EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION Calling cards, wd ding stationery, om mercial stationery and Job printing to order at the East OrsgonUa. WEATHER REPORT. Fair and warmer to night and Thursday. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. NO. 7203 PENDLETON, OKEGOX, WKDNKSDAV, .JULY 12, 1911. VOL. 24. I ir, if x i gz o r Ksuuivj.1 ui i1 IV1A.U raruii: i 2. : . . o B FOREST FIRE LARGE AREA OF MICHIGAN ID QNTftftlO SWEPT CLEAR OF LIFE CASUALTY LIST IHW (PJUIIS HUES Hundreds an Surrounded by Flame.-; ar.d Cortfiiion Mad More Grave by Threatened Slarvatiun. 8; DEVOUR . HIHANI I T AND HLIUBIo ;: mm I FINE ir-l'iCOBKCIL IS w tnin.n j - t 19 9 m IKIIIIk mm mm 1 w w mmt . a i m. ftl i W . I III nil I nil 111 I I II t.Hl,,y ;rom Cadiz. Spain, ay mm i i trxri-cj! La I mm Him mmW I mmm MB mWf i Puebki, Mex., July 12 a column of Maderi.sta troops approached the town of Tien'.u ile Rnyada, the rurale garrison, believing It was about to be at tacked, opened fire. The Ma ileristus !-j 1 i 1 ii'i'l six ncie killed mis tui-t.ty-;''iur wounded before the mistake was di--. ov-- i-roil ami II. c f Iri:tt stopped. Railroad Prides liuriii'il Out, Traffic Suspended ami Homes' Abandowd by Panic Stricken People Refugees I'lock to Larger Cities ana I .arm; Numbers loreed to Seek Waters d" Lake Huron to Escape- Oii-iaulil of Rapidly Adviiucins Ilrcy Demon Siluntinti lie.Muul Control. PROOF OF PREJUDICE 15 m-SUFHGIEIBT E. G. 1'rwis, St, Louis Pub lisher, Accused oi Cir cu'a -i ing Mislead icg Matter. London, July 12. Dispatches today from Cadiz, Spain, ay that ' h riran war.-.iips have be n srtir -ii i : m' ng along the Moroc can const. Great alarm is V H in offi-ial circles and the opin ion is growing that the kaif . 's grip on Aganir will not he loos ened without nerious danger iva r. 1 4 MUCH DIVIDED nterviews.Show M.x f, Senti- so s w s coi it r i C.-i: Ol" VNAMAKAS rvi:i. i I'l'osi-col.i nliy C i el' J..; tOC.!-i IN ! isi jriivs . Aile iQi v mcnt ReL'arci: V 0,V'jrhe?r! Wirt: Rtm.iVing hi! llNDINt; ii il Have Person- I With liteli MemlHTj and l)i-.layiil Ciulisimt-! KS RES !jv. i.N; r i oi.iiiis Al ri;.-SION' TONIGHT able I'r.-jm! JKut. ' A' am-l Aeeu-J';! 1H SAT1 IO I S ( ON 1T.AC ISATION n Am iowia' . v :::: : C'otincilioaii Strain Cau-e of (':!( l.-tt Present Club's Champion : inent and :ion Mayor V. ou t (iuo-i on (kilcoinc. Ka.t Tawas. Mich., July 12. It is feaml that .eores of p.-ople are dead I today In the timber eonflagrat.on that has ulrvady dcuroyeu the tovns of I ijn . ada aii.l Au."uhle. . How lii.uiy have l't-l 's-h'-.l is un- known and poibly Hover will be kn wii a . the flames swept evt rythiiiB ara m me i" tho awful rush and 1 d : '-;now whether flu; is living or ( KopurN today arc the fire U ra' ln in tio; -uii.: t - ..' Ti-avi-i .-o City. Mont the l"vn of Trowbrius; . destn yi- i; Mi!l rvili". 1-ir.i.itie an1, i.inawuv are vne nn-t li Crao;'". j t oui l. Ilov.evi r lioes Ni t ii linite lfei i.-iou I ted ire Ke'e Other Aruunieuts l'i'ii-i'. Heard. K-oiild- ; ' T.ikia i be P"-i St. Lu!-, Jul in I.--I n-d-.v Airji-ii.--, II air; u vi l Jul I. J u. U" ihr.t t.-.j .a '!'.; ;.t 12. K. 'J. Lewis, v 1 'a'on.-l ir. elitiy heeeni'.; In iieiictcd for vio ..vs by the fod- . iv . a-i.s now !.iery Kuril I'il!e With pirhnr :bl Mateiail. PaiiKied and Saved Only hy Hard Wtirk on Part of Dej ait . inent. 1. 1 1 In .,ii tl:t !'..rbt that l a i clean. Many perrons were driven u i l,--vlstoii imil l ay j oi i tin: lire into Like Huron. The fin. p. rati.