East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Fair, tonight; Sunday
fair and wanner.
. Calling cards, wad
ding stationery, om
rnerclal stationery and
tub printing to order
nt the East Oregonlan.
VOL. 24
Only Three Democrats Vote Against Passage, While Twenty
Three Republicans Record Their Disapproval.
Amendment to RinIiicc Duty
Attempt to Take Grain.
Simons ami CiiinnilnH
lixiKX'tetl to Make Kill u
WashingtoiM, July 22. Reciprocity
with Canada, President Taft's biggest
project, was assured today when the
senate parsed the measure in prac
. tic-ally the same form In which It
passed the house. The voto was 53
to 27.
The L'lFollette wool schedule was
voted down by a vote of 6 4 to 16.
The only Democrats voting against
reciprocity were, Itailey, Clarke and
Simmons. The Republicans voting
"No" were Borah, Bourne, Brlstow,
Burnham, ChipP, Clark, Cummins,
Crawford, Curtis, Dixon, Oronna. Iley
burn, Konyon, LuFoIlette, Llppett,
Lorlmer. McCumber, Nelson, Oliver,
Fage, Smith of Michigan, Smoot and
' President Taft will undoubtedly
sign the measure today and It will
become a law before he departs this
afternoon for Beverely.
The McCumbor amendment, pro
viding far a reduction of duties on
household articles was defeated as
was also Senator Nelson's amendment
placing duties on grain, butter, cheese
and livestock.
Amendments offered by Slmans and
Cummins, of Iowa, were voted down
Lisbon, viu Badajos, July 22.
Troops of provisional government are
being rushed to the northern fron
tier today where a force of Portuguese
Monarclsts are reported about to
invade the country. H Is reported
that the Spanish government Is se
cretly supporting the Monarchists.
London, July 22. The statement of
Chancellor Exchequer Lloyd George,
at the lord mayor's banquet lust night
Is pointed to n a sign today that
Ureat Britain Intends to stand firm
and resist any aggressions in Mor
rocco by (iernmny. The chancellor
said he- favored peace, "But not at
the price of sacrificing the great
place, mi l prestige that England has
won by centuries of heroUm. . Politi
cal and business circles are pessi
mistic over the outlook and predict
the long expected was Is near.
Bergen, Norway, July 22. The six
hundred American midshipmen from
Annapolis naval academy who have
been here for the last week had their
shore ieae tod iy and gave the Nor
wegians an exhibition of the Ameri
can national same of baseball. There
has been some criticism of the "mid
dies" here on thu part of the it other
Urundys, anil no Utile jealousy on the
part of the young men whose fickle
sweethearts have temporarily lost
their hearts to the gallant and dashing
embryo officers of Uncle Sum's navy.
The press and public generally, how
ever, praise the .visitors u sa fine, up
standing body of youngsters somewhat
given to innocent merriment, but with
every Indication of being us ready to
fight ail they have shown themselves
willing to enjoy a frolic.
The battleships on which the "mid
dies" are touring European waters,
including the Massachusetts, Iowa and
Indiana, have attracted much atten
tion and people have come from all
over Norway to inspect them. The
squadron leaves tomorrow for Gib
raltar, where they are due August 2,
to sail for homo six days later.
Texas Votes on Prohibition.
Austin, Tex., July 22. Reports
from all over Texas this morning in
dicate that a tremendous vote will be
cast on the question of statewide
prohibition, to be decided today ut
the polls. For the last fifty days the
entire state has been convulsed by
the campaign which has been ener
getically pushed by both sides.
Cent Mllo Bate,
Baltimore, July 22. In order to
compete with tho electric lines oper
ating In Its territory, the Cumberland
& Pennsylvania railroad will tomor
row cut Its passenger rate from three
c ills to one cent a mile.
; . cm-
on Household Articles, Dcfoutetl. as In Also
Butter, Cheese and Livestock From Free List
Projtose d Changes Arc Xol Adopt. (I Titft
l,nv Before Xl-Jit.
After Pummelling Kuril Oilier Into
Mush of Bruises, CuW, lOetc, Be
lize rents lay Fine of Tm Dollars
Each Defendant Dismissed.
