OAILY EAST OREGOXIA. FEXDIJiTrOX. OREGON, Fit IDA Y, 3VLY 21, 1011. EIGHT PAGM pack mm. a. )Nur.ri:M'KNT newsi'apkh. I MJWBM mi 1MB hm umiimiiw I HIIWMimw TobllslK-U l'aily ami Sum I Weekly at Tea dit'iKU, Oioguu, by the last )iii:i;iixi.N ruiu.isiiiNO oo. srr.scmrTiox eates. tlljr, wio Jer.r. uy mull 3.00 '!'. Fin uimr.lis. bv mall 2. 50 ; li'y, ;iir.- months. l).y mail l.'J5 illy, o.,c unuiili. ty mail 50 :ily. one iiir, ty carrier 7.60 ' l!y. t-U month, by currier 3.75 -tlly. Hire uinutbs. by carrier 1.93 ally, one month, by carrier 65 rail- vkiy, one year, by uiall..... 1.50 ml-W'K;,v. six nioutlis. by mall 73 i-nnl wk; v, four meatus, by mall... .50 Ih lijtily i:ast Oregonlan Is kept on sal t the Oreeou Nous Co.. 329 Morrison '.reet, Portland. Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. OMcnco ioirenu, 1H9 Security Building. Wasliiuuton, L. C, l!ur?au, 501 Four ivmh t.reet, X. W. Proofs and to safeguard the lives of our firemen. ! However, the electric trust is a hog! and it objects, it has only grunted I at the ladies of the civic elub and others who hnvo had the temerity ' to ask that the overhead wires be 1 taken " down. Some of our council- men are also grunting out of sym- j pathy wit! the poor mistreated trust. They say the East Oregonlan is too! fresh and that the ladies are out of; their sphere when (hey ask that the i electric lompany do something for j Pendleton. Yet couneilmen m e sup- ' posed to he public servants repre- ! sentlnjj the interests of the people. ! What a wonderful world this is! ' fc If It's Anythm Yon Will g For Find It ummer Wear Our Member United Press Association. Entered at the postofflee at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall mdtter. telephone. Main 1 Official City and County Taper. THE CKY'Or TOIL. We have fed you all for a thou sand years, And you hail us still u -?od. Though there's never a .". liar of all your wealth But marks the worker's dead. We have yielded our best to give you rest, And you lie on a crimson wool. For if blood be the price of all your wealth. Good God, we ha' paid it in full. .OOU WORK. Work bt-'ng carried on at the Uma- j tilla agency by the agricultural de- ! partment of the school shows the ' possibilities of close' farmi-ig upon the j reservation and Is also of benefit to1 the India.T children. j On the bluff south of the agency ! 90 fruit trees were set out this spring; and with the exception of two trees j all are doing well. This despite the I ! fact the land is not Irrigated or sub- ' irrigated. j The government is also engaging in 1 hog raising to .mite an extent this j year. There are now 90 hogs in the 1 drove an 1 they are being fattened on ; field peas raised on dry land. The j hogs during the early spring were ' kept in a field of alfalfa on the bot tom land They are good money makers for the Indians. According to Major E. S. Swartz lander the agricultural department at the agency derived a total of $7000 from farming operations last year. This money along with the interest derived from the loaning of the trib al fund makes sufficient money to meet the total expense of the school, We invite you to call and look at our complete line of suits, shirts, shoes, hosiery, in fact anything for the man or boy. Below We Oiler a Few Cool Suggestions including the salary of the superintendent. There's never a mine blown sky ' ward now But we're buried alive for you. There's never a wreck drifts shoreward now j But we are its ehastlv Drew : Go reckon our dead bv the i Demonstrations such as this are of i forges red intense value on the reservation. Such And the factories where we i instruction looks to making the In- dians understand something about in- , tensified larming so they may be able 4 to make a livlihood off their allot- Cool Cluet Coat Shirts villi soft collar, in nil the late shades and colors, priced from $1.."0 to $2. .")). 1ml - Taylor's famous Ovnx hosiery, a beau tiful lino of colors in Silk Lisle, for .V value Also pure silks, in tan, Mack and red colors from 35c to 75c spin. If blood be the price of your accursed wealth. Good God. we ha' paid it in full. We have fed you all for a thou sand years. For that was our doom, you know. From the days when you chain ed us in your fields To the strike of a week ago. You ha' eaten our lives and our babes and wives. And we're told it's your legal share, But if Ulood be the price of your lawful wealth Good God, v e ha' bought it lair. rjuJyarJ Kipling:. , ments. iuch work as this, if car- j ried on earnestly and continuously, will do away with the lazy, indolent blanket