Dom r.on (Ari.V EASI OKEGOMAX PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JVLY 19, pack rocR. AN IXUEl'KXbENT NEWSl'Al'KU. PaMlshed I'al'.y and Svail-Weekly at Pen-1 h diet on, urejjon, vj ma UST UKKtiU.MAX 1THUSU1XQ CO. sfHSCIUPTIOX KATES. Dally, one year. ty mall J5.00 DaWj, t.iv ni.mtUs, by mall 2.50 Iaty, three mmiihs. by mail 1.25 daily, ur mouth, by mail 60 IlMiiIt, one year, by carrier T.60 Pally, nit moii i lis. by carrier 8.75 Dalit, three ra.milm, by carrier 1.05 Daliir. one month, by carrier 63 ead YVecklv, one year, by mall 1.50 Vail-Weekly, six mouths, by mall 75 )-Weekly, four months, by mall... .60 Tie Pally Kaat Oregonlaa la kept on aal at the Oregon News Co., 3-9 Morrison street, l'ortiand, Oregon. Snrtbnest News Co., Portland, Oregon, f'hicaeo ltnreau, !utf Security Building. H sslilnrton, U. C, Itureau, SOI Four teenth utreet. X. W. Me:nber United Press Association. Filtered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. TO SNOWY HEIGHTS. Summon all your aeroplanes let 'em come in crowds; Land me. on a snowy 1- :sht orown me in the .'.'mis! For we're parched and dry, And we'll melt, I know. And Satan's in the weather When the wind won't blow! O takJ us on a snowy ship where arctic billows roll, And the polar bear is doing ac lobatics on the Pole! For we roast and fry. And we'll melt, I know, Since Satan's In the weather 4 J , j 4 When the wind won't blow! : Frank L. Stanton. WHERE DOES HE STAND NOW? In the move to have the overhead vires placed underground in the bus- tress section the progressives have a i right to expect sincere and active upport fiom Mayor E. J. Murphy. . When Mayor Murphy was elected ' to his present office a vear and a half ago he was distinctly the progressive candidate. He was the man who atood openly and strongly for the a&- ancement of Pendleton and the bet terment of civic conditions. There were grave doubts as to the other man's position. Mayor Murphy's strongest asset in ; kis campaign was the fact he stood out as the candidate who was free from entanglements with the electric company and the Pyers milling company.- There were particular reasons at that time why the people did not want to elect a mavor who was In any way under the thumb of those corporations. Mayor Murphy stood forth as the people's candidate and his campaign was based chiefly upon this fact. Ho had the earnest support of the East Oregonian for this reason more than tor anything else. Scores of people Toted for him because they believed him truly independent of corpora tion influence and he was chosen to ffke by an overwhelming vote. Now it so happens that t:.j con troversy regarding the overhead wiresldieton let it be hoped It has i: a straight up contest between the forces of progress in Pendleton and torponuion selfishness on the other tide. The removal of the wires Is a civic Improvement that has long been needed and demanded. The wires and poles should go because they are a biotch on the face of the city and for the still greater reason that the wires are a menace to the lives of people in times of fire. The expense of placing the wires underground will fall upon the two corporations af fected and those corporations are well able to stand the expense in view of the revenues they der've from the people of this city. Some expense, It is true, will fall upon patrons but as the East Oregonlan understands the matter this will be so light as to be scarcely worth considering. The move for the removal of the aires and poles is now on in full . blast and within a week or two the latter wiil be presented to the may r anj city council for decisive ac- Hon. When that time comes people i are going to have their eyes upon ' thMr nffi,.ini r,,i r.f win, ! interest ine auuuae oi eacn inai- riduai. There is especial interest in probable attitude of Mayor Murphy te-cause people still recall the hot an 1 titter campaign of December, 1909, which resulted In his election as the progressive candidate. Will he stand ow as he stood when a candidate for office? Will he be with the pro- tr'fUtu and for the interests of the! pop!. or will he be found training with the reactionaries and the cor porations? HIE WTT.EY CASE. Attorney General WIckersham enough to drive the Taft admlnlstra- .. . ..I Hon upon the rocks without the aid tf anyone else. The latest piece of ; strategy on the lurt of the head oi the department of Justice was a move t i oust Dr. Wiley, chemist in the de partment of agriculture. Because nr. Wllev paid out a few undred dollars Jn fees to an expert who assisted him In fighting theus ers of bencoate of soda and other In jurious preservatives his enemies are alter him and Wlckersham has tried tv assist them. Apparently it matters not that Wickersham himself has paid out fah lous sums to attorneys who have been assist'ng in trust prosecutions or in Muffs along that line. It is now announced that the presi dent will not remove Dr. Wiley but will reprimand him. It will be typi cal of the president to take such ac tion. He seems strong on removing or reprimanded those who take the jside of the public welfare as opposed ! to private greed. Once upon a time the president fired a man named Pinchot and a nan named Glavis because they held : the Cunningham claims were illegal !ni:d an attempt to steal the public domain. Not long ago the courts de icided rinchot and Glavis were right atout the matter. But we have heard j nothing yet of any apologies being ex tended oy the president to Messrs ; Pinchot and Glavis. RESERVATION PATENTS. Wire it not for the fact the com petency plan Is in operation the ex tending of the trust period for the Umatilla reservation would have a iiuua iur luiiiiiy. -eopie nave Jong been loking forward with hope to the time when the reservation may be closely peopled and