The passing of the lie In the Athe
no court room yesterday afternooij oc
casioned a scene which was somewhat
at variance with the order and dignity
which usually marks the modern hall
of Justice. II. O. Worthington, the
postmaster, and defendant In the case
being tried, and young Forrest, one
of tho complaining witnesses, losing
their tempers In the passage of words,
resorted to methods employed .Ince
the days of their barbaric ancestors
and proceeded to pummel each other
with their clenched digets. H cost
them just ten dollars apiece for this
belligerent manifestation after Dep
uty District Attorney Pruitt and Con
stable Taylor succeeded in saving
them from each other.
Worthington, who is a respected
citizen of Athena, was charged with
stealing a pitchfork of hay from the
barn of Joe Forrest tho reservation
farmer, which larceny It was alleged
was committed . last April.
The case came up yesterday after
noon before Justice of the Peace B.
B. Itichards. Worthington was on the
stand and Deputy District Attorney
Pruitt was attempting to have him
Impeach himself.
lift asked him a question relative to
an alleged conversation between the
witness on the stand and young For
rest. Without replying, - Worthington
wheeled upon Forrest who was sit
ting nearby and declared with much
Ire, "If you said 1 told you that, you're
a liar." "You're another," promptly
retorted the farmer's son, and then
there was bloodshed.
Both men rushed at each other like
enraged bulls and the dull thud of
fit on head was heard frequently.
The crowd in the court room relished
the scene too much to interfere and
It fell to the lot of Pruitt and Taylor
to separate the battlers. This they
did only after long and labored ef
forts and when they did their own
hanrs and clothes were bespattered
with the gore of thp combatants.
Judge Klchards at the conclusion
of hostilities, fined each man ten dol
lars for contempt of court.
tin Mentally, the jury soon after re
tired and brought In a verdict of not
Los Angeles, July 22. Suffering
from nervous . prostration and part
ial paralysis of her lower limbs, Mrs.
Ortie McManigal, wife of the alleged
self confessed dynamiter was taken
today to the Pacific hospital for
According to Attorney Tyrell, who
has been Mrs. McManigal's body
guard since her arrival here, her con
dition is the direct result of the es
pionage system, kept on her by the
Burns detectives, who have followed
her every movement day and night.
Doctors who attended Mrs. Mc
Manigal today, said she Is suffering
from ft complete breakdown.
llelllgrreiiN Aro Fined.
Polk Smith and Click Humphrey
appeared In nJlee court yesterday
afternoon to answer to the charge of
disorderly conduct. Both pleaded
guilty and the former was fined five
dollar and the latter ten. Having no
money to pay. Humphrey is doing
time In the city bastile. It seems that
Humphrey had been beating an old
man, whereupon Smith objected and
pitted himself against the former. He
would have escaped without any fine
hod he not been drunk at the time
of the deed..
DANGER from miu;
Washington. July 22. Dis
patches received from the Inte
rior department from Juneau,
Alaska, today state -that fierce
forest fires are raging in the
vicinity of Haines, thirty miles
northwest of Juneau, and that
the town has probably been de
stroyed. A
New RoimI fop Yuneouver.
Vancouver, li. (.'., July 22. it was
announced by the commercial ai;ent .
for British Columbia today that the:,
Milwaukee railroad Is pinning an ex- kYoiXG
tension of its l'ne
tile near future.
to Vanvcouver in
Finds Third Mate.
New York, July 22. Ferdinand
Finney Karl, of "affinity" fame, has
found his third soul mate. The prtist
according to letters he Is said to have
rilten friends here, Is standing a
honeymoon in Germany with the
daughter of an architect of Working-'
ham, Berkshire, to whom he refers as i
iJore. "the sweetest and dearest of,
thenr all." Tho couple are planning
o trip around the world
Mrs Ida Dailin
T-IU All About It.
Chicago, July 22. There is a trag
edy in the heart of almost every beau
tiful woman.
A man tires of beauty as he does
of a pretty vest.
A plain woman has more strong
cards to play in the love game than
has a beautiful woman.
A man's 'wooing Is "fierce" while t
lasts, but he soon recovers and the
permanent "relief" which romes to
him i of the kind that 'passeth un
derstanding" Mrs. Ida Darling, one of America's
mo.-t beautiful women, after eighteen
years of married life which ended
with her divorce from James J. Darl
ing, tuus xpre sed her views on love
and matrimonyy:
"My advice to pretty girls is to
consider carefully the wooing of
sweethearts find r.tit ,-!-i,.t v,.... thv
sides beauty. Now and then blow a ;
cooling breath on their ardor Just to '
see what effect it has. It may save
you the sadness of w atching it cool I
after the wedding anil your waist wid- I
ens." '.
