V PACK IX) nt DATLr EAST PRECOMA. T EVDIiETOV. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 12. 1911. KIG1H TXQi AN IMF.1EN1ENT NEWSPAPER. blltlu'd Pally and Seml-Weeklj at ren dlrtoa. Oregon, by the East okkuoxian rrisusuixo CO. SI PSCKU'TION KATES. Pall one year, by mail J3.W) IwllV. sis luunihs. by umil 2.50 twllv. tiiree uitiutbH. bv mail l.-o Dallv. ou month, by mail ! lail, ix months, by carrier 3 73 rii, three mouth, by carrier 1.95 tllV, one oionth. by carrier 65 eml-Weekly, one year, by mall l.f0 ml W eekly-, six uioutlis, by mall 75 csil Weekly. four months, by mall... .50 The Pally K.ast Oregonian Is kept on sale t the Oregon News Co., 3-9 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon, Chicago r.ureau, 9U9 Security Building. Washington, U. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth ttreet, X. W. Meaber United Press Association. Entered at the pootofflc at Pendleton, Oregon, aa second class mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. WORK. What are we set on earth for tay. to toil; Nor seek to leave thy tending of the vines For all the heat o' da; . I'M It declines. ' And death's mild curfew shall j from work assail. Gcd did anoint thee with his odorous oil. To wrestle, not to reign; and he assigns All thy tears over, like pure crystallines. For younger feilow-workers of the soil To wear for amulets. l So other i thall i Take patience, labor, to heart r.n 1 hand. From thy hand and thy heart and thy brave cheer. And God's grace fructify through thee to all. The least fbwer, with a brim ming cup may n,l. And share its dew-drop with another rear. Mrs P. row cine. WHAT win. the answi.t: HE? While the volunteer- fir, men wc-re fighting t,,e i'l'- on c.'t; .i.v ... 1 .-trec-t early this mornine they worked un derneath a p-rfect mizo of overhead electric nr.-l t b ph. ne wire-. "o doubt the e i-tiK cii:r.-r.t v::. turn ed off soon after th- fire started and people ni:'y have Weft entirely safe today. But who kn.'V.s when s.oa cor.tin geney m ty ari.-e to delay the turning Off of the curr.-rr.? A fas-: burning fire might occur at any time in the congested part of the city and ter rible damage might be inflicted be fore word could be g tt-.-n to the men at the sub-station. The danger to firemen fro:n the overhead wir.-s is a matter worth earnest consideration. Our volun teer firemen rush forth from their homes to fight fires and at the very bitt their work Is hard and danger ous They work more from a sense of town patriotism than from any thing else. The pay they get scar ely reimburse them for the clothes they ruin. They are entitled to ever' reasonable protection and it will be tut reasonable to ask that the over head wires be placed underground In the business section. The two corporations afeeted ob ject to the improvement because of the expense involved. Still It will be cheaper for the companies to place their wires underground now than to do so later. They may now lay cables on Cottonwood, Garden, Alta and Webb and West Court ttreets at but slight expense. After those streets have been paved It will cost stil! more to do the work. And some day the overhead wires jas east? Will not the electricity run muPt go. If the council refuses to from baiement to celling ns easily as enact an ordinance upon the subject . fi,.m celling to basement? the people have the privilege of do-; The plea that lowering the over ing so under the Initiative. They , head wires may be expensive to ..tliers than the company Is an argu- MS. LENSES .! Vr-.ft i- : pJui of f:iiw, i 'i f ; ::.' .'-.'iy rc:t the eyt6 a. 1 - . :.-c p'-ifctt for f?r r.rl I ;;f v ' ;;m. "t hty d nr-l ; r Li;l tVjiliijLLL OJ'TO-I ETIiLST,. V.i-'! .'.;... il,jii.