East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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FVFHIHR FniTlflfJ ; Pf '
Calling card, wad
ding stationery, com
mercial stationery and
Job printing to ordr
t the East Oregon l.n.
VOL. 24
XO. 7274
snow mm
Shipping Badly Hampered
Many Cratt Destroyed and
Serveral Lives Belived Lost
Jlooslers Shivering Amid n July
Snowstorm, Wear OvervuatM Willi
Straw lints to Mutcli and Pr-mre
to light Effect of Predicted Frost.
Detroit, Mich., July 25. With
heavy damage suffered to practically
all .property, many boats missing,
core of small vessels wrecked, as
the result of a wintry and vicious gale
which swept the Great Lakes last
night, toll that is being taken today
is expected to reveal an apalllng los
to both property and possibly life.
The lumber barge. Lucky Lucy was
found near Travers, minus her crew
and it is feared that every member
lost his life.
The sloop Navoureen Is high on the
beach at Mackinac and is pounding
to pieces. Her crew. It is believed
were saved.
The yacht Vancouver, was wreck
ed Just off Heaver Island. It hns not
been ascertained whether or not any
of her crew were lost.
Snow In Indiana.
Fort Wayne, Ind.. July D. Every
one in Fort Wayne is today wearing
overooatv many of them with straw
hats to match, as the result of an
unpreredent drop last night In the
-weather for this time of year. A
heavy Know ' flurry swept across this
Tort of the state, accompanied by low
temperature. The hermometer to
day is standing at about 51 degrees,
and every one is shivering. Frost is
predlrted for tonight and will prove
of great damage to crops and fruit.
Wet' Majority Small.
Austin, Tex., July 25 Unofficial
returns give the wets a majority of
3780 In the state wide prohibition
election. Saturday the prohibition
executive committee meets at Fort
Worth to plan an election contest.
It seems that the day of the pro
fessional horse rustler Is not yet past.
From time to time stock owners In
Umatilla county have been annoyed
by thcnperatlons of some horse thief,
but Sheriff Taylor's reputation has
prevented the development ' of any
wholesale practice along this line.
Not so, however. In some of our
neighboring counties. According to
a dispatch from Heppner, which says:
As bad a gang of horse rustlers as
has operated In eastern Oregon in
many years Is still preying on the
stock of Morrow, Gilllum and one or
two other Washington and Oregon
counties along the Columbia river.
Since the first of the year between 75
and ion animals have been stolen and
presumably run into eastern Wash
ington nnd northern Idaho for sale.
A reward of $200 has been offered
by the county court of Morrow for
the arrest ami conviction of the per
petrators of the most recent theft,
that of seven horses from the Rlack
Horse country, ten days ago. Scott
Hrothers lost four head and Frank
Hell three head on this occasion. Hell's
three being unusually good stock. Bell
himself has added $100 to the reward.
The tracks headed north, toward the
Indians have been among the heav
iest losers along the Columbia in re
cent months.
Charged with a serious crime a
Pasco merchant named Mlley, Is now
under arrest in that city and had a
narrow escape from lynching last
evening, according to stories that have
reached the city today from Pasco.
Miley Is charged with enticing- little
girls into his store and with making
improper proposals to them and In
dulging In Illicit practices. Most of
his victims arc said to be daughters
of railroad men and the daughter of
the fireman on the Pasco-Pondloton
branch was In the number. Last eve
ning indignation was at fever heat In
railroad row In Pasco and there was
much talk of a lynching party.
According to the story of the af
fair as told here, Mlley la Involved
through the confessions of many little
girls and ho was arrested at North
Yakima yesterday upon a warrant is
sued ot rnsco.
Sun Francisco, July 25.'
Harbor View, Golden Gate .park
anil Lincoln park were selected
this afternoon as the Bite for the
Panama-Pacific fair. They will
be connected by a boulevard.
President Moore of the board
of directors, paid these three
places were chosen to'ald in the
upbuilding of the entire city.
Harbor View is near the ferry
building and here Is where the
main exposition buildings -will
bo constructed. The smaller
buildings v.-ill be at the parks
The sites total 1800 acres.
Declares That Maniu to Kill Rainier
Man and Wire SieM Him and After
Resisting One Week He Finally
Olympla, Wash, July 25. J. H.
Wilson, the section foreman on the
Northern Pacific railroad at Rainier.
Wash., today confessed that he killed
Archie Coble and Mrs. Coble as they
s'ept in their home at Rainier on the
night of July 9th, according to Sher
iff C.aston.