Indian and will bring about a race of thrifty small farmers. It . will keep some of the Indians from going to poor farms later on in life. Stein-Bloch Suits Just riirht for summer wear, priced from $20.00 to $35.00 Florshein and Walkover Shoes of qualitv, niftv shapes, lth in Mack, and tan, priced from $3.50 to $5.00 B. V. D. Union Suits the coolest underwear you can possibly wear, per suit, $1.00 to $2.00 Straw Hats Panama and Sailor Straws, new and stylish shapes, priced from $3, $3.50, $5 to $7.00 Ties Four-in-hand Ties, late shaos and very stylish. See our Win dow Display. HAS PAID HIE PENALTY. If the newsptiper stories are true that till of the leaker woman who has surrendered to the sheriff an 1 admitted she is guilty of bigamy it will be interesting to watch the course of justice. According to the woman's story she j married her first husband through a TRULY WONDERFUL! matrimonial agency an'd left him be- Pendleton is justified in demanding , cau'"'e sh,; founJ W- u ith him unbear that the electric company place itsj;,hK' -She married a second time and wires underground even thouch tha 'v:ls vln happily with her husband improvement does mean expense to the company. The expense miht Also for the vacation, do not forget us, we can supply your wants with anything in that line kahki pants, kahki shirts, corduroys, tents, tarpaulin, bathing suits, blankets, quilts, etc. See Window Display. Pendleton's Greatest Store r jy If II II fi if S .until the former spouse learned of jbr-r whereabouts and began to hound well be con.-i.lwvd as rent payment j Ju r' In desperation the woman has for the u:.e of the streets,. At the present time the Pacific Power : Li?ht company has the priv ilege of using our s-tret-u free of cost. At Walla Walla the company is pay ing for Us street privileges and yet i there are no overhead wires on the main streets either. Under the terms of the Wal'.a Walla franchise the com pany t.tiys, in graduated installments, the sum of J2f',500 in cash for the I rivilesre of doing business in that twn. It is a very small amount to lay for such a privilege. But in the fact that the company pays Walla Walla for u.-ing its strefts or rather its alleys there is i o:n for thought. We do not ge lower rai'-s than do the people of Walla Walla even though we let th tomp,ai.v operate free of cost here. In fact it has been the complaint in the past that we have been charged mote than they. The company now says the same ch&rges. will be col lected in each city. What does this mean? It means that Pendkton will be in the position of giving the electric company money with which to pay its franchise charg e i in Walla Walla. In other words we are oeing taxed for the benefit of our rival city across the state line. . fine situation Isn't It? In Pendleton the deal with the el ectric company is a one sided ar rangement and it has been this way for years. The electric company is living in our house and has done so for years without paying rent. On the contrary the city of Pendleton pays the electric company about $7000 per annum for street lights and for electricity for pumjiing purposes while citizens of the town pay out unknown thousands every month for private strvice. We are willing to let these things go, howiver. We are not asking the company to pay rent for the use of the house, or In other words, fran chise charges. But under the leader hip of "he ladles' civic club we have gotten up bufficienl nerve to suggest to the tru"t that it should be decent enough to make a few Improvements to better the appearance of oar given up and tu'ked to he sent to the penilentiary. Eut the state prison was not 'made for such people as this The woman of course is- guilty of a violation of i the law but the indications are that 'she has more than paid the penalty already. It would be a mockery of justice to send this woman to the penitentiary. With ".--lim" Pill Hidings In jail here for alleged horsestealing and with John Spain under arrest in Un ion county for some offense against the peace and dignity of that county, U looks like our Round-Up perform ers are meeting with trouble. But nothing has yet happened to Buffalo Vernon or George Fletcher. rule of President Andrade, Castro's opportunity to lead his countrymen came. Starling with a small band of fel'oiv muleteers and cattle smugglers ho joined the revolution. Villages and towns fell into the hands of ("as tro and his men, and .detachment af tr detachment of the govern mtnt fores gave way before them. In ad dition he always made it a rule to buy out .is many government generals as po.