PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREUOXIAN, rKNDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUJjY 23, 1911. EIGHT PAGES is this store the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy Groceries. BECAUSE Wo own oiir own store building and save rout. We buy for cash and discount all our bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. It will pay you to mil and pot our prices before plac ing your or.lers for. gro cery supplies. Harvesters Newsy Notes of Pendleton l'irst t Pnrvlinsc Cots. James Cooper, proprietor of the I'owmuu Houl, was the first to re spond to tho call of the Round-Up a. coiiiimulatlon committee. Today lie place,! his order for 200 folding hods which ho will put In his sample rooms during tho wild we.-t show in order to help take care of the crowd at night. with what it was last year at this time but Supervisor Erlccaon is plac ing his forces advantageously and Is preparing for the worst. The late rains have delayed the fire season considerably. KISSES WOKTIl THE THICK. He Complete line of fruits. fancy, staple on hand. and green groceries always STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY IMC. WHERE FRAXK O-GARA. Pre. ALIi ARE PLEAS FD. RERXARD O'GARA. Sec,-Tis. I.o-s His Sh1u Syrup. Jake Welsh, well known Court street cisar merchant, Is a little short jo:' vai'lia syrup Cor his soda fountain t"day as the result of the appropri ation of a jus of that fluid from his I storeroom. Ho doesn't quite under stand why anyone should take vanil- i ..i syrup unless in their ignorance tc.y thought they wore getting whis key. , Kisser Pays lino Cheerfully us I'yes Pair Kissed One. Elizabeth, X. J. Kisses nt $13.23 per are rather expensive. This is what Dominlck FugUese of Roselle thought after facing Judge Roosa in court and paying that sum on a charge of disorderly conduct commit ted when he seized Miss Margaret Hudson and placed an ardent kiss on her lips. "I will give you $10, Judge," said Pugileso, "ami no more." Tho judgo was determined, however, having passed the age of romance, and tho fine was upheld. "It was worth It, anyway," said the peculator. THIS ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. of Filot Rock at Lehman Dr. Fred Lieuallen is among the guests Springs. Charles Cole, wife and son, are at Pilot Rock where Mr. Cole is erect ing a large barn. Elmer Kennedy will leave tomor row for Portland, where he will make his Jionie in the future. Senator J. X. Burgess returned yesterday afternoon from a visit to his sheep ranch at Pilot Rock. W. K. Cassette agent for the Bankers' Life Insurance company, re turned from a trip to Weston yester day evening. W. G. Dunbar, the Buick, agent, m.Tde a flying trip to Pilot Rock yes terday afternoon. He was accom panied by Lee D. Drake. W. McDaniel, a hotel man of Pen dleton, accompanied by his wife, are in Eugene on their way home after a vacation in the country near this city. Eugene Guard. Robert X. Stanfield, founder of the town of Stanfield, in eastern Oregon, and his brother, G. E. Stanfield. a prominent sheepman of Shanlko, are in the city on a business visit. They are registered at the Imperial. Port land Journal. i:or.vthliiK O. K, Says Druggist. J. H. Wilson, the Vkiah druggist who is out on bonds awaiting the stand jury Investigation of the arson charge against him. returned this morning lrom Portland where ho had been to confer with the Blumauer Frank company which recently insti tuted a suit against him. He declares a satisfactory settlement was made and that he will re-onen his store Monday. VIOLIN CASE IS A MAKVEL. Idaho Man Makes One of 058 Pieces of Wood. Moscow, Idaho. George Steltz of this place ,hus a violin case made of 958 pieces of material, representing forty-four kinds of wood, some of which is said to be from every coun trv in the world. Mr. Steltz, who is also a mechanic, says the case repre sents two months' work, performed at different times during many years. In the seventeenth century the epithet Miss applied to females was considered a term of reproach. Chefa I'.ugnire in Battle. Frank Davis and Tommy Masten. night and day chief at the Gas Kitchen, had some differences last evening about 7:30 which they pro ceeded to settle with their bare fists. Before tho officers arrived they had done considerable damage to each other's countenances Both were ar rested and deposited $10 apiece as bail which hail they forfeited this morning. Try Our Young Mutton If You Want a Nice Chop or Roast, Phone Main 33. We have secured an extra fine line of young mutton for our pat rons and if you wish to secure as tender and juicy a piece of meat as was ever placed on your table, send In your order XOW. Central Heat Market Phone Main 33. 108 E. Alta Street. 