settled. It is the finest portion of the county and i virtually without population and development at present. The extension of the trust period tc the year 1924 will have the effect of delaying the time when all the al lotments will mature. However, with the competency plan in oper ations Indians who show themselves capable of looking out for their af- ! fairs may get the patents at once. i So under this nlan the jrantin nf ,,.,,. ,,. , . patents will proceed gradually and ....,, ,, , , . guardedly as. is right and proper, c T n .... Some Indians are well able to care , ,u ... , , for themselves now and there are Mny others whQ flre ag le th wm . . other time in the future. DON'T BLOCK IT. Should the paving of West Court and East Alta streets be held up the proceedings will come as a blow to the city. Those streets need improv ing and need it badly. The blocking of the paving of these streets will also make It look bad for the recently enacted street improve ment amendment. The amendment was adopted at the Instance of the city administration and the argu ment was put forth that the amend ment would foster improvements. Should the paving of Court and Al t,i streets be blocked through the re monstrance of people living on the side streets it will look like the am endment is working oppositely from v hat was intended. Eut perhaps the size of the remon strance, has been over estimated. For the sake of a more progressive Ptn- The Sunnyside man who committed suicide by Jumping Into a cool well showed that he was not entirely in sane after all. Now we are all in danger from the cholera. Must be a heavy cucumber crop. Perhaps the conditions have chang ed since Market Editor Cohen was here. War clouds in Europe are about on a par with sea serpent stories at sum mer resorts. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY SKETCH. Mrs. Matilda Cox Stevenson, who has achieved fame in the government service as an expert on Indian lore, U "considerably over forty" today. During the greater part of the year she lives on a ranch about 25 miles from Santa Fe. Here she studies the Indian and then systematizes results in her reports to the bureau of eth nology. Mrs. Stevenson is a daughter of the ' late Alexander Hamilton Evans, a brilliant lawyer of Washington in ante-bellum days, and a first cousin f Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans. I KhA HprJimo Intoreatorl In arlant if in investigation aim lost from her baby hood, because her father was inter the ! ested in scientific, subjects, and when ! she married James Stevenson, of Ken tucky, a scientist then connected with the Smithsonian Institution, her vo cation in that honorable career be came assured. Mrs. Stevenson was educated at a school in Philadelphia quite famous in Its day, but now al most forgotten, Miss Anabel's Acad emy for young ladles. After her marriage to the late Mr. 1 Stevenson she began a systematic ! study of all branches that would pre pare h-r to aid her husband In every branch of his work. Mrs. Stcsvenson has devoted nearly 25 years to the scientific investigation of the Indians, Is : making the Kunls her especial study. , ."" " ' . , . In Mecklenburg It is thought that ,f a na, be thru ,nto a man), foQti print he will g-o lame, S3 E aw3 9 ZZS7C Swollen glands about the neck, weak eyes, running sores and abscesses, pale, waxy - complexions and frail, poorly developed systems, are the most usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested: In some cases the blood is so filled with the scrofulous germs that from birth the disease shows its presence. In other cases it is held in check during young, vigorous life, but when the system begins to weaken, especially after a spell of sickness, the disease will often manifest itself in some form. S. S. 5. is Nature's perfect -sure for Scrofula, made entirely of healthful roots, herbs and barks, a perfectly safe medicine for young or old. S. 5. S. gees into the circulation, and drives out all scrofulous matter, and supplies the blood with the healthful, vigorous qualities it is in need of. In this way it builds up weak, delicate persons and makes them strong and healthy. S.S.S. cures Scrofula because it is the most perfect of nil blood purifiers. Book pn the Blood and medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at drugstores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. Jl'I.Y 19 IX IIISOKY. 1S04 England sent a- convoy of ships to Spain to repudiate a rumor of rupture between the two nations. 1 S 1 ' The King of Prussia issued a decree forbidding American vessels to enter his ports. 182? Mr. Maury resigned as Am erican consul at Liverpool. 1S53 Dutch parliament prorogued and a fundamental law Issued by which the government became an ab solute one. 1854 The Insurrection at Madrid triumphed and the P.ivas mln'stry re signed. 1S37 Fire broke out in Taief.i. Portugal, which spread over an im mense -di-trict of ogricu'tural country, consuming a vast quantity of standing grain, country houses, barns, etc. 1S64 General Sherman's army left intrenchments on the Chatta choochie and advanced upon Atlan ta, and Johnston was said to be re tiring. 1874 All Spain was declared to be in a state of siege and property of all Carlists was sequestered and held subject to claim in favor of repub licans. . 1S84 Society composed wholly of noblemen in XJermany commenced sending indigent members to Chile. 1894 Headed by Chairman Wilson of the ways and means committee the house refused to recede on the Wilson tariff bill, and instructed con ference committee to yield nothing. 