. . x, ; rr-,-1 ni-tti-.i--AM EIGH1 PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, HUDAY, JlXY 2t, 19U. WHY ? is this store the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy Groceries BECAUSE We own our own store building and save rent. We buy for cash and discount all cur bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. It will pay you to call ami got our priors before plac ing your or.lers for gro cery supplies. The range of wireless stations on board warships is limited by the dlf- ficulty In elevating tho antennas, au ; It Is Impossible to erect wireless masts j i of any considerable height. With the j ' kites, th; antennae may be elevated , to a height of 1,000 feet or more. The i i:on,l-l- Director , Moot. nnf o( 11 "J'-. P"0 "Z'l' of the directors of thep"". ,''- uonai 10 mo ncigiu 01 ine niiea. Newsy Notes of Pendleton CUT oust A ineiting; Kound-l'p association has been call ed for this evening to take up post poned business. Harvesters ir YOt' AHE PRETTY; I SPEED YOttt ACTO H j ; uichase.l from WJ. G. ti ; local agent. Si Complete line of fruits, fancy, staple and green groceries always on hand. STANDARD GROSERY COMPANY INC. WHEltE ALL ARE PLEASED. FRANK CGARA, Pres. UEUXAKD O'GAHA, Sec.-TiMas. VXCI.E SAM'S NAVAL IEX ECONOMIZE Washington. According to a state ment Issued by the navy department of the results of an economy compe tition among the warships of the navy a saving of I107.S74.0S in the expen ditures for ship maintenance has been effected during the six months period in which the test has been In opera tion. Definite money allotments were made to each ship by the various bu reaus In charge of the departments of work on board ship, such as ord nance, steam engineering, construc tion and repair, and supplies and ac counts. Large percentages of sav ing were made, by the great majority of the vessels, while only a very few overdrew their allotments. The Missouri led the battleships in percentage of saving, with 75.6 per cent in the list with cent. The experiments with the kites will be conducted by Ensign Boyn ton. In command of the torpedo boat OtUKxHl lluys Xew Car. ! Strintfiam. He will operate In Willi.un Caldwell, the well known ', Chesapeake Pay and vicinity. furnuT of the county, is speeding over the highways between this city and his ranch in a new 46 horso power I l'tiick automobile which he has Just Dunbar tho .New lorK. .Mrs. .wornsnna weiu- ; on, the young wire or a .New xotic j business man, was before Magistrate .i.j.m, w iii-l 1 . UiviiiKnvl : ueismar in me tuney jsiunu tuuo ; Tho biivcle belonging to Gertrude i" response to a summons served on ! Moule and which was stolen from the by Policeman Preston, who said ! residence of Major Lee Moorhouse ; lie had caught her driving her car '; Wednesday night, was found at the nt not less than thirty miles an hour. : oi l chop mill on Tutuilla. On3 of "This Is not the first time I have ! the tiros had been punctured and the warned this lady," said the police i thief was compelled to abandon It. : man. "On several occasions I had ; I stopped her and warned her that sho '(.us Is off lr Awhile. ' W!s exceeding the speed limit." ! Just before noon those hou.se wives! "Why. Judge," said Mrs. Weidon. I who have followed the behest "Cook 1 easting an indignant glance at the big w ;th gas" were put to some ineonvenl-, Policeman, her eyes Hashing. I The Xorth Dakota wns last ' i.. , i,.. im.mnti.m of tho nnoii- : never saw this man before. How Hot Harvesters Weather Specialties saving of 7.9 per i jay meal by an accident to the sys- ' can- "e talk like that? I wasn't drlv- Kin which furnishes the gasseous "g ni tar iasi. fuel, which accident shut off the sup- 'Toung lady, I believe this police- iv for :i short time. ' '""" 9aiJ Magistrate Gclsmar, gaz ' ing at the fair defendant. "However, ... . ,. . i vw T-l.v,..ri.. si.... ' sood looks and charming per tain. ine lmenwou ox , " - . . ... ,. . . son.ilitv hnv so ImnreMe.l th court .iecino signs are iasi ueeonuns ' ; DEATH DEFEATS SUICIDE. Jackson, Juan Reinaggi of Jackson Gate to commit suicide was forestalled when he died through fear of being killed. The six by eight cr.bin in which verv popular with the business men , lnnl 1 nnl R,nff lo ou K wna B of "the city as a form of advertise- j "uspende.l sentence." ment. Recently there have been quite ! a few placed over the side walk in JAIL LIFE IS TIRESOME. - ,-, ,x 1 nemaggl had lived for forty-five years -nx E,, ' Kansas Man Iays Alimony n,ul Gets caught fire and its owner attempted xeau ls tlu latest to ta", 111 ""e tUL 'n. to extinguish it with buckets of wa- 'kl'" , "VhT b ' Iola. Kan.