Following the discovery ' of the
fiendish crime, Wilson furnished in
formation upon which Swan Peter
son was arrested. Peterson proved
an alibi.
Wilson was arrested four days ago
after his wife had told the police that
he washed blood from his person the
morning after the murder.
Wilson says he had a mania to kill
the couple' and that Is his only ex
planation. He declares tht ho had no
grievance against either of them.
Wilson has been extremely nervous
since his arrest and finally confessed
today. He said he had the murder
mania for a week and it finally got
to be too much for him.
IrefiUlcnt IterumH.
Washington. July 25. President
Taft arrived at the white house today
and attended a cabinet meeting.
That the modern Indian is fast
emulating his white brother in all
things was further exampllfled last
night when Walter Redford. an al
lottee on the reservation, and Mary
Lahaye, the dnrk skinned stenograph
er of Major E. L. Swartzlander, the
Indian agent, were united in marriage
in this city, after having stolen away
from thetr homes and having kept
their friends in ignorance of their In
tentions. Miss lahaye, who is a good looking
educated Indlal girl, applied to her
employer Sunday for a leave of ab
sence of a week, stating thnt she
wished to go to Lehman springs on a
vacation. The request was Immedi
ately granted ami the major never
susplelonod that his stenographer
was about to take unto herself a hus
band. A telephone message from this
city hist night conveyed the surpris
ing intelligence to him and inasmuch
as she did not send in her resignation
the agent has only a smile and a
blessing for the eloping couple.
The bride Is n graduate from the
business department of the Haskell
institute at Lnwrence. Kansas, and the
groom has also imbibed of the white
man's fountain of knowledge. Ho has
a piece of land near the Catholic mis
sion which he If farming. The happy
couple left this morning for Lehman,
whore they will Epend their honey
moon. Anti-Treat liu' Organization.
Milwaukee, Wis., July 25 With A.
R. Rucknnm of Morris, Wis., as pres
ident, a national organization has boon
formed In Wisconsin with the express
purpose of putting n kibosh on the
irvltntlon to "name your poison,
boys." The Universal Non-Treating
Society s the name given the now
movement, which has adopted an of
ficial badge. The latter is of blue
enamel. with n picture of a foaming
mug pf beer in the center, nnd those
words: "I pay for my own drink."
Election In Paraguay.
Buenos Ayres. July 25. An elec
tion will bo held today In Paraguay,
In which President Jara will almost
certainly' be chosen chief executive,
slnco he has had the forethought to
place hia principal political rivals in
prison or banish them from the country.
Property Owners File Remon-
strances Against Improving
Court and Alta
claim i'i:o( eerixgs were
Court Street People Declare Aiw
nieiil Inequitable, Irregular, With-
out Proxr Authority and in Viola-
lion of Constitution.
Court street and Alta street will not 1 Pur.V, July ' 23. Though uncon
be paved, at least at the present time, : llnu,d a report that Germany had
tf remonstrances filed with Recorder 1 P,!'""' M0u reserves caused in
. , " i U n" excitement here today. It is a!-
Htz Gerald last night are f.und , to rumored but unconfirmed, that
contain the signatures of the owners France, likewise, will call out re
of eighty per cent of the property in ' l ves-
the two districts. This will not be
known until Citv Engineer KimbfoH , .', ' JU, - uiricial denial that
has carefullv gone over the Tsts. which ' ' ' ' rT'"ve" nave been Talk'd out
task will take at least a dav. I "",s by the German war office
The two remonstrances a,e based ! '"'iy' ?"'y 100 0,00 mcn are affect
upon different grounds but both con- ' ' aff rte''- Tne foreign of
tain the allegation that the proceed- I fr the reg"lar anmiaI niane
ings by which the districts were ere- j I averted The foreign of
ated and the assessments levied were1 '"e in nnates that the report was clr
illegal and hence null 'and void, and : lul"te'' n order to create sentiment
the signers of both declare thev will ! ' " "rms tranct's Morroccan course,
resist anv effort which the citv coun-! . . Lo,1'0, 's 'XVar.
cil or of a company to which' a con-' r. L,'ml"n- Ju'-V 2 War between
tract f..r paving is let. may make to 1 r',,f'a."d. aml Gf'rnl"'. "1th France
I collect the assessments levied.
MequitMlilp ami Inlawful. - !
The Court street remonstrance ,,e. !