1910 Ten thousand employes of Northeastern Railways, England, struck as a protest against official methods. SONGS .OF NIGHT. The moon swings low in the sky above and the twinkling stars shine bright, And a mother sings to her baby those wonderful songs or night; Those wonderful songs of sugar plum trees and fields where the fair ies play; Of cockle shell boats on golden seas that never are seen by day. It Is by-low time nd she sweetly hums those wonderful songs of night; Of the blare of trumpets and sound of drums whfn the little tin soldiers fight. She sings of the comical candy dog and the gingerbread man who stands By the side of a blinking cooky frog, without any arms or hands, And the moonbeams dance on the parlor floor, and a ship sets out to sea And a baby sails for the golden shore in search of the sugar plum tree, She's off to the cave of Tiddy Bear, and the haunts of the fairies kind, Where never an ache or a pain or care shall trouble her baby mind. Oh, sweet is the smile on the baby's fuce as she softly sings to rest. For where in the world is so fine a place to sleep as a mother's breast? And if ever a song can reach the skies the angels must find delight wond-rtul songs of night. In hearing a mother's lullabies those Detroit Free Press. Earliest patent for sewing contri vance was granted in England on June 24, 1755. First complete sew ing machine designed for general pur poses was patented In the L'nlted States on September 10, 1848. Some knowledge was possessed by the ancients 400 B. C. of the effect of Iron rods in averting lightning. A Machine That's Heeded in Fvery Home Soe Jesse Failing Main Street Near Bridge. 8 HI 111 a run auiuruLj! NATURES PERFECT CUBE XOT CRAZY TO KEEP COOL. Judge rroos Woman Who shed Hal. incut on Hit Night. Springfield. Mass. Flatfooted re fusal to wear clothes during a heat wave is not evidence of Insanity, ac cording to Judge H. W. Bosworth of the police court. The pauper de partment asked the court to commit to an insane asylum a woman inmate of the almshouse who last night walked ubout the women's ward des titute of even the traditional fig leaf. "Well, you don-'t think she is in sane just because she takes off her Clothes in this leather, do you?" de niunded Judge Rosworth. The insanity proceedings were Hot pressed further. SHOYE'L ISEI) AS LIFE SAYEU. Wouhl-ii? Dead Man Whacked Hard to Overcome Poison Lethargy. Mt. Holly, N. J. Discovery of his condition after he had swallowed laudanum with suicidal intent saved the life of John A. Hausseman, a local blacksmith. Hauessman had been drinking lately and it is thought that the effects of a celebration bur dened him with sorroy. The strenuous means adopted to keep him awake made Hauessman feel that life was probably not worth living after all. Besides being subjected to the stom ach pump, he was given a series of stout blows with a heavy shovel that Jarred his whole system and made him realize that there was much life present where the whacks were ap plied. Lace was in use in Venice at an early period and It was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. It's im portation Into.. England was prohib ited in 1483 to protect the .domestic manufacture. OPEX DAY AND NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE The Quelle Cafe andlJOysLer House Meals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 020 MAIN STREET Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the AUTO CAB Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 814 Main St. The Pendleton Drug Co. is in business for Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES THE UNIQUE TURKISH MEDICAL BATHS Tlio place Wlioro Yon Get a Good Isatli ami Rub Down. BATHS - 25c and 50c OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 124 W. COURT ST. Canadian Pacific Soo Spokans Route QO EAST THRU Kootenav and Arrow Lakes and Canadian Rockies The most beautiful and mag nificent scenery in the world. Splendid train service. Luxu rious hotels and chalets and nu merous natural attractions. The playground of America. VERY. LOW RATES EAST LIBERAL STOP-OVERS LONG LLMITS For further information and il lustrated folder write M. B. MALONE, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, G. A. 14 Wall St., Spoknno. I the office- A. SCHNEiTER, Prop! PENDLETON, ORE. Farpily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 711 Main Street S1 PENDLETON'S POPULAE PICTURE TARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort FUN, PATHOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Mon., Wed., FrL Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission and 10 Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDKRXACB, Proawteeor HIGH-CLASS .UP-TO-DATESMOTIOU PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY '8 PAPER. Prnfwn ChaFt oa a dray's, Taeadar's and FrUa'a. I Grande Ronde Apple Orchards ti on the INSTALLMENT plan. 3f Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these Yi tracts. HILL & HIBBERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Liquors You'll Like 9 because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goo'ls in our establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by age, pure ly d'atlllcd, and is fully guaran teed by us. The same way. with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every article we handle. You get more than your money's worth in quantity and quality. TheOIympiaBar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phono Main 177. IHTERS & MORRISON, Props. J7 at -v y Hotel St. George Bar GEO. DARVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Qentle tnens Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDVEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. 1 Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated sonps in the city. Shows afternoon and eve ning. Refined and en tertaining for tho entj, family, Next to Frrnch Rufauranl Entire c.hnnfre three time acb week. Be bum and 'p the next change. Atlulta 10c. Children under 10 years, 5& mint IlflIRE