3 I 1 8 9 I PAGE BIX DAIUr KAVT ORBGOX1AX. PENDLETON. OREGON, WKDXKSAAY, JfLY 12, 111. rtGirr PAGES SUMMER CLOTHES Q UALITY The kind demanded i i aressea men in by the . best even Unfed Statea city of 1 ALL REDUCED IB PRICE r 4. ti - 4 ! Mi 3- . (' mill n -.Yvi--' if It' it' ? : J ? i ....... i ''Wlim ill:' H ' r t-frv J. 1 I II; ' - L llu'iijil'- ' All $35.00 Suits All $32,50 Suits All $30.00 Suits All $27.50 Suits All $25.00 Suits All $22.50 Suits All $20.00 Suits All $17.50 Suits AU$15.00 Suits going at going at going at going at going at going at going at going at FROM THE SPORTING' W0ELB NATIONAL LEAGUE. Score: R. H. E. Portland 2 Spokane 10 14 0 Batteries Jensen and Williams; WIIUs and Splesman. Chicago 6: Itruoklyii 2. Brooklyn, X. Y., July 12. Chicago took the first game of the series here In a battle that was evenly fought up to the fifth, when the Brooklyn de fense broke up. Two errors and two hits let in three runs, and the league leaders added two more In the ninth on a tripue by II. Zimmerman and a homer by J. Doyle. Score: R. H. E. Ch lea go 6 7 1 Brooklyn !'.!!!. 2 8 2 " and Archer: Bp -- on Hroviu m t r--.- r-- 9ri .. Erwin. rinpires -johnstono Aho i!aso .ailclplila 12; Cincinnati 6. Philadelphia, Pa., July 12. Phila delphia defeated Cincinnati easily yes tenk'v. Smith was hit hard. Score; R. H. E. Cincinnati 6 11 2 Pli'adelphia 12 17 3 Smith. Juule and McLean; Chal ni. -r. and Dooln. 1'mplre Ricler. rilfsliura IS: Sow York 1. N,.iv York. July 12. Pittsburw lmmered out all su-ts of hits off New York pitchers and had a .wini ng lead at the end of the sixth i:'i:in.-.. Wagner, Gibson and Snod- i 1 j. . uss eaeii nuiue uun m, ...u t ' sitnu- contained three home runs, two '.7 I COAST LEAGUE. Pc. .662 .629 .624 .614 .459 400 ASSAILANT SPIRITED AWAY TO PREVENT LYNCHING Massllon, O., July After one hundred armed deputies and police had kept a mob at bay for several hours, Harvey M it-kens, a negro, who Is charged with assaulting Myrtle Evans, a white girl, was spirited out of this city this morning by the au thorities to prevent a lynching. l s. LINED VP WITH ENGLAND AND FRANCE The score; ! R. H. E. ' P!ttsiu-- 13 19 1 $C j.W.v Y 4 11 3 Tj ; IV. mi it::. V.-rvy iin.l ' U n: Wilt t Am 1 '1 inii a:i'! Myers. A. , Wilson. f.W i fimi-i l'l::v and F':'.1'V. l,A ... . fit u;;m ( n 0 e 9 . ..t-i.i.- v t i' o i l- o O $26.25 $24.50 $22.50 $21.25 $18.75 $16.75 $14.75 $ 1 3.25 $1 1.25 inrnt of f 11 mi The our iiiainiii'itli tort- manufactured now nint fineet men s selling at about cost. Do yourelf the ju.-tice of investigating our quality and prices, whether you buy or not J'KN1)LKT)N'S 1 I : A 1 ) IX (i CLOTH I KI i.S. Standlinf or tlio Tennis. W. L. Portland 53 43 Vernon 54 is San Francisco 54' 49 Oakland 54 51 Sacramento 54 53 Los Angeles . '"59 """ T 1 1 1 .14 . Frisco Bi OaUiartd 3. San Francisco; July 12. San tran cisco won from Oakland yesterday In a game marked by fast playing and featured by three home runs, two of the four base hits went to Oak land, Cutshaw and Zacher being the men to take so kindly to Sutor's of ferings. Powell scored the home run for the Seals. The gamo was close when the seventh opened, the Seals I having only one run the best of the ! argument, but the Oaks fulled to si ore an. 1 ine eais seiu vteaver ar ound in the eighth. The score: R. H. E. Oakland 3 11 0 San Francisco 6 10 2 t'hristian, M't.c; Sutor and Schmidt I'm pi t o Finney. Yeruoii 1; Portland 0. Portland. Ore., July 12. Carlisle swath -1 one of Sea ton's offerings In the tighth inning yesterday for a home run an. I settled thereby the is-mi,- of tin- !:iy. Castleinan, with the as.- is.;, in -e of some sensat ionul work l.a.