East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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1 ...
Fruits and Vegetables
the fresh, crisp and jucy kind.
Everything the market offers In fresh fruits anj green
vegetables Is found here first
You'll find our Quality highest and prices lowest.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Wct i :iul l a ml Soils High.
Vy a iRt-il recorded today, 4.S4
:i'-rcs of land In section 14, lvy. 4,
X. U. 2S was sold by F. A. Yates and
wife to Charles E. Sparks for 11,400.
Just received, large
line of Economy
fruit jars, whi-jh wo
are selling at the
lowest prices. Tops
always on hand.
Phono Spit Filed,
j A suit for a decree of divorce has
been filed with the County Clerk by
' Attorney .S. 11. Peterson of Milton for
i Km'us H. Vai'.e against his wife Xet
; tie H. Vaile. Cruel and inhuman
', treatment is alleged.
Slabber Kelca-ied on Hail.
Through the efforts of h'a attor
jncys. Xkk Andreoia, the ItHliun who
; stabbed Hike Moran in the recent
jrk-t, was yesterday released from the
, county jail upon putting up $2000
'cash bail.
(Special Correspondence.)
StanfielJ, Ore., July 6. A "sane
Fourth" was a reality in Stanfield as
the greater portion of our popula
tion boarded the early morning trains
for Echo and Pendleton, where cele
brations were being held. The few
who did not visit one or the other
of these two places formed picnic
parties at various points along the
river, where basket dinners were en
Joyed beneath the shade.
Dr. H. W. Coe has gone to Port
land for r. few days.
Chas. Adams the well known Port
land sheep buyer -was transacting
business here Monday.
R. X. Stanfield, the banker and
sheepman went to Portland Tues
day morning.
Attorney A. W. Gray is attending
court at the county seat.
Dr. and Mrs. Alex Reid were Pen
dleton visitors yesterday.
Frank Sloan and E. X. Wheeler are
leaving today for Ohio on a business
t:ip and will probably be away about
a monti..
H. C. Wheeler, the Ptanfield barber
is making a trip Into Malheur coun
ty. Dr. G. E. Watts of Portland, ar
rived on the local yesterday after
noon ana will spend a few days look
ing after his 160 acres under the
Furnish ditch.
Chas J. Ward was a motor passen
ger to Pendleton this morning.
(Continued from page one.)
livery. Xo wheat has yet been sold
and there seems to be a disposition
on the part of the buyers to hold off
until the season is more advanced.
According to H. H. Cohen, market
editor for the Oregon Journal, who
returned to the city this afternoon
following a close inspection of the
Adams, Athena and Weston country,
there is considerable held over wheat
in that region upon which the grow
ers cannot get bids at this time. .
Outlook Is Great.
"Y'ou people have not pictured con
ditions good enough with reference
to the crop outlook in the Athena
country," declares Mr. Cohen. "The
conditions near Athena and through
out that section are better than I
have seen at any time anywhere. The
wheat is simply looking great and
there is going to be abumper yield."
"On the C. A. Barrett place on
Pine creek threshing will commence
Monday in a 500-acre field and there
will be a yield of SO bushels per acre
where last year the yield went only
25 bushels. It is bluestem wheat."
Tliief Escapes in Balloon.
sayre, Okla, A pickpocket, closely
pursued by the town marshal, leaped
into a basket balloon near here today
just as the air craft was leaving the
ground, and sailed away to safety. The
balloon with George Harvey, aero
naut, in the basket was just leaving
the earth when the marshal discov
ered the pickpocket at work. The
marshal attempted to catch the thief
and tha pursued man leaped into the
basket as- it cleared the earth. He re
used to heed the marshal's warning
cry of "stop thief." At a height of
several hundred feet the thief drew a
revolver and wurned Harvey not to I
release the rip cord of the balloon
until he was ordered to do so. Af-:
ter the pair had traveled fifty miles j
me unwelcome passenger gave tne
word and the balloon was lowered.
Ten feet from the ground the thief
leaped from the basket and ran.
Harvey landed several hundred yards
from the spot and by that time the
thief had made good his escape.
I.wive for Yellow-stone.
Mr. and Mrs. j. F. Robinson and
son, Donald, and Mrs. James Russol
and daughter, Ruth, left on the Nor
thern Pacific this afternoon for Yel
lowstone Turk where they will spend
some time among the scenic wonders.
A Fourth or July Girl.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Lafave of Ad
ams are the possessors of a real, live
nine and a half pound Yankee Doo
dle tfirl born at the local hospital on
the Fourth of July. The birth was
reported by Dr. L. K. Blakeslee.
