EIGHT PACES DAILY EAS1 OREIJOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREG, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1011. PAGE THREE THE GRAND STAND ENTRANCE AT THE SPOKANE FAIR uiwi - , ... i . -i ii . srw"j"ir? prjp - . . , . - . .. . . . v. SHATTERED II. VXD liKTIt YS. Hecret of l-'ixh Dy ua nilu-r-i Itroiighl to Light ty Accident. Ii If Htown, Pa While dynamiting f;sh in Tlnsrnan's dam, Lumbcrvllle, j CS iS CURES OLD BLOOD DISEASES Contagious Blood Poison is responsible for a great many old blood Kimi-r jrmnw.n Mew his iiand off by trnnhles. such as scrofulous affections, skin emotions, catarrhal rl'h' Hn.r'boii'c'f w..wPiclttVleT"ovw' trouDles. Rheumatism, ulcerating sores, etc. There is no such thing the n'ron "r'lh dam" and' uie arm as ridding the system of these effects by killing the poisonous germs, had to be amputated between wrist Any medicine powerful enough to accomplish this would also destroy and elbow John Oilmen was with manv rF flip. Helir(it( linincrs nnrl ticqnpq and wreck the Constitution. J I I 14 1 1 J VI W mom tuuw-vw, - - ' ' V 7 , The only way to cure old blood troubles is to RtMUVL tne cause rrom iccidont quiet, on ... .... .,. .-.- i c c C I tne circul ation, ana tor tnis Durnose noininz is euuai iv o.lj.h. John -on at thf time made to ki'fp thi! accident qui made to Vfcp tic- accid-nt quiet, (:n.:nt .f the criminal act of the goes into the blood, and drives out every taint ana poison, anu nidN.cs m. n in violating tin- r:h u-x against i ftfe vital fluid pure, rich and nourishing. S. S. S. has long been known .I?."""".1" Mm Tl1'-'. strcam a?'ns the greatest of all blood nurifiers and manv thousands have rid p inn ,o nt nas neon iiynaniitHd several. . " T .... ... . . i. mxrtvc ,., ,l. I tn.M-s,- but the identity of the offenders ' themselves of old blood diseases by its use. It ALWAYb removes tne j touid not he learn-d by the residents, j impurity from the blood and cures these old disorders, whether inher , it is i;key that on this occasion the; jtecj or acquireci. R0ok on the blood and any medical advice free l.vii:.m;tin-4 woul.l have pissed un-J c c c io CM Arn crc notieed but for the accident. IU B,u "6 -iv w. ; The l!u,-kH County Fish Protective, fHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, CA. association is taking up the matter and contemplates bringing prosecu-) . . ,, , , . . , 1 ,. , ' i , ii i walking dreams before, and was sol rive unless at the ! en sufficiently punished. the members should ar- conclusion that Johnson , walking dreams berore, and was so j surprsed at the happening that he I laughted about it after the painful i fracture liad been doctured. I1ED HAT FOR CHICAGO? MOW KIND OP CUAXK, t I.nst joar r.O.OiK) people went through tbo entruiice shown above during the si days of the Spokaue Inteistatu Fair i itd tibout 4".(Jt)0 more attended the six night shows. The "Standing Hoom Only" was up nt nearly every lierforniaiu-e. mid so Kreut was the crowd that the fair management decided to increase the seating capacity of the grand. aland, and an addition has been put on which will enable this iii iiuniiith M;uid to comfortably seat more than Kl.fKJtl people nt each performance, and so well planned Is this building that every seat commands an excellent 'and nn uninterrupted view of the racetrack and vaudeville st:ige. The day program for this year, to he si en every day during the week of Oct. 2. Is very attractive and Includes b!x races, three aeroplane contests, a conceit by IVrullo's famous Itn'bin band and ten bk' circus acts. The night spectacle Is to be absolutely unique. In fact, very few of the d -tails have been mad? public, but It Is to be called "l'loneer Pay In the I'alouse" nud will depict some of the stirring s cues of bygone days uhen the Pu louse find all the Inland Empire was a frontier catt'e country. I'esldes ibis mammoth spectacular production there will be band concert and the usual stage performances and also a brand new novelty namely, running races by searchlight. This was tried one night last year with such success that it was decided to put on one or more such races every night. A gorgeous $1..KI0 display of Gregory's famous fireworks will furnish n fitting finale for each night's per formance, 'birt for hours after the lust skyrocket stick has fallen the big, busy Midway. wl:h its fif;een snappy shows, will provide fun In plenty for nil who stay. The Sskaiie Fair has been unusually fortunate this year In securing the very best carnival company in the coun try, the big Parker No. 1 show. This organization has never been west before, as they have In previous years fur nl:;hed the midway attractions at the largest eastern fairs. C. V. Parker has made a million dollars In the carnl val business, and this No. 1 show Is the cream of the many troupes he has out on the road during the sumui.'