' '0,' J- 'iv--.-fy ' ' -s..i' ' ', . " ' EIGHT PAGES DAILY EA81 OREGONIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JCLY J 2, 1911. ' PAGE THREE VICTIMS ON MAINE SUCH IS PL-AX OF I much to do with the clash of arms j that freed Cuba. There is doubt, however, as to whether Cuba will be given an oppor tunity to make thin sympathetic dem onstration, as many army and navy - officers believe that no bodies will be found in the present operation of un covering the wreck. AIIMY AND NAVY FOLK CAPTAIX Cl'UKES GOVEKXOlt O'XEAL ChImiiim Aro Also to Pay Tribute to LiuIh WIioko Liven Were Snuffed Out by Explosion. Orflwr 1h Then Very Promptly Eject ed From Camp. Montgomery, Ala. George H. ToHH of Mnntirnmpru rnritnin nf lint- Washington. D. C.. July 12.-A mil- te B Second regiment( wa8 eject ltary funeral for the victims of the nm the c ftt p)cket g , battle-ship Maine and the wreck lu8t , ht by Colonel Bricken and a self nnnenrR to lift Manured. For the' . . . - . purpose of ascertaining Just how much of the wreck can be removed at one time a meeting of several of ficers and Urlgadler General BJxby, chtei. held. of engineers of the army wag company of infantry for cursing the governor, the adjutant general a.id his fellow officers. A C9Mrt-martJfi) will be ordered In his case. Todd was thrown from his horse in afternoon, when a salute was heln. i:-.....". !.'. oonnr of the visit t)f 'l"" .,,,ni nfflfPi-M Informed Gen-,-, ..v,.i iha eatnu. It . ........ - vjovernor u eral Blxby that it was their desire to j made him very angry and because tho have the wreck buried In one spot, I nun at the gun laughed at him. he and, if possible, to hold a naval dem- gworo tnry 8hould not complete the onstratlon at the time. General asix- i f lrln(? nor should they lower the flag. by told them his observation while at oitniii Lewis, of the Tuskegee com- Clark Havana led him to believe that the y oi:ic(!r of tne day, ordered the , Wnlla Mom greater part of the vessel could be s.llu"t'l, to g0 on an(1 whcn Todd at- j J. X. Kit HUCKLEBERRIES ARE BEING GATHERED (Special Correspondence ) Weston, July 12. People from the mountains report a great abundance of huckleberries which are begin ning to ripen on the foot ' hilU. A number of Weston ' families are making preparation) to leave soon for the mountain. His. Sarah Mac Dougall, her sister, Mrs. Minerva Barnes and Mrs. Culley left Tuesday morning for Mrs, MacDougall's camp, which is eighteen miles from Weston, to spend the remainder of the sum met C. W. Avery of the Blue Mountain aawmlll made a business trip to Wal la Walla Monday. Ml- Eunice and Bernlce Gregory have returned from Pendleton where they have been visiting their cousin Mis. Bessie McAtee. Mr. Jas. Lleuallen of Adams, vis ited in Weston Monday. C'lurk Wood returned from Walla Monday. Klein ii'iade a business trip to oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo placed him uii- "" Mr?. J. Bonevits! is visiting her L. Wither.-: on Wes- towed to a proper ounai grounu. ' tc,mpt,.,i to Interfere lias nrotnlsed to keen them informed;, ..,, ua to the condition of the hull of the. whilo m tno gUrua house. Todd he- , 'laughter Mrs. E. shin n the writer in the cofferdam Is i.nsivo ushnx foul oaths Mountain. lowered. L.i.i,...u.i the governor and oth- : ' FtHx Renthe who Iws been visiting As fast as any remains of the vie- I ( rs u u ln the j,r,..;l of a j parent. Mr. an 1 Mrs. F. 11. pei thus of th: disaster are removed they j numbl.r of !,.. V.ptuin ha return- d to SeatM... will he placed in coffins and made ; . ' , . to jien-e y,im, threw TiarI-.-s I r.-t i. : ; .n of At'i. na, wa ready for burial in Arlington Nation- j ,w.,v hU MWnrd and lunr;.-! at To.ld. ' ; victor J-ster-ly. nl eemet'-ry here. All of the remains. '; ,,,, , , undH 1 Hen Whitman who sp.-nt . ; ouys in weston last v, '- k will lie burled at the same time. nl. a to I'ay Tribute. Cuba .is i.i ranvii' t'Jpay l tribute to the Millots whose lives were sneri fieed in ihe d slriicthin of the hattle shlp Mail '. I'resid. i.t i:oni.-z has is sued a dene,- ordering a s.peci.il dem onstration of sympathy throughout tlie republic as soon as Havana har bor L-lves mi the dead. l-'lags of oil the publle l-uU'lit';:.- in tul,:l and ships j ir. Havana harbor will l'v llt lialf niu.