EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, VEXDLETOX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1911. Fruits and Vegetables the fresh, crisp and jucy kind. Everything the market offers In fresh fr.utts and green vegetables Is found here first. Tou'll find our quality highest and prices lowest. conomy Jars Jut received, large line of Economy fruit Jars, which we are selling at the lowest prices. Tops always on hand. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Ono Marriage License. A marriage license was issued yes terday afternoon to George J. Stan Kior am! Maude Bentley, residents of l'emlleton. IttVHiiler lots Sold. J. K. Pershall and wife'have sold lots 3. 4, 5 and 6 of block S4, town of Freewater. to William and Andy li. Johnson for $1S30. The deed for ;hc transaction was filed today. street at a rapid rate. Chief of Po lice Gurdane overtook and arrested them, but upon their plea that they had all they could do to keep their seats without atempting to cheek the speed of their mounts. Acting Police Judge Hailey mercifully allowed them to depart without a fine. However, they will probably not appear among the entries at the Round-up this fall. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY ISG. WHERE FRANK O'GARA, Pres.. ALL ARE PLEASED. BERNARD O'GARA, Sec-tr PORTLAND ELKS 1 fi! IN LANDING SULLIVAN pot 54$ votes, while Frank A. King of Providence, who was pushed into the fiht when Wright's candidacy be came known, polled S99. Four candidates for grand trustees failed to get a rtiu:rcd majority and a second ballot will be taken tomor row. Thomas McXu'ity of Baltimore, who is seekii.g reele li-m. ied getting Will I.emo on Yaoitioii. Deputy I.iNtrict Attorney AV. C. E SAjl'ruiU and wife, Mrs. Aura M. Rale) I anj gnat granddaughter, Miss Jean iJtfc Jacobs of Portland, will leave in the y-j I morning for Lehman Springs, where liuy w ill spend a week. i 1!il.-.his Return Home, I'l.iW-isce JUshop, manager of the 1 ciullcton Woolen Mills, returned i horn... la-t evening from a month's in the cast and his father, C. P. Lsivhop, who has letn absent in t!o ..i;. for several months, arrived on i No. 17 today direct from New York. Attended Installation. For the purpose of attending the installation of officers for the Her- miston chapter O. E. S., the following members of the local chapter went to that little city last evening. John Vert, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Mrs. Aura Raley. Mrs. J. A. Best and Mrs. Frank Snling. Mrs. D. C. Brownell of Uma tilla and daughter, Miss Beatrice Brownell, both of whom beloi.g to the Pendleton chapter, also attended the ceremony. The officers were in stalled and following the work a so cial session was held at which the Hermlston members entertained their outside guests. Mrs. Phillips is the worthy matron of the new lodge at Hermlston. The Pendleton delega tion returned home this forenoon by auto. Big Smnmer Reductions Any SUIT OF CLOTHES in Our Store for and we can fit and please you perfectly. Any Pair of MEN'S OXFORDS in Our Store, Hanans Excepted, for HKCEIYF.S MORE TIIAX HALF OF TOTAL VOTE Oroaon Delesniim Entertains "Entire VniuM States." AotMrdmi: to Dis patch Received lv Total I.ol:;e loin lvlcetite Frank Quinian. and the O. E. but ..b- votes. L"' I. -' '. was Sr II. V,'u;l 01' I' 4"-! c.ml '..lh 124. li;!-.cr ,.in, '.: '..i -'. Fr.ir.k 15. Kin. s.vrctary. Fiv,l buijuo. Iowa: ; oy 1.. A;i':ei;alo of r.t on 1 uirh 4 22; Charles .a Ivr.a, I'.il.. Was thirl .:l-:uc! W. l'errott last To Install o. 11. S. Chapter. A party of local members of the i . 