East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 24, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ladies' Pongee
Coats $15.00
Plain tailored and fancy
models Collars and cuffs
of plain white repp and
black satin, trimmed with
fa ncy buttons full range
of sizes
$15.00 to $37.50
White Serge Coats at $16
Latest summer models, trimmed
with braid and black satinthe
newest, dressiest coat of the sea
son . . $16 to $25
Clearing Sale of Parasols
$1.50 Parasols for Only 98c
A clearance sale of about 100
pretty and stylish parasols at 98c
for choice, formerly pr, at $1.25
and $1.50 Parasols of almost
eveay color, plain and fancy, all
have long straight plain handles,
just now so very popular.
It is the best parasol buying opportunity you have ever
been offered- Take advantage of it, COME EAfiL Y
Stylish Silk Hose at 50c
on sale tomorrow- A fine line of
the stylvh silk boot hose with
lisle tops, soles, heel and toe
black, navy and pink, pair 50c
For Pure Clean Groceries Try
Our Pure FoodDep't. in Our Cool
Model, Clean Basement.
The Peoples Warehouse
J from home, but sawed awav Iocs, cot
the machine righted and sent for me
chanics. About $75 damage, was done.
tinnier Dmiislcs From Auto.
Harrington, Wash. Messrs. Mc
Quarle and Short of Wilbur passed
through town In nn auto and Tailor
G. J Taylor accompanied them on a
trip to Odessa. They returned and
dangling from the rear of the ma
chine wis a large rattlesnake shot
by Mr. Taylor. The snake carried
elht rattles and a button, indicating
that he was nearly nine years old.
Ma-i Attacked by Wildcat.
Taconvi. Returning from the
home of a physician at Puyallup,
where he had been to summon a phy
sician to attend his sick father, Jes
se Ohndwick. of South Hill, was at
tacked, he says, by three- wildcats.
The creatures scratched the frame of
the bicycle and gnawed the tires be
fore he could get up enough speed to
get away. The appearance of the.
wheel bears out his story.
Mayor's rove for 'Kids."
Pnsco, Wash. Mayor Gray has is
sued the following communication:
"Any families with young children.
or invalids, suffering from the heat
In Pasco, are welcome to camp or
sleep in my grove, the only restric
tions being that they must not darh
age the vines, vegetables or trees.
Pure drinking water can be secured
at the house hydrant."
Well Dlgj-er Killed.
Wciser, Idaho. George Richard
son, a well known farmer of this val
ley, was killed today while digging a
well on the Lodge ranch, about 14
miles east of here. The well caved in
upon him, killing him almost instant
ly. Coroner Bowen left this evening
for the scene of the tragedy, and the
remains will probably be brought to
this city early in the morning.
O. A. C. Exports VIH? Out IVst En
tirely nt Hood IJiver by Ex
tensive Campaign.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Ore. "Remarkable result?
have been obtained in Hood River by
the college experts, in eradicating
fire blight," said Dean A. R. Cordley
of the Oregon Agicultural College to
day, discussing the progress of this
branch rff the pest eradication work
of the institution.
"Fire blight was first reported to
this experiment station from Hood
River, last fall, and Prof. H. S. Jack
son of ou" department of plant path
ology spent some two weeks with Mr.
Cassner, their county fruit inspector,
and the corps of inspectors, in locat
ing the disease and cutting it out as
thoroughly as possible.
"When W. H. Lawrence assumed
the duties of the Hood River fellow
ship in horticulture, one of the first
The Orphouin.
Excellent program for Tuesday's
1. "The Honor of the Flag." Me
lies. A story of. Uncle Sam's troops in
Texas during the recent disturbances
The army la encamped not far from
the home of the heroine of the story
und soldiers ride to the rescue when
it Is attacked by a band of Mexican
ruffians, who claim to be lnsurrectos.
The story Is well laid out and is ex
citing. i. "The Hidden Mine." Essanay.
Fate seems unusually cruel at limes
when trying to drive us into better
fcrtuncs. So it was with William
Hart, a prospector in the west, who
wilh his wife and child sought vain
ly for gold day after day, while hope
waned and starvation faced them.
One night he is decoyed from the
cabin and Indians set fire to It. Mrs.
Hart and her buby barely escape with
their lives when Hart comes and finds
them shivering beside the ruins of
their home in their night robes. He
begins stirring ""about the ashes for
metal ware which has not been de
stroyed nnd finds a small nugget of
gold and a valuable streak of pay
3. "The Jollier," Kalem. A lively
comedy giving the adventures of a
youth who sought to get through the
world by jollying people. Laugh and
the world laughs with you See this
picture and laugh with the world.
