East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    r Javs ..: . - '"' --'i-t .-
(From Friday's Journal,
Depression of considerable extent
was allowing In all linos of livestock
In the local yards with the possible
exception of swine.
There was a forced decline of fully
25c in the cattle trade owing to the
filled up condition of the trade and
the continuance of heavy shipments.
Best steers $6 00
Choice oteers $5.35 & 5.75
Ordinary Bteers 4.50 fo 5.00
Common steers 4.00 ft 4.25
Fancy heifers 5,25
Fancy cows 6.00 5.25
Ordinary cows 3.00 ft) 3.26
Common tows 3.00 3.23
Fancy bulls 3.75 ft 4.00
Good ordinary bulls . ... 3 50 3. CO
Common bulla- 2.00 ft 2.25
Fancy light calves 7.00 ft 7.25
Ordinary calves 5.50 ft 6.00
Common calves 4.005.00
Forecast made by this paper yes
terday of a loss to result In the sheep
and lnnib trade has mntoralized In
full. Tho entire sheep trade is lower
at Xortli Portland and even ot the
decline the movement is seriously re
stricted. As with cattle, holders are
making every effort to mnrket their
sheep early on account of the lack of
suitable range.
Select lambs $5.25 5.35
Ordinary lambs 5 05
lien wethers !.!!!!! 3.50
Common lambs YoOft4 25
J3" OWM .3.00
Ordinary wethers jgn
Ordinary ewes ' V.50fI2.75
While a very small bunch of hogs
were offering in the swine trade at
North Portland today, not enough
stuff came forward to fully test flo
tation. Best light hogs
Medium hogs
Good and heavy hogs
Rough and heavy hogs
5.50 ft 6.00
Wheat New crop, nominal. Track
deltveny Club, 75c; bluestem, 80c
fortyfold. 78 ft. 79c; Willamette valley",
); red Russian, 73c; Turkey red'
Oats New crnp, nominal. Produc
ers' price Track, No. 1 white, $24;
gray, $23; old crop, white, $27ft'27.5o'.
Barley New crop. Producers'
price 1910 Feed, $21 ft 24.50; roll
ed. $29.50; brewing, $29.00.
Range of Chicago prices, furnished
by Overbeck Cooke Co.:
July Open, 86 1-2;
low. K6 1-4; close, 86
Sept. Open, SS 3-8;
low, SS; close 8 SB.
S9 1-8;
Kit. Open 91 7-9; high. 92 1-8'
low 91 1-4; close 91 1-4R.
Omaha Hogs lower.
South Omaha, Neb., July 21. Cat
tle mnrket steady to strong. Steers
$.S:.i 6.6f., cows and heifers $4. 75ft
Hogs, SSOO; market weak to five
cents lower. price $6.25 1i 6.4 5.
Sh.ep, nr!00; market weak to 10
cents lower. Yearlings. $4.507 5.00;
wethers. $3 00ft 4.30; lambs, $6. 73d?
7.23; ewes, $2.75 fi 3.S 5.
Happiest Girl In Lincoln.
ha 1
Lincoln. Xeb., girl writes "I
been ailing for some time with
chronic constipation and stomach
tmuh'c, I began taking Chn..ibor
lnin's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
In three days I was able to be up and
got bcttei right along. I am the
proudoxt girl In Lincoln to find such
n gno.i medicine" For sale by all
broke coruT's cam: ox son.
I "a titer l'.vcuted Sentence, Using;
Walking Stick of Judge.
New Haven, Cuiui. Willie Hunt.
12-year-old son of John Hunt, faced
Juilce Mnthewson in the city court
on a themt charge and when tho case
was called Willie and his father ad
mitted that tho boy had stolen $8 from
a neighbor when he was attending a
funeral. As a sentence the judge said
to the father:
"Just take him In the court ante
room and with my cane give hint a
good, sound licking. Don't be afraid
to use It, either."
Mr Hunt obeyed the mandate of
the court, and In a moment there was
a strnugglo behind the iioor. with the
father ultimately getting th bett-r i.f
Ranald Sonver of Eugene
tine of pitchfork Into his
will recover.
There Is more Cntsrrli In this soctlon
of the country than nil other diseases put
together, and until the lust few yenrs wn
supposed to he Incurable. Knr a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local
,ii... nn, 1 nmrrihiwl locnl remedies, and
by constantly fnlllng to cure with local
treatment, prononncec! It Incurable. Sri
ence lias proven cntarrli to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires con
stitutional treatment. Hnll'a Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, Ohio. Is the only constitutional cure
on the market. It Is taken Internally In
dosoa from 10 drops to n teaapoonfnl. It
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case It falls to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials.
