o EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OUEGONIAX, PEJTDLETOJr, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1911. PAGE FIVE An Automobile Snap 1908 model; -passenger toneau; . fine condition and fully equipped with top, glass front, large size Presto light tank; magneto ignition, extra tubes, etc. Unmarred original condition, both upholstering and finish. Can be bought for $1600 cash, if taken at once. Inquire of A. W. WHEALEN, at Pendleton Auto Co. LOCALS I ee Lane ft Son for slgna. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane ft Son. Wanted Two waitresses at Hotel Pendleton. Eor rfnt Alexander residence on Water street. Inquire U. Alexander. Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 808 South Lllleth street. i'aone PlHtzoeder for fresh meat u i lar1. Main 446. Mt-n with combine want Job rutting gr.iln. Ettor & f-'on, Pilot Rock. Sor fale Underwood Typewriter, good condition. Apply this office. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to see trK best and the clearest pictures. For Sale Cheap One three year old mare broke to ride and drive. Apply BU3 State utreet. I-v.r .Sale Cheap One two year old mare broke to ride and drive. Apply fin:j Stan? street. Buy your chickens' for Sunday's dlr.i.T at the Central Meat Market. Phone Main 31. Everything tnnt's good to eat, In xi-'at-i and groceries at the Cash Mi'iKi t, phone Main 101. For Kent Tnree furnlMhcd ouse k'" ping rooms, electric lights and gns. Try Rose Cream for Sun Burn and Tan if you wish to be FREE of those blemishes 25c KOEPPENS PERSONAL MENTION No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horsee Doarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, (20 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Wanted Work on ranch by two young men, experienced. Address H. V. Masters, Gen -ral Delivery, Pendle ton, Ore. Wanted An Al house to house lady demonstrator. Good proposition for right party. Call 623 College street. Miss Smith. Wanted Steady man to take charge of country printing office. $17 a week for right purty. Address E. If. Flagg, Elgin, Ore. The East Oregonian is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It aiK 'how It by their liberal patronage. If you wart to moro, call Ponla.. Eros., Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. Meat! Meat! Meat! If it's on the market, it's here. Farmers' Meat Co., Conrad Platzoedor, manager, 224 E. Court street, phone Ma;n 44h. The scalp bounty law since it be came effective two years ago has cost Wasi oimtity $3491. SO. This rep resents 2157 coyotes and 128 bob- cats. Address P. O. box 611, Seaside, Or-j egon, for completely furnished cot tage of five rooms; electric lights and running water. Price $150 for the I season. J You ari't uurn slate and gravel! Pon't try it. Phots' Dutch Henry, ' Main 1(3, for ileun screened Hock seringa coal elMier lump or nut. It burns clean arid goes further. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatzert loaves dally, except Friday and Sun day at 1:30 p. m., arrives in Port land 9:30. Fare $1.00. For Pale Ulatk Percheron Stal lion Socrati. Full blood, to the high est bidder for cash, or bankable note for six month at eight per cent In terest, on Saturday, July 29, 1911. To be sold In Pilot Kock at 2 o'clock. Cart and harness also goes with the horse. Glen Scott is in the city today from his ranch. John Barker, of Meacham has been a business visitor in tho city today. W. H. Albee ofNHelix came In on the Northern Pacific train this morn ing. Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena, is transacting business In the city to day. T. S. Gibson and wife of Pilot Rock were visitors in the city last eve ning. II. S. Gray of Walla Walla was over from the Garden City yesterday eve ning. F. A. Young of Hermiston was a visitor from the west end of the coun ty last evening. G. H. Bryson of Echo was among the out uf town visitors in the city yesterday. George La Fontaine Is In from Ills reservation ranch today. He states he will begin cutting Saturday. Attorney W. M. Peterson left on the local for Hermiston and Stanfield where he will transact legal business. H. H. Ornsduff and wife of Stanfield came In