4. "The Oppressor." Kosmik. A
drama from the life or a prince of
Moravia. He Is deaf on the right
side and blind on the left. Appeals
which to him are distasteful are at
tended to by his deaf side und sights
which are miserable are shown on
his left. His daughter, her lover and
two of his ministers however, help
the applicants. When he . learns of
their charity they are condemned to
punishment. The ministers are be
headed and the daughter and her lov
er are sent to prison. The prince Is
haunted daily by spirits of his vic
time and finally falls dead. This
brings about the release of the prin
cess and her faithful lover. They are
married and a peaceful and happy
reign begins.
5. "Jimmy, the Fox" Gaumont.
Is sitting at the waterside and just
behind him a fishwife is roundly
abusing a gendarme. The youngster
Is thoroughly enjoying the official's
roasting, but when turned to by that
person to give evidence as a witness,
the little fellow affects total deaf
ness. He is tried in many ways by
the gendarme, who rails to trap the
artful lad. Finally, the boy is taken
to his mother anil Jimmie then con
fesses to her how he has deceived the
official who goes defeated.
with new gas range
in the kitchen of
Located on Main Street.
Every Modern Convenience
Inquire at
East Oregonian Office
lines of kork he took up was the !
spring Investigation and eradication
of the disease. Together with Mr.
Cassner ,;nd four assistants he spent
something like two months in making
a careful investigation of every single
tree in over 3.000 acres of orchards.
They also made a careful survey, of
trees In hundreds of acres of sur
rounding orchards.
"The results of this fall and spring
work under the direction of Profes
sor Jackson and Mr Lawrence ap
pears to be that fire blight has been
completely eradicated from the Hood '
River region.
"This, so far as I know. Is a result
which his never before been accom
plished in any fruit growing region
that has once been Infested with fire
blight. They have not found a case
of fire Might there in the oat two
Regarding general orchard conditi
ons in that district. Dean Cordley
said: 'T found the orchards of Hood
River in excellent condition. The
crop will perhaps not be over fifty
or sixty per cent of that normally ob
tained there but It is of unusually
good quality."
could control the animals he was
dragged in front of the blades and
his foot badly lacerated. It is thought
the foot may be saved.
Hoiieer Breaks Ia"js in Woods.
Wallowa, Ore. J. W. Conley, a
pioneer resident of this county, while
logging in the woods near Minam,
fell from a log and broke his leg.
Null in Eye of Milton Man.
Milton, Ore. While Thomas Ham
lin was working on the Walla Walla
river with a crew of men a nail flew
into his eye, completely destroying
the sight.
Ranger's Itilw Are Broken.
Wallowa, Ore. Ranger T. F. Lath
rp of the local forest office was
thrown from a mule at Chlco, and
sustained three broken ribs and sev
eral bruises.
Lose Hand In Cider .Mill.
Pleasant Valley, Wash. Little 4-year-oM
Goldle Aldridge, while play
ir.g around a cider press had her
hand caught in the cogwheels and re
ceived injuries which necessitated
ship-. Cherries Krom Iji Grande.
!. Grande, Ore The first car of
cr.errbs . hipped out of this valley left
here when Dave Clark of Cove, ship
ped a car of Royal Anns and Lam
berts to Chicago. The car contained
1600 boxes.
I Hid Checks at La Grande.
La Grande, Ore. La Grande bus
iness men were victimized by a bad
check writer. A man well dressed
presented a check to P. Foley, pro
prietor of the Foley hotel, for $25
drawn In favor of himself on a Port
hind bank.
Cum Foot In Inteiiort Mower.
Davenport, Wash. A team used In
mowing hay became frightened and
before the driver, Halley Pershall,
Moscow Prisoner Escapes.
Moscow, Idaho. Ira Frazier. a fed
eral prisoner, serving time In the La
tah county Jail, escaped. Frazier
was sentenced to a year's Imprison
ment for Introducing liquor on the
Nez Perce Indian reservation and had
only two more months to serve. He
had been a trusted prisoner.
Grand Forks; Woman Drowns.
Grand Forks, B. C. Word was
brought to the city that Mrs. C. Mills
had drowned in the north fork of
Kettle river yesterday afternoon
while fishing. The body has been re
covered. Deceased, formerly Miss
Hall, was a member of one of the old
families of this district.
Suffrajrettes Go to Law.
Los Angeles. Miss Madeline Fran
ces Willis and Mrs. Louis M. Brain
erd, two of the foremost suffraget
tes of California, are the plaintiff and
defendant, respectively, in three suits
filed in the superior court for the re
covery of $100 00. Tho suits serve
as an intimation that the two women
have had business differences and that
they have been forced to take their
matters to court for adjudication.
Miss Wills is at present on a tour
of Europe. Mrs. Brainerd is the wife
of a well known broker of this city.