- piifbt. tailed l-i.-.t iht.it n. :. r O.-ea-la in the The finn are gaining vardM I y w mar lilie City and li- p. .l is from -Mi" na and lioyno . i i- hi i at danger. Cnv ta tint la-roe firts are buriiins Si.-.ii- t here. . . er.tl kiKK n Lampni Many piiillis Heixirleil. ni;il. ihv iatfr jjla.e are .surrounded; Tef'tito, (.-n. , Jul:. 1 - A t treleh i by p-c fire aim .1 i f.-ured that many j of ?. ni.les of woodland in north. -i n ! purlin. nit -no li;-. inu.-s : w n sw-iil .. -.. bad :.riu--l th,! t- r-et 1 - -- r- ; i.s; ai-.v.; .N-nn . i. All are hotiteloa 1 I !ay. Mary until are ivi-.orlei. aim. bi.dlv burta-d. The j tno property loss will ue enoim-.u v. l.ri nt:-..th.-r; . d ( .-k v ; this (if. l-'-ii.tr 1 Jud ir e's no; a; llo- :til l,,:iv.-sl:.l! t:u.t n to P-n-'b ton !!.: :..tr..us i'.'.'j tar'y the aie-.-i: i !' near ba.vb:.- a dis thls iip :..!'.; only ny wind and t '! i;oo ! itint-er- f j rilleii !".". -O.'y -avao .! y Sii.ill the raelfia I'o'er & Light cmpajr- and the Pacific telephone company be r.a;tiin d to place their wires underground in the business sfcfion .. iv-n.llete'.i? This i.s a subject that will come squarely before the members of the 'j'.-feetivi the lb ' .a a. ile-l .ur: die nr, m v, U'e.. ad out in . ne i The ,; may a.r-a i . l-libt ..v c-d In if by I."-' and maay w.-re v.. 'in n t -f o ion t- ri'"U'i'l 1 the t'...' b v t a .--tr "-1 isu - 1' Icily c 'Uie. li this ; he an oceajiion J ( r - i y in -m 1 : ; ...a.;!.-. ; As i.nncmii.ed ; : o,a a-oi ..I' . ii i. : the plat in-; '-f h will be 1.1 'U .. 1. . C. P. Strain, c war... w! ; an .. coun.: ' tla,- ' 1 in. : i. Ilai.'ini j j i ' -v. tilng and it will fur the showing of : of the city official sv-vral days a,-;o the a-.hnanee cal.ing for i- v. ir .-s un k rground fore the council by councilman from the has tak a the lead in tki- nu;tir at ': i- a .. of th." improve' food !! ply here b vi.- ii..vu been City. i.b y l.-h'f; ariivcd lnr" today, le.,-1 f ' : i : pcapi" At'- de. rxbausted. .s.-ul from In bay. Pro- . L'J.v I i i' line, wl'.o a red thai at perished at M Hit iii Ordered Out. l.ansm.;. Mich.. July 1 2. sjo seri ous is tie; ibu.n-1- to Aticliii,iill towns, tin Hipii l"iesi 1'ii's today, that the entire national guard of the state la to be called out f"i' i-ervi, e. Major of the miiilaiy departnunt is m'i. axoriiitf to gel In toiuh with the governor who is on a j hllnjr trip on Lake Michigan, to get the neces sary order for calling out the troops. llniHtmls Starving;. North Lay, Out., July Lb Three towns have been destroyed, seven prospcctoia known to be chad, many missing and hundreds starving, are the results of forest fires that are raging in the Porcupine district. The flames arc prcading rapidly. and Th: e,. l.o i.s w ere .villi 1 uil scons of min in; camp- ueMioycd. I The iievlructl in of Cochrane, a J town if j;K inh..bitar.ta a! the June- i lion of the T. N. O. railway and the Gran l Trunk trar..:con' hn-nlii! ...s. i i y n '.r onipictc. ( All of the camps from Dome to Wnttney t ,'V. ns h.p .- were !:. ked up by j tiio flumes, forcing Hundreds to the I lakes and rivers. j Dispatch-.- received from t le mill- 1 ing n.iioii of northern untaru tell of j much de.-O'uction by in; i .ires, j Three minors were burned to death j uml three limn drowned at South i'or- j cupine. Cochrane is practically ib- . .stroyrd only had" a dozui buildings remaining. South Porcupine and l'ot'sviile have ab;o been wiped out. !-.l:1o t' ! build'.: i eli! t i :. r. . 1 1 . i j Id'H ! 