-i-fiu THE will probably avail themselves of that privilege If the council falls to act. In a short time the public ser vice commission- law will be oper ative in Oregon and the commission may then order the overhead wires removed if it sees fit. On complaint being made the commission would probably take such action because there would be justice in the com- rdilnt Cilice it is inevitable the work must be done some time why will It not be bettor for the corporations to get busy now while the path is easy? If the electric company objects to the move tell the officials it will be Letter for the company to have its wires underground than to face pos sible damage suits. If the telephone people object tell them that the city of Pendleton is "standardizing" its system of hand ling overhead wires. Not long -ago the 'phone company "standardized" its local rates and the process was upward. With the Increased reve nue now derived as a result of that change the company should easily alford to pay for placing its wires underground In the business section They have long talked of spending $20, 000 here and It Is time for ther to give Pendleton something besides conversation on the subject. This evening the proposition of re quiring the electric and telephone companies to place their wires under grounj wlll be brought before the council. The answer will be awaited with interest because it w'll settle more questions than one. EATING TOO M I t'll. An Indiana doctor, lecturing be fore the Oregon medical association. declared that the unwise use of foods has caused more deaths and suffer-t'u-ir .h.in nn tne vi-ars and pestilence in history. He says that improper er.ting is lh.- cause of 90 per cent of the physical ills of the people today. ThoVe are vast numbers who will ;rec with mu -h that this doctor st.ys. People are gradually learning :-:ore and more about the influence of diet. They are learning to an ex uut to eat with a view to meeting the needs of the body rather than for the pleasure of eating. However, it must be sail in p;t-s-i-.:g that the K. ture by th ludlan i m. in woui.'t be m--re effective had bis j k" ir- i'.ot bten publish, d nhoi,; with i is :.;.! ; He i a thin looping i;t-.Uvi.hu'-l and not the type to pos.j ; a product of his beliefs. A HA D Al t MM M. An untimely wreck was that the Oregon Trunk road Monday on in vi. icli five were killed and many in jured. The Hill line up the, Des chutes has been in operation but a short time and it is a bad initiation for the new road. What makes the accident the more deplorable from a Northern Pacific standpoint is the fact that the Ore-- gon Trunk is supposed to be a well built line. However the story of the wreck explains that the particular section of the track where the acci dent occared Is not permanent track. I: Is a lo"p around a point that is to be tunnelled. It now seems It would have been economy for the railroad to have constructed that tunnel before plac ing trains in operation on the road. WHY SHOULD IT? To offset the move for having the electric wires placed underground It is insinuated that the improvement might also work expense on prop erty owners. Why should it do so? The buildings in the business section were but lately rewired In accord ance with the latest rules. Will not that wiring suffice regardless of whether the current comes from the front or the rear of the buildings? Will not the juice run west as well r.i'-nt for the defense. It should be 'shaken before taken." It sounds like old times to read of irets for gambling- In this city and o- East Oregonlan Is nhocked to iirn th vt men still engage in that : iiing. There V.f.'.i bee-n nothing in ie police r'-; ' Is ' of late to Indicate ..no-s have ben in progrei-s here, .f ile some ft; miliar faci.s have bit'-n ii upon the (itf.-;l:i f-r some time : t th!- p;.p-r ;'' fiimM the men iv lure to enjoy the. l:-auliful jnld ' -,i:..er climate r.r to i-.'-ar the ban! raetic-e. Wr-li,'. WrOla adfpted 1-. con rT: w--.)? f la n of covrnmi-nt by a heavy a it Is. lime for, i'endb-ton to i'Uin,' l;. r l iipoi t':e r-nino anii- t. 1. is the h'ir-i:, lik" way of 1: -r '! el'y. Till: I-ni.TOVY AMIlMlMI'.NT. " :i ;:-'!ir? U'-ni";r: ni"!: th''- rro-:M-r for the dr -! -n -t t'n't' d ; s- nfitors bv illr-'-t ' ' the '' V'-': the "-n.'ti- : 'jI1 lo a pr'-n :'! the bo mag' (lint vice ) nc- o-t"-iif l to render t. virtue. Known For Its Strength j . t The First Mkml Bank PENDLETON, OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER SECURITY The senate dared not oneply oppose this measure, which has four times passed the house n different congress es, and always met defeat in the house the citadel of "privilege But now the people can no longer be denied. The pressure is irresist ible. The people are