-k "f hi:n. held Portland down to v.il. lv flistribtlted lilts. Seaton London, July ."That the United States has formlally lined up with Great Britain and France in opposing Germany's aggression in Morocco, Is declared this afternoon by most newspapers of this city. They assert that Washington has formally notified Germany that the establishment of a naval base on the Morroeean coast would be considered a menace to American Interests, and. (ij the Panama canal. FEARFUL. BURNING ITCH is cue General Strike. New York, July -A 6ontral strike of leather workers in the New York district, Involving about buuu men Is pending, according to an an nouncement from the executive com mittee of the union. The Btrlke or der will no into effect July 15 unless a new wage scale and an agreement between tho union and the manufac turers Is adopted before that date. About 1100 members of the union are now Idle, some of whom are on strike, the rest being locked out. Wl.llll MIST JIANG; LAST HOPK IS GONi: en eoiialiy stinuy 'anisic ? lucky hit Now York .S, St. l.ouis 3. St. l.ouis, July 12. Hitting Lake and Powell at of.portun-j moments ave New York the first game, of the series of lour with tile locals 'War hop was effective i" ail but to in ning, dec's home run was the feature. j .Score: K. II. K. I New York S f 1 ! St. Louis 3 9 2 23 Latteries urhop and LUur;. 1'ow- "A!..;! I :i k ia nnd I'liirk Chicago -1-1, liostou 0-0. . Chicago, July 12. Chicago' and l'.oston broke even in a double header tlie lormer whining the first game by coupling two hits with two errors and a hit by pitched ball, and the latter winning the second game by bunch ing hits off Baker. First game: R. H. E. Boston 0 3 3 Batteries 'White and Sullivan; Wood and Carrigan. Second game: R. II. K. Chicago 6 1 Boston 6 9 2 Batteries Baker and Payne; Pape and Williams Detroit 14, Philadelphia 8. Detroit, Mich., July 12. Coming up under a six run handicap, Detroit was but one behind when the eighth inning opened. Detroit then started a rally, lorced Coombs out of the box and got to Plank for seven runs, and won. Delhanty was the star in Detroit's attack, lie n:t a home run in the seventh and tripled with two runners on bases in the eighth. Score: It. H. L". Pniladelphia ' Detroit H 16 I Batteries Coombs, Flank and Lapps: Summers, Covington, Lalitt ana Stallage, Cleveland 2, ashinstou 1. Cleveland, July 12. Cleveland won the first of tiie seriea frum Washing ton, bunching hits in the first and third innings. Hughes was hit Willi a uatted null and forced to retire. Fal kenourg was effective throughout. Score: 11. H- L. Cleveland - 1 - Washington 1 u 0 Batteries la ken burg and Fisher; Hughes, Wa.ker and Henry. -non . . . !"..!: h-n.i. .. ( 'a si Icniill JCuhn. nnd ll'isnn with Vernon Score: R. II. K. 1 5 0 0 4 0 ; P'-a'on nnd Salem, Or. J P. vVebb must ha int. Ills appeal was dismissed by the su preme court today because his attor ney failed to file a transcript in time. judge McLrtde in one of his brief! decisions, distuned the appeal. ; Webb was convicted of murder in : the fiist desree and October 20 was! sentenced to death. On December 3 ! his notice of appeal was duly served j and filed and a stay of execution was i granted. The defendant was given I until February 1 to I'd By Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Another Man Had Itching on Scalp. Hair Fell Out, Leaving Bald Spots. Now Hair Has Grown, Thanks to Cuticura Soap and Ointment. 4 "I dem H my duty to tell fthout fur that llio Cuticura Soup and Ointment liavo made on myself. My trouble hewn in tplotches breaking out rluht In the edse of my httlr on tho forehead, and spread over the front part of the top of my head from ear to car. and over my ears which caused a most fearful burning itch, or eczema. For three ycara I had this terrible breaking out 00 my forehead and scalp. I tried our family doctor mi I'e lik'4 to ll Tl,v11 1 trl-a tlio .' i Ointment and used them to, twe Tnio tlii wUU tU result of a completo rnrn Cut cura Soap and Ointment should EE the "Sdnd I lot of People to u them. (.SlfaUL ' - . Tnarrlntton, Creek, N. 0.. J;m. 20. 1911. "I will Miy that I have b.-en JJiff-r? with tfa Itching on my scalp for tin Pt few veara My hair fell out In a.L er Hy bead. Mi' scalp started to tr.uMc h. ith sores, then the sores hcaKd up, Sd rrustsTorni'ed on the top Then tl half ?' l out and left mo throe bald spot lie , U ct a half dollar. I went to ...ore than one doctor, but could not get any r. li.-f. so I ,iarted to use the Cuticura Item-dies. I ri d one bar of Cuticura Sua;, and i?mo Cuttum Ointment, and felt Te l,vtd tight nwnv. Now the bald sikHs have Uiapp. an , and my hair lias grown, thanks to tli.i cuti cura Soap and Oi.itme.it. 1 l.igl; y recom inetid the Cuticura Kciuodies to ull tbat are wTffer'nR with scalp trouble." (Sr;uv.l) Sinm. l Stern, 2UG l'loyd St.. Brooklyn, N. .. .Veil. 7. 