-'t and guns of the shore batteries will j be fired :.t hulf-mlniite intervals f.r nr entire day over the historic- scene! of the wreck, which, whether caused by an oii'side "i- inside explosion, had nm nnows tiiiv. I'sc I'arislaii Saw in Time and Pre vent Ilahlness. If your hair is growmi; tnlnner and thinner and cans lis 'you anxiety go to Tallinn n & Co. tod.-v and set n largo bottle of Parisian Sage f"r only 50 cents. It is such a delightful and refresbinn dressing that you will like to use it rei-ularly. Parisian Sago Is mu.irnntced to stop fnllins hair, nnd Itch nr; scalp, to eradicate dandruff and make the hair lustrous and i.idnni, or money hack. June 17. 1910. "I have used Parisian Page and it has been very beneficial to my hair stopping it from falling out, curing dandruff, and mak'ng It much thick er and nicer." Miss Helen R. Sher man, 231 Hughes St., Berwick, Pa. 0 o o o o 0 o o o 9 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o o. o 0 0 o 0 9 a G .a FRESH ARRIVALS FOR. Thursday and Friday New crop Green Apples Fresh Juicy Peaches Raspberries. Dewberries Loganberries Mountain Strawberries Royal Anne Cherries Black Republican Cherries ni;ni:s man yiios im,i I IK WAS HIT BY A TP.AIX Ki-,oi..i, Out. I. oil's Ueaaud. of . yl im 1 . Quebe: who was knocked 100 feet by a train lore, is ';lad of it. Y ester lay he was stone deaf. The Jar of t'l train striking him In some remarkable way r-stoi-ej the manTi lo a till ii". . The first thing that H'.naud .'.id v. hen he cul l he.-.r again w.'s to send for hi- iiitl" girl, as lie had never heard lvr voice. Th- child spent some ' t- mill-ton sundav. y.i- s Zida jin.l :-j-!;a .--h.!:..- m Vnti.n visited in Athena tbis v rQ Fresh Shipment of Boiled Ham Sliced to Order o ; Me-. lichee a ruPe i' wiih Mrs. Je I" home in Weston. Misses rjladyi and inond and Maied ,,,, Athena this weiic. Milt.-.-. :n(i.,l I Fresh Tomatoes Stri ins: llerniee Kiel,- - visited in Q time at the hospital talking father wlio will re over. to her I'ttori.CT YOIU HKAl.TH! during the hot summer and "bad water" months by drink ing our pure so. la, root beer, ci.ler and beer. ( lie.iM'r Than n Doctor Bill. One dozen quarts or two dozen pints of the City Brewery's fa mous "Export Beer" delivered to your home for J2 00. PKNni.KTOV SODA WORKS. W. A. llemmelaarn & Bros. 400 K, Court ft. Tel. Main 459 Widely Traveled, .inher of tourists were rcmtly looking down th" .ia',"r of Vtsuvius. An Am. ri -an i---n,.a !i"-n s i d to his e .mpaiilon: 'That looks a goon .tea' like the in fernal regions." An r.re-li.-'ii 1-i-ly. ueaii' ill' le.iuik, -sail to an .tlier. ' V.oo-I Cra. i ,u- ' How these Am et'.cans do t rave! ! "I.i pp'.neot fs Magazine. I Mr. ". ;ry i.f th- Tniveisiiy of Mi.-- -o;,rj i,., ,,,,. ., w- sion viMtor for i"-vi ral days. I Mrs. Van Winkli- h. s roiio to Port I 'ami to vi- It h-r dau-viter. 1 .1. Ilav. j Ml-. Wii.-ht is vi-iih g V---r "o..e-in ; Mrs. Kl la l,a prash at W -n I lb-. Sbaii. of At!, era mad-- a bu--l-' lies.; til,, t-i AYeston Monday. I.ai'v I'ljui-cd. ! Mr-. Alb. rt- of Pendleton, who is ; vMtine re!a;i es at 'e-t ,n m.-t v.-it'i an ii.-i bU Monday w ailo cai'illn- !'':"lt- "i" -erew-d th to,, of jar land i n i an ir.-lv -a-!i ..n !i. '- wrist telldo.-J:. i M J eiin in - the Wii.lil, ii was i",'!cd and wound. Nii-e stitai-.es 6 I 1 New Potatoes Tender Lettuce Young Carrots vucumi nac ailer; a w(i:i wirn womi:. Yalmihle Advice for I'einlleton Hcail- ers. Many a woman endures with noble patience the daily misery of backache, pains about the hips, blue, nervous spells, dizziness and urinary disorders, hopeless of relief because she doesn't know what is the matter. It is not true that every pain In the back or hips is trouble "peculiar to the sex." When the kidneys get congested and inflamed, there are many such aches and pains and the whole body suffers. You can tell it is kidney trouble if tjie secretions are dark colored, con tain sediment; the passages are too frequent or scanty. Then help the weakened kidneys. They can't get well alone. Doan's Kidney Pills have brought sound backs and new life and strength to thousands of suffering women. They are endorsed by thousands en dorsed at home Bead this Pendle ton woman's convincing statement: Mrs. Valentine Slroble, 73S John son sireet, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "About two years ago I suffered from