East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Carefully Filled Here
With Ease and
Store Remains Open Sat
urday Eve. Until 9:30
you are going Swimming to
morrow prepare to have a good
time by buying a new bathing
suit. We have an excellent stock g
of the famous one piece bathing
suits, only two buttons to fasten
the handiest and best, wool and
cotton, a good uariety of colors
$1.50 to $4.00
Our entire stock of men's $1.50 golf shirts are on sale
this evening, the latest patterns ;md best materials procur
able. Choice 95
MATCH, for both 23?
Made of finest Sousette, white and cream, new high col
lar and French cuffs. Verv dressv and serviceable
each '. 1 $1.50 and $2.00
The best fitting, swrllet lokin pants made. Designed
esKfially to lx worn without suspenders, tan and srav
P'ir S?6.50
Made by Hart, Scliaffncr Mar..
UiN season's newest shapes. Extra fine even weave, hats
that will Miti-tlv irivc satisfaction.
SG.50 (Quality, after Mipjer 94.90
97.50 Quality, after supper S5.35
This is a bargain y.u simply can not afford to let pas-, bv.
Bench ma ie. be-t inalitv 1 arliers. military heel.
An excellent program for Sunday'
1. "Harriers turned Away." Vit
usiaph. A st.rvn.tt Omnia that teaches
the mora!: We .-should be Mow to un
pi r nr.il qui.-k. to aoknow It'll;.-!- our
faults. It .shows how a fire burned
away the difficulty which had arisen
bt twoen two brothers and their fam
ilies. ". "The Out. risis.-1 Vitasruph
comedy. When the fat comedians of
the ViUuraph get in them they are
lull of laughs.
3. "Tartarin s Life." Pathe. This
! i-s a story of the opera "II Pasllaccl."
jaiul tells of a band of traveling uc
j tors, the wife of one of whom loves
ja young man. The piece is beauti
j fully reproduced and the acting is
! unusually sympathetic. The entire
film is executed with the utmost skill.
I 4. "Volendam. Holland." Pathe.
Being a most interesting film of the
quaint German village.
5. "The Indian's Sacrifice," Lu
bin. Elk. son of an Indian medicine
man, took a college course and came
back to his tribe, civilized." He
found they would have nothing to do
with him. "Dove Kye." daughter of
the chief, a'.on- showed deep love
for him but he didn't love the maiden.
He secured work on a ranch where
he fell In love with the owner's dau
ghter keeping his love secret in hi
breast. The girl while out riding, was
lost In a great alkali desert. Klk
"The Question." Power. A Jewish
girl marries a Catholic and when a
child arrives a bitter discussion over
the baptism ensues as to which ser
vice shall be used. The priest and the
rabbi finally decide to leave the ques
tion to a higher power. In after years
the husband leaves his wife. The boy
throws a ball at a Jew peddler, felllnp;
him to the ground. His mother tells
the boy the old man Is his grand
father. A reconciliation Is finally
brought about. Finely colored.
A Contented Woman 1
i always found In the same l.ouse
with Ballard's Snow Liniment. It
keeps every member of the family
free from aches and pains, It heals
cuts, burns and scalds and cures
rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and
all muscular soreness and stiffness.
2bc, 50c and $1 00 a bottle. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Strong Healthy Women
If a woman it strontf and healthy in womanly way, moth
erhood meant to her but little iuflerin(. The trouble lies
in the fact that the many women Buffer from weakness and
disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted
lor motherhood. Thii can be remedied.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Cure the weaknesses and disorder ol women.
It act directly on the delicate and important
organ concerned in motherhood, making them
healthy, strong, vigorous, virile and elastic
'Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of the
period of expectancy and makes huby's advent easy and
-i . .:..!...., ir m.iekrns and vitalizes the feminine
HIIIIU91 i - - . ,
orfjans, and insure a healthy and robust baby, thousand
testified to its marvelous merits.
It Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Welh
Honest druggists do not offer substitute, and urge them upon you ju.t
as good. Accept no eoret nostrum in place of thu non-secret remedy. It
contain not a drop of alcohol ond not a grain of habit-forming or injunout
drugs. Is a pure glyoerio extract of healing, native Amcncun root.
of women have
saved her and in so doing ga
own life. Powerful love interest
! makes the plot a winner
6. "His Image in the Water." Kos
mik. A rich old farmer falls In love
with the daughter of a poor neigh
bor. He overwhelms the maiden with
presents. The mother is flattered and
promises him the hand of her dau
ghter who his already given her heart
to a young man. When the old man
learns of this affair he decides upon
swift revenge. His heart is touched
by the happiness of the lovers and
he decides not to only gl-e up his
idea of vengeance but to make the
couple a very substantial present.
This action is brought about by his
seeing. In a stream the reflection of
his own wrinkled face and white hair.
7. "Family Troubles." A clever
comedy built upon the idea that mar
ried people are more thoughtful of
strangers than of one another.
Through two family quarrels many
very laughable events come to pass.
Homer .Major's Adversary Chows
During; Scrap.
Baker, Ore. Otto Upton is in St. .
Elizabeth's hospital of this city with I
an ear nearly chewed off as the re- j
suit of an encounter with Homer Ma-
jor. Both men are employes of the
Oregon Lumber company, near Whit- j
ney. Upton who Is a young man of
years and has charge of a skid way
at the camp, ordered one of the team- j
sters to straighten a load of logs In '
the skids. Major took exception to
this and a fight resulted. Besides,
having his ear chewed off Upton has j
tw o black eyes nnd will be In the hos- j
pltal for some time. He has sworn .
rou new
U hisvtiv a complain charging Major with'
Letter Frum Former Weston Citizen,
Now in Philippine inlands, Recounts
Heat More Excessive Tliun In Oregon.
A Golden Wedding,
means that man and wife have lived
to a good old age and consequently
have kept healthy. The best way to
keep healthy is to see that your liver
does it's duty 365 days out of 365.
The only way to do this is to keep
Ballard's Herblne in the house and
take It whenever your liver gets In
active. 50c per bottle. A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
the building finished in time for the
fall term of school.
Miss Alma Harnett has been elect
ed to the position of primary teacher
in the lower school in Weston
George Furgeson, Jr.. was In town
today from Weston mountain.
J. H. Knglish of Weston, who left
several weeks ago to accept a gov
ernment position in the Phllliplne
has arrived In Manila ami wr'tes that
he likes Manila very much although
the heat is Intense.
The Pastime.
The house of quality,
of Interest for Sunday's
"The Primal Call."
Showing the compelling
A program
power of
love. A society mother, whose tred
itors are becoming insistent, and i
I wishing to k-ep up her ostentation,
!sees relief in her daughter m.irtyingi
ja low charactered millionaire. Hence'
Wallace, Idaho. Traveling abso
lutely alone, little Frank Sommers, 3
years old, was found on board the
east-bound Northern Pacific train as
it entered Saltese, Mont. He was
unable to tell who his parents were
or where he was from. It was some
hours later when the Saltest agent
located nls father, Phillip Sommers,
In Mullan, Idaho. The child was re
turned tojils parents on the evening
train. No one noticed the child board
the train, the conductor's suspicions
not beinj aroused until the train was
many miles beyond the Idaho town.
He searched the cars for the parents
when he was unable to get any in
formation from the contented little
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore., July 22. Miss Vel-
ma Gerklng of Weston, was taken
to the hospital at Walla Walla Frl
day. It is thought that she hus ty
phold fever.
Miss Mary Durr who has been vis
itlng friends on Reed and Hawley
mountain has returned home.
Miss Gertrude Wheeler who has
been In the hospital at Walla Walla
for several weeks has returned to
her home in We.ston.
Misses Doris and Mamie Barnes
hove gone to camp McPougall where
they will spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John McRae and
children will leave Sunday morning
for Cold Spring where they will camp
for the remainder of the summer.
Mrs. Lillie Miller of Athena was in
Weston Thursday on a business visit.
Mrs. Cora Simpson and daughters
expect to leave In a few days for
Cold Spring to camp for a few weeks.
