2 page eight DAILY EAST OREGOMAX, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911. RIGHT PAGES Newsy Notes of Pendleton i is this store the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy Groceries BECAUSE We own our own store building and save rent. We buy for cash and discount all our bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. It will pay you to cnll and pet our prices before plac ing your orders for gro cery supplies. and green groceries always Ada ins lvoplo to Starry. A marriage, license was issued to day to Albert H. Klrby and Edith 1'eiinger, both residents of Adams. Olio rui'.k in Court. One drunk appeared lnthe police court this morning and took three days in Jail as his penalty despite the Tact that he has money in the bank. Harvesters Complete line of fruits, fancy, staple on hand. Ron I IMnlo Tian:u'tion. C A. Tucker and M. L. Tucker of Port'and have transferred to E. C. Geosiin. also of Portland, the sw 1-4 .-of the sw 1-4, sec. 1, twp. 6, S. It. 31. lone vacation and the Incident may serve to lighten the labors of the" oth er mill children. A M M XI TO VOTE OX 8 QUESTIONS 11Y MAIL STANDARD GROGERY GOHPAHY IfiC. I S ! Dr. lMiy Locates In Si Hi Friends of Dr. W, T. WHERE ALL FRANK O'GARA. Ptw. Scc.-Trv.w. 1 1 I1M ! 1 Mil rTM-TTll ARE PLEAS FD. BEKNAHD O'CARA ;Mkane. Fhy, former- lv hi:iil .am-con nt lli like. are re ceiving announcements of his perma nent location in Spokane with of fices in the Hutton building. He will devote his time to surgery, office work and consultation. ASYLUM PLANS 10 BE COMPLETED BY AUG. There are many local people inquir ing concerning the commencement of construction work on the branch in sane asylum for which the last legis lature made an appropriation. For the benefit of these people,' Secretary Jack Keefe of the Commercial asso ciation rcently wrote to Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott asking the status of the plans. In a letter from that official this morning, Mr. Keefe informed that the state architect. W. C. Knighton, is now at work on the plans and will have them all com pleted by August 1, immediately af ter which advertisements for bids will be printed. .Mother's Dentil Stons Triii. j ilis tVorge Heddows of this city, cau-sod them to be held up until this who had prepared for a trip to Clear time. ! niont, Iowa, for a visit with her par- ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Colliton, I received the sad news that her moth IS OX er had passed away, and has post 1 pop.cd her contemplated Journey. Arkansas City, Kan., July 19. ! While the method Involving a rope nnd a convenient tree is no longer in Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Ore. Eight iuifstlons of im portance are to be voted upon, through a mail ballot, by the grad uates of the Oregon agricultural col lege, as one part of the general re organization of the Alumni associa tion. The plan Is to band together more closely the 1200 or more graduates of the Institution, to make them more actively useful to the state, to the various communities In which they reside, and to their alma mater. The elcht Questions upon which ballot Is to be taken Include matters nf fpnei-Hl orcanlzatlon. incorporation under papers prepared by Attorneys T. AY. Masters of Portland and ircu- ori,.w telwer of Pendleton, the elec tinn of hnnorarv members nt annua' meetings, the handling of an routine business by the executive committee, the use of the mail vote for all mat iw i.nrwvfitr.e. the advance of the dues to $1, establishment of local i k or,,! the establishment of u i i 1 1 " v ...... ' club rooms In Portland. SCUT -THIS - OUT Harvesters Hot . Weather Specialties 'AXTI-llORSE TIUF-l' CONVENTION (.IN uii r, shoot BEYOND HORIZON Battleship Will Do Able- to Send Pro icotilo Fifteen nines Washington. A gun that will car- ... .... it. ....i., !rv its nrotieetlle clear out of sight J. II. WHson, the Vklah druggist j is the style that is to be placed In who is accused of attempting to burn i the turrets of the new battleships of i.:.. i Iihn w York tvue. One of these UNDERWEAR SHIRTS SHOES OVERALLS SOX HANDKERCHIEFS 25c TO 50c 50c TO 75c $1.50 TO $3.00 75c TO $1.00 5c TO 15c 5c TO 15c MILLIONS IN LAXD OPEN. vogue in dealing with horsethives in sanctity of "property rights in "hoss- ! money, has furnished the $1500 bonds guns has been made at the wasning tlrsh" are still well organized. Sev ! required cf him and is now at liberty ! ton factory and a