page rom. OAlLf EAST ORFGOXIAS, P EXPLETON, OREGON, TVESDAY, JULY 11, 1911. .. rf. ax im)i:i'i;mii:.nt newsi'ai'KU. FoblUlied a i ly an J Semi-Weekly at l'eu dioion, Oregon, by the east okkuoxiax miLisuiXd eo. SL'HSCKIITIOX KATES. Itellj, one yer, tiy umll Itlly, U uiouihs. by mail llly. three mimiba. by mail one month, by mail ti.v. on year, by carrier Pally, en m. m i lis. by carrier (ally, ibree mumha, by carrier.... fail?, one month, by carrier eml-Weelilv, one year, by mall..., Keml-Weekly, six months, by mail... temi-Weekly, (our months, by mall.. . 2.50 . 1.25 . .50 . 7.50 . 3 75 . 1.U5 . .65 . 1.50 . .75 . .50 Tbe lally Kant Oregonlan Is kept on sale at the Oregon Newa Co., 329 Morrison it i. l'onlaod, Oregon. Northwest Sews Co., Portland, Oregon. Chlr:o liurcau, Su9 Security Building. Was iiucton, U. C, Bureau, 501 r'our teentii street, N. W. Member United Press Association. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, aa second clasa mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and County Taper. 1 .11 I-V. !u- s. itr!i-t cardinal tells mm I tin- ilr'" n-Hy, 1. '.::' breeze 'is rt est in the trei ii.urs a lullaby. It is July. : ' j : ; ; V:i. !) Her A r. i! t' An a Whe.i tii' .-Miwvh pulls Tiio co.-n-r.ower's cup away, A;:. I li'.a-s at'.l l-:;n over the a'.l To bow to the l'Utierfly, It !- July. Wh-.-n the heat like a mist veil floats. And poppies fi.mie in the rye. And the silver note in the streamlet's throat Has s.-fteiu-d almost to a sigh. It is July. When the hours are so still that time Forgets them, and lets them He 'Neith petals pink till the ni?ht stars wink At the sunset in the sky. It is July. i ! ; 4 Susan Hartley Swett. A A SHOWIKIW X COMING. Councilman St'-.. in is a good man to take charge of the move for an ordinance to compel the eleetric com-I cany and the telephone companv to ' place th--ir wires underground in th r'"rt,i!nJ a8uinst parties that have business section. Mr. S.rain has deal!'" n in the illicit selling of r and he seems to,trs are ,,'okIn 1,1 Particular for men serving as a.-se know how to get results. As a con sequence of his efforts the O.-W. P.. & N. company now pays several times as niU'.h j:t taxes as it formerly did and there are otner corporations to i ( , thut are meiting tlx i" pnrt of the public buret n more fully than they di i in H old itu ar.u ' 8i . -.: r 1 s. FU1. i it.. :: tie ! i-n i, r the lays. tak rein p-is ng an he poleJ liusines i.. Th it i. so y and it of the in in ti ''ill t.'e t" tli .-an.t i. At ; Alt 1 -.1 n. i Mil' r !.! : :ur 's ir , ir'c it tin 1' r- ' ' !-:l t'i" :-f a 1 wire?. -. ir s there Th-r-- wi'.l b: .-.d ,i- ...r-I- " :'lia?l! Slli'S. from a broad a' good thin? C'..n-i .uld hi KRYPT0KS do away entirely with those two pair of glasses. KRYPTOKS. are good looking. They actually rest the eyes, and always are perfect for far and near vision. They do not sug gest oddness, nor do they indi cats advancingr -years. DALE ROTIIWELL OPTOMETRIST, With. Wm. HanBcom THE Jeweler. KRTOK I for the electric and telephone com pantos to set tiuir wires underground How tl.i.s proposition will fare In the city coiimil is an open question, li' the view of the East Oregonian the majority of the local councllmen are men of good purposes and will favor the ordinance to remove the overhead wires. Plainly they should do so. The eouni ilnion were chosen to represent the people of the city. The electric and telephone companies have paid managers and attorneys to look out for their Interests and they are thoroughly capable of doing so with out any help front the representatives ol the people. However, it is rumored the corpor ations have a foothold in the city's official family and just how strong that hold may be Is a matter that re riains to be seen. There will be a showing of colors when the subject is brought before the council by Mr. Strain and it will be interesting to see what we shall see. a reavy-spender. It is reported that Whitelaw Reid. American ambassador to England ha? -pent so much money entertaining in that cuntry (hat other men are ,'fraid to folloiv him in hi.; position. li'1 is -..i.i t" pay $ T. 0 0 a year for rents alone. So President Taft, who w.iuM like to g,t rid of Keid. is hav '.ift" ttity coturlnjr . a successor. '.' ..: r.i ti wi:o haw 1 ecu approached i: I s ll'i- sui j' i t have decline. 