Mrs. Lloyd of Kennewick, Is visit
ing her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. S. V.
J. H. Ridenour spent a few days
In Weston this week. Mr. Ridcnour
has bgi en shearing sheep in Jinn-1
tana. He will return to Portland In
a few days.
Mrs. James Campbell Is 111 at her
home on Water street.
i she persuadi-
AH straw
to S3. 50 except eravenett- will 20 for
The, Peoples Warehouse
save vori rori'oxs.
corps s:ty only eight caves of typhoid
exist In the city, and but one death
has occurred from the disease in July.
Ellen-bur Slaughter Hon' liiim.
Eliensburg. Wart. Fire totally d
stroye.i the slaughter house of tho
Eiltnsburj Meat company on South
Va:-r strei-t. The buiidins was fully
covered hy Insurance. X animals
Steamer Krrand liny Hums.
B'Tinvrs F-rry Idaho. The j-team-r
Krrand Boy and a iargi; barge load
ed v.ith hay caught fire and burned.
A ! '?s of t'ih'i'i was Hui-tained by Cap
tain D. Fry. the owner. No Insur
ance was carried.
Nab Him for Stealing Tub.
Lewiston, Idaho. Alfred Bril'-y was
arreted by Chief of Police Masters,
charger with stealing a bath tub and
f;ttir.;rs from n. vacant h'tj near the
Tenifle theat?r, ownerl l,y the Kvt
ter.lach interests.
Ioad Drmt us Teuin In Kootenai.
Bonnets Ferry. Idaho. C J. Skuu
rou l lost a fine team by drowning in
the Kootenai river, when he was haul
ing hay from a barge. The ropes
Kave way and his 'earn, wagon and
load went over the bank to the bottom.
Rcorts Oregon Forest Fire.
La Grande, Ore. A report w-as
brought to La Grande by Mr. Bartmas,
whose brother, George Bartmas, owns
a homestead nine mils south of La
Grande, that a forest fire is raging in
the forest reserve in the region of Elk
he:- daughter '
cept his proposal aruiny tha
must have'money The girl goes to
jthe seashore to rest before the wed
i ding, and there meets the mate of
;a tramp schooner anchored in the
j bay. This man appeals to her as be
j in;,' so lifferent from others a pri
I nial- type of man. She indulges in
I that dangerous pastime of flirting
jwith this sincere fellow and it is only
! when her fiance visits her that the
j teaman realizes he has been made
tne dupe, aod attempts to carry the
girl off by force.
"Higgin.ses and Judsons." Lubin.
This is a delightful comedy with a
Kentucky feud for its setting. The
old men Judson and Higgens, empty
their revolvers into a l.ir eloud of
smoke in a most bantam like spirit,
but young Judson bad taken the
bullets out of his dad's cartridges and i
young Hlggens hail done the same for
j hi.s dad, so no harm was done. Each
ur the young ni"n loved the other's
I Sister. It is W..I1 nnfi.,1 ,-IO, -VTUo
Lawrence as sis Higgins and Mr.
Johnson as your.g Juddy.
"His Misjudginent." Edison. In
many ways this Is a beautiful picture.
It affords an excellent chance for
the players to picture human emo
tions, and they utilize it with much
"The Cattle Rustlers," American
Pathe. A western picture different
from others of this character. A
love story is Included., and the picture
if full of lif,. and animation.
Always a bi- s'iow
traveler. After convincing himself
lU. v-fiu ,,T..n. I, a ritif him
. L. 1U I. UK" lll"U H.-t .-- ......
t1' . Into the rare of the nnlilliiinv's ncent.
The child had hardly been missed by
his mother when a message from Sal
tese told of his whereabouts
I Read the East Oregonlan. &
I- -I
trim m wsssiSia w
Seeks Divorce.
Frer-water. Ore. Mrs.. Nellie Hop
kins of this city has filed a suit for
divoree against W. W. Hopkins on
grounds that he was convicted of for
gery !n Whitman county May 14,
1010. They were married May 3,
1910, and have one child 18 months
oid, of whom she asks the custody.
Danger In Inland Phono.