massed. The senate bowed to the popular win 64 to 24 and then proceeds to tack on an amendment In the secret hope of defeating the whole movement. In form and outer semblance i. e senate gave way to the claims of jus tice and honesty. But the Bristow amendment shows the cloven hoof of malignance and insincerity. The Bristow amendment affront the spirit of the constitution. It is fun damental to the constiutional plan that I'nited States senators t-hould be the representatives of the states and that the states should have unre stricted power to choose their r pre ventatives in their own way. In putting into the hands oil con gress the power to control senatorial elections in the state, the amended resolution pas.-ed by the senate last night snatches from the peope with its left hand what it purports to give with its right. The resolution as passed will go to conference, and will meet there the loyal and patriotic resolution of the lower house. If the house fails :n this mutter to stand firm for the people, the people will have t.j stand firm for them s ivis. They will insi.-'t upon the summoning of a constitutional em Vt ntion. San I'lanci-co Kxaniiaer. tiOOl) ISRlsOX. ".'.1..1 wiiat, iny dear IflU- boy." ask ed tlu- minister, strictly in Uocoidalir. With precedent "and what do you inten.l to 1m when you grw up " "A farmer, sir." "Very good indeed; to supply the nations with natural food most good. And you?" turning to the sec ond. 'Please, sir. a schoolmaster." "Keen better; fiiling the minds of the rising generation with mental food. Yes. even better. And you?" turning to the third. "A preacher, sir." "The best of a:!, my dear little boy; the best of all. for Ml'ng the soul with spiritual food is far worthier than either filling the mind or the body. And what bids you become a minister " "We always have roast chicken for dinner when y..u come, sir!" KXKW TIIKM. A drieil-up old colonel and a very pentimental young lady were together watching the sunset. She inquired gushingly. "Oh, colonej, don't you love Longfellow's poems " "Can't say I do " he replied. "Navor read them, in fact. Consider all po etry absolutely drivel." "But," she persisted, "surely you cannot help admiring this verse of his out of 'The Day is Done,' you know: 'And all the night shall be filled with music, and the cares which Infest the day shall fold their tents like the Ar abs, and' as silently "steal away.'" "By Jovel" he exclaimed, "there Is something in that. I know those Arab beggars they would simply steal anything." A ItOMAXC'E, ALMOST. Answers, London; lie took the1 proffered gloveles.-i hand In his, while ' high above them blew soft breezes, which, descending, fanned the stifling air that sought to stew them as they stood face to face. Her brows were raised. What joy to be so near this queen of smiling grace, to hold her hand so tenderly! The fingers recited, slim and while for one brief movement on his palm. ! And yet his face showed no delight, hU ina-rive che.-t betrayed no qualm. As the electric fans above 'li.p.'rd the heated air and files. lv :-aid, with out a sign of love: "Six and a half, in .'am, is vour size." JII.Y 1J IV III-! or. V. ISIS-Henry VJIi toairii-'J the prot'-stunt lady, ( '; i ii e o.e Iirr, his sixth qu'-'n. She :.,:a a d ctor and a lover of '.no r,- i.ini u-.vi.cd Hen ry.' Ml'l ' ' , rllii.il 'l-;-i;it -11, el.-et-d f".i: and io. ik liio ii .mi; i.f Inn icfcjit III. lT'n; - 'no- fi!.-- ,,"fiei-,i ii-i.ii ,,r th,! ' ' 1 ; . i : ; i ' 'happ.; t. bgvr.ph mado '-ii f .'ii'ilei 'j .' -ie -, tr-.r,s!nlt:iiig ;''- li's f'.i ty- - -it l -.i ; jn thir- ,e. , (n,l;l. j,, forty H.','.-:(i, S'l',". -1 ; , :., ;,t (,.; , ; .(,,. j.tii,.f. J,!- t n 1;-. :..-ri'.- and the :v;rig of J'nif-ia ai Tii.-it li.lC The ' j -. j i i : i f v.'u uat-d i y r, ... : t :. i..,. aiii l r ,r ts of t.nat l.rliaia ami l'iau:e. . Ib-o-bsu;- of i-'iiu. ; iur (jndian oii'iny;, iji t.'.e. ri a strong fon r- of rebeiM and fi.f, lir.lisii troopw under Have ..( if, v.-ho v.a.t marehing to the and oyii. relief of Lucknow. 