Funeral of King Child.
At 4:30 this afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Frank King, 709 Jane
street was held the funeral of
Howard Eugene King, the three year
old son of Mrs. Olive King, who died
on July 4 aft.a lingering Illness from
Krlghfs disease.
Girl Too Young to Marry.
Deputy Clerk Brown was forced to
refuse a marriage licence to an ap
plying couple today because the girl
was several years under the legal age
and appeared without her parents'
consent. From appearance she is not
over 15.
Four Drunks are Jailed.
As a result of the post Fourth of
July celebration, four more men have
been added to the lists at the "Hotel
Gurdane." Chaples McCarty, Frank
rim, Robert Kuth and John Golden
were each given a three day sen
tence by Judge Fltz Gerald this mor
ning on tnarges of being drunk.
Get There Quick
Phone Red 3961 for the
J Twenty-five cent fares to any
part of .the city. Special rates
for out of town trips.
Stand at 614 Main St.
The Place Where You
Good Bath ami Rub
Get n
BATHS - 25c snd 50c
121 W. COURT ST.
Andrew Toniaso Carries Bulging Wad
for Taft.
Washington. President Taft would
have been presented with a large roll
of "yellow backs" by Andrew Tamo
so of McKee Rocks, Pa., if Tomaso's
intentions had been carried out. But
he was Interrupted by a policeman.
Tomaso was on his way to the
white house, lubbing a large "roll"
In both hands, when he was accosted
by the policeman. When told that
the money was to be presented to
the president, the policeman took
the man in custody. He was sent to
the Washington asylum hospital,
where he is held for observation.
There was $1600 in his "roll."
Negro Kills Policeman and Mob Is
Xew York. Only the vigorous in
terference of the police saved New
York from a lynching today. While
attempting to arrest John Collins, a
negro from Key West, Fla., in Hell's
I Kitchen, a negro settlement on the
I west side. Policeman Lynch was shot
and killed by Collins. When the ne
gro was arrested by other policemen
a mob composed of whites and blacks
tried to lynch him. The police re
, serves arrived in time, however, and
Collins was landed safely in jail.
Injunction Is Continued.
By a decision of Judge Knowles,
sitting for Judge Phelps, the injunc
tion in the famous Mable Warner
case was continued and the applica
tion for a receiver granted. A. W.
Xye was appointed receiver and is
now in possession of the farm but is
allowing the Warners to remain In
the house.
Academy Wood Pile Runts.
The wood saw which cut the win
ter's wood for St. Joseph's academy
left a few sparks in the sawdust
which were fanned into a breeze this
morning. The. fire soon spread to
the wood and was burning freely when
discovered. The alarm was turned in
but before the fire company arrived,
an impromptu bucket brigade had
uuenched the flames. The sisters of
the tcademy express their apprecia
tion of tho quick response of the fire
company despite the fact that its ser
vices were not needed.
Recorder to Take Yueatlon.
At the regular meeting of the city
council last night, Recorder and Po
lico Judge Thomas Fltz Gerald was
granted a leave of absence for two '
wo ks mid John Hailey, Jr., was ap- I
pointed to perform his duties during i
his absence. With his wife and two I
VOIincOKt hnvfl ttin -filling will Unt'A I
Saturday morning for Lehman
Springs, where he will enjoy life close
to nature. It is reported that the
fish are fleeing in terror to other
streams on hearing cf his approach
ing visit.
Big Summer Reductions
Our Store for
and we can fit and please you perfectly.
Hoboes, IIoIkhk, Jioboes.
Local O.-W. R. & N. Agent T. F.
O'Brien has declared a relentless war
on hoboes whose depredations are
causing him innumerable worries.
Last night in addition, to the narrow
escape of the lumber building from
fire, hoboes were responsible for the
breaking of the seals on two way
cars. Mr. O'Brien declares the av
erage citizen has no conception of the
number of thes0 il!e men who hang !
about the depot grounds, some of
them for weeks at a time, ana ne
says his peace of mind is constantly
harassed by their presence.
in Our Store, Hanans Excepted,
Hanan Oxfords Red, to $4.00
Moran Out of Hospital.
Mike Moran, the O.-W. R. & N.
section foreman who was almost fa
tally stabbed in the Italian riot re
cently, was yesterday discharged from
St. Anthony's hospital, the wound in
his chest having healed sufficiently
to permit his removal. It will be
some time, however, before he will
be able to resume his duties.