Boys Growing Trotiblestomc.
Considerable complaint is being
made by residents of the east end of
the city of the depredations of young
boys and the officers have admin
istered a few words of warning to
these youthful offenders, failure to
heed which will bring them into ju-
nuixi-iinn eoiiiiuiinis nun. iney raia
his garden frequently while numerous
other reports of petty offenses have
been made. i
Frging the loyal support and co
operation of every resident of the
city in meeting the problem of ac
commodating the thousands of vii-itors
who will be here for the ltound-1'p
this fall, Dan P. Smythe, president of
the Commercial association and chair
man of the Round-l'p accommodation
committee, today issues a statement
to the public. In It he telH uli.it is
...xpeetod ef the People, declaring con
fidently that if each one dots his part
re will be no difficulty in securing
sleeping places for the big crowd.
A large number of folding beds
have In en ordered by the Baker Fur
niture Co. and the Uound-Fp man
agement will assist in disposing of
these to private families and church
es at actual cost. Once these beds
are purchased Mr. Smythe and his
committee will see that they are fill-,
ed every night during the show with
respectable people. A Pst of tin
rooms will be taken immediately and
later during each day of the show
other canvasses will be made.
His Statement.
The following is Mr. SmytheV
statement to the public.
It is fully realized that one of the
big problems confronting the people
of Pendleton during the "Uound-Fp"
is that of accommodations for the
thousands of guests who will be here
probably two or three days before the
exhibition is scheduled to start and
who will remain until the last stunt
Is pulled off. We must meet this
problem squarely and honestly and
must successfully solve the accom
modation question.
The only possible way to do this is
for every person in the city of Pen
dleton to come to the front and take
an act'vo and leading part in earing
for our guests during "Kound-Fp"
week If all come to the front and
actively help; do what they reason
ably can in taking care of our
"Kound-Fp" visitors, we can provide
ample accommodations for all wb
may attend.
Plans Vndcr Way.
The officers and directors of the
"Uound-Fp" bave given the matter
of accommodations special attention.
1 . the recent fire which resulted, .
j " in the low of i;' verity lives, was ! '''' ' . i
i in all probability caused by ci- !
:,Five Million Dollars, Extracted ; J
Five Million Dollars Extracted
for Benifit ot Waring Fact-
ions ot Sugar
spreckles ix forms
rain Helmuts Il'iiit, Subsequent
Trace Final I'liloadinj; of Prop
erly Onto Sugar Combine for Ten
"miou Dollars Involve-, Seaiies.
NVw York, July 22. That the
.stockholders of the suar trust were
milked for $5,000, ODD tor the benefit
of Henry O. Haveimyer, Theo Have
meyer, John Seaiies and his father,
Claus Spreckies, was declared before
the house Hardwiek investigating
comaiittee today by Claus Spreckies,
Spreekles said the sugar trust and
his father's companies, especially the
Federal and Philadelphia Refining
companies, fought each other ruin
ously for years.
Then a truce was declared and the
property unloaded to the trust for
j i o.ooo.ooa.
.-q reckles said that Searles forced
him out of the Philadelphia property,
lie declared that Searles said: "The
on y way to make money is to keep
the production down to the limit and
force up the prices to the limit of
what you can get."
Itefoi-m Marriugt.' Service.
London, July 22. At a conference
of church dignitaries here today the
recently proposed reforms In the
wording of the marriage service of
the Church of England, frequently ob
jected to as being "coarse and vul-
were taken up for considera
tion. The most important change
proposed is in the clause of the ex
hortation to newiyweds, which now
stands as follows:
"And therefore marriage is not by
any to oe enterprised nor taken in
hand u.i.uivis. dly, lightly or wanton
ly to satisfy man's carnal lusts and
appetites like brute beasts that have
no undei.-tanding,
discreetly, advisedly
the fear ot God."
but reverently,
soberly and in
Johnson N Favorite.
London, July 22. Five to one on
Johnson are now the prevailing odds
1 "' lnt netting on his fight
' Hnm bardlor Well
which will take
place in September. Johnson is fat.
and does not intend to train. He
thinks Wells will be easy.
