambs 5.05 Best wethers , 3.253.50 Common Iambs 4.00 4.25 Ordinary wethers 3.00 Best ewes 3.00 Ordinary ewes . .. 2.502.75 Grain uiid Hay. Wheat New crop, nominal. Track delivery Club, 74c; bluestem, 78c; fortyfold, 78c; Willamette valley (..); red Russian, 73c; Turkey red, 78c. Oats New crop, nominal. . Produc ers' price Track, No. 1 white, $24; gray, $23; old crop, white, $27 Si 27.50. Barley New crop. Producers' price -1910 Feed, $2424.50; roll ed $29.50; brewing, $29.00. Mlllstuffs Selling price Bran, $25; middlings. $31; shorts, $26; chop, $19 25. Hay Producers' price 1 9 1 0 val ley timothy, fancy. $17018; ordinary $15i 17; eastern Oregon, $1921; mixed, $1516; clover, $11; wheat. $12fS13; cheat, $1213; alfalfa, new $lljr l2; oats, $1213. Chicago Wheat Recovers. Chicago. July 28. The recovery in the wheat price was sharp and at the closing the bears wondered Just where they were at. Closing figures were o-oc 10 i-zc a Dushel almvo vostor. day, while the opening was at a loss ot i-8c to l-2c. ' To some extent the lower opening here was rue to the loss at Liverpool, ui me extreme strength at other European centers as well as reported damage to the crop at home hrought out a line of short covering that was sufficient to stem the tide of bearish ness that appeared at the start. While Liverpool was down l-4e to 3-8d nt the closing and Berlin was off s-8c. there was an advance of 3-4c to It at Paris, 5-8c at Antwerp and 1 3-8c at Budapest. The official report of the Spanish government estimated the wheat crop at 156.800,000 bushels compared with 136.808,000 bushels a year ago. Range of Chicago prices furnished v Overbeck & Cooke Co.; . WHEAT. July Open. 85 7-8; high, 86 low. 85 5-8; close 86 3-4. Sept. Open, 88; high, 89; S7 B-8; ilose, 88 3-4A. Dec Open. 91 7-8; high, 92 low. 91 3-S: close. 9? 1-? 7-8; low, 3-4: Ontalin Hogs Dime Up. South Omaha, Neb., July 28. Cat tle Receipts, 3500; market steady to strong, steers. $6 406.70; cows and heifers. $4.60(fj 5.60. ilogs neceipts. 6500; higher sales. $6.50 6.70. ' Sheep Receipts. 5500; market, market, lambs, wtak; sheep, 10 15c lower Yearling. $4.50 6.00; wethers. $3.65 't-i.ihi: iambs. $6.75 7.1 5 $2.75 3 75. ewes, A Golden Weddlrur. means that man and wife have lived to n good old nee and consequently have kept healthy. The best way to keep healthy Is to see that your live does It's duty 365 days out of 365. The only way to do this Is to keep rtallard'g Herblne In the house and take It whenever your liver gets In active. 60c per bottle. A. C. Koep pen & Rros. kixigiox is placed first. Villi Lake Citizen Quits Business for Missionary Work. Salt Luke City. "Go to South Af rica, leaving your business, and preach the gospel.' Truly the heads of the Church of Jesus Christ and the letter Day Saints exercise authority upon the true believers. This call was made by the Mormon elders to Frank P. Hewiitt, president of a large business company here. He will arrange his affairs Immediately and sails at the eml of this month to take charge of a mission at Woodstock, Cape Colony. For this he will receive no remuner ation and will pay all expenses out of MAIL STAGE Connects with trains at Pilot Rock, on Monday, Wednes day and Friday of each week. Round -Trip Fare $5.00 his own pocket. The church exercises the right to call upon any of her members, in whatever walk In life, to preach her doctrine in this way. It Is, however, some time since buch a prominent man has been asked to quit his busi ness. Although the church claims that none of her preachers receive salaries, yet' an enormous number draw their share from the tithing fund, thus probably receiving more than they would were they "salaried" preachers. Mission workers, however, receive nothing and as In the present case, have to pay all their expenses themselves. MILK DRINKS TIIKEATEXED. iJK-tetil Concoctions Curtailed by Re KortH ExMM-tcl Shortage. Newport, R. I. Gin rlckles and absinthe frappes threaten to supplant milk punches and all drinks of which milk Is a component part this sum mer, owing to the milk famine which seems Imminent. The stewards of one of the exclu sive clubs of the ocean drive told a reported that even his millionaire cus tomers would probably feel the pinch of the milk shortage. ' t"Of course, there won't be any trouble about the babies," said he. "In the first place there aren't many, and what few there are can get their milk from the special laboratories. But when it comes to milk punches and eggnoggs we will realize the high cost of living, and I don't believe our customers will be willing to pay the price we shall have to charge. Straight drinks, such as champagne or whisky and milkless mixed drinks, will be generally substituted." Another difficulty which threatens Newport this summer is the limited water supply, due to