11. S. dt iurted on the motor car rday for Hermlston for the i rose of attending the installation :' a chapter of that order at Her-;-ii-ton. Among those i;.ins down wus John Vert, past grand patroa of the order, who served as installing officer. Not or.ly 'lid P.r'.-'.nl 1 '. i 2 ,-onv nti-n of the B. P John F.v.viek Sullivan "f Xew Orleans. If r, the mar. for whom the const de'.esa- , and grand t.on -.v.i, pu'lii?. was eavt-d grand : onl. exalted rul.-r. according to a U.e- 1 p: am ! :. . ; v tna oc.il lome n r.- ' .o. t-.l include: me-1 hailm-i kr.ight, icy of Kansas; grand i.'. Uot'lns on of Pu rar.d tr .'surer E.i- .ev C'oiici'e c Sidewalk. A now concrete sidewalk has just tod ; fro on 1.. ujund Loach of Now Yors; P. Salt Ids of s nnc-r guard, L. grand ty Yirin a. I'. LlV'T- tao ll- I i... ;.",t imi'rovi 1 1 . j. t, ,v,: I svi.bcv:;, V-. .M. K. .".-: matel I':;-, s'.ru't, i'.aurcguard s street to l.i front of .'. J. T. llos :.i!. M.iU: ; laker. The l.-.liy to the 11 k- ir r Quinlr.n t inn stated r- lnu.'-ii gati'-'t-. ;- tt-rtair.if-From al Its .'elocate. Frank J. .Is morning. Mr. Quia- j fa.rther that Oreg..n was j .I the m-ty that the do- le- iio '.-.; :; !; pr-ud by en- ; :- whole I'nif d States at j artc-rs." ' State Council of Scouts. Western Copperstown, X. Y., July 12. A; .aj.; great council and camp et the Boy j , ,.;vt j a sc-u;s . X-A- Y-rk st it -. t.ie tarst ol its kind ever held, was connacnced to day on th- west shore .:' t"t.-g lak". Portia:: 1 v-nt:- v. v-- 1 - -At the la.-t in. s.av.l : M-'-a.:- l- ol a: n. .tie.".. i. Etruc; In lul r Sulov..: vots cat: ! M relar.J c: 'T.'.ks Antler T kior 1 ur.ts. t I.lXl t a.l yralty at, all i: - t;-d ta t! ic st-icition o! . plat e o: con- ' out I y I'll tin- of sentiment ippiosuion dis- r.-l. after On . ' h of r.omi- ; . tary -.'-.- iu- 1 Co; i i u.- I a.' ii'e ri .rt ..'i .. t a ti ;td X.;lte. ,-ejved i4 . f the lii'2 fau:y ilO p.nJ Arthur v,v York, editor of the prilled 233. Miaard .'i.s t" v. n. a:; seet. :a !a nee. ? ioiits have been pitched on the of the toresi near the and -tiU' conclave will resem- l e in many ivi.36 tlu ..-iinillve ft!!i. 1'- f til-- U,i a i ' l---lo .i i' .-a:. ie vic.nity before the ...a . . v: ..hite-. Tile ooys will do their o a n cooking, and on the out skirts .i Ui i::.e of teiiLi are ir-aia ; : .... -., -.. .. ii... ..oaii.-u-r-j wi;l buy liie.i- supplies, i'. is p-uj- -s.-.i t) maiie t....s-.- st 'te couiuiU .innual affair-. The present camp will continue to July IS. Pictures. i.ee Mi oriiouse lias jut re--el of pk turs C. .'d. Uus- sell, t'le well IviV.ui v.t-tern artist. The jleiui' S w rv yiveii the inaj- i' by ... J. ii' ari.k, i'oieoia.:i f ir the W. T. Il.aglt j Cuiendur company of Oie.it Falls, .Mm and were to show appre clIU.i'si ' f ! I'a'l'S randel,l by too i -a: ;.: :. t. (mh1 lrKress on Sower Line. The firm ot Robinson & Foster is pushing the construction work on the sewer extension with all possible I speed and. aeeordinc to Councilman ' Sharon, chairman of the sewer com mittee, the work Is progressing wdh great rapidity. Although a ship ment of pipe was made five days ago, it has not yet arrived but the digram; of the trenches is well under way. The firm is attempting to secure a dispensation from t ie railroad com pany allowing the running of a spur from the Y so that the pipe can be unloaded close to the work 1 far the company has refused to the re:uost. Mr. Kotiinson tiu tires that the two miles of line wil be laid ' lanan Oxfords Red. to $4.00 nut so ' ' by September 1", five limit allowed. days before Uk COLXCIL IS MUCH DIVIDI'I). (Continued from page one.) W'e-t Point Graduation. West Tolnt. X. Y., Jrly 12.