Jack Wilson Round Over.
Jack Wilson, the sheepherder who
was arrested last week for assaulting
a squaw, was given his preliminary
hearing before Justice of the Peace
Joe H. Parkes yesterday afternoon
and bound over to the grand jury
under the sum of $?50. Being unable
to raise that sum he is in the coun
ty jail.
Smiths Return Home.
Dr. C. J. Smith, wife and daughter,
Miss Gwendolen, arrived home this
morning from California, where they
have been for the pat two weeks. Dr.
Smith went to Los Angeles to the
convention of the American Medical
association as the official delegate
from Oregon and he was joined on
his trip at Portland by Mrs. Smith
and his daughter, who spent the win
ter in the metropolis.
j The sewer system contractors at
i Hillsboro will rush their work in or
der to keep out of the way of the pav
ing operations.
To Lincoln, Omaha,
St. Joe, Council Bluffs,
Kansas City, St. Louis
and the Southeast.
Mississippi Valley Limited
Standard Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dinine Cars
r.nd the best of other food. Observation, Library
Buffot Cars, entirely devoted to the entertainment of
passengers, and with barber, bath and clothes presa
1112 service, and the latest books and magazines
Northern Pacific Railway
Via Billings and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy By.
Very Low Excursion Fares to the East
On sale for numerous dates to September 7. Tickets First
Class and with liberal time limits and stopover privileges.
Full information gladly furnished by any passenger
representative of the Company.
WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton.
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt, Portland, Oregon.
lierjrer Goes to Portland.
Joe Berger, whose star twirling
gave Pendleton such a brilliant record
for the lnnt part of the season, left
this morning for Portland where he
will spend a few days before accept
! Ing any of the propositions which
'have been offered him. He left Pen
dletori with reluctance an he madn
many friends while here all of whom
wish him piiccess in his future career
on the diamond.
Keinhold Ilarnis Pardoned.
Iteinhold Hurras was yesterday par
, donnd by Governor M. E. I lav from
til'- Walla Walla county j f 1 and was
Riven his freedom (shortly after noon,
lianas was serving a grand larceny
sentence of one year and $1000 fine.
.Market I'ditor Is Here.
Hyman H. Cohen, commercial edi
tor of the Portland Journal and one
of the best students of the markets '
in the northwest, arrived in Pendle
ton Jast evening on his tour of east
ern Oregon for the purpose of study
ing the grain conditions. He found
prospects much better In Gilliam
county than late reports would Indi
cate, the recent rains having raised
the estimated yield from 500,000
bushels to between 750,000 and 1,
000,000 bushels. An article on the
situation in Umatilla, the banner
grain county of the state, will soon
appear in the columns of his paper.
Struck !y Pitched Rail.
Phil Nadeau, well known to all Pa
cific Coast fans, is lying at death's
door in a Centralia hospital as a re
sult of bng hit in the head by n
pitched ba 1 in a game against Che
halls on the Fourth. The ball,
thrown by Pitcher Fltehner. formerly
of Seattle, struck him Just back of
the temple on the left side of the
head, fracturing the skull. Nadeau
will be remembered as the shortstop
who played with Walla Walla during
the two games against the Buckarooes
in this city. He was formerly a
member of the 1902 champion Port
land team of the Pacific Coast
league and has since played In sev
eral Northwest league teams.
Boozo Nearly Causes Fire.
As the result of the disappearance
of a bottle of whiskey, the O.-W. R.
& N." lumber shed and nearby build
ings had a narrow escape from fire
last night, only the timely arrival of
Roadmaster Buhrer preventing tho
conflagration. Two hoboes had lost
their precious bottle in the lumber
building and had lighted a fire with
some paper to assist them in recover
ing their treasure. The flames soon
spread and the two men were in the
act of beating a retreat when Buhrer
happened along the track and notic
ed the blaze. Buhrer grabbed the
hat off one of the hoboes and used it
to good advantage as a water buck
et. When the fire was put out, the
men fled with the roadmaster in pur
suit, but they finally escaped in the
File Claim Agnint-t Mexico,
El Paso. Damage claims against
Mexico aggregating $250,000 arising
from the killing and wounding of sev
eral Americans In El Paso during the
battle of Juarez, have been filed with
the state department at Washington,
according to local representatives of
the claimants. The claims vary from
a few hundred dollars each to $25,-000.
Do you read the Eaut UregonlanT
Umatilla county teachers seem to
reach a higher standard of efficiency
than most of tho other counties over
the state according to a letter received
at this office from Salem and Prof.