dozen others are to eral hundreds of farmers and stock- j pt nding the presentation of the case follow as rapidly, as the great lathes mn met bore todav in the annual to the erand 1urv. i can turn them out. convention of the Anti-Horse Thief; association of Kansas and Oklahoma. which represents, it is said, a mem bershin of nearly 60.000. The organ ization has been so active in dealing rltv rnpnn trhn steal horses ...... . . o - i iiit- in u luwi- ffL. l I a i . .i ii iv most or mem are in prison aim uir 2jer an( i n ,1 ., - nt-a TliirYl .1 i Uf" H 11 lpil H 71 (1 , t- i . , . . . j . . , . . .............. ... .a irvniiiiiie, ii.n.e(.i:u iiiuuiiu inc uuumc , , . ., havo been forced out of the "busl-1 thls mornw the race proving close extreme elevations. It might hit n eh n that the erunners coma noi see ana exciiing. i - est ...111 V... nl rnp nninanre oiLii'eia wiii uc u n no um- LcH-nl Attorneys File DIr Suit. nref,.l when shins mounting these Raley & Haley, well known attor- . .-. nmotleo' .1 ...... p .Viict r.lt.' Ttmnnrarl thn a . a The gun has been tried out at the ! proving ground and has shown that it is without doubt the most powerful naval weapon in the world. i dailv at ihe track in Hound-Up Park, j '"f" " that two fast. steppers of Frank Fra- a second, the shell will have a an "Hasio," owned by Uus La, 1 .v. : it w ill lauu iiir ui-junu iiuitnv ' I Ilacvs at KuihI-Vi)' Dark. Members of the riding and driving I club are holding tryout races almost, 70.000.000 Ocres .in . Northwestern States Ready for Entry Soon. Seattle. Wash. Seventy million acres of government land, now closed, will be thrown open to entry upon the completion nf investigations of four teen government survey parties now in thefield in North and South Da kota, ontana, Wyoming, Idaho, Wash ington, Oregon Vtah and Colorado, according to W. G. Calvert, govern ment geologist. Calvert Is making a general inspec tion of work done by the geologists of the survev parties. Calvert said today that this land would be opened tvio tnterinr deDartment just as Boon as the amount of coal in the land was ascertained. The coal on these reservations Is ,Mti..aiK. the nnlv thine that lias ness." Now and then, howeve r, some horse disappears, and the association never lets up until the animal is found and the. thief placed behind the bars. Aside from the main object of the association, it is prominent in the social activities of the farmers and stockmen of the southwest. The annual conventions are always big affairs, with entertainments galore. and in nearly every community where i the association has members mere are annual picnics and county gather ings held under its auspices, rresi- dent Taft was invited to attend the convention here today, but was forced to decline. complaint in a suit which wiH be fil- . . . . .... Vmm Western Roads. ea in me tsaner court tomorrow, me - - - -- . defendant company in which suit has Chicago. July 19. Merger of the . , ' Ohirnirr & Eastern Illinois and the a numoer oi siocitnoiuei s in reuuiu- ' ... . , u r. .... .... Evunsville & Terre Haute lines which icn. ine line oi me nun ia lim . ,, Durkee Mercantile Co. vs. Gold Coin I form part of the Frisco systetr i will . . . . ...i h completed this week. Sharchold- Jl II I.U.. UllU 11 C IIUIJIII.11L 13 Duum for $38,658.00 the amount alleged to be due from certain obligations. THE BOSTON STORE Predicts the largest crop of Wheat in many years. mtn r- ii' STARTS FIRE WITH GASQL1N BURNED (Special Correspondence.) Xew York, July 19. La Fayette Post G A. R., of Brooklyn, today adopted resolutions denouncing the blending of the blue and gray battle fino-a nt the Bull Run reunion and de claring that a public burial of the Confederate flag should form part or the ceremony. crs of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois meet todav to ratify the proposition and tomorrow the Evansville & Terre Haute stockholders will pass on the merger.. Lawn SK'ial Friday. The Epworth League of the First M. E. church will give a lawn social j . Friday evening, July 21, 1911, on the ', Modern Brotherhood. high school grounds. The social will ! &eaiue, was.i.. -u.y ........, be opened by some vocal selections half a hundred loages were rpiiii- after which first class amusements ed In the state convention openeu and games will be carried on. Cool here today by the Modern Brother- aiiu gallics " ill vu.iia-v win rws - - - refreshments to suit the occasion will J hood of America Seattle and Wash- ' Ineton state will send a number or uii. ...in v,fi'. tur. ioQ 1 rlplpsntes to the national convention KIL 111.11 ...11 1 1 . 