1 with ir.:i:.ks. "iLy i-.mnul afford the job. "A'liat a i. hc.iv.'e ;':o;n ;ic days when I t n T:'.'.i:kli;K repres-enied this coun try a!r .; J an 1 got ri suits through the for.v of his eharactt r and nhility lather th:;:i through money spend It is also timely to ask if it is a' nil intr.p'.inientary to England for t'.ls counlry to keep a man like Rri 1 i t St. James. Would not a man with ! :; ,:: 1 more brains than he i-e ni'ir.; aj i ri riat . J by the English? Such a man would certainly make a it. ore capable representative of Uncle Sam. .h men as Ambassador Reid fur- r.ish a good argument for the owning .'; .nitAy uu 1 1 i.ii llg.-s uy Hie c mien States goernment. With the embas- jsies owned by the government the (Ambassadors would be freed from paying enormou rents find it might i e possible to . seeu-e representatives i outside' the multimillionhire class, i - A 1EAI)LY TRAFFIC. Quite a crurade is being made In locume ar.d other drugs. The search- jvlio sell the stuff to boys i No better woik than this could be I undertaken anywhere. The drug ; is an a .vful thing. A confirmed victim of cocaine or of any other drug i.: entitle J to phy more than blame. In? is in t'..e clutched of a hideous monst.-r whose hold he is powerless to break i y hi.-i ovn uraideil ef:"orLs. The best lies in prevention end vast goo 1 may be accomplished ilio illicit sale of the -Li::r. L-t,iti;r:a i-ag.- in l'.-,- t: -liou! 1 l.o fiiiij A a ; ho v soever will buv '. Iru jl-i.s do not '.:"f'e an! bootleg -1 i it e,;t and p-ttiis;;..,!. . 11 .- ". a tl;-ug ! v.'ho- j t from him is dealing i in what is worsi tuau ut a in. u lien ; ;u. s'.'tl'f is ! ;.j V'.u'ig '"j .ide not I daicu d to the drug habit the seller j .'i.-t indeed have t'.e :,oal of a mar- I an .i-.uld be i to fit i MoviXf; si.owi.v. e' ...jia street 1 and c. a.- Ii- 'vrnl-ii -lion 'in-.: m on I,'' ' ! ta 1 t".i. 'Vol', en i i.-ipro, ;h il i-: lla;i l i; still i'ii plan.-, t :-'-;ui'ed sires, the . .-ui- 1;. work 1 : 3 Hot i a 1 1 i..l :-::i-'S it Is -till, the si liool loji'dinj is not yet Htnrt- i n'.oi j.rdi jiy .-t-. :.s toward street Ptnirnj are consu-iiini; much time. From a;ipenrani.-es at present much ' that .nillion dell us worth of work v.ill have t, , ( next year. If th r.. are other parts of the. country where patetiVI Indian lands are not subject to taxation then such ounties are not abreast with Umatil la, county. Some of the very best land of this county belongs to Indians who hold patents and have full rights of citizenship. They pay taxes and most assuredly they are entitled to do so. It Is good training for them to tire way of the white man. From IrdicatlonJi Revealer fjee will have ample alme to plan a "new heaven" while nerving out his time in the Illinois penitentiary. Paving seema to be cheap In Se attle for some reason, and It might pay Pendleton officials to Investigate conditions over there. What He Paid For. Conductor Move forward there. Casey (who has moved along twice) Dlvll a bit furder! Ol paid me nickel f ride, not t' leaps on walkln. Boston Transcript. ifo row when ija$ m the KAWK Iituik ymi i" Pionev and vt-t oasv. lliirulars can't jrt-t it, ami clionnrs ainl fair weather friomls won't be so apt to iimkc viu r iiioiicr" tla-ir money. Make OVK Bank YOUU IJank. Ve pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent, com-p'-'.'i ded semi-annually. The American Nafciorl Bank PENWI.ITTOX. OKKCOX. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY 3BsiwEnxfTWt!sne.i; OFT OF ISAIU-rs MOITIIS. I1"" ll!r"n,,m,'r uin,- frum v"- ' "(itie fir.c, sunny afternoon a man j ',"jt"l' 'v nt's 1:lrk- T-,ln"- mountel a soap box on a street corner: 1S .Confederate forces took pos and began a .--ocialistic "speech," , -s.-ion of telcsraph lines at Macno-cn-,i in,-.!, rinram i I'a. Md., intercepted dispatches from ' You know the kind of sneech all about the poor man working him- self to death, while the loafimr. cham- pasn--drinking rich man profited. "'Hold up vour hands,' he sudden- ly cried, 'you who are in favor of so- cialism." "A couple of hundred hands went Up " 'Ah, our time is coming,' cried the speaker, exultantly. 'Look at that brave show of hands. Where are your anti-socialists now?" " 'They're workln.' They're holdin' down their jobs. That's where they are,' shouted the small, boy. Phila- delphia Record. 1IF. ROCKER TI1F, ROAT. In the stream by the Asphodel Meadows That is known as the River Styx, In the care of a chap named Charon, There's a Fool in a nasty fix. He Is chained for shrinking ankle, For the sins of Fools he's the goat. And ho groans all day In his feeble way; -I'm the fellow who boat." rocked the When the storm Is high and the bil lows Wash the craft that the Fool is in, There's a grin on the face of Charon A nio.-i uilioli-al grin! And he leans, with his I'ienuish let ing, In the craziest tub r float And he hurls hb, hl-ide At the cringing sha-le '": the f- iio-.v who .-..-ked the boat. And the inips in the st it' ss im of darl:- Te n- no. r- w itli a shriek of And the trembling shade on the keel hoard Oh. l pitiful si Jilt is he! And fro-n now till th br:!k of dooms lay lie shall scream from his ; -arching throat; Hut i "M I1' vi'!' :-'i t thi-"aal! WiCs t'i" i.unf:--h -ae-it dii" To tllo : 'LlilV Who I'TlIl i V ' llo.'lt! : .mi; ci:y ov toil. :' d .ej all ;-..r a f I And y ; Tiioumi u b. tiiei slid u: ver 1 ''.'.: r of all i'lf i : i: ,iit i r s : .-! I I We h:.v vi- I a rest, And mi li" For If blood 1; v.- alth, "il ti, 11 v.. id. if til your I 1 1 flood ' 1, we ha id ir In ; blown full There's m-ver mil "ward now But we're bii'-ied alive for you. There's never a wreck drifts sivjre wjrd now Rut we are its ghastly prey. Go reckon our dead by the fores red And the factories where we spin ; If blood be the price of your accurs ed wealth, Good GotI, we h.T paid it In full. ' We have .fed you all for a thousand years, i For that vns our doom, you know, 1 From the days when you chained ys In your fields To the strike of a week ago. You ha' eaten our lives and our babes and wives, ! And we're told it's your legal share, j Hut if blood be the price of your law- ful wealth, Good God, we ha' bought It fair. Rudyard Kipling. .IFLY 11 IV HISTORY. 14S0 Jack Cnde, an Irlshma who hearted a rebellion In England, was sin In near Lewes and hla head placed on London bridge. 1714 Battle of Aland. Russo Swedlsh wars, between the Russian fleet of thirty ships of the line and 180 galleys, and a Swedish fleet of about one-third that size. 1813 Blackrock taken by the Brit ish who burned the barracks, block house and other buildings, 1863 Teheren, the capltol Of Per sia, destroyed by an earthquake. 18(4 A new planet discovered by tllspaiCm-3 ll-oill Secretary Stanton to General Cad- ! wallader, and temporarily shut ! 1 aimuni.-atii.n with Washington. off l-' lJattie or Alexan.tria, during . ArUurs rebellion, 1?4 G rover Cleveland and Th"iu- as A. Hendricks nominated for the j presidency and vice presidency at the Democratic national convention at ! Chicago. 194 Porfirio Diaz, elected presi- ,!(I1t 't Mexico; Ramon Corral, vice president. 