D.UI.Y fcATT GREGOXIAX, PENDLETON. OttbuON. MONDAY. J VIA" 21, 1U. EIGHT PAGES 0dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOO)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o The Best Stories by the Best Authors o and All the News the Day it Happens g o O O O o GOOD SUMMER. PAGE SIX mm' lu i laTi Sl o o o o o o o o o o o c 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ?! ; )1 1 vKpe v.: 'v.- i V'? -'v: ,.ii--s:V--.. --,. 1. : .i V'-. TJ : r -t '.-T S 3D V, ';.,," -''-..V v.-.- :t-.R ' V s-T . IS READING Two Extraordinary Offers Special Offer A Pacific Monthly with Daily E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals . RegularlPricePacific.Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Daily . O. byfoaii; $5.00 $6.50 Special Offer B The Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals Regular Price Pacific Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Semi-Weekly E. O. $1.50 $3.00 85.5(9 82.00 The Pacific Monthly to the leading magazine of Western America, published on the Pacific Coast, edited by "Western men. and its entire content are Western. The East Orsgonlan, as you all know well, is the leading paper of the Inland Empire, and is the official paper of Umatilla Co. and City of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without it. This is a short-time ofler PLEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL East Orcgoulnn Pub. Co., Pendleton, Ore. Enclosed find t for which please send your premium offer to the following address: Name .' Address CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY. o o o o O: O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooo - . ' ... - SPORTS Gcnrs, Mitchell and prison ami1 Ainsmith. .. Stephens; Two Cadete Missing. Breme, Norway, July 24.- -Two of Vi-rnini 2-3, Anselcs 1-7. I"n77nrv,on' had baU.ed , the cadet, of the American g practice . ... . . uniimlron hero have been missing since tnrough iz lnninRs or ciose ana cx-, . . citine baseball. Delhi started things Thursday when they set out an MJTII WEST r.EAU'E. ! off in the thirteenth with a NATIONAL LEAGUE. ! -landing (if tin Teams. Standing of the Clubs. W. L. Chicago . . ." ;l Philadelphia 52 New York 51 St. Louis 49 Pittsburg 4 Cincinnati 33 Brooklyn 31 Boston L. 39 42 42 46 49 72 first St. Louis 3: Cincinnati 2. Cincinnati, July 24. Gasper out i.i. C'.ii hut ?t. Louis bunch- rm-tland td hit.s including Huggins' ,ith r.rant's error, and won. Score; R- ; E: St. Luta J Cincinnati - 81 Sallee and Bliss; Gasper and Mc Lean. empires Kleni anj Brennan. V Vancouver 59 Spokane 56 Tacoma 55 rvt. scat:! '. 59 .622 Portland 46 .612 Victoria . 25 .6uT , Tacuma 3: lrtland 0. .3T'i Tacoma. July 24. Baker's .560 game with Tacoma was marked by .422 excellent pitching and good support. .373 The Texas leaguer recruit was mas .235 ter of the situation and deserved his Z to 0 vistorv over Portland. Score: It. II. E. 0 5 2 rouble Tacoma .. 3 10 " : to 2. ! Jensen and Harris; Baker and liurns. I'mpir Paumgarten. Snttl a. siHikanc 1. , .. nPV.n.. Met flAII double excursion puny, nn Howard singled and Manning and " ' 1 uu"'1''" l" , "t in th7 moun Paly scored the runners with their t s feared ther are lost in the moun- outs. Moore hit the ball and got to tains. third before Hosp finished Juggling " ,..; when Mo((rc Y,it in HnSn I TplbeS IlOStllO. and the latter overthrew first. Del-1 Teheran, Persia, July 24. The flag among the Turkoman tribesmen on whose support he relies. home oi the tribes are beginning to show hos tility to him. The Bakhtlaris, the great tribe of central Persia, have re mained loyal to the end. Pet. .602 571 mas added another tally by doubling of Mohammed All Astrabad where T.e7 I . .. . . i i tha nonnle have declared In his favor, ""'to lert. ine ucure s i .u o. .-... 1 - . i k 51 , non had made it five straight games but opposition to him has developed racks, .4S4;bv taking the morning contest. i 8 i Vnrnini, ffnmp! II. II. E. ... -J .... 0- . Vernon 2 6 1 St. Iouls lias maze. St. Louis. July 24. One man lost his life and 40 narrowly escaped In- hlrv In a firo which practically ' de stroyed the Salvation Army paper warehouse and lodging house, known locally as the Salvation Army bar- Avlntor Killed. Juvlssy, France, July 24. The av iator Joiy was killed while making a flight in a biplane. The fall of the machine is attributed to air eddies caused by the heat. Eight Firemen Injured. Toledo, O.. July 24. Eight firemen were injured here in a fire which de stroyed the manufacturing plant of the B. A. Stevens company, eight small dwellings and frame store rooms. t AMEBIC AX l-EAGli:. Sr: tile. Julv 24. Seattle f I on H-uii in tr.e t!iird inning yesterday pnl belorr the side was retired five :;'.!! had .:; 'd. Zaekert pitched good la ! for Seattle and held the visitors t,i five hits and uiie run. He had gilt fdgfd support. S. attic 6 9 0 Spokane 1 5 4 Batteries Zaekert an 1 Shea; Holm vtaiidinir of the Teams. W. L. Tlt.rrf.if 59 2S Philadelphia 54 fhicago 44 New York 4 Cleveland 4" Boston 44 Washington 32 St. Louis 25 ( lcvebiiKl 3; lloht 2. Cleveland, July 24. Cleveland dot-tiled Bo,ton, 3 to 2. in 11 innings, bunching three hits in the first round. Gregg and Mitchell held Boston to six hits and prevented tnem irum ir.u after the first. Score: and Spiesman. 