Oaksdale, , Wash. That the tele
phone system in the electric depot,
which killed Operator Guyton by elec
trocution Saturday, has long- been In
a dangerous condition is the testi
mony of several Oaksdale citizens
who had receiver severe shocks while
trying to use this telephone.
Wiihoit SpriUigs
Two Wwhs tV2G 3ittor
Jhan Six at tho Sea Shvro
Wiihoit Pjirirps Watr is a wonderful
tonio and curative aeut. Living- in the
open among tho lir trees and drinking
the spring water builds t:p tines entire
system both physical and mental,
ile'ipvep stomirh trouble anil etitir cim plaints ia
piirk time, t.iuiets ttie nervuiirf iv.-,tei. Your
r ii'ii-ii nf Hotrl, CnttjicPB or Ti'ii'u. Hutitiittg,
'i.Linc and tnimpins; tl.ronnh tl wrort. Aube
ni'iniln leaves KIN-trii! Hot!. Orrgnn l.'ltr. every
day tit 2 p. id. Pli-iiannt 2u mile trip Jail np
long distance "Wilhntt" arid make rLarrvations.
The highest point of woman 's hap
piness is readied only through moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child
within her arms. Ye t the mother-to-be
is often fearful of nature's ordeal
and shrinks from the suffering inci
dent to its consummation. But for
nature's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, und iu Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
great value to every expectant mother.
It is an oily emulsion for external
application, composed of ingredients
which act with beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
system Involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the suffer
ing through which the mother usually
passes. The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother In the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
it brings aliout after baby comes.
Mother's Friend
is for sale at
drug stores.
Write for our
free book for
i m i.-hi.,rih ,.r w..ut.,n km i,..,n pxnertnntnioln-
i-iv.-n the contract for the new s-hool ers which contains much valuable
house in the 1-a Mar district north-j information, and many suggestions
west of Weston. The building will of a helpful nature,
cost about $15011. It is hoped to have j BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Adtmta, Cm.
Lehman Hot Springs
the Pines of tha Blue Mountains
inedirnl biitlia; lanje swimnnntr, pool; new dance hall.
(lnneinc; laily; bowling alley; fin? hunting rind fishing and
ideal camping grounds.
Loaves IVndloton Auto Co.
TiH'Mlav, Thursday and Sat
urday of rach week.
Round-Trip Fare $8.00
Connects with trains at Pilot
Kock, on Monday, Wednes
day and Friday of each week.
Round-Trip Fare $5,00
"or mail Inquiry to Wllholi
Wiihoit, Or."
Ialx I,o-cs I'oot In Montana.
JYm Uf::-h, Mont Edward Davis,
si.i enKait-d as hostler helper, foil
und. r the wh'e'g of a moving- enifine
;-.t rut J'an, which .cru-hed all of his
toes. Thfe were amputated, but it
wan later found nec-sary for the foot
to betaken off at the Instep, leavin?
only the heel.
Knock Out Typhoid at Yakima.
North Yakima, Wash. As a result
of the active campaign carried on by
the county and city through the health
departments. County and City Health
Officers Tetreau, and Dr. L. L. Luma
den of the United States hoipltal
liodlnus Xahlied With Star.
Waila Walla, Wash Flashing a
star and telling the women and girls
'if the Mie. Hour, a resort, that he was
a United States marshal. J. II. liodin
us of I'ine City, Whitman county, had
his fun nipped In the: bud and after
spending the night In Jail wan fined
$10 in poliee court and reprimanded
for impersonating an officer.
' Girl's Nose liroken.
Pullman, Wash. A painful acci
dent occurred between Pullman and
Wa.v.TA-ai when a team of horses at
tached to a bug?y containing Jaspar
I.n Follette, son of Congressman La
Fo'iiette, and Miss Editi Lnrgent of
Pullman, a member of tho Washing
ton state college graduat'ng class oi
1911. ran away and threw the occu
pants out Into the road. MIhh Lar-
gent sustained a broken nose.
Read the want tUU.
The Cosy.
A program abounding in dramatic
strength and full of stirring situations
that thrill and delight for Friday and
"The Chihi of the Kancho." p.ison.