H. M. Gunn of Hermiston seems to
be well in the lead of the field. The
letter follows:
"It has been reported in a Portland
newspaper that many of the teach
ers who took the examinations a
short time ago, are failing to pass.
This is not true however, as regards
Umatilla county. Tho teaohprs of
Umatilla county are, with few ex
ceptions, making excellent grndes,
and to Prln. H. M. Gunn of Hermis
ton belongs the distinction of hav
ing made the second highest average
in the entire state up to this time, he
having received a grade of 100 per
cent in three subjects.
"The state board of examiners is
making rapid progress with the
grading, and according to county su
perintendent WeU.es, who is a mem
ber of the state board and is now lu
Salem, the results of tho examinations
will probably be known the latter
part of this week."
"That fellow cut me out in a very
underhanded way."
"Yet you are going to the wed
ding?" "Yea. I may get a chance to soak
him with on old shoe."
Notice is hereby gtven that bids
will be received by the common coun
cil of tho city of Pendleton at the
office of the city recorder up to July
19. 1911. at 6 o'clock p. m., for mak
ing the fill with earth or gravel at
the north and south ends of the new
steel bridge on Main street. AH b'ds
to specify the price per cubic yard
for making stic rills. Estimates of
the amount tf such fills will be fur
nished by the city surveyor. Th
common council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids or parts of
Dated this 6th day of July. 1911.
City Recorder.
Read the want ads.
when phoning your order for meat, that WE CARRY A COM
prices are RIGHT.
Fresh fruits and vegetables received dally.
"Everything to eat,
Groceries and meat."
Cor. E. Court and Johnson Sta
Phono Main 101
j Pendleton Dye Works :
Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- Z
; date methods. J
Phone Main 1G9. 06 1-2 E. Alt i
Oca i.
He was incarcerated April 13. 1910,
I .....1 ...-.....'..I .....m. !... 1. 1 m 1.!..
ini'i jm'i ' i vu iiiuii; 111,111 llclll ilia
time. His sentence would have ex
pired next March. Walla Walla
A liOcal filobc Trotter.
(.'. V. Daniels of this city, has been
Inoculated with the globe trotting
germ with the result that home has
no longer any permanent attractions
for him. Scarcely rested from hTs
trip to the Yellowstone park, he left
today for Portland, from where he
will take ship to AlasMa to spend the
next two months in a Jaunt through
the interior of that northern coun
try. He was accompanied as far as
Portland by his sister and niece.
.-Oo Reward for .Mutilator,
The county court today authorized
the sheriff to offer a reward of $500
for the apprehension of the fiend
who severed the ears from the mules
or L. 1). Eaton Tuesday night. Pub
lic sentiment has been aroused by
this latest mutilation of animals and
there In a urgent demand that every
effort be made to bring the culprit
to Justice. This task is, however, a
difficult one for there is no clew on
which to work.
SPECTacles & eyeglaSSES
No Seam,
No Cement Just
Clear Vision
With them tho eyesight of youth
Is re-cstabllshed and to all appear
ance Kryoptoks arc tho same as young
folks glasses, with nothing to dis
tinguish them from the latter but the
wearers own pleasant knowledge of
their wonderful far and near quali
ties. Without scam or cement, no
edgeg to catch dirt, or become
cracked or jagged in cleaning. Just
perfect sight with the discomfort and
unslghtllness left out.
They should be worn by all who
need double vision glasses.
Wo fit them to give you comfort
and satisfaction.
With Wm. Ilanscom THE
I have .4 80 acres, 200 of same tillable, black rich soil,
grow grain, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never falling spring of
water. This land is close to tho reserve in the foot hjlls, and N
an Ideal hog ranch. JS.00 per acre will buy It.
I have other tracts from 1000 to 15000 acres in a body nt pri
ces ranging from 8 to 15 per acre. Having 12 years experlcn'
In the stock business in thit county, I am in a position to show
you some of tho best propositions to be found.
In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban
homes at low watermark prices. Come and sco mo.
E. T. WADE TemMe Big
Office plfbne Mail 455; Ties. B. 3271. Pendleton, Om.
Extra Specials on
Children's dress shoes and oxfords 49 and G3
Boys' dress shoes and oxfords 98 and $1.29
All ladies' tan oxfords going at h Jj51.19
Ladies' fine black shoes mid oxfordp, only 98
IRe Wonder Store
Cheapest prices in Pendleton for the entire family.