kidney complaint and when a friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, 1 did so- This remedy disposed of severe backaches that had kept me awake at night and benefited me in every way. ' for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. " ItcmcHibcr the nam. Doan's and take no other. .'vatMUBW'iMfenuHuhiur'c: I SSSSSS J1 Six Silver Teaspoons FREE A fouon in every pnekflfre of BLANCIIA11D BUT TKK, nwl each carton of Bliuicliard ejgrg. Be sure to look for the coupons. The teaspoons were made by the celebrated 7m. A Rogers Manufacturing Company. They're genuine ' In addition to fretting the purest butter known, made ripht here in Tendleton, you are Riven a chance to obtain a handsome set of silver teaspoons. There's a coupon in every packa-o of BLANCH ARD BUTTER. JENSEN CREAMERY GO PENDLETON, OREGON. I I vr IMUfTKIi roi: 0 e I'Alini.NG CKXSI S. Beans ibers Young Onions Young . Beets Young Turnips A full line of LUNCH GOODS for Picnics and Mountain Trips. th, v - re taken. Mrs. Wattfiihtire.-r of puttor fr.--!-: is visiiiiij- In r dnimht! r. Mrs. f -:iry T'inkeit.oi. REMODELED GROCERY DEPARTMENT Por.iar. 1. Ore. Five Indictments nre the net result of the P.-nvllS O:ot- (lini,- investigation of the I'-alei'al Brand jury in Portland. Two arrests of men charged with writing i,,,,.,,t names on the census returns were made today. John H. Jame.s and Har ry Ije liord. The names of'the three "thers indicted are being wit held un til arrests aro made. All the men indicted, it is under stood are enumerators, as the net spread by the investigators did not extend to any of the inspectors or nu n higher up. James is believed to be, the most prominent of those ac cused of Improperly swelling the Portland lists. He was formerly a member of the printing firm of James & Adrian, and having sold out just before census taking time, turned to that as :i temporary o.vun.ition o o o o o OOOOOOOOOC5GOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nciisi: ().Mnrs sncini: Animal luivcn to l)esMralin by Hot Weather. Tarrytown, X. Y. It was so hot in CKiiville that a horse owned by John M Cooke went to a brook and drown ed itself and Constable William Beek man, the old sleuth of the town. of f.reeiiburs. w Prostrated with heat after enrryim; his slx-l- oadtfe around for five hours, doing duty on the warm roads. Cooke's Horse , ioU..v. .- man with its head under water , . i ii.,., the horse had .irowned Itself-had just drank Itself t., bath. Utit it was purely II not a case l-ono in each of tH. census eases t suicide, was fixed by Ju.lce Venn t !,-.n.i i o,..rtlv after the news was flashed Ihls was promptly furnished by I through Ulenvilh Janus i;e jjord, arrested to furnish noon, exnects to be aid the re.iuired bond tmlav. owing to the peculiar condition, the eiiiim.-iators in the district where the largest number of nam s were re jected es-aped indi.-tm. i.f. While no statement is officially made in ex planation, it is believed to be due to tne fact that the man who wr names was an interpreter, and not ti e on,, who signed the reports. A Contented Woman Is always found In the same, l.ouse with Ballard's Snow , Liniment. It keeps every member of the family free from aches and pains, it heals cuts, burns and scalds and cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and nil muscular soreness and stiffness. 25c. 00c and $1.00 a bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. V HI IflT V I that Heikman had this after- keeled over. . "No wonder." said one oi nis neis.. bors, "anv man that has to carry ar ouml a bulge the sie of Heekman ,, a warm clay like this is likely to d,, anything. " ' , c,.nu. ,,ne stele V.eek.nan's horse and it was said in his h.-half that In was tired out this morning when he te the Lxcnt "n duly after an all mgnt seine. for the .ni.-.-ms animal, m- o.,. located it yet. but he has his sltspici- mis. P.cekman a few months a 'limb and sawed himself His left bg as broken feared h' could not I've, that time he has had to h.oltic on the lisht sid limb not being strong .