-AfTer spending nearly ter. As he was rushing toward the al!mg a s.ga in f.ont of h. bar- ; Uowlng cabin two rifle cartridges exploded In om- ; h t0 n. " divorced wife Fright over the expios- 1IIU'1I t.lls Is 111 .V-.l!ll UNDERWEAR SHIRTS SHOES OVERALLS SOX HANDKERCHIEFS " 25c TO 50c 50c TO 75c $ 1 .50 TO $3.00 75c TO $1.00 5c TO 15c 5c TO 15c the flames. Ion caused the hermit's instant death Remaggl was a native of Ecudor, seventy-five years old. For years ho was a school trustee. Recently he confided to some friends that he In tended to commit suicide. j his refusal to pay j alimony nfter she had remarried. "Dutch Gus." who is .a familiar fig- i 1 l""'r HS rcieusc... no ure about the city, broke into jail ; ' the case by paying $119 of which ni,w,r nn.i h.,,,s,. it hs milv . h's former wife will get $85 as all- been a few clays since his last incar- ' '"ony. . .. ... Thn fnrmrp Aire nnn .ft m .r ll.il.T M-llll' Tn'' .. ........ ...... morning decided that five days in lim- : aumony. vuz wnen sne re.nnr Try Our Young Mutton If You Want a Nice Chop or Roast, Phone Main 33. We have secured an extra fine line of young mutton for our pat rons and if you wish to secure as tender and Juicy a piece of meat as was ever placed on your table, send In your order NOW. Serilral Meat Market Phone Main 33. 108 E. Alta Street. three. goat." Ball was allowed THE BOSTON STORE - Predicts the largest crop of Wheat in many years. Liquor seefs to "have Fred Crawford Very IlC Fred Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Crawford of this city, and well known here, where he was formerly connected with his father in the harness business, is seriously ill with lung trouble in Los Angeles, where he has been living recently. A message to this effect has been re ceived by his parents and they are waiting further word before leaving for the southern California city. rietl Ball refused to pay, saying her his Present nusounci was aoie 10 support j her. The court, however, ordered him I to pay the alimony and he refused. During the two years he has been in jail his attorneys say he spent much more in fighting the case than It would have taken to settle with hlj former wife. PLANT GKASS TO SAVE PANAMA CANAL WALLS Supplies fa I Washington. Under the direction of an expert of the Smithsonian In stitution, an attempt is being made i'r,,,i out f Location. aiong me nanus 01 me ranama canai Becauso their business location in , ui prevent iuriner siiues Dy pianuns tho Frank Frazier block on Main grass seed. Announcement or ine ex street was rented to some Greeks at '. pcrlment was made today by officers an increased rental. James Devlin and 1 01 ine istnmian canai commission. .Top Sullivan are belnc forced to va- A special variety of seed, developed cate. Devlin is moving his cigar fac-by the Agricultural Department nfter tory to his residence premises, but long study and experimentation, ls Sullivan as yet has secured no other j being used. It Is hoped that the roots in f. hi ntnii nlirnr store. The "f the grass will form, a network nrPPks will fit the room uo as a res-! holding the soil in its position. vtosi or mo planting win De aone in the Culebra cut, where trouble has been experienced with slides of earth Into the big ditch. Engineers declare the slides due to the fact tha the layer of soil ls very thin, and rests upon smooth rock ledges. taurant. All the troubles of canning day dis appear when you use our supplies. Everything" of the best was time tried and fully tested before we even placed the orders with the manufacturers. JARS THAT ARE AIR TIGHT, PARAFIKE THAT IS GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY PURE AND ALL THE OTHER LITTLE ITEMS THAT MAKE CANNING THE PLEASURE IT SHOULD I E. AND THE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE TOWN CONSISTENT WITH VALUE. We have Miss Newhall