T PAGE EIGHT DATLY EAST OREGOX1AX, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JFLY 17, sriGirr pages WHY? is this store the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy Groceries BECAUSE Wo own our own store building: and save rent. Wo buy for cash and discount all our bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. Harvesters It will pay you to call and pot our pricotr-bofore plac ing your orders for gro cery supplies. Complete li:ie of fruits, fancy, staple ami green groceries always on hand. Newsy Notes of Pendleton j Urine initio to lViullcton. James E. Bannen, popular' travel , lug salesman for the Aldon Candy ; company, who wiis just recently mar ; ried, has brought his brlte to Pen dleton and i-s now looking for a house :as he inumls to make this city his 1 headquarters. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WllEItE FRANK O'GARA, Pres. ALL ARE PLEAS FD. BERNARD O'GARA. Sea-Tis. Ksl Power Lome with Snddlle. Curl Power, junior member of the firm which manufactured the $350 prize saddle for the Round-up buck ing contests, loit yesterday with the saddle tr Seattle and other cities for the purpose of exhibiting the handsome piece of handiwork. Baok From slioopslieiuliifr. ! Ira Hushes has returned to Pen. ' 'ton after spending six weeks In ; Montana in charge of a sheepshear J ing gang. He says the work of the professional shearer is becoming more and more difficult owing to the sci jentifie breeding of the sheep Which (covers the animal from the tip of his Greenville band in its early history. It appears that the son inherited his father's musical ability, for he is manager of the. famous Round-up cowboy band of Pendleton, which re cently visited Walla Walla, Wash., and won many . encomiums at the hands of tho people and press for the excellent music which it furnished. Flumns Natl.mal-Hu'letln of Qulncy, Cal. Fretl Vincent is Here. Fred Vincent, northwest manager for the United Press association with headquarters with the Portland Jour nal In Portland, is here today upon a visit with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. w. Vincent. He is upon a vacation. ROY BICYCLIST IS FATALLY INJIHED BY 113 FOOT FALL DICKSON AND KEEFE SAVE DROWNING MAN covers six acres and is twenty-feet nose to his hoofs with fleece. thick heavy deep in places, a lily had been drop j pod. and Brighton rowed toward it. I As he got close to the lily Miss Murray leaned far over the side of the boat and as prearranged, fell into the wa ter. "" Brighton dropped his oars and. with Several Heat Prostration. During the 'present hot weather, a number of prostrations from heat have occurred. On Saturday V. Potter, a local carpenter, and Cliff Hays, a horseman, were overcome bv the I a r.eat dive, went alter the woman. heat. Yesterday a harvest hand was thirdbase- I .-he was struggling, but held the lily I brought into the eitv sufferine from t . in licr hand. John Dickson, popular man of the Buckarooes, Is acquiring a reputation as a lifesaver second only Brighton is supposed to have been to that which he enjoys as a per- I seized with cramps. He did not rise former on the diamond. Last year j to the sum-face, and Miss Murray he pulled' a man out of the pool at j swam- to shore. Then she, the pho Wenaha springs, after he was all but tographer and other members of the Chain Rrenks While, on a Hill and IauI Plunges Over Precipice, Land ing on Rocks in Chasm. (SUIT TlHIflS - OTT Harvesters Hot Weather Specialties Edgewater, N. J. While riding to work on his bicycle William Klem, 17 years old, lost control of his ma chine and plunged over the palisades to tho rocks below, a fall of 145 feet. He was breathing when found,, but it is believed he will die. Klem was going down a steep grade when the chain broke at a sharp curve, and unable to check the sud den rush, he sped over the edge of the precipice before he could turn Trees and rocks broke his fall, but he was horribly crushed. COFNTESSES COWS IN CORN. drowned and yesterday, with the as sistance of Secretary Jack Keefe of the Pendlet"n Commercial association, he duplicated this feat. Quite a number of the Sunday vis itors at the popular resort were dis poning themselves in the pool when a stranger, who had been attempting to navigate the waters with the au! of a pair of swimming wings, sud denly lost