EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PEXPLITTON, OREGON, TIT:slAV, JII.V II, 1011. PAGE TIIREE ADAMS MAY GET HEW LIGHT PLANT (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., July 11. W. H. Pa It of the Pacific Power & Light Co., of! Portland, ore, was looking up tin? prospects fur putting in electric! lights in Adams. - Q. M. Lewis wan u business visitor In Pendleton Monday. L. L. Rogers and family were visit ors In 'Wetton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. (it-ins and daughter Winifred, Lizzie Kuth and Agne3 llo Konzlc, wont to the springs for a few days outing Saturday. Miss Gertie Long of Athena, was visiting friends In Adams Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hale left Friday for Bingham Springs for a few weeks' outing, ... ... ' .. Wr. ..ml Mrs. T. A. iJeuallen were I'endloton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Maker went to Pendleton Friday to do some shop ping. Mrs. II. Kii hy returned to her home In Adams Saturday after spending- the past week at Itingliam Springs. Mr. and Mr. II. Angler of Hermis ton, were vi-iling friends and rela tives in Adams this week. Mrs. C. ('. Dair and daughter Nel lie, left Friday for the Darr Broth ers' sawmill at Meacham for n few days" outing. j G, M. Morrison was a business vis- i itortin Pendleton Saturday. I HITCHCOCK AGAIN IS REPORTED ENGAGED Ilacliolor Mcnilier of Tuft's Cabinet Itliisliingly Denies Itelrotliul to Miss" Dorothy Williams. WOMAN SLAYS .NEIGHBOR, j Tragi"!)- I -u It of Long Stautliiii NeigliborluHKl Row. ! " Waycro-s, Ga. Following a neigh-j borhoo.l iuai!-el which had been run ning on for some time, Mrs. H. L. ! Kobhins killed Belle Smith lure op-pasiti- the latter's home. In Gib-hrlst park. The bullet entered the body of the woman between the should'-rs and she died instantly. Mrs. Robbing was placed under ar-v!-t n nil i.s now in the county jail. There were several eyewitnesses to the the affair. The two women are aid to liavi. had trouble several tinu-s lately over minor neighborhood mat ters. Rcct ntly, Mrs. Bobbins had the Smith woman arrested on a charge of breaking the peace The ease re sulted in a fine for the accuser and the release of tlie Smith woman. Washington, D. C. Society is still busy trying to marry off Postmaster General Frank H. Hitchcock. It Is now generally reported that the hai hi-lor member of President Tafl's cabinet will marry Miss Dorothy Wil liams, beautiful, wealthy and a sis tor of Mrs. Joseph Belter. Although Mr. Hitchcock has been reported engaged just .an even dozen times during the past eighteen nunths, once more today, he blus.hingly de clared he was still fancy free and un engaged. Society folk that Is those women leaders who general'y "know" . continue to assert that Mr. Hitch cock at last has been captured and the formal announcement of netroth vlll con'ie soon, Turns as nA as a Rose. Tho postmaster general, who is of a retiring, really timid disposition when broached on affairs of love, be came as red as an American Beauty rose when questioned about this bit- j est engagement gossip. Then lie gnth- j ered coinage and mat!'.; the sweeping assertion that a'l previous engage- , ments were also wrong, and so fur as he could see there was no Ju-tifi-calion for any of the stories. .Miss Williams AKu Blushes. ' Miss Williams was equally relicient concerning the reported engagement. 1 She al.i'J blushed, but. as much as the bachelor cabinet memoir. i ''Mr. Hitchcock Is an awfu'ly nice ; man, hut " e And then i he blushed .'o;-,.. more. THE FINEST LINE OF CLOTHING MANUFACT URED IN AMERICA GOING AT A Big t IT 1 JO! The Clothes that are worn on Broadway and Fifth Ave nue -The Clothes that are worn by Pendleton's best dressed men all now going at sale prices. All $35.00 Suits going at $26.25 All $2.00 Suits going at $18.75 I All $32.50 Suits going at $24.50 . All $22.50 Suits going at S 16.75 J All $30.00 Suits going at $22.50 All $20.00 Suits going at $14.75 All $27.50 Suits going at $21.25 All $1 7.50 Suits going at $13.25 All $1 5.00 Suits going at $1 1.25 l. u in 1:1 i:d iv v at OF ROILING WATER i3"l"'nm, nt cabim:t mi-.ktim; hki.u oyer to of ici- Washington, I). C. When the cabinet came" straggling into the ex ecutive offices