--.1-1 Jor tb. ia ral L anar.l Wood, of staff of the raited Slaus I tiii.t th t ordinance would pass the With i council if it proves feasible, chief j Sharon Opposed, army, i Councilman Sharon is opposed to representing , the war department the annual graduation exercises were held to.luy at West Point military a, .i.'.oiny. lb ncral Wood distributed I arv such ordinance on the grounds 'that the rewiring which it would ne icessitate would prove too expensive '; for the business men. "Pendleton is the diplomas to the eighty-five, grad-1 too small a city for ground wires," nates and made a brief address. I he Etated. Siirooie mucin. li 'ix - to Iril'iV i' Honolulu. inkeri.tn, la! bureau I latiti-iry, n : r r .ea . tnv. . - j mim... ; L ll' x. : Mc.Mahon vs. Mi (;ann. West Point, X. Y July 12. With Mail -a. the Xew rustle. Pa., .-a. lht v. In. is l.c'iig touted r.s :.vi!sw v. hi ie h.-ipe. will ho"k up nvWt wi'h Hti-.th Mei;, -in in a U n- b :e . . b" stag, d !. H lo u! .'b.Maii 'a r. la-r.tly rnado an i siiow ln- ai-a'nst Fl r.e.k i.ati- ! : 11 1 ira ..i of li.ii '.. -.;st- '.'.'.beh will be sent ...t i;-"... i.o ..iil iaM , aunty cijy to i Honolulu. J .' e una ol .L i' iei iiiia i.s the shipper a.ul this is the see- j end bunch ot rar.se horsts . at to the i il.'., a i.m brands. I d Vr i.'ht 1: 1 i'diaal . p..-t ruier of 1'bil- :io i-.ttempted to win cmed ioval ki.ight, i solemn rel'gious servicJ. days, as early or';. '-:;-; were' i Carl l'owcr's Hide. as 17 32 ' Carl Power who rode from in. re . rr.a-.le a i Portia rid recently for the purpose adveriisiag the llound-up, .j n.a.v l in .iking a collection of newspaper t - - i clippings teiimg of his stunt. Today fynisrTrjrayi.r VSffr--' irgv-mniEWaW j it." received u ' i opy of the Dayton, jj Wash. Dispatch containing a coiui.ra ;; I account of the. r.Jc. He ha-i papcia S ' from iolnt.s as fur east as Missouri i? I in whii li ti'.e ride is described : i ! Fruzlcr llorst-s on Track. Frank Frazier, the local racchorso man, is trainu.g two of his fast step pers on the track at Kound-up Park daily, and no difficulty is encounter ed in rounding the turns at a good speed. Autos will be kept off the trade hereafter and only members of the riding and orivmg club allowed on it with their horses. The first matinee will probably be held in two weeks. Councilman Stroblo, refused to ex press himself wlrll. Councilman' Urock stated he did not. care to make a statement until b.o had iriven the nii'.tter more thorough consideration. ''.-.liir ihnfti V'if!;.romi rv d""liti'".I naik" a .statement upon the sub- :v, saylrr.; tin p: t red t a this eve'da:; to talk. lakes the Idea, 'maa Kirl: a at! 1 h .1-. I ns favorable to t'-v idea o;' the wims placed under ground. I 1'ov, , v. r. lo li.t not lnv. -'i-ated tin' N ... ..if:'l..;....r!v to b.. fal'v d"- id' d. Jle wishes to see how feasible be proposed ordinance will be. f.ninrll.nan ."! Ki! rnti'd not j ioe.rted ay the Ii-t ' i c-on'., n's In'.' t. rvinw.-r and ticeord'ticly b.is views Foirrti " it m w in i in'o. i'p were added ,,,, ;!,e su'njeet could n 't be o!) to the re'd of tti" C'-mmereial clu'i i , ,i, .,..!. r too ad. i-nirne.1 raon'hiv no ei in-.' ; held last evening, nine berrg a.aiv inoii.)"i- mni i:vv iion-resnn-ru niaai-. .... PROSECUTION TO FOLLOW SHIP WRECK San Francisco, July 12. Fetb-ral prosecution of the Pacific Coast SUainship company officials, who are alb ged to huvu been iii part r-p'U-sible for tlie danger to the pn.ss.