Miss Wills bases her three suits
against her former partner, Mrs
Bralnard, on mortgages given as se
curity on three promissory notes for
$10,000, $3u,000 and $60,000.
Meteor Lights Valley.
Pleasant Valley, Wash. A large
meteor, with an apparent dlameter of
10 feet, flashed across this valley and
burst with a loud noise among the
mountains on the west side of the
Columbia During the two or three
seconds of visible flight the entire
valley was flooded with a dazzling
white light, similar to a vivid flash
of lightning.
Keller's Wife Forgives.
Seattle. Broken In health and
spirits and somewhat reduced in bank
account, S. Foster Kelley, formerly a
well-known Seattle tanker who elop
ed to San Francisco with the beauti
ful young wife of A. J. Henry, a
bank clerk, has returned to his home
In this city, has been forgiven by
his wife, and they have agreed to
forget the past.
ISmtal Prize Fight.
Danbury, Conn., July 24. One of
the most brutul prize fights In this
section for many years was held at
Sodom Reservoir In Southeast New
York between six and seven o'clock
yesterday morning when two Dan
bury fighters, Dekin and Regan,
fought 21 rounds with bare knuckles.
The referee attempted to stop the
fight In the tenth round because of
the punishment Dekin was receiving,
but the fighters refused to quit and
stayed until 21 rounds when Dekin
was so badly battered lie had to give
up. His nose was pounded to a pulp,
Ms eyes closed and his lips cut and
swollen until it was thought ho had
received concussion of the brain. Af
ter the fight he was taken to a farm
house and cared for until brought to
his home here.
The Pastime.
Program for Tuesday's Change in
cludes a snappy comedy, a gonuine
western and a high class drama.
"The Crusaders" Edison. Here is
a film which embodies the romance
which surrounds the Crusaders. With
it is interwoven a tender love story,
for each Crusader as he left England
carried wita him some token present
ed by her he loved. The film is plc
turesqyp 'and brings back the age of
chivalry. We see the onset In the
Holy Land, the wounding of the lover
and his rival's interception of the
message sent home. Eleanor waits,
hut the rival only returns with news
' f her lover's death. At last she con
sents to marry him, but on the wed
ding day the slave arrives, bringing
her knot of ribbon and the message
that her lover lives. This story is
spiraea and well acted.
"The Kits of Mary Jane." Mclies.
A stirring western drama with senti
ment and heart interest involved.
Mary Jane kisses a horse thief about
to be lynched, which so electrifies him
that he escapes to become a better
"The Reporter." Selig. This farce
is full of amusing situations. It might
pass for a reporter's bad dream. The
star man on the paper Is sent by his
editor to write up how it feels to be
a burglar. The result is very funny.
"Scenes in Our Navy." Selig. Show
ing an assemblage of the great Dogs
of War, preparatory and In spectacu
lar maneuvers, a subject that should
be of absorbing Interest to any Am
erican citizen whose heart pulsates
with the resounding strains of "My.
Country 'TIs of Thee."
"The Snare of the City." Essanay.
A vivid and heart-touching drama
showing the snares and pitfalls for
the country g!rl who seeks to make a
living In the city. Simple, natural
acting makes this story of farm house
and c'ty life a very commendable
the young doctor so she fixed some
medicine for her dad and told him
he was poisoned. The village doctors
being In the plot, told' the victim he
was In. but the young doctor affected
a wonderful "cure" and won the girl.
"The Pillars of Society." Than
houser. johan leaves his native coun
try and goes to America, making him
self a fugitive to shield his friend,
ho takes his place in society and Is
greatly honored. But in after years
Johan falls in love and asks his
friend to clear his name, which he
refuses to do. How a little child was
the means of bringing the false friend
to acknowledge his guilt to the world
is a fitting end to a splendidly told
"The Dude Cowboy." Bison. A
great western comedy. Cholly bothers
Eva with, unwelcome attentions so the
coboys dress up a negro nnd a china
man In Eva's clothes and they being
heavily veiled, he doesn't realize his
error till he gets badly licked by both.
The cowboys finally run him off the
Aulo Slips Into Canyon.
White Salmon, Wash. While go
ins up the Klickitat grade over the
mountains from White Salmon to
Goldendale Jack Ackley saw his
brand new auto slip into a canyon
ISO feet below. The engine had gone
"dead," and when he restarted by
cranking the emergency slipped and
the machine made its backward jump
over the grade. Ackley was 30 miles
Mrs. Vauirhnii Dies.