Clares that the assessment is in-',
equitable as well as unlawful and in'
amplifying the charge of illegalitv
goes on to declare that "the proceed-i
lugs in respect to the creation of the !
paving districts, the assessments, 'the '
awarding of the contracts are un-!
lawful, Irregular and without author-1
' .. . . . ...... ...
iiy or law ana are voiu ana lurineri
that such proceedings are in viola.'
Hon of the constitution of the state
of Oregon and of the United States.
Exix'iL-e N'ot Justified.
iir.ui.i,..; i, hu,.. ,.f m..,.:,'ntv .h,.-.
Alta sheet remonstrance cites that ! nf-rv"us' L'',yt' 8 "on't nlIow the Pres
"the class of buildings and future ,nt, i''rance rate, relative to war
prospects of the street do not warrant! r,skf to ob,a,n a,ttr August 15. The
the attending expense" and declares I f"re'sn offioe admitted today that it
that in manv instances the cost of m-1 ,'.x',Pl'ts Germany to ask an explana
provement is equal to 50 per cent of i t,on of the Lloyd George speech. .
the present market value of the prop-!
erty taxed. It states that the part ofi( OAsT WEATHER I5REAKS
Alta street from Johnson to Court A l'Ol'U YEAH RECORD
street will not be used for business
purposes in the next ten years, nor Portland, July 25. Following -yes-will
not be sought for residences j terday's torrid spell, which was the
and hence there will be no increase , hottest period recorded in four years
In value to justify the expense. j in western Oregon, decidedly cooler
A Proteinic Haw. i weather prevails in western Oregon
The Alta street remonstrance pro-land Washington today. It is expected
tests against the paving of Alta street to continue 15 degrees lower. East
from Johnson to its intersection with of the Cascades the weather bureau
Court street and this very clause may says a hot wave continues today with
be sufficient to defeat the wishes of prospects of relief tomorrow. Though
the signers. The Alta street district) the temperature yesterday went to
as proposed by the council extends j 99 in Portland, 100 at Roseburg and
from Main street to the Intersection W'alla Waila and 102 at Oregon City,
of Alta and Court streets and there no deaths were caused but several
Is no provision of the law which per- prostrations were reported.
mits property owners of a portion of. 1
the district to protest legally again-t. Pope's Condition Causes Alarm,
the paving of that portion. According! Rome, July 25. Vatican officials
to City Attorney Raley, if he sig-i confidentally admit today that they
natures nltaVhed to the remonstrance j are worried over Pope Pius' condi
do not represent SO per cent of the : tion, despite the reports that he is
ttal area of the district, the protest only suffering from a slight cold
will have been in vain. There are j Many believe his illness is more sc
only 26 signers of his paper and there; rious than admitted.
is considerable doubt as to whether)
they represent the required amount : FIRST I'K.HT IX (. O. P.
of property.
Oilier Protest Probably liood.
Apparently there is no Haw in tin?
Court tireet remonstrance and it Is
thought that tne claims oi tne cu cu-; nf.sombod here at noon today with
lators that the signers represent over , cvorv indication that the steam roll
so per cent of the area of the district j ,,r W(lllU H, llso,i bv the standpatters
arc true. There are 70 signatures m . wll(11 the qi stion of platform ad
all attached. i option came up. Taft and LaFoIlette
If the remonstrances are effective followers are ready for wnrefare.
they will, by the provisions of the or- Th(? jjvdjpt,,, men are ndcavoring
dinance. hold up the paving for at)to 8tor) t)ie indorsement of President
least six months, but it is probable T.,f( , wllii, the regulars claim to be
that it will bo considerably longer be
fore the council would undertake the
proposition again.
Washington. D.C. July 25. James
Keeley. managing editor of the Chi
cago Tribune, resumed the stand in
the Lorimor Inquiry. He was ques
tioned as to the persons interested
in the Tribune. He said that Mrs. R.
S. MeCormiek and Mrs. R. W. Pat- ;
terson held a majority of the com-1
pnny's stock. j
Keeley said he bad not discussed j
Representative White's confession j
with Managing Editor MeCormiek
except briefly after it had been pub
lished. He sabl that MeCormiek had
opposed Lorlmer for years.
Two lViid In Family Eight.