possession of his buoying helpers and sank in the deepest part of the pool. He had gone down three tims before any of the onlookers realiied that he was in danger. Keefe was the first to reach him, but the drowning man seized him in a desperate grasp and carried his would be saver under also. By this time Dickson had reached the strug gling men and the work of rescue was accomplished. company raced to New Brighton po lice headquarters and reported that Brighton was drowned. F nearth Skeletons. Cartersville, Ga. While excavat ing for a building at his home near Allatoona, W. H. McMichen and his son unearthed the well-preserved skeletons of three union soldiers which had been buried there during the civil war. In the graves with the bones were also found some brass but tons upon which was seen the letter "I," which is supposed to denote that the men were members of an infan try regiment. A pocket knife and a few other little things were found in the grave and with the buttons were brought to this city uy Mr.. McMichen where they created a great deal of interest. a near-sunstroke and several other prostrations are reported but all have recovered from the effects of Old Sol's rays. Clarke Muvc IBs Grocery. George II. Clark, who has been conducting his grocery for several years in the building next to the East Oregonian block, is today moving his stock to the room in the Temple building recently occupied by the Walsh grocery. P. O. Elliott, the well know lunch counter man, will immediately put in a lunch counter in the vacated room and later will in- siuu a. cui.iieriu. PLAY PLOT PROVES FATAL. Parties Plan Browning Eecne Which Heroines Renlity. New York. All was in readiness for a moving picture scene at Brady's pond, Grass-mere, State island. The man with the photograph instrument had his films in readiness, gave the word and Albert Brighton of 170 West Thirty-Ninth street and Miss Mary Murray, an actress, pushed from the Murderer Attempts Suicide. Reaver. Pa. July 17. Charles Hickman, condemned to be hanged t Tuesday for the murder of his wife in February, 1910, almost succeeded in cheating the gallows by an at tempt at suicide. Hickman has twice escaped from jail and has repeatedly said he would again make his escape. Installing Acetylene Plant. Out at the Umatilla Agency a crew of men is now at work install ing the acetylene lighting " plant re cently ordered by the government. The contract was let to P. A. Bryant of Portland and the contractor now has two men at work. The plant will be installed and ready for use early in the fall and will also light the agency grounds. In the past all Ill umination at the agency has been had through the use of kerosene. Save money by reading today! ads. Husband Convicted; Wants Divorce. Mrs. Nellie Hopkins of Freewater has commenced suit in the local court for a divorce from her husband, W. W. Hopkins, alleging as her grounds for the action that the defendant was convicted of forgery In Whitman county, Washington, on May 16, 1910 The couple were married on May 3 1909, and have one child, Gladys aeed 17 months for the custody of which she also asks. Attorney S. D. Peterson is representing her. Coats Off Ui Church. Marking a departure from the usual church decorum, the men la the congregation at the Metnoaist phnrch In this cltv yesterday shed their ccats and listened to the sermon In some degree of comfort. This ac Hon was taken upon the Invitation of Rev. Nathan Evans who does not be lieve in makine his hearers suffe from the heat of this world while he jreaches about the salvation from the eternal fires of the hereafter. UNDERWEAR SHIRTS SHOES OVERALLS SOX HANDKERCHIEFS 25c TO 50c 50c TO 75c $ 1 .50 TO $3.00 75c TO $1.00 5cTO 15c 5c TO 15c Even "San IdroV Green Pastures Full to Attract, for Once. Ogontz, Pa, The Countess Santa- Eulalia's fine pedigreed cows got In to the $5000-an-acre garden of the beautiful Old York road estate of Henry Linde, adjacent and wrought great havoc among the equally pedi greed garden truck there maturing for epicurean tastes. Breaking from the confines of "San Idro's usually tempting pastures, the high-toned cows roamed at will over a number of well-known lawns in exclusive Mel rose Park; then set out for the sugar corn and other sweets in the Linde garden. . Green peas, lettuce, string beans. egg-plants and the