Washington, July 24. The woman
credited with having first expressed
the idea of a general memorial day,
Mrs. Sue Land on Baughn, Is deud at
the home of the Eastern Star, a Ma
sonic, order, on which she was de
pendent. She was a descendant of
John Adams, the second president of
the United States. On April 26. 1S6S.
she led some southern women in
strewing with flowers the confeder
ate graves In Vlcksburg, and the date
and custom were perpetuated in the
south. Three years later, May 30, was
adopted throughout the north as Me
morial day.
Hio Cony.
A very attractive program of path
os, western drama and good, laugh
able comedy for Monday and Tues
day. "The Little Leader." Imp. The
aged ' muslcinn has composed a fa
mous opera which saves him and his
little son from starvation. On the
night tho opera is presented the old
man, who Is to lead the orchestra,
suddenly falls dead. The manager Is
in despair as the curtain Is about to
be rung up and failure means ruin.
The boy tells the manager that he
will conduct the opera and with
breaking heart the little lad wields tho
baton and directs the great orches
tra. The opera Is a grand success
and the boy is adopted by the mana
ger. "The Savage." Nestor. The girl
saved the Indian from death, and la
ter when the Indians went on the war
path he was able to return the favor.
This Is a very exciting story filled
with genuine western dash.
"A Sure Cure." Nestor. Good
comedy The girl wanted to marry
.H-! Afth yonr I'ruryUl for YV
i lil-4he.tr' IMiimnnd TlrandV
I'lllain Itrd n Utli nrtalllcW
I. "i, tealel with HI. fclUwrn.
Take fi other. Ilur of rnur
ItriiKirtat. Ask for 4'llf.i'irK R.TFR
!MAiToNT JfKlft FII.I.H. for a
yran known M Best, Safnt, Always KHIal'i
Refuse to Be Counted in British Co
lumbia Force May Ho V'wd.
Nelson, B. C More than 1000
Doukhobors, members of a colony at
Brilliant, on tho lower Arrow lake,
have rebelled against the census tak
ing, absolutely refusing to be counted.
Sherbining, the leader of the colony,
has done everything in his power to
persuade the colonists to submit, and
they have been threatened with arrest
without avail.
The census commissioner hail tele
graphed to the Minister of agricul
ture at Ottawa asking for Instructions.
From previous experience the police
ami census men here believe that the
instructions will be to arrest all men
who refuse to give the data required
and preparations are being made to
send a strong force of officers to the
colony to enforce the law.
shaft of the Ray Consolidated Copper
company yesterday which entombed
five men. Tim Gallagher, an Amer
ican timber man, was taken from tho
mine dead and four Mexicans were
taken out ailve. The cave-in occur
red In a raise in the first level of tho
Miss (.raliani Diappetirs.
New York, July 24. The police to
day sent out the customary "general
alarm" for n missing person when
Mrs John Singleton complained that
her sister, Lillian Graham, under In
dictment charge, 1 with shooting W. E.
D. Stokfs. had disappeared. Ethel
Conrad, who is also charged with
shooting Stokes, when he appeared
at their apartments to recover letters
he had written Miss Graham, believes
that Lillian has been kidnapped. Both
gills are out on $10,000 bull pending
trial. Miss Graham ha not been
heard from since she went out to buy
seme sweat last night.
Aviator l.ciyis to Safely as Mnelilno
Turns Turtle, n Midair.
Chlengo. A haystack saved the lifo
of Many Cowling, an amateur avia
tor. The aeroplane turned turtle and
dropped sixty feet to the ground.
Cowling made a desperate leap onto
the haystack. Ho was not even
scratched. His machine was com
pletely wrecked.
Miners Entombed.
El Paso, Texas, July 24 A speclul
to the Times from Ray. Ariz., tells of
a cave-In In the Mathias and Hall
Provision Requiring Alcohol In Car.
Iiollo. Acid Frustrate Suicide. At
tempt. Weavervllle. Calif Tho new drug
law saved Mrs. Charles Testy's life.
Following a disagreement with her
husband, she swallowed an ounce of
carbolic acid. The new law requires
that carbolic acid on snlo must be a
10 per cent solution and contain 10
per cent alcohol also, so when Mrs.
Testy swallowed the poison no evil
results followed. She is now glad
that she failed and souruls praises for
the new drug law.
Pendleton Beer
IQyality-quality first, last and all the
i.: i .i i . t
uine-is me waicnwora in the produc
tion of City Brewery Beer
You do not find it lacking in that "life" so necessary to
pve it tho required zest
You assist in providing employment for home labor, build
in?; up your home city and supporting institutions that place
money in circulation here, when you buy homo products irj
preference to those that are shipped in.
When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at
tho following places:
W. J. Bogart, Prop. Anton Kraft, Prop.
II. J. Latourelle, Prop.
J. II. Taylor, Prop.
Paul Nemmelgarn, Prop