with us this week, who is demonstrating the uses of PARAFINE. The work is interesting. Call hi and inspect. Isaminger Lost Forty Acres. In the grain fire at the O. D. Isa minger ranch ten miles north of this city yesterday afternoon, about forty acres of standing wheat was burned. The fire started from the sparks of a passing engine and spread rapidly thrnneh the drv grain. The field contained 160 acres but the flames j were extinguished after they had de- vastated a quarter of the area. The loss is covered by insurance. Fight Lands Them in Court. Poke Smith and Click Humphrey last night engaged in a bout of fisti cuffs in an endeavor to settle a dif ficulty and both were placed under arrest after they had damaged each other's countenances and clothing to a very noticeable extent. They were charged In police court this morn ing with disorderly conduct. Smith pleaded guilty, but Humphrey enter ed an opposite plea and will stand trini ot a-sn this afternoon. Sen tence was suspended upon Smith pending the outcome of the trial. Took Poison; In Criilc-al Condition. Mrs. Frank Sullivan, wife of the well known bartender at the Sideboard saloon, lie-" in a critical condition at St. Anthony's hospital as the result of swallowing some antiseptic tablets the other night. Whether the pois oning was the result of an accident or a design upon her own life is not known as her illness has been kept vpi-v nuiet and there are but few who - j . . pi. knmv the .real circumstances. has been in a serious ronnmuu since swallowing the poison and is not yet out of danger, according io me attending physician. ODD MIX IX MATRIMONY. PREPARING FOR L a change is prefered, specific rea sons are asked, according to a Salem report. Judge Richardson says he does not contemplate any very radi cal changes at tho present time, al though laws creating new courts or cutting off existing courts may be initiated or passed by . the legislature At any time. . Some members of the bar," says Judge Richardson, "advocate the cre ation of a court In each county which shall at all times be In session for the transaction of legal business; and hat such court shall be given Jurisdiction over probate matters as well as in law and equity. Other members of the bar oppose this proposition on va rious grounds, two of which are: First, that such a judge, depending entire ly upon the electors of his county for his subsequent tenure In office, might thereby, become swayed by local pre judices and misdirected public clam or and. second, that in some counties the expense of such a court would be too heavy, as well as the fact mat persons competent to fill the position of a Judge might refuse to act. Lawyers as County Judges. "Some attorneys advocate retaining our present court, that all county Judges be required to be members of the bar, and that the county courts be given jurisdiction over all misde meanors and actions In law relating to the recovery of money, not to exceed $500, and of torts, where the title to real property Is not involved, not ex ceeding $500; that they retain their probate jurisdictions but that their present power as county commission ers be taken away; that all appeals from this court be direct to tho su preme court; that our present circuit courts be given Jurisdiction over fel onies only, as well as matters In law and equity, excepting In such matter In law and equity as the county court Is given Jurisdiction over Ijors Circuit Court Congestion, "lawyers advocating this elevation of the county courts argue that thla would remove from our circuits the present congestion of business, and would thereby decrease the number of appeals to the supremo, court, and that our circuits would be more freo from the dnnger of local prejudices than If they were elected by the vot ers of a particular county. These are some of tho questions to come be fore the commission which meets next month. The commission will prepare and submit to the governor, apd through him to the legislature of 181S a law or laws providing for a com prehensive judicial system for Ore gon." - ATTORNEYS SUBMITTING PROPOSED CI 1.1 Many Advocate Perpetual Session of Comity Courts With Judge Prcsid Ins, While Others Raise Objections to Further Elevation. Gray