Address : .,.
F. J. C11KNBY CO., Toledo. O.
Sold bv all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family l'llls for constipa
hrilifoW AfM MM 111-H.Tnt a
1I.VMN. ItlMMl ru.i.s fof ;
vet i t: Mown flf.l't.Sn test, Atav KHiM-H
,Ner Oaklnnd, Culifornin
n, V,Mnn' folli in- en the VnnCu- Const,
Chartered INKS. NVir l" great
Meal climate tlinnithoMi Mv vi
and graduation r iiiivt im i.l-
tho?c of Stanf ir.l anil I 'tiivi-r sit v
Lubinntorii's for sci'iicv unli n
mcnt. I- xcHlrnt op'i"'l!inii u -economic-,
library Mealy., 'me
Alotlvrn (Tvilinasinm. Sot ci:;! i" '
of stiuk-nt. c'lt-iloor life. ''-
t 'ni i'1'sit
ir. l-.olranic
illliv.llrllt to
ol ( alitoinia.
lo.Kni ntlire
lor ilOl:C
U- nivl art.
i- (.-. lu-aith
Mont, I.mila
1. 1.. P. I'or
t' av I arml. A. M.. I It- '
catiiloriie nililrr Srctitary
., California.
Mill Collide 1'.
I.ntllral Anh yr irupui-t ir A
( iil-i'lictvtrr IMummu. 1imnl
I'llUJn Ki1 n.l .iIJ mrtWIuNXr
ltnrt iritlcl ritl Hire Kil'i"Ml. V
T..L. win sittirf. Uiit of Vilif V
Of Proposed Improvement on Cot
tonwood and Webb Streets in the
City of Pendleton.
Notice is hereby given, that at a
regular meeting of the Common
Council, held on July 13, 1911, the
Common Council of The City of Pen
dleton did adopt the following reso
lution; Whereas, the city surveyor did, on
the 13th day of July, 1911, under di
rection of the Council, file plans and
specifications for an appropriate im
provement of Cottonwood street in
The City of Pendleton from the south
line of Water street to the North line
of Railroad street and Webb
street from the west line of Cotton
wood street to the east line of Main
street, together with estimates of the
work to be done and the probable cost
thereof, with a statement of the lots,
parts of lots and parcels of land to
be benefited by such Improvement,
and tho percentage of the total cost of
improvement which each of guch lots,
parts of lots and parcels of land
should pay on account of the bene
fits to bo derived from such proposed
Improvement; and
Whereas, the council has examined
such plans and specifications and
found the same satisfactory and the
estimates therefor to be In accord
ance with thu probable cost of such'
work; and
Whereas, the property recommend
ed by the city surveyor to be includ
ed within the boundaries of the dis
trict benefited Is, in the Judgment of
the Common Council, properly In
cluded within such improvement dis
trict, and no property Is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
included therein; and.
Whereas, tho Improvement of the
hereinbefore described portion of Cot
tonwood street and of Webb street
with hard surface pavement, curb
and storm sewers down Cottonwood
street is at this time necessary, there
fore, lie It Resolved, by the Common
Council of The City of Pendleton that
il is expedient to improve and it is
hereby proposed to improve Cotton
wood street in The City of Pendleton
from the south line of Water street
to the north line of Railroad street,
and Webb street from the west line
of Cottonwood street to the east line
of Main street, with hard surface
pavement, curb and a storm sewer, ac
cording to the plans and specifica
tions therefor, prepared by the city
surveyor and filed with the recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 13th
day of July, lull; such Improvement
to be made where there Is at present
no hard surface pavement, curb or
sewer, or where hard surface curb
or sewer shall not Uwe been ordered
prior to the letting of the contract
for such improvement; such pave
ment to be 40 feet in width from the
south line of Water street to the north
lino of Court street, 38.83 feet in
width from the south line of court
street to the north line of Alta street,
and 40 feet In width from the south
line of Alta street to the north line
of Railroad street,, and 40 feet in
width on Webb street from the west
line of Cottonwood street to the east
I.ne of Main street. And
Re It Further Resolved, That the
plans and specifications and estimates
for such Improvements, as prepared
by the city surveyor and filed with
the recorder of The City of Pendle
ton oil the 13th day of July, 1911,
be and they are hereby approved.