Lexington, Ky., July 25. Specials
from Jackson, Ky. give particulars ot
a family fight at South Qulsksands
near Jackson, Sunday, In which Wil
liam Simms nnd his wife were killed
and Alonr.o Allen wns seriously
wounded. Norman Allen, a son-in-
law of the dead couple, and a brother
of the wounded man, Is at large. '
France Alarmed by Calling
Out of Reserves in Germany
: and Will Follow Suit.
j kaiser says hi: is
; KnjtlniMl Confesses That Hostilities
Willi Germany Are Likely France
' Allied With Gnat lii'dain, While
Spain Wfil I.inc-ii) it, tne Kaiser.
uaiser .Says .Maneuvers.
Berlin, July 25. Official denial that
' f"11 f a'n, llncu on elth.er side tda'
, ,mm,nPnt tna"
been fr many years.
Finant'"s thmk that Germany is
'arnp!it concerning war as a result
' , r"l'l'nt ' f Chancellor
'.!"va (;er,rS?. J" which he said that
'""I fvors peace but not at the
cTl ,"f Kac' lfK'lnfe' thp supremacy fhe
"bta Re? bv the efforts of Uie Pa8t
, This is takeli as a tarninir to flor-
... ,
'""",1 n, (t-fi uui tn wie .i orroccan
, 'situation and leave France alone jn
handling the matter.
Newspapers generally reflect gen-
f ra' alarm. The stock exchange is
Lincoln, Neb., July 25. The Ne
braska Republican State convention
in control of the convention.
Through n tittty-ntcr ellppin?
telling of his crime. Harry
'Curly" McDonald, the youna;
man accused of stealing the
Seelyc nuto from the ffaraire to
lake a party of Joy riders over
the county, was discovered ami
4 nrrested at Vancouver. Wash.,
4 mm -v ill be brought luick here
tonight by Deputy Sheriff Joe
Dlakelev. 11 he trol to Vau-
corner so soon Hie officers are
at a loss t understood but It
seems from rcjtorts that soon
after he arrived, there he was
picked up on 11 cluirsc of vag
rancy or some other minor of
fense, a clipping from a Port
land imX'r telling of Hie almost
tragic jo.vrlde gave the officers
11 clew, and liiirintr received a
cimilar from Shenrf Taylor,
Taylor, they found the descrip
tion tallied.
is iehth.
aid si: t i;i:i ix (;ovt
Washington. July 25. The
movement started in Oregon for
mining and placing on sale t
consumers at cost, of Alaskan
coal by the government, has
been taken up by Representative
Laferty of Oregon with Secre
tary of the Interior Fisher. Con
gressman Laf forty said today
that he showed the petition that
is being circulated in Oregon,
making this demand, to Secre
tary Fisher an. 1 that he received
assurances that a'l possible aid
would be' extended.
Places Allescd to be Hrecding Places
or Vice Anion- Younger Klement,
to le Invesiiratctl ami WIihmI Out
of Existence.
To save young girls from lives of
shame, -County Judge J. W. Maloney,
who Is also juvenile 1ud ere. Denntv
District Attorney W. C. E. Pruitt,
Truant Officer John Hailey and the
city and county officers have inaug-
uratea a crusade against the breed
ing places of such evil and announce
their intention of continuing their
efforts until every girl in this city
who Is straying from the paths of vir
tue shall be rescued.
Today the juvenile court had its
attention called to four of these cases.
Giady and Juanita Whitworth, aged
respectively 14 and 8. daughters of
the landlady of the Whitworth lodg
ing house over the Cash Meat market
were today taken before the eourt
(Continued on pace eight.)
Declaring that he will enforce the
state law prohibiting the sale of in-
fected fruits Count v PVnit Tn,t
S. J. Campbell is in the citv toH.iv
on a trip of inspection through the ' 1 , " s ?' f'"f ,near AJams-
county. He has already discovered J H,fpn" !? y 8 nosPital- T ac
a number of violations of this law ' whll'h his injury hap-
and has confiscated the fruit but yesterday morning at East
hereafter, he declares he will bring T whcn ,he man fe" from
the offenders before the courts eat waPn h'ch he was-drir-
"Peddlers, merchants and growers B' ' heavy wne-ls Png over hi.
of fruits must put a clean article on ,g,V .
the market or suffer." he said. "The ', , 1 ,invo" P to the Blakely
time has past when the public must ! ,Xa, US6 wltn h!s waSon and trailer
have palmed off on it fruit that is i wltn wheat a"d had stopped
infected wih fungus spots. San Jose
scale and codlin moth worm. It is
my business to protect the consumer
and I intend to protect him to the
best of my ability. I shall make a
trip of inspection through the county
on the average of once a week dur
ing the fruit sea.son and whenever I
detect a violation of the law I shall
prosecute it."