31 40 41 44 45 J 61 Pet 1 .67 8 .635 .521 .523 .516 .494 .341 .291 PACIFIC COAST LEAGCE. Los Angeles 1 7 . Batteries Raleigh, Brackenrldge , and Brown; Cnger and Aooott. um pire Hildebrand. Afternoon game. R. H. E. Vernon ' ' & Los Angeles 7 4 (13 innings'.) Paitories Hitt and Hogan; ueini i and Smith. Umpire Hildebrand. Portland 1. Frisco 0. Koe-mer asked to pitcn agamsi Francisco yesterday and at the last mlnut.; he was substituted for Hen dtrsnn. The Portland pitcher pro--r-ded to take revenge for the white washing he got the labt time he pitch- , ed and won his game today I to 0.1 Browning was hit effectively in me fourth and eighth innings. Score: R-II- - San Francisco . u 4 ' Portland 4 6 3 Batteries Browning and Berry; Koestm r and Kuhn. Umpire Mc-Greevy. Siandinic of the scor- Tjhiii.h. W. L. 45 53 56 58 58 6S Baseball Scores. At Kansas City Kansas City 7; Columbus 3 At Milwaukee Milwaukee 7; Louis- Pet. r " r , ville 3. a31i At Minneapolis Minneapolis J:;! Indianapolis 5 496 4 ran1- 13; I At St. 1'aUl rirsi uann Portland 62 Vernon 60 Oakland 62 San Francisco 57 Sacramento 54 58 .482 .. rr,.i')i., i- (.nil name St. Paul I. s Angele 45 6S .39 ' . To)edo 4; (called end 14th, dark- SiKTiiniciito 3-1. Oakland 7-. I nii r, ti i.- ! San Francisco, Ju'.y 24. Arrellanesi , n,.nVpr st. Joseph 3; Denver 4. ,' n' o nroved an easy mark for Oakland in A. T,111i0 First game: Pes Moinee 1 'ihi mmnint? came with Sacramento . T. i Second game: Des Mi't'-h'.ii' 'and' Fisher Wood' here yesterday, the Oakland t,am Moines 7; Pueblo 3. Mitchell ana i-isnir, ". i .inrlnir .. -i,o i. Trmelta 2. ' LM lll'l IliU I'UI i U 11." him - - - n , A I cllll'tvil v 7 1 1 1 ri liu - his term on the mound. He was, taken At Lincoln Sioux City 6; Lincoln Cl-vtiand Boston . Gr-gg. ar.d Carrigan. B-,roit July 24.-New York found 'out early in the eighth, with no one 6 Donovan for a base on balls. four out. ana replace,, y ... hit- and a sacrifice hit In the ninth . the brief period given him if...i0. ti,., mlt 7 to 4 and ', three more runs and two hits ,.,i,in , l,.!,n Kwe-r, of the series , the Trial count ,.i f..,,,. ,..i,ti-. Fisher nitched good : won the ball for New York. These two tvanis of 9 to 1. have plaved 11 games this year and' The morning game was featured by has lost nine of them. I lie : n horn.? run ny eacn "i me ,,vv Jl. H. E. ! pitch'-rs, Thornton and Flater. 8 5 Morning game: It. H. r- X 4 Sacraiti.'litii 3 5 0 who in allowed making to 3. Oakland also afternoon game by a score Detroit bcore: New Voik Detroit 4 Fisher und Blair; Donovan Stanage. ' Washington 5; St. LonLs 1. St. Louis, July 24. Washington won their first game of the season on the local grounds. Score: R. II. E. st Iiui 1 5 1 and, Oakland 15 s tVitteres Arrellane. course anu Thomas: Gregory and Mltze. Afternoon game; R. II. E- Sai-ramento I " ' Oakland 12 1 Hatt-ri-s Thornton Thompson and Thomas and Baker; Flater and kiii Mrn Than Wild IlcaKt. Tho number of people killed yearly by wild beasts don i approacn i., vast number klliea oy uibcbub Bt.... No life Is safe from their attacks. They're in air, water, dust, even food. But grand protection Is afforded by Electric Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from the system. That's why chills, fever and Bg", all malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them and enjoy the glorious health and new strength they'll give you. Money back, if not satisfied. Only EOc at Koeppens. Read the East Oregonlan. For an enjoyable and invigorating vacation, spend the summer at, Weoalha Sprimigs The popular family and tourists resort of the Blue Mountains. Season ol 1911 Opens June 1 5 $2.00 and $2.50 per Day $12.50 to $15 per Week 4 weeks or more, 10 per cent reduction Tcnta rented furnished or unfurnished. Cottages rented for sleeping room only. Camping privileges $1.25 per week each adult. Swimming Pool free to quests of Ilotel or campers. . AUTOMOBILE STAGE FARE $1.00 EACH WAY. EXCESS BAGGAGE AND FREIGHT C IIARGES 50 CENTS PER CWT. Tents, per week . $2.00 Bed Springs, per week -25c Bedsteads, per week 25c Mattresses, per week 35c EXTRAS FURNISHED TO CAMPERS : RATES MADE TO FAMILIES Further information furnished upon application to P. A. McPHEE, Wenaha Springs, Ore. Manager Gibbon P. O. Washington .5 10 0 Mitz,