1 t!.. VI. a. " fa-ers' il .t: i i 'lo pros- , ;,..reb --'o i-ul- n. ion "f lb le-'l vich it'-oi'-at in I1 is , ib in s to . to bi r s- 1 a i To -'. r ' . i a lo- w'.is in th 'oinil. :---.r i. 'i'lley . boon i ;!;-ififiitulJlrt olhii. ei y b. ! l.o'w- V. a - ; I h, s" .--1 n ' ' .,ul 1; .. -tav -tcwar a:i t a 1.111 i h. no : of t! law in liar, t of i .os ancmi.ms ni-rrs MINT SIIi;iMl! : Mi i riNt; nochester. N. Y., July 1 2.- Th" .chrincrs today unanim 'iis'v eh-. hi I I Jo!:n P. Treat of l-'arso. X lb. im; r jiit p.'t'titati' and seboU d 1."-.- Mi- pe'i s as the t convention eit . i"l. L. Oarr-. t-o.i of Taeonia iva 'eh. te.l .nip.-ii.'.l i-:i l 'in of li'iiuds W.i-h . .I'll- I Witn the ,1'ioi Mi i.i'ieen. ,i ram'h' r, ,-,t i l ynii'ia. nd iv c -iiiiry officials li.no ol.ia'ti-d 1:1- f '.st clew toward -'.';f'n!r an the myat'-rious murder of An hie C"bh- ami Ins youmr wiJ.-, w'oo .ere four. I dea 1 last .-i'.-eilj to tiic lid th.- pr..rv.l!.j Initio aii.i another abirni i ! to briti- our' a .-: .end :.ny. After the .-ecornl ii'tiee. on. tie- '.a'nes wc-r" led an 1 by Z o el a. k all .a.,.,.-!' past. l ire Ki.ot fi'oiii ll;i). Ji .o-'e'.. r, .t I" ..;;" ' ; .r a ne as iip .-'..' r...v oi '.vouha .. r: u. rlu!:"- "'Id i.v ib . 5:-i;. . The b u k end of the livery bain was inh d w .rh iiay oii..l h '-! til" fil e once spr.-a..! to the mow, it Would have ben extremely d'ffi.lilt to handle. How it happened that tile Hying- .--parks did not lifciit in hay ctrn not bo xpiained ccept the .-tidm-.-s of the air an 1 the tiiv v. I My 1 1 i l! b: :i O'.Vl of ' . -i. '!';.:--iii'.iiii t-id.-nt of He Iriini Hrintis llelugifs. Hay City, Mich.. July 11. A train on the Detroit and Mackinac railroad has reached here1 bearing refugees from the burned towns of U-coda ami 1 Au Sable. Refugees also were left at Clchrnne, South Porcupine and . ... . TawHS anj Tuwas City. Con- rottsvllle are destroyed. Gulden 19 1 tiuetor Prank Wilkiiis, in charge oi surrounded by flames. Tisbnlo s j the tr.,jni saia jt is almost unbelicv- li(!ilie Leave 'ii-l. Kiel Germany, July 12. After more than a week nt this port, the 600 American midshipmen . who are i ruising through European waters on board the battleships Iowa, Massa- tetts and Indiana, left today for Bergen. th by the .-lhllle.-s of lent in valiant efforts of the fire laddh-s. U.fir to i Im w'th the :r htads cru-liel J When the roof of the hum bla .th an axe. .up ii was thoualu- that the biiiiding iiefoie iii... eoroiv r's jii'.-y here today, was dooim-d ami the horses and vc F'.ar.'; 'iliirrl.-u, a barber, testified that hides were quickly taken eut. he thought Mctjueca, who had been j The principal damage was done to in the insane asylum several times, the restaurant which was completely had probably wandered into the gutted and the loss falls heavily oil wrong house and killed Coble and his j the ow ner as he carried no insurance, wife, thinking he was attacking the j Poke and Kd Smith, who own-d the half destroyed. KMso wus abandon ed this morning. The flames are be yond control. llcfiigws I-"mH Exhausted. Ray City, July 12 Refugees ar riving here todav. from the flame swept town of Ausable and Oscar, included Mrs. Diamond, who was a survivor of the Iroquois theatre fire nt Chicago. Mrs. Diamond said: "The flumes spread so rapidly that the people, by hundreds were com pelled to rush from their homes to the lakes and swamps. I saw many women and children fall exhausted and Its incredible that all could have escaped alive. My siRter became sep- able that