they found the tem perature of the cabinet room in spite of all that anxious doorkeepers and electric fans could do to keep it down, well up in the nineties. They sat in uncomfortable leather chairs, perspiring freely and making more or less vehement remarks about the weather. When the president enter ed . found so much "heat" that he im . e ately issued an executive man da.. .iat the session be held in his private office. This office Is cooled by breezes from a ton of Ice stored beneath !t. The refrigerating appa ratus keeps the thermometer around tlie SO mark and makes It easier for the president than for congress to con template the probable date of ad- Although the prices have bsen reduced on these high-grade clothes we still gaarcntee yea a perfect fit, absolute satisfaction, and all alterations free Prices Reduced in Every Dep't. Highest quality for lowest prices in Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc. You will show good judgment by visiting this store before buying. Krunswii k, Oa. Accidentally liurl ed into a hug- vat of boiling water with the log he had rolled to the edge of the vat, Ralph Glrven, aged 15. was so badly scalded that he died an hour later. He was rescued with in a few seconds after he fell and was rushed to the hospital where he tiled. ijeer keg adohxs chirch's flag roi.n I'i'iighkoopslo, N. Y. A beer keg which was hoisted to the top of a flagpole in the front yard of a Meth odist church by oarsmen and their friends after the boat ruc still Is there to the great displeasure of the resi dents of Highland. The pastor of the Highland church Is out of town and the officers of the church have re fused to have the keg taken down be cause they .think It will be a lesson to young men of the village to avoid uch disgraceful acts In future. The keg can be seen for several miles. MOSQUITOES BID THIS YEAR I?ut don't scratch tlie poisoned tkin. Vse a mild, cooling, healing com pound that stops the itch instantly, draws out the poison in the skin and protects it against further trouble. Just a mild cleansing wash of oil of wlntergreen, thymol and a few other Ingredients known as the D. D. V. Prescription (so famous In cases of eczema) and you have mosquito pro tection for the season. Yes, Instant relief now only 25c. Tallman Drug Co. Discuss Ittx-'lproclty. Vancouver, H. 0., July '6. Tomor row night a mass seetlng will bo held at which tho entire question of reci procity with the I'nlted States will be discussed by Dr. M. Clark, member of tiie federal house for Hod Doe, Alberta, Hon. William Templeman and Mr.- Deachman, of Vancouver. They are conducting a reciprocity campaign throughout the province, and declare that they find but little opposition to Itanywbere. Steamer Collides. Xew London, Conn., July 10. A wireless message was received here tills morning from tho steamer Com monwealth of the Fall river line to the effect that she had been in collision with a fishing schooner off Race Rock Toint and had damaged her bow but wus proceeding on her way. The name of the schooner is not known. Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly rcBtore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale 'oj all dealers. Inloodl Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or In chocoluto coated tablets called Sarsatabs. NEWS NOTES f WENAHA SPRINGS (Special Correspondence.) Wcnaha Springs, ore.,'july 11. W. J. Furnish returned yesterday to .Stanf.eld, after spending a few days at his home here. 1. A. Mcl'hee went to Pendleton yesterday. Bert Klnzle, night clerk at the Ho tel Pendleton, returned to that city yesterday after spending tlie last week at Wenaha. Miss Helen Xarkaus returned to her home in Weston after spending the Fourth with Miss Anna May Thompson. Miss May Tevis Is registered at We naha from Walla Walla. Claude Estes returned to Wenuha last evening to spend the summer. Mrs. Jess Sailing and daughters re turned to Pendleton yesterday after spending the Fourth at Wenaha. There will be a big social dance at Wenaha Springs Saturday night and a large crowd and good time Is ex pected. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and son Dolfay returned Wednesday from Hitter where they spent a couple of weeks camping. While there Mr. Thompson purchased a hundred and fifty head of choice stock cattle. Mr and Mrs. Win Wyrick spent Sunday at tile home of Mr. und Mrs. John Thompson. A large crowd of campers from Weston and Athena are at Wenaha and more are arriving daily. Jack Keele, Jr., of Pendleton, was an over Sunday guest at Wenaha. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morolock have returned from Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen of Pen dleton spent Sunday at Wenaha. Mr. alii Mrs. Harry Warren of Weston are guests at Wenaha. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green and chil dren of Weston are at Wvnaha camping. Tlie Fourth of July was celebrated iiere with a large attendance liom nil over L'matilla county. Clias. lirown returned to his home in Athena yc-terday after spending tlie Fourth at Wenaha. Miss Gertrude Luna of Athena re turned to hor home Saturday from a week's outing at the springs. . Miss Kathleen Furnish returned Tuesday from Portland, where she spent a couple of weeks visiting friends and relatives, Mr. and Mrs, 13. Xewstadter of Port land, arrived here July 5 and will re main until the middle of August. They are guests at the Hotel Wena ha. Paul Fletcher of San Francisco, Cal., was an over-Sunday guest at Wenaha. II. L. Jones of Portland Is nt the springs on his vacation and will re main a couple of Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Hager of Wes ton spent the Fourth at tho home of Mr. Hager's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Hager. 'If! I PiuviJ F3 PENDLETON'S LEADING CLOTHIERS. ROMANCE OF 45 YEARS ENDS HAPPILY IMATII.LA 1H)STM.STKK ANO IT It ST SV F.l-'T 1 1 K. I T MA1MIY Fntiiv Population of Kiver Town Turn Out to AVelcoiiK' Principals in Ho lated Wedding. to soon see him back in Umatilla again. Rev. C. Cutler officiated last Sun day at the baptism of William Dom inick Anthony, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Anthony. Mrs. A. O'Con nell and Mr. W. F. O'Connell were the sponsors. Concert. The ladies of the Sunday school are to give a concert to aid the li brary fund next week. WASHINGTON IS STYLF.D GltKATKST ENGLISHMAN Right In your busiest season when you have the least time to spare you are most likely to take diarrhoea and lose seveal days' time, unless you have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appearance of the disease. For sale by all dealers. ( Special Correspondence.) l'matilla, Ore., July 11 D. R. Rrownell, postmaster and a leading merchant of this place; surprised his many friends here last week with the announcement of his marriage to Mrs. R. Shinkle of Redhrnds. The Lride and groom were sweethearts 45 years ago. The marriage took place on the morning of July 5 at the Hotel Imperial, Portland. The whole town turned out on Wednesday eve ning to do him honor and he gave the boys a JHy good time. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Hrownell were guests of honor at the social club dance, Miss Heulah Munkois of Portland, was the guest of her cousin. Miss Ha ssle Means for tho pa-st week, has re turned. Miss Moans gave a very pleasing part in honor of her guest and proved herself to be an ideal hos tess. About twenty-five ladies and gentlemen were present. Miss Munk ers made many friends during her stay here. Lister Means of Portland, was a recent visitor to his home here. Mrs. 11. I. Duncan has returned from a visit to Portland and is accom panied by her little nephew, Dun can Cramer, who will spend a few months hure. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Swiuler and Mr. and Mrs: Henry Griflin have gone on a short visit to Lewiston. Mrs. A. O. Council has gone to Midvale, Ida., to visit her son, J. F. U'Connell, who has a ranch there. Miss Eva Urownell has gflne to Heppner to visit friends und rela tives for a few weeks. W F. O'Connell has returned from a short business trip to the interior. Miss Myrtle Harris leaves In a few days to visit her parents in Wallowa. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Correll have returned from their honeymoon and will reside here during tlie summer months. Mrs. Jack lye of Walla Walla, is a visitor here this week. Now Grocery. T. M. Ghormley has opened up u new grocery store on the south side of the depot. Supt. Rollons and Assistant Super intendent Corkendull of the O.