3 There's a coupon showing one of these letters in every package or BLANCHARD BUTTER and each carton of Blanchard Eggs. Save them until you get the full set, then present them to us and we'll give you absolutely free, six Rogers Mfg. Co, "Ar butus" Silver Teaspoons. N C El j Blanchard Butter is made from the purest Oregon cream; is made and B Packed amid perfectly sanitary sur roundings. ft JENSEN CREAMERY COMPANY PKXDLETOX, OREGON. Si KK 1110 IS GOING TO DIM. Business Man Sells Out and Preiwircs for End. Vineland, X. J. Isaac Besitsliy, a well known business man of Norma, the Jewish settlement, has announced that he will depart this life during the present month. lie took some toothache medicine and burned his mouth and the family telephoned all over the county for a physician .thinking he had attempted suicide. Uesitsky has sold his belongings at half price and everybody expects him to die, a he is losing flesh dally. The doctors say it is a case of "nerVes," but Besitsky refuses to take any treatment. Harvesters Hot Weather Specialties UNDERWEAR SHIRTS SHOES OVERALLS SOX HANDKERCHIEFS 25c TO 50c 50c TO 75c $1.50 TO $3.00 75c TO $1.00 5c TO 15c 5c TO 15c Kiuiaway This Morning. One of the lumber teams of the city this morning enlivened things on East Alta street when they took the wagon to which they were attached down the street at a speed consider-i ... ....... , v WTFD S ably greater than that allowed by the I KESfLT oi' GIUL'S STORY city ordinance. Their dash was ter- mlnated abruptly when they collided j s (, t.pallJ Jurj. villdlltg Kctmlw with a telephone pole In front of the , Ju WIlolesUlo series of Arrests in residence of Fred Earle, much to the ' m damage of the wagon. ' ,' Peru. 111. Nineteen Peru men have Ten Days for Doing Drunk. 1 be,.n am,8U.d ad Sheriff Misehke It would have behooved John Jor-,..., hla j.mi-.g are in search of i dan to have pleaded guilty to the ( ulhel3 aS u ,.esult of Ul(J fiIRiing of a cnarge oi oeuig urun wue.i ne j 8peciul graIul jUIy caUeU by Judge orougni uexore .Aciing rum;e juuje Hailey this morning. As it was he pleaded not guilty which resulted in woman and when arrested became Ing know which in turn resulted in a sentence of ten days in Jail. It seems Jordan had become badly in toxicated in company with an Indian woman and when arrested becme very profane and unruly, all of which together with the fact that he Is a frequent offender, was not calculated to make the Judge exercise any great leniency. One other drunk, Walter Bonson, an Indian, was In court this morning and was assessed five dollars for his "Jag." he and Hayes were engaged in an altercation with Chlqulta. The territorial board of prison con- rol, not having power to pardon a prisoner tonvicted of such a crime, the governor commuted his sentence o fifty years. The board tbaa tM ommended that Joss be paroled, and he was accordingly released by the governor's order. Following Owen's arrest and con fession nt Wlnkleman In June last, Eayea ttu arretted near Los An geles on June 21 and brought Iter. GIRL DIES IX TUB OP WATER. Kldredge at Ottawa atler hearing the story of Flora Bell Todd, a 14-year-old miss of this city. The girl was arretted on a l-harge of delinquency and when brought In to court for trial told a tale of such startling nature that Judge Eldredge immediately called in a special grand Jury to investigate the matter. This Jury lias returned Indictments against forty-three Peru men, many of whom are married and have chil dren older than the little girl whose story has startled the entire county Nineteen of these men have been ar retted and it is expected that tho shr Iff will have the others In custody by Monday. Some have left for parts unknown. The greatest indignation prevails in the community and close to a score of divorce suits are expected to be one of the results. Fiftccn-Montlis-Old Child Is Drowned While at Flay. Modesto. Calif., July 22. Margaret Meninl, the 15-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Merilnl, living In the Westport district, was drowned in a IUO 01 water hi uie jam uM x,..., v.rv.wl n Vwip. UL'J11IJ1 .... . . INNOCENT MAN IS FREED. her home this morning. Mr had left the child playing in the yard for a few minutes while she went in to the house, and returning five min utes later found the body In a tub of water. The parents are prostrated at the death of their only child. OH.JI-XT TO SUNDAY BURIALS. .f y I YOUR OUTING Vinlertukcrs at Coming Convention to Demand Dny of Rert. Stockton, Caf., July 22. Fore shadowing a general movement to close the cemeteries of this city to Punday funerals. Father McGough of St. Maryos church has ordered that the gates of the San Joaquin cemetery be closed on Sundays except in emergency cases. This order was put Into effect some time ago and the people conformed to it without pro test. Local undertakers also desire to close Rural cemetery on Sundays. B. C. Wallace, president of the Cal ifornia Funeral Directors' association, has signified his intention to lay the matter before the undertakers of the state when they assemble In San Francisco next month. When Another Confesses. Phoenix, Ari. Governor Sloane signed the parole of Harry Joss, com mitted to the territorial prison nearly a year ago to serve a life sentence ai ter having been convicted on circum stantial evidence of having killed an other Indian, Rex Chlqulta, near Globe. Joss was freed of all suspicion of havimr committed the crlnrie by the recent confession of Frank Owen, now under arrest, that the crime had been committed by Virgil Hayes in riofnUU nf his fOwen's) life, while A Fakir e That's Heeded in Every Home PASTORS COMPLirrE A C1IIRCH IN ONE PAY cannot xi spent at a more rlcli-htful resort than the DELANO liEACII JIOTKL on Vnt Sound, 20 miles south of Tacoma. The quiet restfulness and natural beauty of this place make it .'in ideal summer resort. AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS You havu your choicf of a comfortable room at the Hotel, a one to six room eottare, or a tent. The diiiirifr room service is ex eelliiit and the Sunday Chicken dinner a special feature at which the famous Cocduck soup is also served. The table is supplied from our own frarden, blooded cattle, and poltry yard. AMUSEMENTS Here you find a very long un of beach giving you the very best bath ing on Puget Round. Excellent Ashing and boating. Facilities for all oui-aoor sports. A large music hall a billiard hall and luxurious whist rooms. THE RATES our rates are exceptionally low and you will the most pleasant associations. For reservations tlon write find yourself among or further informa Spokane, Wash. Fifteen pastors in hod carriers' garb and armed with saws and hammers raised and covered the rafters and boarded the front, rear and side walls of a building for the Minnehaha Methodist Episcopal church here by working from 9 o'clock In the morning until 6 o'clock In the afternoon, with an intermis sion of one hour for lunch, which was served by the women of the congre gation. John ward, a Journeyman carpenter directed operations and was assisted by Rev. H. E. Greening, pas tor of the church. Rev. H. C. Kohr, pastor of Vincent church, flattened his forefinger in driving a nail, but continued work until tho Job was finished. Rev. Henry Brown, presi dent of the Methodist Ministers' as sociation, called to cheer the pastors, but did not asslt them. The men of the cloth worked rapidly. Trained craftsmen will do the Interior work and finishing and it Is expected to have the building In readiness for dedication about the middle of Au gust, when pastors from all over the Pacific Northwest will be In attendance. THE BOSTON STOR.E Predicts the largest crop of Wheat in many years. THE COMING WEEK. Monday, International Socleay for the Pro motion of Commercial Education will open world conference !n London, to extend to August 12. Photographers' Association of Am erica will open annual national con vention In St. Pnul. to continue through the week. Tnedny. National Hay Association, composed of leading hay dealers and shippers of the country, will convene in Ni agara Falls, N. T. Wednesday. First Universal r.aces Congress, with the object of bringing about a better understanding between the, dif ferent races of the world, opens In London. United States League of Building and Loan associations will open an nual "national convention in Grand Haplds. Mich. Republican state convention of Ne braska will meet In Llnvoln to select a new state committee and draft a platform. CUiOHlOl'S HAIR. Any Woman run Hove. It In a Very Few Days. Many thousands of women, refined and edmated, have learned that It Is not hard to have, and to keep an abundance of lustrous hair if Pa risian Sage, the hair grower, Is used daily. Since Its introduction into Ameri ca, Parisian Suge has become a prime favorite with women who desire lux uriant and radiant hair that will not fall out or turn gray. Used daily as a dressing It will keep the scalp Im maculately dean:; will stop Itching and falling hair, and remove every . particle of dandruff. Tallman & Co thinks o much of Parisian Sage that they guarantee It to do as advertised. Large bottle SO cents. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST TLACE IX TOWN WHY? Because people get better goods, better service and better weight than any other place In town and you'll find our prlcss cheaper. the CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and .lohnwon St. Plione Main 101 mm : Pendleton Dye Works I CUT PRICES FOR JULY : I LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2. SO LADIES' SUITS PRESSED i $1.00 J MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.0 MEN'S SUITS PRESSED ... , 75o s Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- date methods. Phone Main 1G0. 20 1-2 E. Alta. See Jesse Failing Main Street Near Bridge. UALt -'vW nnTiiiiiPi m ItUIIIWCLL OPTOMETRIST. MRS. GEORGE E. DELANO DELANO TiE.U'ir, LAKE BAY P. O, WASH. Forest Fires Under Control. Medford, Ore. Three forest fires on Elk creek, Beaver creek and near Brown's cabin, some distance from Prospect, are now under control. The fire situation here Is good compared ETES EXAMINED, GLASSES FIT TED, LENSES DUPLICATED AND FRAMES REPAIRED. With W. E. HANSCOM THH JEWELER. PENDLETON. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A STOCK RANCH? 13 I have 4S0 acres, 200 of samo tillable, black rich soil, will error1.' sraln, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never falling spring of water. This land is close to the reserve In the foot hills, and Is an Ideal hog ranch. $8.00 per acre will buy it. I have other tracts from 1000 to 15000 acres In a body at pri ces ranging from 18 to $16 per acre. Having 12 years experience In the stock business in this county, I am In a position to show you some of the best propositions to be found. In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban homes at low watermark prices. Come and see me. E. T. WADE Tenude Big Office phone Maiu 455 ; Res. B. S271. Pendleton, Ore. "Born with the Republic" j AMES. E. PEPPETn) J WHISKEY Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey ever made in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Solo distributors in Pendleton. HERMAN PETERS, Prop.