1 . L .11'. . ' 1. n - - i.. iiit.. t..itj t nt : fif ih fraternal order, to be held In tend and bring their friends, and I good time will be assured them. 9 All the troubles of canning day dis appear when you use our supplies. Everything of the best was time tried and fully tested before we even placed the orders with the manufacturers. JARS THAT ARE AIR TIGHT, PARAFINE THAT IS GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY PURE AND ALL THE OTHER LITTLE ITEMS THAT MAKE CANNING THE PLEASURE IT SHOULD EE. AND THE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE TOWN CONSISTENT WITH VALUE. We have Miss Newhall with us this week, who is demonstrating the uses of PARAFINE. The work is interesting. Call hi and inspect. 0 Grav Bros. Grocery Denver, Colo., August 8 to 12. CiOVERXOK ACTS AS POUTER. Echo, Ore., July 19. The Uttlo daughter of E. E. Elder was quite badly burned yesterday In attempting to start the Tire with ine am oi gaso line. Dr. Dorn was called and the little patient is somewhat easier this morning. Every body is getting ready for the big harvest. Indicative by the big, lie of the local farmer, the wheat Is tetter and the yield U great er per acre than it has been in pre- I'tnua vpnrH. f..Mxrn Oeoree and Liewls nave lust returned from La Grande. They murte a nulclc trlD in the Lewis car The extreme hot weather here has tha fnrtnnntR townsmen to hio tn tho mn of the mountains. Am ong those who took the early morning train were Mr. and Mrs. U fecnou, Jr., Misses Eugenie and Estper Scholl nwA Hflca Onnl ?fl11lflOn. ui.u .--' " " - mImsph Keeler. Watson and varu took the early morning train tor - - . ... . 1 . .... . T- rM no 1 The force or laDorers or the Coast ; I'oiiiiMynuiiiu mwihivw Vulifio FTin the Train. ir, tho f-xrotn efroct hrllcro la i llarriKDure. 1 nen uuvtrnur "I'" tnHo.. oo-otro.i in 3viiF Ana,n ino I rmi-hcd Plttsbure the other day he trusses of the old bridge. A trestle gave nis grip io n'nci a..u , has been built underneath and the oui oi ine iruni. ou.-v ..cu - . - ... ... ... . i . 1 1 ...... . n.na t H'nni CI M fitrilfiT. weignt or tne Driage win resi upon on ine piununu a - this false work until It Is taken out, 1 gling with an old, battered imitation . ... . i .,, . ti nnnn...,i( ata 11 Tho cToni rnr i ho naxv nnicra ia v. n mrninr vu.ii.ir ul rciihi ..10 . horn nhnnt th 9K nf tho ' hsiliv coach and a lively baby. The month on nftor thnt Antr xaaann BOVernor Bravelv Picked UP ine anil traffic will be diverted to other , quated satchel and walked witn tne bridges. woman to the gate, whilo she pusneu I the baby coach. Then he turned over the valise and paid the porter a quar- Meacham where they Intend to camp iur a. wei'K or it'll uuy. The genial host of the Echo hotel, Chas. Frlcdley, along with a Jolly crowd of young sports, among whom were Davy Thorn, Ed Scrivner, Wal ter Thornton and Irvy Gaunt return ed yesterday from Hldaway Springs, where they have been enjoying a week's outing. They made the trip In Mr. Frledley's big touring car. Echo looks quite metropolitan these evenlnes. All the available livery rigs are In evidence and young and old enjoy tne cooi or ine evening by getting out on norseDacK. Miss Agnes Donahue Is quite, sick at the Hotel Hosklns. She I" threat ened with fever. - Druggist J. Frank Spinning Is get ting ready for his annual outing. A. W. Tledeman of Portland, will have charge of his store during his ab sence. Mrs. C. P. Bowman was a Pendle ton visitor, going per motor. Never leave home on a Journey without a bottl) of Chamberlain- Colic, Cholern and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE 1 X TOWN WHY ? i nun any "uici 8 ter for carrying his own. HE PRANK 47 LEMONADES. Bet, Crazy Man In Womnn's Garb. Garbed In woman's habiliments from picture hat to corset cover, John Sweeney was taken into custody near the rail road bridge this morning by the county officers and is now In the bastile minus the garments In which he has masqueraded so long. He civps manv evidences of an unbalanc ed mind besides his penchant for ap parel belonging to another gender, but offers no explanation for his sin gular nreferenee. Roth eonntv and city authorities have been notified j street. He bought .1 drink and rom mary times of women masquerading plained of the small size of the glass, as men mit this is a new