-W. R. & N., spent the week end here In of ficial capacity. Marshal III. City Marshal Jeff Stephens was stricken with appendicitis on Friday and was removed to Pendleton where he was operated on by Dr. Smith at St. Anthony's hospital. He Is report ed doing nicely, which Is pleasant news to his many friends, who hope Editor Stond of London. Puys High Tribute to Revolutionary lA'iuler. London. W. T. Stead, editor and author, in a speech before a meeting at Browning Hall for the veterans of the civil war, said that to no man did the British empire owe a greater debt than to George Washington, "the greatest Englishman of the eighteenth century." Washington, he said, had indirect ly taught Great Britain how to main tain and extend (he British empire. "For these and other reasons," added Mr Stead, "I hope the signing of the Anglo-American arbitration treaty will be the signal for raising a sub scription throughout the British em pire for tlie occasion of a noble statue to George Washington, the unveiling of which, in Westminster, would be the most dramatic method of cele brating the completion of a hundred years' peace between tho British and American peoples." IS JOLTED FROM ALTO; DIES. Employe of Staver Company Thrown from Car at Streotor. Streator, 111. Maurice Bruce, em ployed in the factor of the Staver Au tomobile and Carriage company, Chi cago, died here from a fractured skull sustained when he was jolted from a Staver car at a bridge four miles from this city. Bruce, whose parents reside in Streator, was returning to Chicag at the time and was riding on the sand box of the car and fac ing backwards. eral men, -who searched the railroad yards, a block distant, where they found Miss Spicer with face bruised and clothing torn crawling along the tracks and unable to speak. Her as sailant escaped. Miss Spicer. wheo she regained consciousness, said the man threatened her with death if she screamed. She is In a serious condition. The entire police force is searching for the assailant. PARSON WALKS IN HIS SLEEP A Case of Necessity. "Why are you breaking up house keeping?" "My wife's florist says she'll have tc take her rubber plant to a differ ent climate." Washington Herald. Columbus, Ga. Rev. T. B. Stanford, presiding elder Columbus district M. E. church, while walking in his sleep fell from a second story window of his home, striking on a fence below, breaking three ribs and sustaining Internal injuries. His condition is considered quite serious. CliritCII-GOEKS ATTACKED. Ohio Assailant Then Carries I'noon- seions Mls Awnv I Marion, Ohio. As Miss Flora Spic er, aged 20, and her guost. Miss Mary Rogers 22 year old, of West Mans-j field were returning home from ! church they were accosted on the j street by a man who struck both girls over the head and, picking up Miss ; Spicer, who was unconscious, carried j her away. Mis Rogers iiuickly summoned sev-i ins ring was rp. When the crowd assembled for their game of ball, Johnnie, the pitcher, was missing. Jimmte -was sent to investigate. "Is Johnnie at home?" asked Jim mie of the sister who answered his knock. 'Course," answered the sister, "don't -"U see his shirt on the line eees Magazine. -Suc- A Golden Wedding, means that man and wife have lived to a good old age and consequently have kept healthy. The best way to keep healthy is to see that your liver does it's duty 365 days out of S65. The only way to do this is to keep Ballard's Herbine in the house and take it whenever your liver gets in active. 50c rer bottle. A. C. Koep pen & Bros. i terete Bloclcs-CogBCF'GteWorji The Most Modern and Most Substantial Building Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end Save Yoursell Money Concrete Blocks and re-iii-forcal concrete are cheaper and far more satisfactory. Make prettier work when finished and give the great est comfort in either hot or cold weather. Give Yourself Satisfaction See ruy many beautiful de sign for Basements, House Foundations, Walls, Fences. Curling, Buildiug Trim mings and Cemetery Fences. They grow stronger with age. !i Estimates Furnished on Application D.A.MAY Fhcne Black 37S6. Pend leton, Oregon. Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work.