1861 Battle of Rich mountain, be tween 15.000 federals under General McClellan, and 6000 Confederates. under General Garnett. The feder- als stormed the heights of Rich mountain and Laurel Hill, and drove the southerners from their position's, with a loss of about 1000, Including prisoners. During the pursuit on the following day, General Garnett was killed In a cavalry skirmish. IS 64 Telegraphic communication with Washington, D. C, having been cut off, rumors of its capture by the confederates and denials followed each other over the country- all day. 1910 The Pun-American congress opened at Buenos Ayrea. Aviator Charles S. Rolls was killed, by a fall at Bournemouth, England, aimost in the presence of his father and mother. TODAY'S milTHDAY SKETCH. The Hon. Cyrus Cline, who repre sents the Twelfth Indiana district In congress. Is fifty-five today, since he I was horning July 12, 1S56. His birth-! place is liichliind county, Ohio, but! his parents moved to Steuben county, In.!., when he was very small and he has resided there ever since. Jlr. Cline is a Democrat. His education was received in the schools of Steu ben county. Indiana and Hills dale College, Michigan. He graduated in the scientific course in 1S7G, receiv-. ing tile master's degrees two years later. ii !)!'KV DAY AM) MflHT 2 A 0 S FIRST-CLANS SEKVICK I TEe jjnei.te afe :ndJOyst,sr House f'eals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest,. LA FONTAINE BLK., 620 MAIN" STREET The S Pendleton Drug Co. is In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU IIAVE PRESCRIPTIONS. OR WANT PURE MEDICINES THE UStitp TURKISH HEBICAL BATHS The I'lncp Wlieru Yoii r;l linlh find Rub fiot a Down. BATiSS - 25c snd 50c OVEN" DAY AND M(;!IT. 121 W. COURT ST. I Get Ther Qufck I'hooe lied 3S51 for the AUTO CAB J Tv."r l -five e nt fares to any port of the ciiy. special tales for out 'f town trips. Ill ST SEP.VICK IN' TOWN. Wand t 614 Main St. m:lii,1 ml DM iMin M. 0 ti lz.0u.00u.llu Canadian Pacific Sco Spokane Route GO EAST THRU Koofenav and Arrow Lakes and Canadian Rockies ' The most beautiful and mag nificent scenery In the world. Splendid train service. Luxu rious hotels and chalets and nu merous natural attractions. The playground of America. VERY LOW RATES EAST LIBERAL STOP-OVERS LONG LIMITS For further Information and Il lustrated folder write M. E. MALONE. T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, O. Ai 14 Wall St., Spokane. THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. PENDLETON. ORE. Fan)ily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 1 PENDLETON'S POFULAR PICTURE PAKLORS i v rr if, 1L- I 1 Wliei'o die entire family can onjoy a hiirh -class motion pic ture hIiow witli comfort. FITX, PATHOS. SCENIC, TinULUXCJ ALL PEOPERLV MIXED. Open Afternoon cc Eve. Chalices Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri. Xi'x! Jfoor to SI. George Hold. Admission 5r an(J 10 i - p---n men irrrinm i Orpheum 4 I. P. MCOrRWACB, fToprt-ter HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATEMOTiOU PICTURES For Men. Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY S PAPE3C imti-rr.m CharifM om i-ad?; Tanad-ya and FrkUr- Grande Ronde to TT TVCTirTirmrip uu u-i: lii o iaiJ'Jjii,1 i plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these trsctB HILL S IIIBBERD, OWNERS At th3 office of MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Liquors You'll Like because of their perfect purity and excellent, flavor, are stand nrd goods In our rslahllnhment. Every hrnnd of Liquor hns been carefully mellowed by aire, pure ly d'H'llled, ai'.l i-i fully puarnn toed l,y i's. The prune way with our Tort, Sherry, C laret. Rhine and irosolle Wines and every article we handle. Ton pet more then your mm. ;.-; worth io quantily and finality. TheOiympia Bar f. mono .Ma., i s' end Fi.-i'urr Iioll!irK Works I 'hone M.-i In ' 77. I'llTKRS it- MORKISON, Prop-. Hotel St. George Bar - GEO. DARVEAU. Proprietor Pendleton's ' Popular Gentle mens Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDVEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. 711 Main Street COSY - irn i mmiui am mm Theatre AbDle Orchards D IEATIE Cass Matlock, Prop. MOKE PjrTUKKS LATEST PICT Hi. i-.u '. i 1,1,-aN-,! ,.r1. Ul the citv. i -' 1 !'!! I'iiit'S. H.-1i,-)-i '..n,i fr... :i!v i 'I " Fr- ?,.'.', h,xt.i1.r,:,lf It) 1 II '' ! : t'l; 'a m i, I ' 1 l,e ,l , ; - yit 1 . "l . i ; 1 if.).-. ; i r., , -!''r "1 0 'cp.i -. ii L