the fire should be without fatilltles. Small Towns Destroyed. Detroit, Mich., July 12. The small er towns of Metz, Millersburg and Tower, along the Detroit and Mack inac railroad, were reported burn ing toduy and Lewlston, in Mont morency county, and Alger and Tur ner In Arenac county, were said to be seriously threatened by forest fires. Fires Gain Headway. Wolverine, Mich., July 12. A ' log ging train In from the Haakwood branch of the Michigan Central rail road brings the report that the forest (Continued on page eight) CHAMPION BULL-DOGGERSTO MEET AT ROUND-UP Visitors to the 1911 Round-up this fall are destined to witness one of the most thrilling and spectacular con tests ever pulled off between man and man in this section of the world If plans go not awry. This contest will be nothing other than a meoting be tween the two greatest "bulldoggers" of steers which western plains liave produced, both of whom have held the title of champion, Dell ltlanchett and "Buffalo" Vernon. Plans to get these two steer wrest lers together before the Round-up crowds this fall liave been under way for several months and a letter Just received from Vernon practically as sures the contest. Vernon signifies hls willingness to meet Blnnehett and a contract has been forwarded to hlin to sign. Blanchett has already sign, ed to come so that It seems that noth ing can stand in the way of the meet ing. Met Oiu" IWTore. There Is great rivalry botwoon these two men and their contest this fall will not be the first time they heve met for supremacy In their uxclting specialty. Iist year during the Fes tival of the Dawn of gold at Sacra mento, they met, at which time the title of champion was wreBted from MeXulty Re-elected. Atlantic City, July 12. Thomas McNulty of Baltimore, was re-elected today, as Grand Trustee by the . .a- tional Convention of Klks. Vernon. The latter, therefore, Is more than desirous of meeting his lanky opponent again and It is prob able that they will make a little side bet by way of showing their faith In their own powers. Besides their ability In throwing a steer barehanded, both men are pro ficient with the rope and are sched uled to give dally exhibitions with their lariats, Blanchet is also buckaroo of repute and his wife Is credited with being tho champion wo man broncho buster of tho world and both will bo seen ustrlde some of the Round-up "outlaws." Ktiitfo Couches Secured. At the meeting of the Round-up association last evening, the an nouncement was made that at least two stage coaches will be brought here to participate in the array of frontier features. In addition to the one found on the llonifcr ranch near Gibbon, another has been located hj Exhibition Manager Moorhouso on tho Nelson farm near Walla Walltt and the owner has offered It to the Roundup. If these old pioneer car riers can be made sufficiently strong, they will be pitted against each other in a race, if not they will be used for exhibition purposes only, DESERT PROSECUTION Los Angeles, July 12. As a result, it Is said, of the pleading of his wife and uncle, to desert the prosecution and come over to the side of the de fense in the McXamara case, Ortie McManigul today shows signs of a riental and physical breakdown. Mrs. McManigul, after visiting him at the Jail, said the condition of her husband causes tier great alarm. It Is said he Is breaking down under conflicting emotions to which he has been subjected by both sides. Thrifts of ProsiXMitlon. Mrs. McManlgal says her husband would like to