from their home yesterday and spent the night here. Henry Frazler and son and James Talbot of Milton passed through the city today en route to Lehman springs. Master Norwood Xye will arrive from Portland this evening to visit at the home of his aunt, Mrs. C. S. Perard. Carl Engdahl, warehouseman at Helix, returned to that town tnts morning after spending yesterday in tho city on business. James Sturgis of the firm of E. L. Smith & Co., is spending the week in La Grande for the purpose of set- 'ting up several Holt combined har vesters. Mrs. R. E. Storey, .who has been visiting for the past four weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs. Tassey Stewart of Milton, returned home with her two daughters last evening. L BELL FOR That the O.-W. R. & N. company will install a signal bell at the cross ing Just this side of the reservation boundary and between mile posts 232 and 233 is stated in a communi cation Major E. L. Swartzlander has Just received, from Superintendent William Bollons. The installation of the signal bell Is to be made in response to combin ed requests from Major Swartzlander, the county court and the Pendleton commercial club. It is a subject that has been hanging fire for many months and action has been deferred owing to doubt as to the best manner of adequately protecting the cross ing. It was finally decided that a signal bell will afford the best safe guard to parties crossing the track at that point. The crossing In question is a dan gerous one and a number of serious accidents have already occurred at that point. The crossing is Just west of a cut and the track curves just be yond the cut. Consequently west bound trains are invisible to parties going upon the crossing from the west. It has occurred in the past that the noise made by wagons has pre vented dfivers from hearing the on rushing trains. When the signal bell is installed it will give long notice of the approach of trains and in the view .of men like Major Swartzlander who have been working upon the subject it will be a very timely Improvement. CHICAGO POLICE SEEK AllItl'ST OF LABOH LEADERS BROTHERHOOD WILL I All Wash Goods Must Go 1 2 1 -2c Lawns and Batistes at . 9 c 1 5c Lawns and Batistes at . 1 I C 20c Lawns and Flaxons at . 14c i 25c Wash Fabrics at . . . 1 7c 35c Wash Fabrics at . . . 22c 50c Wash Fabrics at . . . 35c Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money I iMBBBaaMMHBnBnMBaB Pendleton's Fast Express. For light or heavy transferring of all kinds, phone George Stangler at Gritman Bros., Main 511. Furniture and pianos moved promptly and care fully to any part of the city. The Drug Store That You Best. Serves Patton'g Barber Shop. The Round-up Barber Pole. Op posite Alexander's store. Plenty of hot water, clean towels, and the place whre they don't shave Chinamen, In dians or Japs. Five barbers working all the time. No long waits In this shop. At the Eagles-Woodmen hall to morrow .'! f ternoon t'.ie district con vention for the Modern Brotherhood lodges of Oregon will convene here rnd it will In; an event of interest to many otit.-iU- the membership of that order. It is understood, thai in the neigh borhood of 100 delegates will be i'l attendance nn.,1 preparations have 1 en made l'y local members for en tertaining thorn. At the meeting of the Commercial ehiti last evening it was voted to have a committee named by the president to co-operate with the local Brotherhood lodge in showing due courtesies to the visiting lodgmen. President r-"r.: the, who is to deliver the address of welcome for the con vention, is to be chairman of the committee. President Smyth? has appointed the following men to act as a recep tion committee: J. E. Keel'e. W. M Thompson. A. C. Hampton. Chas. Meighan and Roy Raley. The Main Ks-aeiitlttl. Hodown I understand your wife insisted on drawing up the plans her self for your new house. Jigsup Yes; she's busy over there now. Hodown Oh, I thought she had finished. She told 'my wife she had all the cupboards laid out. Jigsup Yes, but now she's going to put the rest of the house around them. Experienced woman wants posi tion as cook with harvesting crew. Address 701 Thompson street, Pendleton. Chcago, Ills., July 12. Following the secret indictment of the union leaders alleged to have been con cerned in the union war here, which j resulted in murder, the police today ail; pet nni uic aoci tl pmiuii w - Donnell, president of the Building Trades, and Thomas Kearney and James Gavin, business agents of the Plumbers' association. Maurice Enright, an alleged slug ger and gunman, is already under ar rest, accused of the murder of a ri val slugger. The other three men are accused of complicity. Spec'l Excursion Rates of One and a Third Fare on the O.