r;v root OA1LY EAST OWGOXU5, PEYDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1911. EIGHT rAGM AX IM'lU'KNUKXr NEtt STAPEsI Kiiy nn,i S..i-ftwlly at len Oregon, by the uuxux ituusuixij ca i AST i: slTM'KjrTION H.ITES. Illy, year. t.y mail .' l:y. .x ui-t,tu. by unit . an. n...uitis. l-y luail . i.y. oie ai"i.;ii, fcy aiaii i l!y, t tie jti.r, Ly iarrier 'ally, s.x !itii.;!is. by cat rier 1 l:y, ti.rev ui tr.lis." Iiy carrier.... . al.y. i-Le ai by carrier aiI- k.y, oue y.'ar. by mall.... eml-Weekly, mi tu 'uilis. by mall... nai-V evkiy, tour clonics, by mall.. Tit pnily i'-ast Oxonian Is kept on t&la j t tat OMfoa News Co., 3:19 Morrison ! ,ti. loa.SDd. Oregon. Norihaest News Co. Tortland. Oreson. ! Cbiesiro liureau. ioi Security Building. W aainctin, D. C, Bureau. 501 Four .eenta ftreet, X. W. Member I'nlted Press Association. Entered at the poatoffir at Pendleton, reioa. as second class mail matter. telephone Main 1 ' Official City and County raper. T!IK EARTH 3IOT1IKR . ' ! , I The vise old Mother lets man risy a while Ewn as a child with toys about the earth. Ere she shall welcome baoii, with sweet, slow smile. The foolish one to whom her throes gave birth. Tug at his tether n V,nows, he may, he Ieep in his heart, that she is j always by; He feels her presence under- . r.eath the snows, And in the rain of autumn hears her sigh. The more he strays, the longer battles grim With foes or friends, play ing man's shifting role. The surlier doth there slow up rise in hira The yearning to come back and ease his soul ' s To take her hands and look ! into her face And kiss her forehead, while he hears her say: "TVelcome. my dear, to the old wonted place, Welcome to love, and sleep and holiday." Richard Turton. A WHISPER IN THE WIND. John 3. Parsons, self styled organ i7er of the sugar trust holds rare views for this day and age. List-n to what he has had to say: "The S'.oiur politicians realize that their efforts to prevent combination oi capital from increasing prices on all commodities and that the 'dear public' is the only sufferer by their attempts, the better it w ill be for the country. I "Capitalization of corporations mi a oitsis yf actual physical valuation t , properties is a joke," continued Par sons. "The future must be capitaliz ed as must also opportunities. The goverr.m.;nt must keep its hands off." It is rot of the same variety that was handed out by fuedal lords to their Serfs in meda-val times. The un ltrlir.gs Were told to -.vork and not try to think or attempt anything for their own advancement. That should be K-ft to their masters. They knew what to do. In the days before the French I'-voluti m when peasants were starving to sustain a useless and corrupt nobility the people were told to eat grass if they could find noth ing better. But they dil not do it very long. If th-re were many men like Par aot: ai;l if there were any danger of their remaining in ControJ he country would be facing a serious situation. There would be danger of fiod knows what. Eut fortunately even the money k.:.gri X the country are not quite so radical as this. The most of them have more breadth of view than Parsor.s and more Americanism. That such is true is evidenced by the recen; utterances of President Gary of the steel trust that hope lies in governmental regulation. Th'-re is hope in governmental ac tion brought on by politicians of the progressive type and it is the ccur.try's only hope. Left to them selves individuals can no more cope with the trusts than with the ele mer.t?. Individuals are powerless In the gilp of the monopolies and as long as the government keeps its hands off the monopolies will run things to suit their own sweet pleas ure. It has always been that way. The Trench nobility did not establish the republic of France, The popu late did it by the force of might George the third did not give up the colord'.s until forced to do so. The trust magnate of this country will continue lo rule for thdr own ad vantaae Just aa long as the people al low th-m to. The saving feature of the situation 1-. this country is that the people heve illrect power over the govern ment if they but care to exercise It and exercise this power they will In due time. The voice of the people 1 in the ! By their j owr. I'i'.'orts the people are 1-ringiui; about reform after reform. Govern mental regulation of v-'rpor.uion h:i" already tt..r;.. J and it will be carried through to the end. Herniation ;it first will le almost farcical bat it liojird now and respected !iii.h pla.-es of the country. .3.iK) l will be made more and more effective . 1.25 I "nu- 'n tne end we uj'.l '-.ave a oun- ' 7 ' lr" ,,,at offers equal opp.-irtuni-.i. s to . 3 75 all and special rrivili-ees lo none. . 1.V5 . .65 1 I'ernoeracy is the law of God and '. t5 i 'l 1:w "s iik? I'rsons can no more . -50si;. i.s onward niareh th.nn pnnl.l ' ' K:r.