11)11. Altlmiiirli Cuticura tfoaji an.i umiuifm foldc-. ryvlicr...alilcral samtileuf caeU.witli 1 .n h.mk on the skin, will be sent poM-frec, oii implication to l'o'l. r J.'nm' & Cla-ia. Corp Dept. tlA. lioatou, Mass.' Youth's Compnnlon. Doctor, If 1 go, promise me this. My stone shall bear these words: 'Killed at 1 li tlysliuru in the front of battle." " "Put yu weren't," objected the phy- his transcript siclail KS KV IM.iri'.MHSTS I'01 AI.T.r.C.KD DWNAMITrilS in the supreme court. Ii-r as ever made. No further or- r ii.n.vv r ut It ua.cn I my luhu Iwiis fouu'nt. The ni:m feared he would 1 .11 a L-.-.. I.IV v.-LM-etted that, since The n. I Amreles, Cal., July 'His trlct Attorney Fredericks appenve-jy before the Srand jury todnv and ask id for n.-.c irolietments against Con-i civil war ners. Ira P.end-.-r nnd A. P.. Maple, jchnrg.d with haviiiR attemptcu xo vintnho the Hall of Records. The I f. rmer iinlietineiits were quashed. The decision of Judc;.. Rordwell, on the defense's motion to ouash the in dictments against the McXamaru brothers, will be given tomorrow morning. If the ruling Is adverse to tho Mc Namaras, they will be asked to plead ind their trial set for this fall. w.wTr i) to r.i: A nr.uo. Terrible as 1'- is to be slain In bat tle, there is one tiling the soldiers f.-ar wors... declares a veteran. That is to miss the honor of taking part in a great battle, and to die inglori ous ly at home, when his country needs him. An artilleryman from Michlprn.i brought this nut during the he must ro. it count not uau ie e.1 on that glorious field. He called up on the doctor to hear his la.-t re-quest. t (i.oi;r.i Mi iioi iti n PAYS DKATII l'KXAl.TY Clmrleston, P. C. Daniel Duncan, i, hmmed for the murder .. ..... ii K.i.i .,! t . v l.ubi Iskv. a n had only Ju.-t to the '- ' . .' .! "' ;,-,. el nr.' ind S..I, no real fighting. J'--" oo.-o- - - - ' , . . . ,. ..... ih io,.s. atrocious in the an- dav wnne on tin: in.m-.i o T'.,.ii in.. n't t.i inis -i.i.. . . ..... .... :,, a run over ny u.e ' ' .. sh,Vl(, m.t nerve. Ms he lirto'l, but as the black cap was . . . . ... . i into.i be fainted, the tr furlouKhed ana sem nonie. ; J- . . wft. i this con lltl- j??: t."yb"-d T oer;:m:i,,,w t;. 0r.s at c.ettysnurg aurmg u. . . ., " ' ",,.,,, ,10.onHn,,rs. ;.Wnee nt Brookfleld. Mich." siateiii.Mt .... lr.t mo- being ad- trnp belnjr going at Satistaction and fit guar- 8 anteed. All alterations U free. Jov et.M-k-n.'du(.-in prices will s-rct-t you in every depart- .....MAMAAnnnnnnQOOOOOOOO O , REFINED STATIONERY o I Either Printed, Engraved FOR -SUltlllUtsT lK.UL'h.. Standing of Uic Teams. W. L. l'ct. Spokane 03 31 .SU9 Vancouver 51 35 .593 Tacoina 60 35 .588 Seattle -'J U Portland 43 Abl i'oriland 40 43 .582 Victoria 21 .03 .20U Vancouver 12, Tacoma 11. Vancouver, B. C, July 12. Van couver won a 13 inning game from Tacomaa 12 to 11 yesterday. The game was featured by Heavy hitting by both sides, Vancouver using four pitchers and Tacoma two. Score: R. H. E. Vancouver ...12 17, 6 Tacoma 11 15 3 Batteries Gervals, Belford, Erlck aon, Brinker and Shea; McCamment, Mall and Burns. Victoria 7, Seattle 4. Seattle, July 12. Seaton was wild yesterday and In addition Victoria hit him at will, twice for run and won the game 7 to 4. Turchner wan effective until the seventh Inning when four hits and an error netted four runs. The batting of Ten Million, the former University of Washington player, was the feature. Score: It. H. E. Seattle 4 5 2 Victoria 7 12 3 Batteries Seaton and Shea; Fur chner and De Vogt. i jxiUaiio 10, I'ortland 1. Spokane, July 12. Willis pitched a fine game and Spokane won easily o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Business Firms Professional Men Social Occasions Private Correspondence DONT send out of town for this class of stationery, but bring your orders to the EAST OREGONIAN. We can as sure you the finest work obtainable and at prices as low and in some cases lower than you will be forced to pay outside concerns. Asti Us to Show You Samplos and Quote You Prices. PHONE MAIN 1 9 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o from Portland. 10 to 1. Jensen was ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hit hard and given poor support.