experience "I could drink forty of them," said to them. !he. Blo.imsteln was incredulous and Rciff, who knew Dugan once won a Thlrstv Coneli Driver, on a ("autre Pushcart Drouth. New York. "Red" Dugan, a coach driver, returnf-d from a funeral on Long Island very parched and stop ped In front of Harry Bloomstein's lemonade stand In front of Dave Reiff's barber shop at N. 47. Pitt Cor. K Court and Johnson Sta. at the CASH MARKET mm Phone Main 101 llush.'iiwl Tir.y and Wortlih-ss. Flora Dunagan has commenced suit for a -divorce from her husband, William Dunagan, alleging in her complaint that for the past two years since they moved to this county from Kentucky, her husband has refused to work and has not contributed a cent fnr th support of herself and one year old child- She further charges him with cruel nnd Inhuman treatment, alleging that he has struck and cursed her many times, falsely accused her of adultry. She Is now living with her mother, Rebecca May, her husband having . departed for Pocntello on April 1. Beside the de cree she asks for custody of the child and the restoration of her maiden name. Flora May. i bet by eating forty bananas, offe ATTEMPTED DEATH REVEALS CHILDREN'S SUICIDE PACT Phone Main 28. 'Quality Grocers." Xext to Post Office Chattanooga, Tenn. Attempts of 14-year-old Alma Whaley, a child of the cotton mills, to kill herself by drinking carbolic acid have brought to light the existence of a solemn sui cide pact pact among a number of the small tollers In Knoxvllle mills. Alma drank one and one-half drams of the acid and It wan all phy sicians could do to save her. Later she was visited by Mrs. W. J. Oliver, the wife of the millionaire con tractor, and the kindness of the char ithln woman drew a confession from the child that she and several other children, utterly weary of their work and appalled by the long cheerless vista before them, decided to die. "We wanted to die." said the little girl. "We had no time to play or to go anywhere except to the mills and back home. We go to work ""at 6 and work until six and there's nothing In the future for us but work, and we thought It would be better to die." Mrs. Oliver will give this child a to pay for all Dugan would drink If he didn't finish more than forty glasses. Dugan started in on the lemonade, and Bloomstein's face changed as the count rose. He stopped at the forty seventh glass, and Relff had nothing to pay. Woman Adopts Her Soil. Chie'iieo. Mrs. Vernon L. Sawyer, 3201 Parnell avenue, adopted her own son before Judge John E. Owens In the county court. The boy, Edward, 10 years old, was given in adoption to Edward E. Nason of Hammond, Ind.. when one year old, aftr tho death of his father, whose name was Hobson. M. L. Igoe, attorney, appeared In court and told Judge Owens that Mrs. Sawyer desired to regain her boy and that she was In a position to support him. Mrs. Sawyer's husband Is a ticket agent for the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad at the Thirty first street station. Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR JULY LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED M.M LADIES' SUITS PRESSED MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 2.0 MEN'S SUWS PRESSED 750 Have your clothea cleaned at an up-to-date place and by upvto date methods. Phone Alain 100. 206 1-2 E. Alta. Do you read the East OregonlanT DALE i ROTIIWELL OPTOMETRIST. EYES EXAMINED, GLASSES FIT TED, LENSES DUPLICATED AND FRAMES REPAIRED. With W. E. HANSCOM THE JEWELER. PENDLETON. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A STOCK RANCH? I have 480 acres, 200 of same tillable, black rich son, win grow raln, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never falling spring of water." This land is close to the reserve In the foot hills, and Is an Ideal hog ranch. $8.00 per acre will buy It. I have other tracts from 1000 to 15000 acres In a body at pri ces ranging from 18 to $16 per acre. Having 11 years experience In the stock business In this county, I am in a position to show you some of the best propositions to be found. In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban homes at low watermark prices. Come and see me. E. T. WADE Temole Big Offiop phone Maiu 455 ; Res. B. 3271. Pendleton, Ore. Born with the Republic" jf AMES. E. PEPPElfi) WHISKEY Oldest distillery in America and tho best Whiskey ever made in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pendleton. HERMAN PETERS, Prop.