come over to the de fense but threats of the prosecution prevent him doing so. To her pleas, McManigal Is alleged to have answered: -I can't do it. They would hang me if I did." Jail attaches say that McManigal has lost eighteen pounds since his incareeration. Irately, ho seems downcast and extremely nervous. P.artiett family. McQueen had nride threats against him Banlett tesrfied, and had fol lowed him through the woods while armed. McQueen, it was learned, started for Olympia the morning of the mur der but got off the train at Tenine and was seen walking back toward Rain ier. cleaning and pre.-siug establishment, carried ho insurance either, but the damage to their equipment was small. Harold Stewart, proprietor and owner of the livery barn, carrid enough in surance to cover his loss, as did George Darveau, who owned me buildings occupied by the restaurant and pressing plant. FIGHT OVER GIRL HEIRESS RENEWED DICK TO DICK" LETTER. CAXXOT BE LOCATED Washington, July 12. That the I Morgan-Guggenheim "grab" of the 'Alaskan coal industries, through ac j quisition of lands on the shore of Civic Ciu'o Petitions. Til.- '..'.sis of trie action by Council i-i-i ."-train will be the resolution of civic clui. asking for the '.! p "l.-s and overhead petition was furnished .bi by Mrs. J. A. Fee, the civic club and the i'.i ei li- s li -f.-u active in a -u;i"'rtiny the move, lib. in Poubt. r i: i i x i 1 1 ' e : 1 1 1 . -- ".!" opinion made .M:.--r Mui'p'oy an.l members of U'iim-il t O.ty it appears the fats of the novo is in doubt, though iii'ii,'.-- of the improvement believe It .il! win out. Mayor Won't Guess. Asked as to his position upon th subi'H t an 1 iv-- to his opinion whether ir not the urobilin, e will be favored j Mayor K. J. Murphy deVlined to com di. i,iw, ir t. ...... ti the outcome is problematic and he would in 't venture a guess. He says the entire matter will be threshed out by the council. Strain is Champion. Councilman Strain, who has cham pioned the move to get the wires underground, is earnestly for it and hopes for success though he has made no canvass of the council upon the subject. Mr. Strain particularly favors getting the electric wires underground because of the danger firemen are subject to when fires break out in the business section at this time. However, Mr. Strain has no defi nite plan worked out for bringing the Improvement about and says he de sires to see no hasty action taken, one way or the other. He wants the entire matter studied carefully and an ordinance drawn that will protect the interests of the public ii the most Controller Bay are not yet consum mated was positively asserted here today by Secretary of the Interior Fisher. Mr. Fisher said a second of the files has failed to disclose the famous "Dick to Dick" letter, although the Investigation is still proceeding. The fight for the guardianship of Mary Jane Swash. 13 year old heiress to a fifty thousand dollar estate, was begun afresh today in the county court, the girl's stepfather and uncle, William Swash, and her aunt, Mrs. Viola Anders of Portland, both striv ing to be appointed one. Tho former is being represented by Attorneys Bailey Q Perry and the latter by At torneys Fee and Slater. , Several weeks ago. William Swash, j if plans of the members of the lo w ho had married his brother's widow, I cai banJ can be t.arrieti out the band petitioned me county couri, upon wni soon have a permanent director the death of his wife and the girl's l.in the person of Chauneey Huynes and