-W. R. & X. Co. from Pen dleton, Walla Walla, La Grande, Ba ker City, Huntington and intermedi ate .points direct to the park. (Bo sure to ask for tickets direct to Wal lowa Jtke Park.) TO Wallowa Lake Park "The P.t'aiity Sjiot of the Northwest" 1 Tent with 1 Bed $1.00 Per Day 1 Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot $1.50 Per Day 1 Tent with two beds.. $1.75 Per Day 1 Tent with 1 Bed $5.00 Per Week Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot $7.00 Per Week 1 Tent with 2 Beds.. $7. 50 Per Week Meals are furnished at the Restaur ant and Lunch Counter at reasonable prices. $5.50 meal tickets can be purchased for $5.00. Parties desiring to bring their own camping outfits will be allotted space FREE. BURROS AND SADDLE HORSES for mountain climbing 25c per hour. Special rates by the day. DANCING Wednesdays and Satur days and on special occasions If desired. For Further Information Address The WALLOWA LAKE AMUSE MENT COMPANY JOSEPH, OREGON. Harvest is beginning and you will need an outfit. You carp get it here, and we won't ask you that big price. SHOES, HOSIERY, UXDEEWEAk, WORK SHIRTS, OVERALLS, HATS. GLOVES, VALISES, ETC. - ,:' . We can save you big money on any of the above men tioned goods. THE HU 745 Main Street. Between Taylor Hardware and Pendleton Drug Co. 1 i n ini mm iiiiiiiwiim i ii ianl mi i iiillilll li THE BEST A i IT Quality-quality first, last and all the time is the watchword in the produc tion of City Brewery Beer You do not find it lacking in that "life" so necessary to give it the required zest You assist in providing employment for home labor, build ing up your home city and supporting institutions that place money in circulation here, when you buy home products in preference to those that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at tho following places : OPERA BAR, Anton Kraft, Prop. BILLY'S PLACE, W. J. Bogart, Prop STATE SALOON, H. J. Latourelle, Prop. BREWERY DEPOT, Paul Hemmelgarn, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOON, J. n. Taylor, Prop. A Efoiisiiig Sill OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v for Ttarsfey, and A Four Days Sale that will break all former records in actual value giving. See Two Large Windows Tonight. Extra Special No. One IS Wash Sn'ils in Linen, Repp, and Linon, they come in Linen (..lor, Pink, liltie, White and drey. Sizes 1 !, It's avd ?0 for .Missus, 31, :', :S, in, -12 and 41 for Women. -Regular price ?7.r0 i $1.1.00. Ymir clioiee for four day only, Wednesday, Thursday, v'riday tuid Saturday. 51.00 Suit Great, Shirt Waist Special for Four Days 300 tins season's waisis in all mos white and colored. Not one that sold for less than $l.r0 and r.v in "A Your Choice 98c Each Extra Special No. Two COO Pairs Ladie.-' Oxfords in black Patent Leather and Kid, Tan Kid and Calf. Nearly ever size and vid;h made and f!0 different styles. Not ono pair worth less than o.r0 and up "to M.OO. Wednesday, Thurs day. Friday and Saturday, your choice and as many pairs a you M-ant SI. 30 a Pair 200 Pairs Long Silk Glover, $1.23, i. 50 and 1.75 values, white, bUck ana nearly all slvicles SO P,uts Lone KA Gloves, to close ou-enti: civ, iTf ' . v, values $3.00 an-i 3.iH ycx par. S 1000 yard, Wosh Gooch that sold a)! season -3 50 dozen bdics Bhck and Co'o.cJ Uc? and 600 y Go, b, ,11 this t eason's Pat- 4 X from 35c to 50c yard, to close out, per yd: 8 xj Silk Lisle Hoj. re,ui : ;5c values, Ipur - C"VVV lns that fo.a ie3. up ta 0 :, a. I you want 1 Ml' G S EviTV Brass, Talked Umi or Cvu m Hv-ire AmtimtH Wh-t Cos?; -:r iUss o o o o o o o o o o Q O o o o o o G e 'IV c o Sec Widows Tonight , & . I, IV IN 1? V O 1U: & J U .