191 Fire at Campbellton, N. B., rendered 400 people homeless T15I-; THINGS I MISS. An easy thing, O Power Divine, To thank Thee for these gifts of! Thine! For summer's sunshine, winter's snow. For hearts that kindle, thoughts th..t glow, I'.ut when shall I attain to this To thank Thee for the things I inis? For all young Fancy's early gleams. The dleamed-of poys, that .-.till are j dreams, Hopes unfulfilled md pleasures ' known Through others' fortunes, not my own And blessings seen that are not given, And n r v ill be, this side of heaven. Tin-! I, t"o. shared the joys I. see, Would there have been a heaven for me? Could I have felt Thy presence neat Had I possessed what I be'. l rl My deepest fortune, highest bliss llaw i.r uvu. pereliatu-e. from thing I miss. s-'ii'V tim - 'here comes an hoar if , aim; f.rief finis to ble.-.-ia". to iialmi A T'ov.-er that workJ above ray !':! Mill lead- rue onward, upward ftill. .'nl then my !,'"!-t attains to this To thank Thee for tlo- t'oina- i misv. 'Ih'.i'ias W '.-'it .vol th Hi-4-in.son. 1.TY.-. Ihe Co. is in Li, nine- for "Your Good ffeltb l: KM KM I ill! THIS WilKN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES the iraiquE TURKISH MEDICAL BATHS The Plnco AVliero You Good Ruth and Rub (iet n Down. BATHS - 25c and 50c OPEX DAY AND NIGHT. 124 W. COURT ST. Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the ! AUTO CAB Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE! IN TOWN. Stand at (14 Main St. Canadian Pacific Soo Spokane Routs GO EAST THRU Kootenav and Arrow Lakes and Canadian Rockies The most beautiful and mag nificent scenery In the world. Splendid train service. Luxu rious hotels and chalets and nu merous natural attractions. The playground of America. VEKV LOW RATES EAST LIBERAL STOP-OVERS LOXG LIMITS For further information and il lustrated folder write M. E. MALONE, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON. G. A. 11 Wnll St., Spokane. R etewvrjB ''''WiiipaF THE OFFICE A. SCHNEiTER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE. Family Liquor Store h n il S. 4 . :j '1 ph ; g j" one ..iain v-n ft. M nrr i, 3 mrjr vtf .. - JaCT6fteLn.CT - ? PENDLETON'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a hipb-class motion pic ture show with comfort. FUX, PATHOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. ' Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Mon., Wctl., Fri. Ntxt Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5 and 10 Or&tie mm 3. P. KEnFRXACH. HJGH-CIASS UP-TO-DATErMOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children ski: p:ionAM i.v today papkju vmarrairi Charr oa bood-T'l. TanacT' aad Frl-lr- V, '.v'7!i;'''''VV-SWiPV'V-f,'-s wn -T Z Grande Ronde Apple Orchards ..a the INSTALLMENT plan. lie I 't'lblit tin triiets. HILL At the ol'fi' i- ZVIAUK liquors because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goods in our establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by age, pure ly d'stllled, and Is fully guaran teed by us. The same way with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every, article we handle. You get more than your money's worth In quantity and quality. TheOlympia Bar Phone Main 188.' and PionMr Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETERS & MORRISON, Props. i Hotel St. George Bar CEO. DARVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mens Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDVEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. .ic-Mtiiii WTMirr tHtfmn i. in; irtiTT 7 1 1 Main Street a'tBWiy.w Theatre ProfMietor peoplo whu h.ivp vi-itvj tlu-so a . MOOR.HOUSS CO. Cass Matlock, Prop. .GEKT iwures MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and ilhutruted sony. in the city. Shows afternoon and ever nings. Refined and en tertaining for the end family. Next, to French Restaurant Entire change three times ach week. Be butv and ee the next change. Adult 10c. . Children under 10 years, 6c' pisiiii miTif