tht rough manner possible. Dyer is Favorable. Councilman Dyer stated this morn ing that he was in favor of such an ordinance if it would not result in the paved streets being continually torn up and he expressed the opinion (Continued on page eight.) WEEKLY CONCERTS PLANNED BY LOCAL BAND imiTlSH CONSI L GENERAL TO EGYPT IS DEAD London, July 12. Worried into his grave by official cares, Sir Eldon Uorst, consul general to Egypt, died today. Fears of an active resistance to urilisn domination in Egypt are said to have been the principal cause of his broken health. It is the belief here today that Lord Kitchener is In line to succeed Gorst. His iron hand, it is hoped, will effectually quell plots of Egyptian conspirators. Round-up. It will be a 25 piece band and the weekly concerts will be held upon the street corners, at the fair onvitimi or nt thia ,..oi,.f v,,-.i,.i In mother, for the adoption and guard-ia series of weekly concerts" will be i cordance with the desires of the con- tributors to the fund. At this time Haynes is directing a band at starhuck, Wash., and he will continue that work there during the summer and also manage a picture kinship of the child, making un uft'i-; given between now and the time of davit at the time that he was the only ; the Round-up. person near of kin in the state. Upon j At a meeting held last evening be lli is presentation and there being no twPPn members ot the bani1 an,. :r objection, Judge Maloney signed the , Haynes negotiations were carried on with a view io Having Haynes take show there. However, he is figuring It appears, however, that alter the the leadership of the bivid and direct j upon moving to this city in the fall petition was signed, no notice of it i; nt 1(,at until after the Roundup. I to remain pcrmancntlv "and to con was published and the petition itself Tht, securing of the director at this 'duet a beginners' band" hero provided curried In tho pockets of the attorneys tillle is e.mditioned upon the raising I such an organisation can be formed until the order was signed when it of ., fun i f,.r the purpose of paying i ' . was filed along with the order. ; f()r th,, weekly concerts. To solicit , ie;ri MILLION IRF .tiis. .vnuei, iiivii.-iiin.ii, .ippemtr.i t)lls tun,i a committee has been an SMCGC.I.EKS TO P.E INDICTED New York. July 12. The f -der.il the matter lo Hi., circuit court and ,. .a ..n,.a..ii,... n.a..i. ci....,, I Judge Phelps reversed the action of joe Parkes, Gay Hayden, J. C. ' the county court on the grounds that m,.i -.,,. ,.i i n.- r.i.-in mi l Tt w ! no notice of the petition had been puncher. It is the intention of this ! Kr:u"' i"r-v that lms bopn ive-tigat-publithed. .committee to get busy at once and I Ing the gignnt ic smuax'liig case which The matter is now back before .ascertain if a sufficient fund may be i involves Mrs. Helen D. Jenkins as Judcc Maloney. both panic. trying io r;ljSed to allow them to go ahead with tlle central figure, announced today secure the guardianship of the child, their program. I that it will conclude its labors Fri- and the matter Is bolng contested hot- T'nder the tentative arrangements 'I'Ty. It is believed that both the ly this atiernoon made with Haynes he will be here millionaires who are rhargod with . during part of the time each week complicity In the case will be indict- between now and Round-up time and j (,1 and detectives are today shadow will dire, t the local band during the j '"S the two men. A. Xevlow of Kcnnewlck is regis tered at the Bowman.