The Commercial club is also bending
every effort to assist in caring for
Pendleton's visitors. I have been giv
en the arduous duty of being chair
man of the assoicodation committee
ami expect to use every available
means to fulfill the obligation placed
up. ill me. The Commercial club has
given the assistance of it paid sec
retary. Jack Keefe. who has been
n--:r.d as secretary '!" tho accommo
dation comnnu.'e. The f.d'owing
zen.: of lYndlctou hav
bcen appoint
A. J. Mc.M-
ed on this committee:
lister' Dr. I. V. Tempi,
fingwe;:. C. H. Marsh,
veit, Henry I.aatz. A.
and Cress stureis.
'. Doug. Lef
C. E Koose
C. Hampton
Rooms to Be I.i-tel.
Accommodation headquarters will
be provided on Main street and a
foice of eb rks will be employed to
give their entire attention to the
rooms and accommodations in the res
idence districts and also in the down
town and business districts. A card
index system in listing rooms and fill
ing them will be used. Tho entire
city will be personally canvassed each
day during the "Round-Fp" in order
to insure the utilizing of the entire
accommodations of every part of the
city. The danger of any avilaMe
room or residence being overlooked
and not filled by such visitors as is
wanted, will be eliminated. -
The restaurants. Uracil counters and
eating places will bo given special at
tintion and the visitors shown where
they can be cared for. Tho "Round
Fp" and Commercial club will do
everything in their power to handle
the crowd successfully and provide
comfortable accommodations for
Obligations on Clti.ons.
But the brunt of the work must
cmne on every l-'sident of Pendleton
This i- one of the most important
features of the "Round-Fp." but the
least spectacular. H will mean extra
trouble and some expense but remem
ber the "Round-Fp" and Pendleton
are spending thousands of dollars to
pull off tho greatest exhibition of the
(Continued on page flvj.)
. . ......
!- NO. 7272
Hearing Weliman Petitiwi.
AuEUftct. .Me., July 22. The hear
ing on the petition to dissolve the
Wellman-Chicago Ileeord-Heraid Po
lar Expedition company, is being held
iere toiay. j tie corporation was or-
eanized to finance Wellman's "dash
to the north pole in a balloon.
Takes Congressmen to Task and
Grills Them For Being Either Un
der Trust Influence or Afraid of
Arousing the Interests.
New York, July 22. Denunciation
of "big business." for retarding de
velopment in Alaska, is the burden
of an article just published here hv
former Pre.-ident Roosevelt In the
Roosevelt declares the territory ha.s
been strangled "by great canitalists
wishing to develop Alaska by making
enormous fortunes outside of and in
defiance of the law," and by members
of congress, who "either under their
influence or afraid of the hostility
ot the corporations, decline to nermit
the passage of legislation, enabling
the people to work honestly and de
velop the coal fields with a fair profit
to themselves while doing justice to
Kansas City, July 22. H. W.
Wiekliffe is 1 200 poorer today because
it occurred to him that it would be
a capital joke to stand a woman on
her head on the Rock Island flyer.
Wiekliffe carried the Idea into exe
cution and was fined $200 by Police
Judge Rhodes.
New York, Port R. I.. July 22.
ThatWilliam K. Vanedrbilt. jr., and
his wife, w ho was formeriy Miss Vir
ginia Fair of San Francisco, will ef
fect a reconciliation shortly is the
report here today. The separation
was due to Vanderbilt's infatuation
for Lina Cavalieri.
Noted SHirtsman Jailed.
Los Angeles, July 22. Charged
with having attempted to "bunco"
J. Y. Peterson, a local real estate
lealer, in a game of fake faro bank.
Wyatt Earp, the noted gunman of
Nevada and referee of the Fitzsim-mons-Sharkey
fight, was locked up
here today with two accomplices.
Cancel Diploma.
Copenhagen, July 22. The geo-
gn.tiiiic.il svicty has cancelled the
diploma granting a gold medal to Dr.
Frodei ick
A Cook for his
the north pole.
alleged t:
covi-rv of
Vitcrbo. Iaaly. July 22. A ret rial
of the already interminably draw n out
CaniorrNt cases, is predicted today
through the action of attorneys for
the prisoners, who are accused of the
murder of Gennaro Cuoccolo and his
wife ami a score of other crimes.
The attorneys for the Camorr'sts
announced today that they consid
ered themselves grossly insu.ted a- a
result of the testimony of Captain
Fnbrioni. chief of the Carbinists and
would abandon the defense.