-nought to port it. n.. ,v-man still wears the nop of whiskers he raised as soon as he was "leeted town constable. JAPS WANT SI1AKK OF COTTOX CHOP Houston, Texas What Is regarded here ns the most aggressive move yet made by Orientals to obtain a share in the south's cotton business was put Into full swing by the char tering at Austin of a $100,000 com pany by K. Fukushlma, a Japanese. He Is manager for the Mltsu bank ing house of Japan and has opened offices here. The purpose la to export cotton to Asiatic countries through agencies to be established throughout the Orient. These plans follow the personal visit to this country about a year ago of Baron Mltsu, who studied the cotton and rice business. aco sat on off a tree and it was Kver since wear his his injured sup- original IlAflXG mi.l.OON KWOTlTF.n i'lyixg xorvrnv.nr Kansas City, July 12. Lieutenant I.ahm of the I'nited States army, was the first of the seven entrants in the Xational balloon race which started from here Monday, to be reported yesterday He passed over Muscatine, Iowa, this morning. The direction in dicates a repetition of the dangerous flight of last year, when the contest ants flew over the Great Laks, sev eral of them meeting with serious accidents. ;IKI. ASSAILANTS OF MILLIONAIRE l!Ol Xl OVF.Il Xew York July 12. Declaring the story told by Millionaire Stokes of the attack made on him by Lillian tliaham and Kel-.tl Conrad is uncon tradicted. Magistrate Fresh today held both young women to the grand jury on a charge of attempted murder. Their bail was fixed at $5000 each. Foret Fires Kaiiing. Ottawa, Can., July 12. The con tinued drought has rendered the for est fire situation very serious here. The town of Kgansville has been eom 1 !cte!y wiped out. The total loss thus far is about Sr.OO.OOO. WOMAN" WKF.STI.KH 1F.FF.ATS A MAX cSET7 HAVE CLLEBRATEfeYOU C STOMACH 0i enrtbiirn. mllgstlon, ItillonsncsH, Constipation, IHnrrlmen, Cramiw or Malarial Fever? Try the Uit ter today and note the bene, flclal results. RTTFRQ Xew York. Miss Bertha Rapp. an athletic American girl of German parentage and a teacher of calisthen ics in Cincinnati, was the chief fig ure in a unique Fourth of July cele bration on board the Adriatic. Just in from Southampton. The woman U obout five feet nine inches tall and weighs about 150 pounds. Her specialty is wrestling and she challenged ny man aboard the ship to bouts of five minutes each, om, i. . rateh can. Two second cab in passengers, one an American m- cycle rider. Arthur Ldooy, weighs 140. and George uiinu, German who weighs 1S5. accepted the challenge All passengers except those In the steerage crowded around the aladiators. Miss Kapp wore a sweat er and a short skirt and the men were stripped to undershirts. I.thhv held out against the young woman in the first bout but she put his shoulders to the mat in tne mini intnotn of the second bout. The stout German proved a touch nroi.osition. The referee called Un contest a draw at the end of the fourth !,.,. ..i.i.n neither wrestler seemed fit to continue. Falls City News: Our hills will vlel.l oil and coal some day. thus giv ing two more good reasons for claim lug that Falls City is right CASTORJ A B if IiL&att uid t Midi en Frw M You Hae Always Bougr Ktars iZi&tar 0 SASH and. DOORS Q 1: Shipyard lH'siroye.!. Xorth Vancouver. K. C, July Fire yesterday destroyed the en tire plant o ft he Wallace shipyards. The loss is $50,000. The Seventh lay Adventists will hold their teachers' institute at Park dale in the I'pp. r Hood P.iver vaUe, July IS to August 29. savers to V4- 5-ctoss Panel Doon, firfl quality $1.30 Quarter-tound, j-in., per 100 ft. 30 ct. Cedar Siding, 4 and 5 It. . $ 8 per M. Flooring, 4 and 5 ft. . . $11 per M. Drop Siding, 4 and 5 t. . $11 per M. AH No. 1 and 2 good flandard floek. Sent1 poflal fot CalaK'-e'je No. nJ buy ircl trom our tct&tv, ba iciddie.-nen i pro till. One price, tell to anybody, t:.ip nyv here. Ser.d ua yeur liA ioiuiuiiiipacesudtKighU SPEND YOUR VACATION at the OCEAN SHORE 3'i HOI KS FKOM POUTL.Xl SAt.T AIR. SEA BREEZES. COOL. DAYS AND REFRESHING NIGHTS. First-class Hotels open all year at Gearhart and Sea side. Delightful trip to the mouth of the Co lumbia River through historic Astoria. ROl'ND Tickets Sold Pally by Agent of TRIP Nr. Pno- or O.-W. It. & N. Co. Return Limit October 31st. Illustrated folder and hotel directory will be sent on request. V. E. COMAN M. Ft. and Pass. Agt. S P. & S. Ky. rullTUND, ORE. " o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o 3 o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o Q Q o Q o Q O o o o o o o o o o o 0