$ Canute prevail against the .1, m n"-S - Hie tide. The public state- lr'c,,t -f Farsona is a w hisper in the wind nothing more and the only wonder is that he should attempt a thing so futile and so foo.ish. AS lo lM-KUVsUD lrATKS. It is a stock ;.rgu:iic-nt of those ho opixe r.iaki::.r t:i i..Mi-i,i jeciupany place its wires underground that the improvement will mean ex pense to the company and therefore a proportionate increase in local " i rates. "here is nothing to the charge for the reason that the rates are still too high even with the announced re duction and for the rtuson that the grounding ..f their wires in the busi ress section will increase the electric company's revenue from cluster lights. . - tJ-. 6 cnuu cosi ine eiec- itiio company $10,000 to ground its i wires in the business section. Th j company can secure money at five per cent and five per cent interest 'unon tinroi.i an..i.,nt. - wi,u , . ,. , . Uh cluster "shts installed at l"eS'j!ilf Intervals on Main and Court treets the electric companv wnnM easily secure interest on its increased investment from its charges for clus ter light?, if is getting more than that sum for the cluster lights now jin use and it is not earning the mon jey. The cluster lights are a farce and will be as long as the unsightly- poles remain. i mere is no simn.-i ransnn - rying over the danger of increased rates. There will be no need of an increase in rates. Should such an in crease be ordered as a matter of punishment we will be able to got redi-'-ss through the state public ser- jvic? commission v. hich will have the power to regulate the rate servioe of this corporation. and the lXKSTKiATE. Many wild stories are told renr'i- I fi- r.-ri.v-! . , (another country, march to the c:-pltal j the probable cost of paving on the", that ,ountr, climb its walls, enter; s..eeis b.aieci lor improvement this summer. Those wli ire circulating ! the remonstrances s,t over zealous j VU u'mPles- i, ,;., , i . . V hile the delegates were consid- 01 tUUPS r,I-J 8" k'lJ A'ering this question he asked: "What sure way to find out what a paving j th si uation when the country de nt s ss.T.ant will be is to go to the city i cl.irc-s war on another country and rf (-order and ascerti!- m f.nti th other country won't fight?" handed. It will not take long and property owners should do this befor signing i ri .non.-tranee. Investigate ! lirst. It wiil not take long. Under an ordinance the city bars any sort of an overhead sign save an illuminated one. The ordinance is for the purpose of keeping the streets looking we!!. Yet we allow the eb-ctiic company and the tele phone company to keep their scarred and weatherbeaten poi-s on the side walks. Why this discrimination? Are the electric corr.p-.tny and the telephone company better than our local merchants? The traveling men are good boost ers or good knockers according as the case may be. So it is a move in the right direction for the Commer cial club to plan a banquet in their honor this fall Entertain them and tell them what Pendleton is. what it hopes to be and enlist them in the cause. WHAT A HOY CAN DO. These are some of the things a boy can do; He can shout so loud the air turns blue; He can make all sounds of beast and bird, And a thousand more they never heard. He can crow or cackle, chirp or cluck Till he fools the rooster, hen or duck. He can mock the dog or Iamb or cow And the cat herself can't beat his "me-ow." He has sounds trat ar ruffled, strip ed or plain; He can thunder by like a railway train, Stop at the stations a breath, and then Apply the steam and be off again. He has all of his powers In such brass command, , He can turn right into a full band, With all of the instruments ever play ed, And march away as a street parade. You can t .11 that a boy is very ill If he's wide awake and is keeping still; But earth would be God blens their noise A dull old place if there were no boys. Xixon Waterman. WHAT IS W'AK? Members of the latest Hague peace tribunal ure wondering yet whether on of the delegates from China was C VATS OP 1 MA- SPND Mm? YOUR VACATION at tha OCEAN SHORC 3' uoiKs ri;oM l'oini.Axn SALT AIR. SEA unEEZKS, COOJU DAYS AND KEFKESH1NV, NIGHTS. First-class Hotels open oil year at Gearhart and Sea side. Delightful trip to the mouth of the Co lumbia River through historic Astoria. B7 Ml 13.15 lroiWD "rickets Sold Daily by Ascnt of TH1I Nor. lnc. or O.-W. U. Ji S. Co. Return Limit October 31st. Illustrated folder and hotel directory will be sent on request. V. E. COMAX VI. Ft. and 1'ass. Agt. ft P. & g. Ry. Pc'lTLAND, ORE. mm .U' Orpheam Theatre J. 1. MEDKllXACU. lVoprielor. HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and CliilrJren SEE PROGRAM IX TODAY'S PAPER. I'roirruin Clinnires on Sunday s Tuesilay s and Friday's. Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these rjracts. HILL & HIB3ERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOOR.HOUSE CO. having fun with them or really want ed to Know when he asked these .urs tions: "I have listened to your discussion a? to what constitutes a state of war. Will you learned gentlemen kindly tell me whether you consider a state f war exists when the armies of sev- eral tri-lsn countries ar landed in all its sacred places, and not onlv kill its inhabitants but loot its palaces (Jl'F.F.K MORALITY. Fpton Sinclair, in a lecture !n Now 1 or c n.lcmnoil .ndus'iial or busi- n-'-s morality. "It is all wrong." he said "but every on.