-j.ibIe. On October 24, he !'"uml himself provisional president of Venezuela. Then he became dic tator. Enemies were impirisore'd taxes levied on the rich and i very high handed method used to make mor.--y Finally he got into trouble v. i'h foreign countries, the history of which is well known. Then he w.n l;inl,fl An'l now he returns to try to rega'n his lost powers. Castro is uielorsized, swarthy with Indiin i loo. i in hS vein -4, and temperament Rl'v nervous Two years (io be w ! c-nriMflercd almost a dying man. Now ho is in the full enjoyment of his .'Ah an 1 vigor. JULY 21 IX HISTOItY. 17T3 Pope clement XIV signed the famous bill which pronounced the extinction of the Society of Jesus. l'-M 'lhe iniuisitin re-established In Spain by Ferdinand. It had hefn suspended during the reign of I 'ofa j arte. 1861 Battle of Bull Run. IX; I Correspondence between Horace Greeley and representatives of the Confederacy looking toward peace negotiations made pmblic at Ni agara Falls. IKS') M lis' tariff reduction bill passed the houe. 1 ;:.; King Edward and Queen Alexandra vi.-,it Trelaml and are warm ly received. The. house of commons passed the Irish land hill by a vote of 317 to 20. 1909 Anti-war riots occurred In Madrid, Spain. 1910 Great forest fires In Manito ba, Ontario, Montana, Washington, Mlclt'iwn nnl W!"C"n'in wired out. four towns Koiiie Saenz-Penu was proclaimed president of the Argentine Republic. The Pendleton Drug Co. is In business for "Your Good Health' i The best way to relieve the local water shortage will be for the proper authorities to make speed with the construction of the mountain water system. When the new system Is In stalled there will be ample water for everybody for all purposes. It is bad to be compelled to economize on wa ter in the summer time. Another revolt in Mexico is to start In two weeks. But the announce ment omits the hour. Grain fires are bad it Is true, hut the suffering falls upon insurance companies as a rule. .11 TODAY'S BIRTHDAY SKFTCII. Clprlano Castro who can always be relied upon to raise his particular brand of trouble In Venezuela and with any other country that will al low him to do so, Is fifty-one. After a long period of exile, he has returned , g io inn iionie imia wneie ue koi'ks .o be restored to power and the chances of his success seem very bright indeed, for he has found a strong body of supporters among the very factions thst were instrumental In driving him out of Venezuela. j Castro's first taste of public life was when he was elected to the sen-' ate. He has always been Inordinate- ly fond of dress and was the Beau j Brummel of the Andean country In . hip youth If Indeed he does not do- : ?e.)ve the same reputation now As a P-gialiitor he took his little part in j the debates of the senate, and in ; 1892 he resigned. In 1898 when thej country was in a ferment against the I g I IRKMEMBER THIS WIIEX I 8 YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, 1 OK WANT PURE MEDICINES 1 I 'I ' i I s mmmmmsmmmiMjmMtM.wivmuii suramin 1 1 :t3sanma3-amMAm.tm ..a tmm j a Cpv?OI5-!i I c 1 Mmmm ! - Mar 1 I iBw - y MmBM IE CEO-,!:VKA, ,,ro,,rMor S WXfl U !Ji 1 frfJ f&r&Sli&! R Pendleton's Popular Gentle- 1 ' I mM'g&te&Mm&r 1 I 1 mens Resort. I i OPEN DAY AND NIGHT riRST-CI.ASS SERVICE lhe Quelle Cafe and Oyster House fcals 25c ami up GUaaBS AGAINST THE 116 Xo man, however wealthy Iio be, uliould bo wllliont a READY CASH RESERVE for sonic quick business Htroko tvlilcii may ylcUl him quick fortune. ' Xo business Is a profitable business from which a man may not draw out some money and bank it. Anheustr-Busch's famous BUQWEISEB BEER on draught, 5C gss Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. Best 25c Meals in the Northwest.. LA FONTAINE BLK., 020 MAIX STREET Liquors You'll Like Make Ol'Il Rank YOUR Rank. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 poinded per cent, com- eml-annually. lhe American National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE UNIQUE TURKISH MEDICAL BATHS Tho Place VIioro You Get a Good Ilatit and Rub Down. BATHS - 25c and 50c OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 124 W. COURT ST. because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goois in our establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by age, puro ly d'etilled, and Is fully guaran teed by us. The snme way with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every atlclo we hnmllo. You got more 'than your money's worth In quantity and quality. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PUT EH 8 & MORRISON, Props.