scanty rainfall this spring. It is the lack of rain which Is really responsible for the scarcity of milk. JAPAN IS IXCEXSED AT RUSSIA Slozure of Sealer Causes Storm . of Protest. Victoria" B. C. Advices from the far east report the seizure of the Japanese sealer KofujI Maru by a Russian patrol cruiser off the Kom manderofskl, or Copper, island rook eries. The seizure of the schooner has caused a storm of protest in Ja pan. Shortly before It took place Russia gave notice to Japanese of an extension of the limits of territorial waters and the Japanese claim that the schooner -was on the high seas outside the proper limit when seiz ed. tii. TETRAZZIXI MIST PAY $19,250. Iluminer-telii Wins Suit Against Fa mous sintrer. New York. The suit brought by Oscar Hammerstein, the Impresario, agajnst Mine. Louise Tetrazzinl. claim ing heavy damages on the allegation that the famous singer appeared in this country last year under the aus pices (,f other managers In violation of a contract he had with her, was settled today by the awnrd of J 19, 230 to Mr. Hainmerstein. SFC. MEYER I'XDER WATER On Submarine Boat When It Take, n Dive. Newport. R I. Carrying the secre tary of the navy, George Von L. Mey er, the submarine boat Octopus dived under the waters of Narragansett bay giving the secretary his first subma rine experience. With him were Commander George F. Williams of the navy torpedo station and Mrs. Robert Goelet. CM YES STREET TO CHILD It EX. Traffic StopiMM So They Can I'se the Thoroughfare us Playground. Chicago. In an effort to alleviate conditions in a thickly populated ten ement house district on the North Side, locally known as "Little Hell." Mayor Harrison, at the request of wo men's clubs and social settlement woikers. ordered traffic stopped on Gait place between Chicago avenue and Oak street during the summer months, so as to make the street available for a playground for poor children. There are said to be 2000 children in the district. TO PROBE ALLEGED SHOE Till" ST Evident v Will Re 1-resctited to the Boston Grand Jury. Washington. The long-planned ac tion against the United Shoe Machin ery company will begin next month, when evidence gathered by the de partment of justice will be presented to a grand jury in Boston. One fea ture involves a question of patents much the same as In the case against the electrical trust and the Pittsburg at .ion against the International Har vester company. In the main, how ever, the government will charge re straint of trade by illegal contracts and methods. A Peek Into Ills Pocket would show the box of Bucklen s Ar nica Salve that E. S. Loper, a carpen ter, of Manila, NT. Y., always carles." I have never had a cut wound, bruise or sore It would not heal soon," he writes. Greatest healer of burns, bolls, scalds, chapped hands and lips, fever aores, skin eruptions, eczema, corns and piles 26c at Koeppens. RACIIELORS PIT UNDER BAX. City r Peoria liars Them Prom Parks. Peoria, 111. War against Peoria bachelors has been started by the park board. The board has Issued an order that no male more than 14 years ol;t shall enter any of the Pe oria parks unless accompanied by a woman. Recently complaints were made that unaccompanied men were in the hab it of accosting young girls. In South park a hand concert is held Tuesday nights anil an extra number of policemen kept watch of the pntrons thnt the rule might be strictly adhered to. Read the want ads. LIGHTNING CHASES MAX WITH CARUSO'S VOICE Tenor Admit That He Let Ills Press Agent Induce Hun to pool the Pti bile. Rome. The mystery that has sur rounded the condition of the voice of Enrico Caruso, the world-famed tenor, was explained when Caruso explained there was nothing the mat ter with his voice, and that he had merely followed the Instructions of his press agent. "For all time I am through with newspapers," said Caruso. "I 'ruined' my voice for them by advice of my press agent. "You know," he continued, "that I consider miyself the happiest em bodiment of what is best in both the Italian and the American spirit. I have bowed to many an American In stitution. One of these was the press agent. "For a long time I spurned the Idea of hiring one. I said I did not need one. Then one day Oscar Hammer stein explained to me that not only did I need one. but I needed one bad ly He said that every one in public life, be he a clergyman or a univer sity professor, could not do without a press agent. "Finally I got one. The first ad vice he gave me was: " 'Sueak hoarsely to your friends, but don't commit yourself as to the condition of your voice. The world getting accustomed to your magnifi cent voice and some day It may not have any more Interest for the theater-going public. The only way to retain your popularity Is to make the world believe that your voice is gone.' "Last