Washington. . July 2:.. Secretary
Morelan 1, of the Jones and Luushlin
company of Pittsburg, lu-forc the
Stanley investigating committee, to-
dav confirmed the storv told veter-
day of pooling agreement for con- ! them had his leg so badly injure-', that
trolling the steel business between j ne was forced to iu!t work and yes
19(10 and 1905. .terday's trip was the first Powell had
He produced vouchers, from his j made with the team.
company, showing payments totaling'
$30,000 10 Wills King, treasurer of' Poisoned by Coffee,
the Steel Plate association, who was i Erookfield. Mo.. Ju'.y 25. From
also vice president of the Jones-j drinking coffee which hit.l been brew
Laughlin company. ' ed twelve hours before and left stand-
He tesUfied that he knew little per- j ing over night, two children of A. F.
sonally regarding the pool, but ad- Ferris, a farmer living r.ear here are
mitted that he had heard indirectly 1 dead and four other members of the
concerning it. I family are seriously ill.
Discovering the flames of Stanfield's
first fire as they rose from the barn
of R. N Reaver last night, a hobo
from his insecure seat on the pilot of
a freight train passing through the
little west end town, signaled to the
engineer to allow h!m to get off and.
when the train had slightly decreased
Its speed, he jumped from the engine
and darted through the streets, rous
ing the sleeping inhabitants Not
only did ho give the alarm, but he
was foremost in the bucket brigade
which attacked the flames and fought
valiantly until all hope of saving the
structure and its contents was gone.
Consumed with the barn was Mr.
Reavort's horse and a quantity of
This was the firt fire in the history
of the newest town of the county nnd
the excitement attending it was great.
Recauso of the good fortune in the
past the town was not provided with
New Tpn Million Dollar Or
ganization is Holding Com
pany for Combines
IiK'i.lentally. MethI Gf Organlzattoa
Ileiricts All Stockholders aod
Eliminate,, Possibility of Invaa
of I n friendly Element.
i -Vew York. X. y., Ju!y 23.Thal
.the ten million dollar National dry
company, to be operated by the direo
jtnrs of the National Citv bank, wu
organized to nullify the suprem
i court trust decision in the Standard
company and American Tobacc
. company cases was reported today oa
A all street. It is asserted that tb
! new concern will be the holding com
pany for both trusts,
i The trusts, it Is reported, will t
split into three integral concern
conforming to the decision then th
National city company will control
them indirectly.
! The stock of the bank and the Na
tional company will be interlocked
so that owners of stock In both con
cerns must sell both stocks or non.
W hen the reorganization plan of thm
oil and tobacco trusts is announced
it is believed all stocks of the companies-
composing the two trusts will
be turned back to their original own
ers with similar interlocking clause
which will effectually prevent thm
sale of any single stock -but will al
low the sale of al or none. This wlH
hod the trusts virtually intact.
Lll "e cr,ushed 50 bad!y that
' OUM whher it can b.
' ' . .' a man b' tn name of PowelL
who has been working on the farm of
t . .
"lu,ts on "le bridge for a moment.
ihey started suddenly and in reaching
for the brake rope of his trailer, he
lost his balance and fell beneath the
wagon, and the wheels passed over
his limb, crushing it badly.
He was rushed to the city by W. ML
Blakely in his auto and Dr. ' C. J.
Smith was summoned to attend the
injury. An examination showed that
a piece several inches long ha,i been
crushed out of the bone but the frag-ment-J
were placed together and set.
and Dr. smith thinks mw that he
will be i'.ble t prevent amputation.
The pai titular tnu'.e team which
Powell was driving se.-ms to be dos-
sessed with an evil genius.
i a ,v0'',; the man who was driving
any facilities or organized force for
fighting flames and had it not been
for the absence of all wind, nearby
buildings might have been destroyed,
The name of the knight t:" the road
could not be learned as is also the
case with reference to his whereabouts
following the fire.
San Diego. Cal f, July 25. Dr.
Charles O. Pcrcival editor of Health
Magazine of New York City, today
started his second day's journey from
Tin Juana to Vancouver B C. in
an attempt to find an automobile
route from the Mexican border to the
Arctic circle. He is accompanied by
George Brown of Detroit. During th
last year he has traveled Iio.ooo miles
In his automobile, from toast to
coast. In 44 states.