-t.jfors on their boat, too Santa Hns.i, wion it struck the rocks off Point Argu- lillty o Fnited nay the stnle l-.-lared t" be ; near future District Attorn. FOURTttfi UM1TE WITH LOCAL CLUB it too ; niHi.' lrim. elf !' tow, !',-.) lin is wat.-hlng ( that is belli',- i 'k. shij, insp'i-'.as ;, rr-enre jj, ji, Wili follow. i i.' re. riiri the te re the pros prob- y 1.MV- tiu.ony S'.etttn- r.ec-ll-.-ntion I.j in it ! 'inc.. York. July ) 'y -n-p,. nding Maw. :. Ib'dd'-s ( oitfiel '.er on Fnipir... in- .S.W .! finite p.'e f.r his assault on Umpire F tr jieran. President Lynch of the Nation al league fined him 20. The f:on Is tlie liad; allowed by the Xt'iU'.al b-;,,,i.i,. re -til tt: ns Auetlotis were Unmans. First -, !o id in 1 Tin). known to the early i ndtie in Drit air. w is All the troubles of canning day dis appear when you use our supplies. Everything of the best was time tried and fully tested before we even placed the orders with the manufac turers. ' JAP.S THAT ARE AIR TIGHT, PAUAFIXE THAT IS GUARAXTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY PURE AXD ALL THE OTHER LITTLE ITEMS THAT MAKE CAXXIXO THE PLEASURE IT SHOULD EE. AXD THE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IX THE TOWX COXSISTEXT WITH VALUE. We have Miss Newhall with us this week, who is demonstrating the uses of PARAFINE. The work is interesting. Call in and inspect. Record Breaking Strawberries. W. II. Bell, the Cabbage Hill gar dener, who has long been noted for his excellent products, came into town this morning with some record breaking strawberries. A box which ho brought to this office was filled to the brim with just evelen berries, each of which was large enough for a fair sized meal. Mr. Bell Is a strong booster for the Cabbage Hill country and declares Milton, Hermlston or Weston has "nothing on" it for strawberries. Gray Phone Main 28. 'Quality Grocers." Next to Poet Office Gambler Are Fined $50. Neil Dozier, Sam Endicott, Vaughan and Nate Cecil, the four men caught in the raid of the Palace rooming house Monday night, yesterday after noon pleaded guilty to the charge of gambling in violation of the city ordi nance and were fined fifty dollars apiece by Acting Police Judge Hailey. Cecil refused to howl about the al leged crooked practites which the other three were employing to get his money, but took his "medicine along with them. 5 bers. Local tnembi rs elected lire K. Sturdivant, C. .T. Mitchell, Hoy Ducll-1 Vu) annn, Frank Hayes, Marshall Spell. I U. (. Sturdivant. B. D. Smith, C. W. j vj Meichan and Joe Ell. ' The non-resident members are L. I L. Rogers, Cyrus Sturgi, it. li. stan-jAf ii'.'iu, r. 15. i.w.iuw a-Oll J . u. worth. According to Secretary Keefe mane other veiidents of UVstrrn h:ivo . filmed applications for non-resid'-nce 1 member-hip but the list Nas not yet been submitted to the association. At the meitlng last evening the secretary was Instructed to write the Baker Commercial club setting that organization straight as to the pay ment of Pendleton's shale of (he branch asylum campaign expense. The Pendleton portion of the expense was paid some months ago, but either the Bakerites have forgotten the matter or they have a careless correspondent in that city. DO NOT FORGET when phoning your order for rr.ert, that VF, CAURV A C'O.M rl.I.TF, LINK OF FANCY AXD STAPI.i: KOCKI(IF.S. and our prices are RIGHT. Fresh fruits and vegetables received dally. "Everything to eat. Groceries