like all appeared to be on the bill of fare, while choice tomatoes, radishes, onions and a lot of other carefully cultivated truck were trodden under foot by the bo vine foragers. But it was the green sugar corn that looked most UKe a tornado's visitation after the cows royal feast. All the painstaking efforts of pro fessional gardeners to raise on land worth $50 a front foot delicacies to tickle discriminating palates had gone for naught. There was a complaint to the authorities, and as soon as the powers that be at "San Idro" learned of the foraging expedition they set tled generously for all the damage. THE BOSTON STORE Predicts the largest crop of Wheat in many years. ft X - i this city. Mrs. Marion Kelsey Lee, the Washington young woman whom he married shortly after his arrest In Buffalo, was not present in court. YOL'TILFVL BENEDICTS CAN BUY DRINKS Des Moines, Iowa. Marriage by a young man under 21 years of age gives him tho legal right to buy drinks In a saloon, despite the fact that the state law prohibits minors from pur chasing liquor, according -to a ruling announced today by Special Coun sel Robblns of the attorney general's office. The question . recently propounded was, "Has a youth, who marries be fore he Is 21 years old, all the rights of voting which a man over 1 years of age has, including the right to buy drinks in a saloon?" Mr. Bobbins' opining regarding the right to vote was In the negative. This horse and two others occu pied stalls In Arthur D. Barrow's stable. The animal, probably seeking a whiff of fresh air, some time In the night climbed over a mowing ma chine to a large window in the stable and jumped out, landing in an old well and broke its neck. When he went to feed the animals In the morning- Powell was mystified by the disappearance of one. His search led him to the old well, where he found tho horse dead. He valued the animal at 1175. BRACED NERVE WITH SMOKE. WOMAN SACRIFICES" LIFE IN SAYING CHILD IN RUNAWAY Mrs. Hartley Kelley U Killed While Driving With Husband When norse Dashes Into a Wagon. Meets Death in Remarkable Stunt to Escape Stable. Ocean City, N. J. Indulging In re markable gymnastics, a horse owned by William Powell, an ice dealer in South Ocean City, lost Its lire. - Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Hartley Kelley, wife of a salesman, sacrificed her life in a runaway last night In or der to save her Infant child. Mrs. Kelley had been driving with her husband and was loft in charge of the horse while he was in a gro cery store, when the horse became frightened and ran away. Mrs. Kelley In protecting her child from Injury was thrown to the pave ment when the carriage crashed in to a wagon. She died a 'few hours after her removal to a hospital. f C.6 Vm"'S''"vnl All the troubles of appear when you canning day dis use our supplies. Everything of the best was time tried and fully tested before we even placed the orders with the manufacturers. JABS THAT ARE AIR TIGHT, PARA FINE THAT IS GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY PURE AND ALL THE OTHER LITTLE ITEM3 THAT MAKE CANNING THE PLEASURE IT SHOULD BE. AKD THE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN HUE TOWN CONSISTENT WITH VALUE We have Miss Newhall with us this week, who is demonstrating the uses of PARAF1NE. The work is interesting. Call hi and inspect. Rev. Tallman Here. Rev. I. B. Tallman, father of J. V. Tallman, well known druggist and chairman of the school board, arrived here Saturday from the east. Though advanced in years Mr. Tallman is still In apparent good health and has seemingly recovered from the dan gerous Illness with which he was down during the winter. He was taken sick in Florida soon after re turning from an European trip. Rev. Tallman is a veteran minister of the Methodist church and has many lo owl friends formed during past visits with his son and family. Gray Bros. Grocery 'Quality Grocers." Weather Mnleratt4 a Little. Although today has been extremely warm, there is a noticeable difference in the temperature from that of the past four days. The official termo- meter at 1 o'clock registered, 99 which was 12 degrees below the. temperature registered at that hour on .Saturday Howftvf-r. the mercury has been climbing steadily this afternoon Yesterday the government thermome ter, kept by E. F. Averill, showed a