year this simple trick worked wonders with the public. This year I shall first fill my engagements at the Vienna Imperial, then In Berlin, and later I shall return to America." WIFE STERNLY REBUKED. Judge Lectures Woman Who Sols When IIiislMtnd Is Sentenced. Hillsboro. Or. When S. F. Weyrick, pleaded guilty to a charge of obtain ing money under false pretenses, was sentenced from one to five years In the penitentiary and subsequently pa roled, Judge CampbeK surprised per sons In the courtroom by sternly lec turing the prisoner's wife, who was sobbing bitterly. Weyrick's offense consisted of sign ing statements alleged to contain false entries in order to obtain credit at the Hillsboro National bank. The In debtedness to the bank, It Is under stood, hH" been repaid, v t ',. . .. YERKES EXECUTOR WEDS. lirnier Wife of Washington Editor Becomes Bride Secretly. Washington. Mrs. William A. Rog ers, mother of Mrs. Dorothy Bird Rogers, divorced wife of Thomas C. Noyes, newspaper editor, confirmed the report of the marriage of her daughter to Louis S. Owsley, executor of the Yerkes estate, in Buffalo on July, 12th. "We did not even know that Dor othy contemplated marrying Mr. Owlsey," her mother said. Mrs, Owsley, as Mrsr-Noyes, was a , popular member of Washington so- percolators, etc. , a complete stock o cietv and was especiallv well known Gas and Electric fixtures. First-clas in musical circles, being the possess- ,r'neT ot homes, eU. J. L. Vasghac or of maenifieent soDrano voice. She has taken part -in many society theatricals. LOSES ANOTHER AITTXITY., Former Princess De Clilmay Separat ed from M. Rlccardi by Court. Paris. The civil court issued a de cree of conditional separation, the former Princess de Chimay. who was Miss Clara Ward of Detroit, Mich. The decree provides that the parties shall live apart, but does not permit either to remarry. The decree was granted on the re quest of the husband. There Is more Catarro In this section of the country than all other diseases pat together, and nntll the las' few years wai tipposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors prononnced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. 8ci- ! ence has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease and therefore requires con stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cnre manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a toaspoonful. It acta directly on the blood and tnncoua mrfnees of the system. They offer on hundred dollars for any case It falls to mre. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address : F. 3. CHENEY 4 CO . Toledo, O. Sj!d by nil nruirsists. 7rc. Take IJall's Family I'llls for constipa tion IX POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the mashal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One spotted cow. about four years old, branded H. L. connected with fishhook. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of it, costs and expenses against it paid and same taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 5th day of August. 1911, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at pub lic auction, for cash, at the city pound, located at the Oregon Feed Yard, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such' costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 25th day of July. 1911. TOM GURDANE, City Marshal. CALL FOR BIDS UOR FUEL. The county court of Umatilla county. Oregon, will receive sealed bids for one car load of Rock Springs lump coal, delivered on car at rail road yard in Pendleton, and 100 cords of red fir wood delivered at the court house yard. The wood to be four foot long. cuT front largo green tim ber, free from rotten or doty parts. Delivery to be made on or before No vember 1. 1911. l!ils to be filed with the county clerk on or before August 2, 1911. The court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids Dated. July 20th, 1911. FRANK SAL1NG, County Clerk 1 iWaiit WANTED. WANTED SALESMAN for excluslv territory. Big opportunities. Ni experience necessary. Complete 11 n Yakima Valley grown fruit, shad and ornamental stock. Cash week ly. Outfit free. Toppenlsh Nurs ery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2621. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGON1AN. In remitting you car deductc ten per cent from the pub Usher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendle ton, Ore. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSLXES. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKEf reliable abstracts of title to al lands In Umatilla county. Loans ot city and farm property. Buys anr sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Pap taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write fire, life and accl dent Insurance. References, an; bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sea. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAi estate, fire, life and accident lnsur ance agents. New location, SIS Mali street Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSO street, Carney & Bradley, Prop Livery, feed and sale stable. Ooot rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business satlonery, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOU work, It's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water anc Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffe -"' " poai.uLi.co, LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE scrlptlon for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc. tar sale at East Oregonlan office. SENSORIAL HA1RDRESSING PAR lors Halrdressing, shampooing, scalp treatment, massaging and French packs. Combings made p. Dyeing and bleaching. Manicuring and hand moulding. Phone Black 2692, Rooms 6-7, Jno. Schmidt block, Pendleton. Oregon. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 6i A. F. and A. M., meets th first and third Monday o each month. All visiting brethrei are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In I. O. O. F hall. Visiting brothers cor diality Invited to attend D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher K. R. S. PENDLETON TRAIN" SCHEDULE O.-W. R. & X. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave... 9:05a.m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 4 35 a. m Portland Limited 12:15 p. m Fast Mail 11:45 p. m Motor 5:30 p. m Pilot Rock M .xed 8:15a. m Bastbound Oregon division Fast Mail 160 a. m Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:15 a. m Chicago Limited 5:15 p. m Motor 10:45 a. m Portland Local, arrive. . . 4:55 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 4:15 p. m Washington Div. Leaving Pendleton ' Walla Walla Loca". ... 2:00p.m. Pendleton Passenger ... 7:00 a. m Spokane Looal 7:00 p.m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 5:50 a.m. Walla Walla local 9:00 a. m Pendleton Passenger ... 5:00 p. m NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Pendleton Passenger 1:30 p. m Mixed train 7:30 a. m Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10 00 a.ru Mlxe.l train 7:30 a. ra. Classified Ads. f WANTED ( Continued ) COME TO MADAM KENNEDY. 60T East Court street, to get your witches and all kinds of hair goods, the best and only natural human hair ever sold in Pendleton. Bring your combings and hay them made up. i-verythlng strictly guaranteed. Phone Red 2762. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc., tot Sale at East Oregonlan office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms in East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. Directory PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D. HOMEO pathlc physician ind surgeon. Of fice Judd block Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 221. DR. LYNN K. B LAKES LEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputics. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 654. DENTISTS. E. A, MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black 2421; residence 'phone. Black 29S1. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone. Main 71. 4 VETERINARY SURGEONS. t. e. Jj'NABB, Local state Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 116. Residence, 915 East Court street. Res. Phone Main 59. C. W. LASSEN. 'M. D. V., GRADU ate of McKilllp Veterinary College of Chicago. Office phone Main 20. Res. 516 Bush St., phone Main 27. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despain building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office If Despain building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY ATTORNEY AT law. office over Taylor Hardware Company. IcOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEY8 and counsellors at law. Office in Despain building. GEORGE W. COTJTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4, over Tavlor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE, ATJTOR- neys at law. Off';e In Despain building. ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTOR, ETC D. A. MAY.1 CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 3786. ot Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. AUCTIONEER. COI F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Austloneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National BaiiK of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SFCOXD-HAXD DEALERS. V STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods Call and get his prices 21o E. Court street. Phone Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOOTH-'m and chop suey. Ung D Goey, prop. At the old stint!. Alta street In rear of Tallntan Co. East Oregonlan by carrier, ir.c month.