and meat." atthe CASH MARKET Phone .Main 101 f.1 Cor. I'J. vourt anil Jolinxon ht 9 It AGING FOKEST FIRES. (Continued from page one.) fires are gaining headway rapidly. The train had just crossed a burn ing bridge when the structure fell. Another logging train coming in on the same road is ,on the forest side of the bridge and fears are entertain ed for the safety of Rs crew. On the Pigeon river branch of the Michigan Central another logging crew Is reported cut off by burning bridges. Wood choppers throughout the local timber district thlfl after noon were compelled to abandon their camps and flee for their lives. Do you read the Eaat OregontanT lt"Hrt Munuger Here. J. F. Egensperger, manager of the Wallowa Lake amusement company, was here yesterday on business con nected with that popular resort. He was here for a time Saturday and then left for Walla Walla, stopping off here yesterday' en route home. Since last summer a number of im provementw have been made at the Wallowa Lake ' camping grounds and it Is again proving a popular place for Inland Empire people to spend their vacations. Special rates of one and a third fares arc granted to the resort from Pendleton and other points In this section. Parties of 18 people may secure Pullman acom modatlons straight through to Jo seph. However those going to the resort should ask for tickets to Wal lowa lak, not to Joseph, according to Mr. Egensperger. Greeks Are Xo Iluckarooe. However much the Greeks of old were famed for their equine achieve ments, two of their descendants fail ed miserable to qualify today as buek aroo.'f. They had recur-d n couple of horses from a local .livery barn and started out to ride. Neither one had ever been astride an animal before and, us the horses were quite spirited, they were soon galloping down the HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet' Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated PS TOILET CUE AIM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. nOOD CREAM. TaUmaiv & Co. Leading DniRjriats of East ern Oregon. Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR JULY LADIES' SUITS CLEAXED AND PRESSED LADIES' SUITS PRESSED MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED MEN'S SUITS PRESSED Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and date methods. Pbone Main 100. 206 1-2 E. Alts . ...J2.S0 ... tl.00 . . . ta.oo 75c by up-to- HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A STOCK RANCH? I have 480 acres, 200 of same tillable, black rich soil, will grow grain, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never failing; spring of water. This land is close to the reserve In the foot hills, and Is an Ideal hog ranch. $8.00 per acre will buy It. I have other tracts from 1000 to 16000 acres in a body at pri ces ranging from i to $1E per acre. Having IS years experience In the stock business In this county, I am in a position to show you some of the best propositions to be found. In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban homes at low watermark prices. Come and see me. E. T. WADE Tenwle Big Office phone Maiu 455 ; Res. B. S271. Pendleton, Or. S W ARRANGING OUR STOCK FOR REGULAR BUSI NESS WE FIND MANY BROKEN LINES. WHICH WILL BE SOLD LOWER THAN EVER. WASH GOODS. 10c Wntili Goods - 5 12 l-2c Wash Goods 9 15c Wash Goods 11 35c Wash Goods - 19 Brnkon linos of SHOES at about HALF PRICE. Plenty of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords nt reduced prices. The Wonder Store Cheapest prices in Pendleton for the entire family.