maximum temperature of 111 which was one degree below that of Satur day. Manv thermometers In tho city however, climbed higher than on the preceding day and It Is certain that i the heat was more oppressive. U. S. CLERK IS SENTENCED. E. V. Lec, Wh" Robbed Safe on Bat tleship Georgia, Sent to Prison. Jamestown, N. Y. Evard Valen tine Lee, the former paymasters cvlerk on the battleship Georgia from which he absconded at Havana last February with $46,000, today pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny and was sentenced to serve rive years In the federal prison at Atlanta and to pay a fine of $5,000. Lee had been Indicted hv a federal grand Jury In DALE ROTIIWELL OPTOMETRIST. EYES EXAMINED, GLASSES FIT TED. LENSES DUPLICATED AND FRAMES REPAIRED. With W. E. HANSCOM THE JEWELER. PENDLETON. Sues to Correct I iced. In a suit entitled Minnie J. Mar tin vs. James Seltz, the plaintiff al leges that J6hn P. Seitz and wife, be fore their death, entered into an agreement and contract for the trans fer of; the n 1-2 of sec. 23, the ne 1-4 of the sw 1-4, the w 1-4 of the nw 1-4 and the nw 1-4 of the se 1-4 of Kec. 24. twp. 5 N. R. 24 to her, hut throuzh a mutual mistake, the descrinti jn in the warranty deed reads wrongly. .She further alleges that she htm been in possession of the land since and is the only heir of the de ceased. She therefore asks for a cor rtctive decree. Attorney S. D. Pet erson U representing the plaintiff. From Fletcher' Birthplace, Mr. T), Kemller and wife of Pen dieton. Oregon,- who have been guests at the Ulumas House for the past ten days, handed us a copy of the East Orr-snnlan. nubllshed at their home town In v.h'ch reference Is made to Robert Fletcher, who was born in this county. It will be remembered HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet' Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated HORSE'S SUICIDAL LEAF. Searchers Find Rrakenian With Crushed 'Foot Enjoying: Cigarette. Woodstock, Va. Henry Fadeley, a brakeman on a Southern freight, fell from the train while It was running and crushed one foot so that ampu tation was necessary. Fadeley show ed wonderful nerve when he realized that' he probably would bleed to death, and made a tornlquette of his suspenders that stopped the flow of blood. He was not missed by his crew until the train had arrived at the end of its run- Ptrasbudg Junc tion. A search found him beside the track, calling for help and smoking cigarettes. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE I N TOWN WHY? Because people get better goods, better service and better weight than any other place in town and you'll find our prices cheaper at the CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson Sts. Phone Mala 101 i ii Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR JULY LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED LADIES' SUITS PRESSED.'. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED , MEN'S SUITS PRESSED Have your clothes cleaned t an up-to-date ptace and by up-to-date methods. Phone Main 100. 208 1-2 E. Alta. 92.00 $1.00 $2.00 , T5c s TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman &. Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A STOGK RANCH? I have 4S0 acres, 200 of same tillable, Mack rich soil, will grow -rain, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never falling spring of water.- This land Is close to the reserve In the foot hills, and Is an Ideal hog ranch. $8.00 per acre will buy It. I have other tracts from 1000 to 16000 acres In a body at pri ces ranging from $8 to $15 per acre. Having 12 years experience In the stock business in this county, I am In a position to show you some of the best propositions to be found. In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban homes at low watermark prices. Come and see me. E. T. WADE Tenwle Big Office phono Man, 455 ; Res. B. 8271. Pendleton, Ore. All Summer Goods Must Go Children's 75c and 90c Wash Suits Children's 65c Straw Hats ........ Children's 35c Straw Hats - Ladies' $3.50 Summer Dresses Kimonas . . Parasols - Full Line of Harvest Goods. 58tf 45 20 . ?2.25 1-3 Off 1-3 Off 1Ee Wonder Store Cheapest prices in Pendleton for the entire family. l'lone Main 28. that Mr. Fletcher's father, -W. D, Kietrher. organized and led the Read the East Oregonlan. Next to Poet Office