Judge Vianchi took tho case under
advisement and may order the wh-de
trial gone over again with now l.iw
yt is.
Empire's Assailant sn-H-nilod.
New York. July 22 Sherwood Ma
gee, the Philadelphia National League
outfielder, wli.i recently assaulted
Fmpii'o Finncrman, was today sus
pended for the balance of the season
lu President Lynch. .
New York. July 22. More than
five thousand begging letters have
been received by Mrs. K H. Harri
man during the last year. She has
bwn compelled of late to engage
several secretaries to handle the mas
sive correspondence.
Pretty Affinity, of BankerWife
Slayer 'Suspect. Tells All as
Accused Smokes Cigarettes
:qii:xtly met
at different
'Rather Than See Him Go to EJeo
trie Chair, I Will Confess That I
Killed His
Wife," Replies Young
Woman to
. Richmond, Va., July 22. Stolidly;
puffing cigarettes and apparently In
different to the charge that he mur
dered his young wife, in order to b
free, to resume his relations wttk
pretty Beulah Bini'ord, Henry C
Beattie, the Manchester banker, mt
in his cell in the county Jail here to
day awaiting the resumption, this X-tc-rnoon,
of the coroner's inquest In
to the killing.
Miss Binford told of her relation
with Beattie. She said she agreed to
leave Richmond when Beattie mar
ried. Four weeks ago, however, sb
met him accidentally at Norfolk
their old longing for each other
renewed and she returned to Rich
mond. Since then Beulah said, ah
had been meeting her old sweetheart
at various hotels.
It developed that Beattie gave he
money with which to furnish up
home Where they were to meet. Th
whole secret of the girl's life waa
told, when she, replied to the ques
tion: "Do you love Henry BettUeT"
"Rathur than see him go to th
electric chair," she replied, "I would
confess that I killed his wife my
self." The girl concealed nothing of
her relations with the banker.
The chief witness this afternoon wlH
be Paul Eeattie, a cousin r)" the al
leged husband-slayer, with whom tfc
riice say, Beattie went to purchase
the shot gun, with . which he killed
his wife while driving in their ante-mobile.
It Is said that Paul Beat
tie has confessed his part In the af
San Francisco, July 22. With the
exaiination of witnesses and the ln
vestigaion of the disaster to th
steamer Santa Rosa, concluded, tor
the federal inspectors, it is believe
that charges of negligence will be pre
ferred aga n Captain Faria and
Third Officer Thomas of the ill-fate
ship. Thomas is said to be responsi
ble for putting the steamer on the
rocks and Captain Faria for having
exposed the passengers to danger of
Los An:
his ir.tc:'.:
mate sta:
w hicii O.
win pers.
in ai-.i.:-'
roles, Calif., July 22. Nat
the actor, announced today
of deserting the legiti-
r the f:::n drama. The
f-Ilowtd the inccrpor
j :ctu:-e company of
is v c pi'esid- nt. Nat
w produce picture plays
a" I'.iii in tin m.
Rattler Occupies tenter.
Bloominglor.. Indr., July 22. la
tungled ur.derbrush on the farm of
William L. Mosi'-r, eight miles north
east lure, the exact center of
population of the Fnited States, was
located late yesterday, L-ui the only
inhabitant of the immediate neigh
borhood found was a laro rattle
snake, which slid out of the bushes
and was killed by one of the party of
Professor W. A. Cegshall of Indiana
university, who discovered tiie spot.
The spot will be distinguisiu d by a
Cardinal GihlMtus 7".
Baltimore. July 22. Great sheaves
of congratulary messages directed to
Cardinal Gibbon- are pourii. in to
day, by mail and telegraph, t rein all
over the world, felicitating the vener
able priiato upon the attainment of
lis s oventy-oveut:i birthday, which
he will celebrate tomorrow. Last
month the Cardinal observed the gem-i-ccr.toiii.i.il
aniitvt r?ary of his ordi
nation j a prust.
Paris. July 22. Leon DauJet, a
dramatic critic, and Henri Bernstein,
ti'.e fatuous French playwright ant
auth"r. ;ought a dm! today, first with
i'l t-'ls. and tl'.en swords Four shots
w ci e exchanged w ithout result. Then
swords w ere resorted to. Aft- r be
ing disarmed twice. Daudet r celved
a deep wound in the arm and the
combat ceased. Criticism of Bcrn
stein's play caused the trouble.