And Re It Further Resolved, That
tho cost of making such Improve
ments shall be a charge and lien up
on ull lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land to be benefited by such Im
provement, and that owners of such
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land
specially benefited by such improve
ment shall be liable for the payment
of the costs thereof; and
Ro It Further RcMolvcd, That an as
sessment district is hereby created, to
be known as Assessment District .
3, embracing tho property to be as
sessed for tho payment of such im
provement, which assessment district
shall include all lots, parts of lots and
parrels of land lying and being with
in the district bounded and described
as follows: to-wit:
Commencing at the northeast cor
ner of Block 2 In the original Town
of Pendleton; thence running west
erly 100 feet to the north and south
center line through the said Block 2;
thence running southerly on such
center line through the center of Block
2; thence across Court street through
the center of Block 4; thence across
Alta street and along tho north and
south center line of Block "E" to a
point on the east lino of Lot 9 In tho
said Block "E." which point is 25
feet south of the northeast corner
of said Lot 9; thence at right angles
westerly an through the center of the
said Lot 9 to the East line of Main
street; thence southerly along the east
line of Main street to the southwest
corner of Lot 7 In Block 72 In the
Reservation Addition to tho Town of
Pendleton; thence easterly along the
south line of the said Lot 7 to the
southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence
southerly along tho west lino of Lots
3 atvd 4 in said Block 72 to the north
line of Railroad street; thence east
erly along the nonth lino of Railroad
street; thence easterly along the
north lino of railroad street to the
southeast corner of Lot 5 in Block
"fi" in tho Reservation Addition to
the Town of rcndloton; thence north
erly along tho north and south cen
ter line of tho said Block "G" and
across Webb street and along the
north and south center line of Block
"D" In what Is known as South Pen
dleton; to tho south line of Alta
street; thence diagonally across Alta
streot to the southwest corner of Lot
"E" in Block 5 In Ue Town of Pen
dleton: thence northerly along tho
west line of said Lot "E" nnd along
the west Kne of Lots 6, 5. 4, 3, 2 nnd
1 in the said Block 6 to the south line
of Court street; thence diagonally
across Court street to the southeast
corner of Lot 7 In Block 7 In the
original Town of Pendleton; thence
northerly along the north nnd south
center line of the said Block 7 to
the south line of Water street; thence
westerly along the south lino of Wa
tet street to tho place of beginning.
And Re It Further Resolved. That
n copy of this resolution, together with
a notice that the surveyor'! estimate
of the proportion of the costs of said
work to be charged against each lot,
part of lot and parcel of land, is on
file In the office of the city recorder,
be publisher for a period of ten days
In the East Oregonian, which news
paper Is hereby designated by the
council for the publication thereof.
And Notice Is Further Given, That
the surveyor's estlmeto of the propor
tion of tho cost of said work be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land within the assess
ment district In said resolution de
scribed, Is on file in the office of the
city recorder.
Dated, Pendleton, Oregon, 'July 14,
Acting Recorder.
Of Proposed Improvement on Alta
Street In the City of Pendleton.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common Coun
cil, held on July 13, 1911, the Common
Council of The City of Pendleton did
adopt the following resolution:
Whereas, the City Surveyor did on
the 13th day of July, 1911, under di
rection of the Common Council, file
plans and specifications for an ap
propriate Improvement of Alta Sereet
In The City of Pendleton from the
East line of Main Street to the South
line of Court Street, together with
estimates of the work to be done and
the probable cost thereof, with a
statement of the lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land to be benefitted by
such Improvement, and the percent
age of the total cost of Improvement
which each of such lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land should pay on ac
count of the benefits to be derived
from such Improvement: and
Whereas the Council has examined
such plans and specifications and
found the same satisfactory and the
estimates therefor to be In accordance
with the probable cost of such work;
Wherons the property recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to bo Includ
ed within the boundaries of the dist
rict benefitted Is, In the Judgment of
the Common Council, properly to be
included within such improved dist
rict, and no property Is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
included therein; and
Whereas the improvement of the
hereinbefore described portion of Al
ta Street with hard surface pave
ment, curb and storm sewers Is at
this time necessary; therefore, be It
Resolved by the Common Council
of The City of Pendleton that It Is
expedient to Improve and It Is here
by proposed to improve Alta street In
The City of Pendleton from the East
line of Main Street, to the South line
of Court Street, with hard surface
pavement, curb and storm sewers, ac
cording to the plans and specifica
tions therefor prepared by the City
Purveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 13th