-r sea .son. Thirty cars are needed to trdnsjiort this banner aggregation, nnd it moves by special train entirely. Midway wlsltors may be sure of seeing really nevr attractions and the kind that women nnd children can safely visit I Not So liisy to Carry Out "IXTiiont'' I Sentence of 'Squire, t Wilktsbarre. l';t. Alderman Don-j ohue of this city imposed s'-ntonce to-I day upon William Happtig and Fred Iinker, who confessed stealing a bag; of potatoes from a commission house in this city. Admitting their guilt, they said they had tat:en the pota toes because they 'were hungry. "In that case," declared Donohue, "f'l be lenient with you. The sen tenee of the court Is that you fill your pock'-ts. hats, shirts, clothes and arms with the stolen potatoes, WOMAN AHOCT TO IJKAIi CHIM) lU'XS 2 IM.OCKS TO DROWN" Mr. A Pep Hart man of Pogiin-isirt Tells Iliivbaml That I'ourtli Pa by Is About to Do Horn ami Commits Suicide. Lngansport, Ind Mrs Alice Hart nian. wife of a Vandalia railroad fire man, drowned herself in Eel river. Phe awakened her husband to tell him her fourth child was about to be born and while he was hunting a physician she ran twov blocks in her )liarcn i night garments anil threw herself in- Kcport from Paris tliat Pope Will Ap point American Cardinal. Chicago. Archbishop James Quig ley may be the pope's choice for an ,,merican cardinal to ho named this fall according to reports received at the headquarters of the Chicago dio-ce-e. From Paris came the report, as did also the information that the holy father intended appointing an American cardinal. through the streets to the commis sion house and return them with an apology." Smiling at what they thought was their cu?y escape the two men start ed t.i dispose of the potatoes about! tlnir clothes. Not until they had j nvstered delicate balancing feats wire they able to carry the potatoes. On the way they had to stoop many time- to pick up those which fell. A policeman saw that the sentence was strictly enforced. to the river. Read the want ads. nrxpFix words. (Social Correspondence.) Weston, July 24. Dr. Donald C. Lazier, who has been in Weston for several weeks met with an accident while riding a bicycle between Wes ton and Milton. While coming- down Dry creek hill, Dr. Lazier was thrown from his wheel, dislocating his hip nnd receiving many bruises. He was tnken to Milton and his injuries were attended to by Dr. Thomas. Da. La zier was brought to Weston Sunday morning. The wheat in this vicinity is meas uring up to all expectations. Eighty acres Just north of Weston belonging to Jim Turner was threshed last week, yielding 53 bushels to the acre On More Sick People to be CURED Walla Walla, Wn. To the Public: I have taken Doctors Tork & York's special treatment for kidney and stom ach trouble for about a month.- I had suffered with this trouble for many years and doctored with many doc tors as well as tried various patent medicines, but all without avail. Now I am well and able to work. I have also gained twenty pounds in weight I am certainly glad to give these Chi nese doctors this testimonial. (Signed) ANDR. BERG. We receive testimonials dallly from grateful patients. If the public deslr. es to Investigate them, we will be only to glad to show them. Doctors Tork A York successfully treat all chronic and blood diseases. Out of town people can write for free consultation paper and circular, en close 2c stamp. YORK A TORK SIKDIdNB CO. 110 W. Main St., Walla Walla Wn the J. N. York ranch one hundred and sixty acres have been threshed, yielding over fifty bushels to the acre. A great many more crews will begin work today and harvest will be in full swing. Mrs. Isham Davie, who has been visiting Mrs. L. I. O'Harra. has re turned to her home In Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. James Lalamle left Sun day for a couple of weeks sojourn at' Cold Spring. Mrs. Fred Kershaw and little daughter Fredricka have gone to Cold Spring to camp ror a few weeks. Mr. Ed Logan of Wallace. Idaho, who has been visiting friends and rel atives for several days, has returned home. Mr. Logan was formerly a res ident of Weston and his old friends were glad to pee him again. Mrs. Charles King and daughter Zelma, were Athena visitors