(Dell Tilancctt and wife appear in this
picture. They v lll he seen at this
year's Hound-Up In Pendleton.) At j
appalling speed a horse gallops madly
along, while on its back clings a
frightened child of 12 screaming for
held A cowboy appears and lushes
to the rescue, plying spurs and quirt.
His noble steed responds to the call
and one watches the wild race with
breathless Interest. The cowboy gains
on the run-a-way; now h" Is along
side and without slackening h!a kill
ing pace jeans far ovi r and grasps
the child. This is ene sotil-stirr'ng
Rcene .hown In this great western
film. Some cowb"y games are also
shown, making this a feature West
ern. Finely colored
"f-'unbonnet Sue." Yankee.
beautifully colored film telling In a
dollfrhtful manner a p'.ory of "Old
Kentucky.'" Sue owns some wild
mountain land 'Ahiej, i wanted, by the
'f "I trust ;h it contains valuable Iron
ere. A graphic story of tho greed
of a great corporation in trying to
gain pos-eoc-ion of her land and the
methods they used, only to be beaten
in the end. A prrtly love Ftory Is In
terwoven. Auntie and her corn-col)
pipe will amuse you.
"Pack to the Soli." a country boy
goes to the city to itudy nrt nnd after
a year his money la gone and ho finds
himself In trouble Hi sweetheart
goes to the city and unknown to him
buys his worthless pictures so he can
pay his debts. Tho boy decides to go
home and the manner of his arrival
and his welcome makes a happy end
ing to a story of great human Inter
est. Finely colored.
Every Woman
u interested ana should know
about the wonderful
I MARVEL Whirling Spmw
The new Vaginal Syrtnga.
Bestmost convenient. It
cleanses instantly.
Ask your druggist for It.
If he cannot iuodIv thX
MARVEL, accept no othet7
but tend stamp for Illustrated
booksealed. It elves full particu
lars ani directions Invaluahleto ladles.
Ms8U CO.. 44Ejst23d Ureal. Ilea fork"
Spfcinl trips mnv bo nrrnriiiod with either stape line.
IJoard, by the day $1.50; by the week $0.00.
Store at springs, carrying full line of groceries, bathing
suits and everything needed.
Join the Jolly Crowds at Lehman
Frank L. McNeil, Proprietor
I.V I'Of.M).
Thi.. following described animals
have been taken up by the marshal
of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt:
One bay mare weighing 900 pounds,
branded 10 on left shoulder, roached
One gray horse weighing about
1000 pounds, branded N on left
shoulder, roached mane. !
If said animals aro not claimed
by the owners or those entitled to the
possession of them, costs and cx- ,
penses against them paid and they
taken away within ten days from the
date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. ;
of the 26th day of July, 1911. the',
s.ild animals will bo sold to the high
est bidder, at public auction, for
cash, at the City Pound, In the Ore- j
gon Feed Yard, In said City of Pen-!
dletnn, the proceeds of such sale to
ho applied to the payment of such '
costs nnd expenses of making sale. j
Dated this 15th day of July, 1911. !
City Marshal. '
Pendleton Beer
Quality-quality first, last and all the
time-is the watchword in the produc
tion of City Brewery Beer
Notice Is hereby given, That the
Common Council of The City of Pen
dleton desires to purchase 40 tons of
Rock Spring coal, delivered In the
basement of the City Hall at Pendle
ton, Oregon. Sealed proposals for
furnlHhlng the same will be received
by the City Recorder up to and In
cluding five o'clock p. m. Julv 26, j
1911. JOHN HAILET, JR., '
Acting Recorder.
You do not find it lacking in that "life" so necessary to
give it the required zest.
You assist in providing eniploynu nt for homo labor, build
ing up your homo city and supporting institutions that place
money in circulation here, when yon buy homo products in
preference to those that are shipped in.
When you drink beer, insist, on Tity J',cer on draught at
tho following places:
W. J. Bogart, Prop.
Paul IJeinmelgarn, Prop.
Anton Kraft, Prop.
II. .T. Latourelle, Trop.
J. II. Taylor, Prop.