day of July, 1911, such pavement to
he 56 feet wide from Main Street to
a point 63 feet East of the East line
of Cottonwood Street, 35 feet wide
from suh point 63 feet East of the
East line of Cottonwood Street to the
West lln-j of College street; 4 8 feet
wide from the West line of Collego
.-'treet to the East line of Vincent St.;
and 35 feet wide from the West line
of Vincent Street to the South line of
Court Street, except upon Intersec
tions whore pavement is to be carried
out to the property line, as shown
by such plans and specifications; and
be it further
Resolved that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such im
provement, as prepared by the City
.-urveyor and filed with the Recorder
ot The City of Pendleton on the 13th
day of July, 1911, be and they are
hereby approved; and be it further
Resolved that the cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land to be benefitted
by such improvement, and the own
ers of such lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land so specially benefitted
by such Improvement shall be liable
for the payment of the costs thereof;
and be It further
Resolved that an assessment dist
rict is hereby created, to be known
as Assessment District No. 2, embrac
ing the property to bo assessed for
the payment of such improvement,
which assessment district shall In
clude all lots, parts of lots and par
cels of land lying and being within
the district bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt:
Commencing nt a point on the East
line of Main street, which point is
155 feet South of the South line of
Court Slreet in The City of Pendleton;
thence running N. 23 degrees 36 min
utes E. parallel with the East line
of Court Street and nt a distance of
155 feet therefrom, to the East line
of College Street; thence following
said course Easterly to intersect the
South line of Court Street; thence
following said line along the same
course Easterly to intersect tho South
line of Court Street; thence Easterly
along tho South line of Court Street
to the West line of- Market Street;
thence Southerly along tho West line
of Market Street to a point 175 feet
South of the South line ot Alta
Street; thence Westerly and parellel
to the South line of Alta Street and
at a distance of 175 feet therefrom
to tho East line of Main Street; thence
Northerly nlong the East lino of Main
Street to the point of beginning; and
bo it further
Resolved, that a copy of this reso
lution, together with the notice that
the Mtrveyors estimate of the pro
portion of the cost of said work be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land, is on file in the
office of the City Recorder, be pub
lished for a period of ten days in the
East Oregonian, which newspaper Is
hereby designated by the Council for
the publication thereof.
And notice Is further given that the
Surveyor's estimate of the proportion
of the cost of said work bo charged
ag-ilnst each lot. part of lot and par
cel of land within the assessment dis
trict In said resolution described. Is
on file In the office of the City Re
corder. Dated rcndloton, Oregon, Julv 14,
Acting Recorder.
Of Proposed Improvement on Court
Street In the City of Pendleton.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common
Council, held on July 13, 1911, the
Common Council of The City of Pen
dleton did adopt the following reso
lution: Whereas, the City Surveyor did on
the 13th day of July, 1911, under the
direction of the Common Council, file
plans and specifications for an ap
propriate Improvement of Court
.Street In The City of Pendleton, from
the West line of Main Street to the
West line of Ash Street, together with
estimates of the work to be done and
the probable cost thereof, with a
statement of the lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land to be benefitted by
such Improvement, and the percent
age of the total cost of Improvement
which each of such lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land should pay on ac
count of the benefits to be derived
from such proposed improvement;
Whereas, the Council has examined
such plans and specifications and
found the same satisfactory and the
estimates therefor to be In accordance
with tho probable cost of such work;
Whereas, the property recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to be Includ
ed within the boundaries of the dist
rict benefitted is, in the Judgment of
the Common Council, properly to be
Included in such Improvement dist
rict, and no property Is excluded
therefrom which should be properly
Included therein; and
Whereas, the improvement of the
hereinbefore described portion of
Court Street with hard surface pave
ment, curb and storm sewers Is at
this time necessary, therefore, be It
Resolved, by the Common Council
of The City of Pendleton that It Is
expedient to Improve and it is hereby
proposed to Improve Court Street in
the City of Pendleton from the West
line of Main Street to the West line
of Asti Street with hard surface pave
ment, curb and storm sewers, accord
ing to the plans and specifications
therefore, prepared by the City Sur
veyor and filed with the Recorder of
The City of Pendleton on the 13th
day of July, 1911, such pavement to
bo 40 feet wide from the West line of
Main Street to the East line of Gar
den Street and 34 feet wide from the
West line of Garden Street to the
West line of Ash Street, except upon
Intersections, where pavement is to
be carried out to the property line,
as shown by such plans and specifi
cations; and be It further
Resolved, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such Im
provement, as prepared, by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 13th
day of July, 1911. be and the same
are hereby approved; and be it fur
ther Resolved, that the cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land to be benefitted by
such improvement, and the owners
of such lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land so specially benefitted by
such improvement shall be liable for
the payment of the costs thereof; and
be it further
Resolved, that an assessment dist
rict is hereby created to be known as
Assessment District No. 1, embracing
the property to be assessed for the
payment of such improvement, which
assessment district shall Include all
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land
lying and being within the district
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Commencing nt the Northwest cor
ner of Block 3 in the original Town
of Pendleton; thence running South
erly 175 feet to a point on .the East
line of Lot 4 in said Block 3; thenco
running South 23 degrees 36 minutes
West through the center of the said
Block 3 and through the centers of
Blocks, 17, IS, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
25, and 26 in Arnold & Raley's ad
dition, and continuing on said course
to a point 100 feet West of the West
line of Ash Street in The City of Pen
dleton; thence at right angles norther
ly across Court Street 410 feet to a
point 175 feet North of the North line
of Court Street in The City of Pen
dleton; thence at right angles East
erly and parallel with the North line
of Court Street S30 feet to the center
of Lot 3, Block 27, in Arnold & Raley's
Addition to the Town of Pendleton, to
the too of tho levee; thence follow
ing the toe of the levee North S3 de
grees 45 minutes East S3. SO feet;
thence North 70 degrees 4S minutes
East 2CL.T7 feet; thence North 73
degrees East 261.72 feet; thence
North 70 degrees 47 mln. East 521.54
feet; thence North 66 degrees 24 mln.
East 260 fo.et; thence North 57 de
grees 39 mil. East 262. 6S feet; thence
North 43 degrees 47 mln. East 195
feet to a point on the West line ot
Lot 1. Block 34, said Arnold & Ral
ey's Addition to the Town of Pendle
ton, which point is Northerly 175 feet
from the North line of Court Street;
thence North 23 degrees 36 mln. East
parallel with said North line of Court
Street 340 feet to tho center of Gar
den Streot; thence Southerly down
the centar of Garden Street twenty-
five (25) feet to a point 160 feet
North of the North line of Court
Street; thence Easterly through the
center of Rlock 1 in the original Town
of Pendleton 230 feet to the West line
of Main Street thence Southerly al
ong the West lino of Main Street to
the point of beginning; and be it fur
ther Resolved, that a copy of this reso
lution, together with notice that tho
Surveyor's estimate of tho proportion
of the cost of said work bo charged
against each lot, pnrt of lot and par
cel of land is on file in tho office of
the City Recorder, be published for
a period of ten days in the East Ore
gonian. which newspaper s hereby
designated by the Council for the pub
lication thereof.
And notice is hereby given that the
Surveyor's estimate of the proportion
of the cost of said work be charged
against each lot, part of lot and parcel
of land within the assessment district
In said resolution described, is on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
Dated Pendleton, Oregon, July 14.
Acting Recorder.
WANTED SALESMAN for exclusive
territory. Big opportunities. No
experience necessary. Complete line
Takima Valley grown fruit, shad
and ornamental stock. Cash week
ly. Outfit free. Toppenish Nurs
ery Company, Toppenish, Wash.
WANTED Lace curtains to laundry.
Work done with especial care.
Phone Red 2521.
you want to subscribe to magazines
or newspapers in the United States
or Europe, remit by postal note,
check, or send to the EAST ORE
GONIAN the net publisher's price
of the publication you desire, and
we will have It sent you. It will
save you both trouble and risk. If
you are a subscriber to the EAST
OREGONIAN, in remitting you can
deductc ten per cent from the pub
lisher's price. Address EAST
ton, Ore.
reliable abstracts of title to al
lands In Umatilla county. Loans ot
city and farm property. Buys and
sells all kinds of real estate. Doe
a general brokerage business. Pay
taxes and makes Investments for non
residents. Write fire, life and acci
dent insurance. References, am
bank in Pendleton.
C. H. MARSH, Sea.
estate, fire, life and accident insur
ance agents. New location, 815 Mali
street Phone Main 404.
street, Carney & Bradley, Prop
Livery, feed and sale stable. Good
rigs at all times. Cab line In connec
tion. 'Phone main 70.
wedding announcements, embossed
private and business sationery, etc
Very latest styles. Call at East Ore
gonian office and see samples.
work. It's clean, reliable and con
venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran
teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water and
Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffe
Percolators, etc. A complete stock ol
Gas and Electric fixtures. First-clas
wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughac
Main street, next to postoffice.
scrlption for county court, circul'
court. Justice court, real estate, etc.
for sale at East Or.egonlan office.
lors Hairdressing, shampooing,
scalp treatment. massaging and
French packs. Combings made p.