- thirks it is. all right It reminds me of Tin Can. "Onev in a Tin Can poker gam" a t-r. derloot -aw a player give himself four acts from the bottom of the pa'k. The tenderfoot flushed with in- i dignation. He turned to a Tin Can native and whispered: " 'Did you see that ' " 'See what ?' "'Why. ton hound dealt himself four aces!" " 'Wal.' said the native, in a sur pris d tone, 'wasn't It his deal ' " Far From It. "Where am I?" the invalid ex clirimed. waking'from the long deliri um of fever and feeling the comfort that loving hands had supplied. "Where am I in heaven?" ' dear." cooed his wife; "I nm still with you. The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. H leads and the people appreciate it an. 'how It by their liberal patronage. S20 Spokane Route GO EAST THRU Koofenav and Arrow Lake: and Canadian Rockies The most beautiful and mag nificent scenery in the world. Splendid train service. Luxu rious hotels and chaleU and nu merous natural attractions. The playground of America. VEKY LOW RATES EAST LIBERAL STOP-OVERS LONG LIMITS For further Information and Il lustrated folder write M. E. MALONE, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, O. A. 14 Wall SL, Spokane. Pscifsc i fS ETACir A Difference. "Von nhucrvp fnm n r- rA tkn l.n.t who was showing his distineuisbed foreign visitors around New port, "that r, .-. ... I .- j . . ... . . e .iioeiiiuus orvo'o otirm. v. to pleasure regardless of expense." "I'd hardly put it that way." re toned the witty foreigner. "Rather you devot.. yourselves to exnense re y.trdVss of pleasure." - Tonws liiicninw skftch. Joseph I.. Prlstow, I'nited States senator from Kansas, was born in old Kentucky fifty years ago today. He' first became known as fourth assist- ' ant postmaster general of the United j States. He cleaned out the Augean ' stables of the Cuban postal depart- j inert and reorganized the system. For the past few weeks Mr. Rrlstow i has beer. v ry much in the public' ye because of the stand he has ta-! ken, with United States Senator Lor-! liner, ag.'inst Canadian reciprocity. He is a graduate of Baker University, Paldwip. Kan.-i., and noted as a news- paper editor. I Cass Matlock, Prop. UKST PICT UK KS - .MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES ami illustrated ourrs in the city. MMSBSiaSMMaMSaWaaa Shows afternoon and evc 11111. Refined and en tertainimf for the entire family. . Xext to French Restaurant 1 Entire change three times each week. Re sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, Tie. Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the AUTO CAB: Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 614 Main St. 11 " i i, u mi ie AKERS' Draper Patent NO MORE SPLIT DRAPER STICKS. .kers' Talent Clamp la made of steel expressly for the purpose. They hold the stick stick firmly as if in a vise, without the use of rivets. Nothing but the. very best of material used In the drapers. Not an experiment, but a perfected devico that has been in use for years and has given absolute satisfaction. WE (.VARAXTEE THIS DRAPER CLAMP and are right on the ground to back up every sale. Mudo and for sale by the PENDLETON IRON WORKS I THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. PENDLETON. ORE. Fari)ily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 PENDLETON'S POrULAK PICTUKE PARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can -enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort FUN, PATHOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Chances Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri. Next Door lo St. George llntd. A J mission 3 cud 10 1 4 ji. z' The Pendleton Drug Co. is in business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WIIEX YOU ILYVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT Pl'IlE MEDICINES St. GEO. DARVEAT, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Oentle mens Resort. Meuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. THE UNIQUE TURKISH VESICAL BATHS The Placo Whero You GoxnI Italli and Rob Got a Down. BATHS - 25c and 50c OPEN DAY AND NIGUT. 124 W. COURT ST. Hotel George Bar Clamp 7 1 1 Main Street OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FIUSr- l,:s SERVICE The Quelle Cafe andOyst,er House rbals 25c and lip- Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., fll!0 MAIN STREET Liquors You'll Like 0 because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goos In our establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carofully mellowed by age. pure ly d'stllled, and Is fully guaran teed by us. The same way with our Port. Sherry, Claret. Rhine and Moselle Wines and every article we hnndlo. You get more than your money's worth in quantity and quality. TheOlympiaBar Phono Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phono Main 177. PETERS A MORRISON, Props.