Bros. Grocery l'hone Main 28. "Quality Grocera.' Next to Post Office Pen iiHylva nla n MarrhM lo Son of Her Former Hutnnd by First Wife. Easton, Pa. The sensation of the season occurred here when Ruth Doster. recently divorced from Gen eral E. W. Doster of Bethlehem, one of the leading members of tno Nonn omnton countv bar, was married to Edward Depew Doster, a son of the woman's former husband by his first wife, from whom he was divorced The bridegroom is about three years tlian his bride, who was. tor merly his stepmother. She is aged 38 and one of Bethlehem's most ac complished musicians. General Dos ter is about 65. His son, married here, was divorced from a former wife In Galveston, Texas, in October, 1910 UITI.S TO BE USED IN WIRELESS AT SEA Washington. Great kites are to be used by the navy department in a series of wireless tests this sum mer. it was announced today. The kites which will be about seven f.i.t in height, will be used to eie tho antennae of shiD wireless sets. By this elevation it is hoped that the range of the naval wireless ( THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE I X TOWN - WHY? Because people get better goods, better service and better weight than any other place in town and you'll find our prlca cheaper at the CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court nnd Johnson Sts. Phono Mnln 10J 11 ir Attorney Will M. Peterson, who is a member of the commission appoint ed by Governor West to prepare a re vision of the Jurisdiction of the courts and the practice and procedure there in will leave for Salem during the first week in August to attend the first meeting of that commission. The other members of the commission are T. Richardson, Salem, chairman; R. R. Butler, Condon; S. M. Garland, Lebanon; A. E. Reames, Jacksonville: . E. Clark, Portland, and Thomas O'Day, Portland. The last legislature considered this commission necessary on account of the recent radical change In the con stitution of the ette relating to the judiciary, district atorneys, clerks and jurors. Xll of section of tho consti tution, fixing the present judicial sys tem and establishing all cbunty offi ces, was swept away by the constitu tional amendment adopted through the Initiative at the last election, and In Its place Is found a short, concise amendment which makes every exist- In court in 'the state, excepting the supreme court, and every sheriff, dis trict attorney or other county officers, subject to the legislature Instead of being fixed by the constitution ju heretofore. Views of 1500 lawyers Asked. Judge Richardson is preparing for the meeting of the commission by sending out a letter to each of the 1600 lawyers in the state asking an expression of opinion as to whether he prefers the present courts and their lurlsdlctions. or a change. If Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR JULY LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED $1-00 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED I2.0 MEN'S SUITS PRESSED ...r 75c Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date methods. Phone Moln 169. 209 1-2 E. Alta. DALE mm ROTIIWELL OPTOMETRIST. EYES EXAMINED, GLASSES FIT' TED. LENSES DUPLICATED AND FRAMES REPAIRED. With W. E. HANSCOM THE JEWELER. PENDLETON. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A STOCK RANCH? I have 480 acres, 200 of samo tillable, black rich soil, will grov? jraln, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never falling spring of water. This, land ls close to the reserve In the foot hills, and Is an Ideal hog ranch. $8.00 per acre will buy it. I have other tracts from 1000 to 15000 acres in a body at pri ces ranging from $8 to $15 per acre. Having 12 years experience In the stock business In this county, I am In a position to show you some of the best propositions to be found. In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban homes at low watermark prices. Come and see me. E. T. WADE Tenwle Big Office phone Mail. 455 ; Ee. B. S271. Pendleton, 0 "Born with the Republic" ' fl AMES. E. PEPPE10) tJf WHISKEY Oldest distillery in America and tho beat Whiskey ever inado in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pendleton. HERMAN PETERS, Prop. will be greatly increased.