Dyeing and bleaching. Manicuring
and hand moulding. Phone Black
2692. Rooms 6-7, Jno, Schmldl
block, Pendleton, Oregon.
A. F. and A. M. meets th
first and third Mondays o-
each month. All visiting brethrei
are invited.
K. of P., meets every Mon
day evening In I. O. O. F
hall. Visiting brothers cor
dially invited to attend
D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher
K. R. S.
O.-W. P.. & N.
Westbound Oregon division
Portland local, leave... 9:03 a.m.
Ore. and Wash. Express. 4 35 a. m
Portland Limited 12:15 p. m
Fast Mail 11:45 p. m
Motor 5:30 p. m
Pilot Rock M.xed S:15 a. m
Eastbound Oregon division
Fast Mail 1.60 a. m
Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:15 a. m
Chicago Limited 5:15 p. m
Motor 10:45 a. nv
Portland Local, arrive. . . 4:55 p m.
Pilot Rock Mixed 4:15 p. m
Washington Div. Leaving Pendleton
Walla Walla Loca. ... 2:00p.m.
Pendleton Passenger ... 7:00 a. m
Spokane Looal 7:00 p.m.
Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton
rendleton local 5:50 a.m.
Walla Walla local 9:00 a. m
Pendleton Passenger ... 6:00 p m
Leaving rcndloton
Passenger 1:30 p. m
Mixed train 7:30 a. m
Arriving Pendleton
Passenger 10 00 a. m
Mixed train 7:30 a.m.
y tBSSifsou
tfMi ' r-.vV; v.tj 1.-4 iVf A 1
Ads. f
WANTED ( Continued )
East Court street, to get your
switches and all kinds of hair
goods, the best and only natural
human hair ever sold in Pendleton.
Bring your combings and have
them ,nade up. Everything
strictly guaranteed. Phone Red 3752.
LEGAL. BLANKS of every descrip
tion for county court, circuit court.
Justice court, real estate, etc., foi
Sale at East Oregonian office.
FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms In East Oregonian build
ing. Steam heat, gas range In
kitchen, electric lights, hot and
cold water and bath. Recently
renovated. Enquire at E. O. office.
pathic physician and surgeon. Of
fice Judd block. Telephone: Office,
black 3411; residence, red 2633.
nlc and nervous diseases, and dis
eases of women. X-ray and Electro
theraputlcs. Judd building, corner
Main and Court streets. Office 'phone
Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 654.
Main street, next to Commercial
Association rooms. Office 'phone.
Black 3421; residence 'phone, Black
Office In Judd building. . Phone,
Main 73.
Stock Inspector. Office at Koep
pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 415.
Residence, 915 .East Conrt street.
Res. Phone Main 59.
ate of McKillip Veterinary College
of Chicago. Office phone Main 20.
Res. 516 Bush St., phone Main 27.
law. Office in American National
Bank Building.
law. Office in Despain building.
Office ir Despain building.
at law. Office in rear of Ameri
can National Bank Building.
law. Office over Taylor Hardware
and counsellors at law. Office in
Despain building.
at law, estates settled, wills, deeds,
mortgages and contracts drawn. Col
lections made. Room 17, Schmidt
neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith
Crawford buildmg.
at law. Office in Smith-Crawford
at law. Office In Judd building.
at law. Will practice in all state
and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3,
and 4, over Tavlor Hardware Co.
neys at law. Office in Despain
- - . - - -- .j
Builder. Estimates furnished on all
kinds of masonry, cement walks,
stone walks, etc. Phone black 378S,
or Oregonian office.
i i
rector and licensed embalmer.
Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor.
Two funeral cars. Calls responded to
day or night. 'Phone main 76.
Austloneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref
erence First National Bank of Athena
and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm
sales a specialty.
and second hand goods. Cash paid
for all second-hand goods bought.
Cht-ap. st place In Pendleton to buy
household goods. Call and get his
prices. 210 E. Court street. Phone
Black 3171.
and chop suey. Ung D Goey. prop.
At the old stand, Aita street In rear
of Tallman ft Co.
East Oregonian by carrier, 6(0 par