Saturday. Jim Itradburn was a Weston visit or Sunday. paint UA15Y corsix f;nr:i:x. Weird Sight Si ts lo and Mother Al most Hysteric. tVinndlsville Pa. Two-year-old Willie Wilklns had the heat problem settle, for him by being fitted with a skin tight green coat of paint. He crowed with delight, rolled in the grass on the lawn und was having a splendid time, to the amusement of his two cousins, 8 and 10 years old, when the family dog, returning from a foraging expedition, saw him and became so wildly excited that his barking brought Mrs. Mary Wilklns. the baby's mother, to the door. When sfie saw Willie she gave n wild shriek and Oeorge and Scott Williams, her nephews, hurried out to th? front gate on a run. She picked up Willie and ran screaming with him Into the house and summoned Dr. Walter Mustin, who came to the house in a mad dash In his auto. The A Peek Into His Pocket would Ehow the box of Bucklen s Ar nica Salve that E. S. Loper, a carpen ter, of Marilla, X. Y.. always caries." I have never had a cut. wound, bruise or sore it would nt heal soon," he writes. Greatest healer of burns, bolls, scalds, chapped hands and Hps, fever sores, ekin eruptions, eczema, corns and piles 25c at Koeppens. nephews had stripped Willie of his Miss Connie Miller of Harrisburg, i clothing and painted him all over with was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. green paint, secured at a new resi Rexroad at their home in Weston. ; 'ence next door, which Willie's father, Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts drove ' Daniel Wilklns, is erecting, to Pendleton Sunday to visit with rel- The doctor assured Mrs. Wilklns atives. Mr. W. H. Decker of Centralia. Washington, Is visiting with relatives in Weston. Mr. Archie Jackson, a student of Columbia College at Milton, who is sutdylng for the ministry, preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning. Mr. L. T. McBrlde, who was 111 sev eral days last week, is reported much better. Mrs. M. Nor Dean was quite se riously Injured by falling from a ham mock. In falling she Injured her hend and side and is confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. H. Booher of Weston were Athena visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Waddlngham spent Sunday with relatives on Dry creek. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Treston visited with friends and relatives In Weston last week. A crowd of young people from Athena attended the social dance held In Weston Saturday evening. This will probably be the last dance until after harvest. that all Willie needed was a good hot bath. Willie got it, but some of the paint is still In his hair and in splot ches on his body. George and Scott were bundled off to the country to spend the rest of the summer with their grandfather A Contented Woman is always found in the same l.ouse with Ballard's Snow Liniment. It keeps every member of the family free from aches and pains, it heals cuts, burns and scalds and cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and all muscular soreness and stiffness, l 25c. 50c and 11.00 a bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. OOVEHN.MKNT EXAMINATION' lXMt A PHYSICIAN Pi:i:MF.l UK WAS AEROPLANE TIMED TO ELY OCT WINDOW Waycross, Oa. Dreaming that he was one of the Iatst model aeroplanes and was being ued in an effort to lower some of the world's records, J. H. Ho'iand who resides here, aviated through a second story window at his home during the early, hours of the morning and received a broken ankle. How he escaped a more serious in Jury is remarkable. Mr. Holland was awakened when he struck the ground, that being the first Intimation he had that he was out of bed. He is receiving attention in one of the city's hosptals and will be out again shortly. Minor bruises receiv ed In the fall gave Mr. Holland addi tional souvenirs of the dream. He does not rtcall having ever had From a Pendleton Citizen. Is your back lame and painful? Does it ache Especially after exer tion Is there a soreness in the kidney region These symptoms indicate weak kid neys; There is danger in delay. Weak kidneys fast get weaker. Give your trouble prompt attention. DoanV Kidney Pills act quickly. They strengthen weak kidneys. Read this Pendleton testimony. S. P. Hutchinson, proprietor of Feed store, 1610 W. Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I was an noyed by a dull pain below my kid neys and the secretions from my kid neys were retarded. Since learned of Doan's Kidney Pills I have used them and they have al ways brought me relief. I am pleas ed to give this preparation my en dorsement." For sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, Xew York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Drink Hires The Genuine Rootbeer Absolutely pure. Refreshes you when thirsty, invigorates you when tired, delights you at any time. Order a case from the exclusive bottlers Pendleton Soda Works Phone Main 459. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Tumbles Down Hill. Hroaks Arm. Harrington, Wash. While running down a hill last evening Donald, son of J. S. Jones,- fell and broke his right arm. THE GREATEST SUCCESSFUL CURE OF ANY CHRONIC DISEASE GIVEN UP BY PHYSICIANS. To the Public I am glad to relate to the public that Dr. L Ching Wo of Walla Walla, Wash., has cured my daughter of asthma and catarrh in the head and nose, which she had been afflicted with since a little child, and as I had many doctors and none gave her any relief until she went with her husband to Walla Walla three years ago, and he took her to the Chinese Dr., L Ching Wo, and he gave her treatment for four months and she is en tirely well. So when I went to visit my daughter last winter, 1910, she requested me to go and see the Chinese Dr., but I told her It was no use as I had been doctoring for years with our doctors and they told me that my case was hopeless as I had floating kidneys and never could be cured as my age would not permit mo having an operation now that I was 66 years old, but my daughter kept on Insisting until I went Just to please her, not that I had any faith in the treatmont at all. So when I went he told me that he could cure me, so I told him to fix up the medicine and I would try It. So the re sult Is I am at homo again In Victor after having gone to Cal. for my health, and I can say that I can do more work now than half of the young women In town nnd I sleep all night and have a fine appetite and am very thankful that I had the opportunity of meeting Dr. L. Ching Wo, and am glad to recommend his wonderful medicine to any one who Is sick, as I took three months' treatment nnd am relieved of my troubles. J. am truly yours, MRS. L G. WITHERS, Victor, Mont. We receive testimonials "daily fr om our patients who have been cured. If you want to be cured, come to see us, or If unable to come, write, en closing two cent stamp for symptom blank. Address. THE L. CHING WO CHINESE MEDICINE COMPANY SOO AVest nose Street, Walla Walla, AVaslilnpton. The V. s. civil service commission announces examinations on August 2, mil, to obtain eliglbles for ap pointment to the position of physician tma'e) at $150 a month, and train ed nurse at $60 a month for service in connection with the care of the injured employes on the Dalles-Celilo canal, Oregon, engineer department I at large. The examination will be held In this city and all qualified per sons are urged to make application for and take the examination. Appli cation Form 1312 may be secured from the commission's local represen tative at the postoffiee, this city, or from the Secretary, 11th Civil Serv ice District, Federal Bldg., Seattle, Wash. WHERE SIRCKRY FAILS. Cutting Won't Remove the Cause of Plleo. Piles mean more than merely the pain of the stubborn little tumors. There is a condition inside that must be dealt with. Cutting is usually followed with later and worse attacks. A permanent cure can only be made by bettering the condition of the parts and getting a free circulation of the blood. Hem-Hold cures all kinds of piles by Internal action right on the cause. Sold by Fendleton Drug Co.. and drug gists everywhere, anil money back If It falls. Jl per bottle. Dr. Lconhnrdt Station Jt. Buffalo, X. V. YALE TEACHER PIVOKCEl. William Kent Shepard l,osos Wife In IMio Court. Heno, Xev. Judge Moran granted a decree of divorce to Mrs. Ruth l!ad gley Shepard from William Kent Shcpard of Xew Haven, Conn. She charged cruelty and testifiedhe was a teacher of mechanics In Yale college. o o o o o 0 o o 0 0 0 o o o o w o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o e o o o o o o o o o o o 9 REFINED STATIONERY itlier Printed, Engraved or Embossed FOR Business Firms Professional Men Social Occasions Private Correspondence DONT send out of town for this class of stationery, but bring your orders to the FAST OREGONIAN. We can as sure you the finest work obtainable and at prices as low and in some cases lower than you will be forced to pay outside concerns. Ask Us to Show You Samples and Quote You Prices. PHONE MAIN 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo