EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY KAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, TIirRSl) AY, JULY 0, 1911. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 11 iilicW MOW 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Those famous New York correct clothes for men, shoes, oxfords, hats, shirts, underwear, hosiery, neckwear, etc., such as are worn md demanded by men who know real values, have been cut and slashed in price, at The House That Quality Built t - Call and select your choice while the lines are complete , 50 Doz. Men's OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO FRI TIE SPORTING WORLD ; NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn 5; Boston 2. Brooklyn, July 6. Boston pitchers n-ere wild yesterday and the locals won. Weaver got into trouble in the first inning, forcing in one run and letting in another by a wild pitch. Rucker kept Brooklyn out of danger throughout. Score: R. H. E. Boston 2 2 Brooklyn 5 " 2 Weaver, Tyles, Griffin and Kling; Rucker and Bergen. New Yrk 4-10, Philadelphia 6-1. Philad lr.hia, July 6. Philadelphia an, New York broke even in yester day's double header. The home team v"n the first game by hitting Math-i-,iff,-i hard while New York took the Feeond asily, knocking Rowan off the rubber in less than two innings. Jn-vlin was- Kent off the field in the w-rjiriK contest for disputing a de- i i.-ior.. I-'ir-t Scores: game : o : k 'd. i:i .. . -.'. oh and arid riof'in. . pa me; R. H. E. ..4 11 1 . .6 14 3 Wilson; : i. M': Meyers, R. II. E. 10 11 2 1 6 4 Wilson; Ro Humphroy :' loik i.;J;oV!;dia rvTanju-ir l and M-yers, V.dti, lrTj is, Stack Cnl I)o(,in. Madden. Vitt'liui-t' C; St. Louis 3. I-I;-.' i.uip. July -Pittsburg de f. ;.'-d .-'t. Louis in the eixhth inning v her. vifh two on has McCarthy hit What Ails You Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head aches, coated tongue, hitter or bad taste in morning, "beart-burn," belching oi gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms ? -, " If you ha- any considerable number of ft"' chore symptom you are suffering from ft" . " MM, torpid liver with indigestion, n- " I1" rL.rre-a Golden Medical ' - dyspepsm. t , . 1...K1, iscorery is made p of the m-st olu.bl- medlciMl principle, known to medi tcience for y,e permanent cure of "oft ODormai conditions. It is a most ef&cioP ivior,tor, stomach tonic, bowel - regulator and nerve strengmener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a lull list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at the will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm, lul babit-lonning drugs. It i. . fluid extract made with pure, tr.ple-re6ne glycerine, ol proper .trength, from the root, of nsUre Amencs njedicsli forest plants. World'. Dipen.ry Medical As.oc.at.on, Props., Buffalo, N.Y. $2.50 Golf Shirts $1.50 Golf Shirts 75c and $l Golf 3 f or Fancy Sox, 50c values . 25 C 7 5 Dozen Mens Two Piece Un derwear, $1.00 Suit Grade, Special at 25C a Garment $1.50 and $1.75 Golf Shirts during this sale . 75c $2.00 and $2.50 Golf Shirts; coat style with cuffs attached Quality worn once, for a homer. Sallee pitched a good game and was taken out after the sixth when St. Louis had a chance to win, In order to use a more compe tent batter. Score: R. H. E. Pittsburg 6 8 2 St. Louis 3 9 1 Leifeld and Simon; Sallee, Geyer and Bliss. AMERICAN LEAGUE. O Washington 7, Boston 2. ""Boston, July 6. Washington won an easy victory from Boston yester day. Johnson, who pitched a consist ent game, drove a home run into the center field bleachers. Score: R. II. E. Boston 2 6 3 Washington 7 7 1 Batteries Pape, Moser, Collins and Williams; Johnson and Henry. Detroit 8, Chicago 1. Detroit, July 6. Ty Cobb scored or drove in five of Detroit's runs and Chicago was defeated. Willctt kej't the visitors' s-even hits .cattrd. Young and Olmstead were both hit hard. Manager Jennings and pitcher Summers were suspended as a result of their argument with Umpire Mul len yesterday. Chicago ' 1 7 2 Detroit 8 12 1 Young, Olmstead and Block; Wll- If. nriil CtonacrA Cleveland 11, fit. Louis 1. Cleveland, July 6. Cleveland de- feated St. Louis yesterday. Harkness was knocked out or tne dox oy oi. I $1.50 . 75c Shirts 35C $1.00 means quality worn PENDLETON'S LEADING CLOTHIERS. Louis, but Knapp was effective after the third. Cleveland hit three St. Louis pitchers hard, Jackson leading with a triple, a double and two sin gles. Score: R. H. E. Cleveland 11 14 4 St. Louis 4 9 2 Batteries Harkness, Knapp and Fisher; Mitchell, Hamilton, Pelty and Clarke. Philadelphia 8, New York 9. New York, July 6. New York won the last game from Philadelphia by a ninth inning rally. Krause re lieved Bender at the beginning of the ninth. With one out Johnson walk ed and Cree tripled. Krause withdrew and Leonard went into the bbx. Knight tied the score with a sacri fice. Chase singled through Barry and took second when Gardner beat a hit to Barry. Blair singled to right and Chase beat Lord's good throw to the plate. Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia 8 12 0 New York 9 19 3 Batteries Plank, Bender, Krause, Leonard and Thomas; Ford, Warhop, Caldwell and Sweeney, filalr. Must Play Oanic Again. New York, July 6. The "protested Chieago-Pittsburg National game of the morning of May 30 will have to be played over. This announcement was made at National league head quarters last night. The game will be played off in Pi'tsburg on a date to be arranged later. NORTH WEST LEAGUE. i Standing of tin; Tennm, Vancouver 48 32 .600 Tacoma 47 33 .588 Spokane 46 34 .575 Seattle 38 3S .500 Portland 37 40 .481 Victoria 19 58 -247 Seattle, 5, Portland 1. Seattle, July 6. Lamline was wild and was hit at opportune moments, enabling Seattle to defeat Portland 5 to 1. Seaton pitched a good game, holding the visitors to four hits. Ray mond's hitting was the feature. Score: R. II. E. Seattle 5 7 1 Portland . . r. .. ,.,..1 4 " Ek'alon and shea; Lamline and Har ris. Victoria 4, Spokane 3. Spokane, July 6 Victoria won a 12 Innlne itame yesterday, 4 to 8. Williams and Holm pitched grea 0all, Ostdlek batted for Holm in the tenth and Kraft started the 11th, but wa hit hard and Schwenq relieved him. Score: It. H. E. Victoria 11 3 Spokane 8 12 2 Williams and Devought; Kraft, Holm, Schwenk and Splesman. Vancouver 9, Tacoma 5. Tacoma, July 6. Heavy hitting by Vancouver resulted In a nine to five victory for the visitors. Hlgglns was found for 16 safe hits, two of them be- All $3.50 Merit Hats $2.75 $3 and $3.50 Hats, $1.00 300 Straw Hats, $1, $1.50 and $2 Values . . 50C 500 Pairs MenV Shoes and Oxfords sacrificed 75 Dozen Four-in-Hand Ties 50c Values 25c Wash Ties, Two for 25c always Come, look and let us prove ing home runs. Belford started the game for Vancouver but was retired because of wildness. Score: R. H. E. Vancouver 9 15 0 Tacoma 5 7.2 Belford, Rasmussen and Lewis; Hlggens and Burns. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams, W. L. Pet. Portland 61 40 .560 Vernon 61 46 .526 Oakland 62 47 .525 San Francisco 51 47 .520 Sacramento 43 51 .457 Los Angeles 40 57 .412 VcriKin 8, Frisco 0. San Francisco, July 6. A brace of errors by Weaver, heavy hitting by Vernon, including a home run by Brashear and a session of poor pitch ing by Suter, gave the Southerners yesterday's game with San Francisco by a score of 8 to 5. The game was the fourth straight. Score: . R. H. E. Vernon .' . . . . j , .8 .13 1 San Francisco 0 6 4 Batteries Castleton and Uogan; Suter, Meikle and Berry. Portland t, Sacramento 0. Portland, Ore., July 6. Ferdinand Henkle, University of Oregon, '10, made his Uoput into professional base ball yesterday and at the same tiino climbed several rungs of the ladder of fame by pitching Portland to vic tory In a no hit no run game. To add to his laurels, his support was not by any means perfect. On but three occasions did Sacramento bat the ball for anything that resembled a hit Oniy pn two of theso occasions did tho httr reach first, and then owing to clumsy handling of the ball. Henkle allowed but three men to walk to first which, considering his being a south paw, us well as his Inexperience on the professional diamond, is also re markable. Henkle has nothing par ticularly original, hts success being due to a varied assortment of good wido curves. Thompson faced Portland today, and had ho not received support that all times was superb and on occasions sensational would have had more hits scored ngainst him. Scoref P , n. B. Sacramento g g 0 Portland -t ,, ,,....1 6 2 Batteries u'hompnon and La Longe- rfenkle and Kuhn. Oakland 5, Angels 4. Los Angeles, July 6. Oakland won jmelerday 6 to 4, errorless playing by Log Angeles holding the visitors down although they got twice as many hits from Halla as were allowed by Fla ter. TIedemann, the first Oakland batsman up knocked the ball over the center field fence and later got a three bagger. Los Angeles got two runs In a ninth Inning rally, but a freak double play stopped them when una waa needed to tie the score. Grin- die, running for Abbott, who had 25c $1.50 walked, was caught off when TIede mann caught Smith's foul and threw In filiation. V .1 . . 1 I covered first. Score: r. h. E. Los Angeles ,.4 7 0 Oakland 5 14 1 Batteries Halla and Smith Flater and Pearce. BEARS WIN AGAIN 'Walla Walla, July 6. For the sec ond game with Athena Millers play ed on the fairground diamond, the local Bears handed that aggregation the minor end of a 6 to 2 count. Base ball enthusiasts galore witnessed the performance, at least 100 visitors of the Oregon town arriving yesterday to pay respects to their Jiome team, while those-who had already arrived In the city for the celebration to gether with a goodly number of tho Bear supporters who ln turn rooted and tooted ror their respectlvo squads. Errors were even, both teams re eelvlng a count of four mlsplays in the fizzle column. Features were lacking, although B-iger's twirling Is deserving of mention. Pembrook and Slegrlst both secured a two sacker. It vfas thought that the first canto would bo the only portion of the game played, as a result of a mis understanding. Rennlrk for the Bears, was hit while whirling thj Stick. So badly was he slugged that Slegrlst was authorized to populate the Initial cushion. This ho was ln the net of doing but had not reached tho Tiase before Rcnnlck left that station for the second sack. Ho made his base but was ordered back because of tho fact that Slegrlst had been ordered to do tho base running. Difficulties were straightened out however and the game continued. The score by innings: Walla. Walla . .21110''.,' Athena .0 0 1 i U J. B m 1 0 0 0 0 2 SHIPS,trAT AGE OF 81. In .iatO of TId Ladles' Homo 1 Re- - innrkably Vidimus. Ithaca, N. Y. To celebrate her eighty-first birthday, Miss Sue Vor secs, an inmate of the Old Ladles' home in thla city, skipped the vopo twenty-one times and was not fatig ued when she finished. Miss Vorheea Is remarkably spry and athletic for her years. She told her friends to come on the lawn In front of the home, and picking up an ordinary girls Jumping rope lightly skipped It twenty-one times. Last year her friends say she jumped it forty times. Miss Vorhees has been ln the home twelve years. She Is a great pedes trian. The Dallea postofftce ha. been rais ed to the second class. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o it. o 0 A Contented Wnninu is always found in the same l.ouse with Ballard's Snow Liniment. It keeps every member of the 'family free from aches and pains. It heals cuts, burns and scalds and cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and all muscular soreness and stiffness 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Those councllmen of Hunnewell, Kan., must bo very ungallant men; for weeks they have refused to meet officially with the woman mavor of the town. Couldn't fhe dam-man-us them? Feet So Smt Couldn't Walk BiwE Stairs-- - w TTZ CURED HER QUICK. If yon tin vn ft awentv fo.t tired feet; melly t """e rcct- tender feet, lop- -et' corn9- cnllouses or bun- read what hannenrrt n nr.. Crockett, of JeffersonvlHe. TIZ DID IT. Mr. Crockett Rays; "After tho second treatment ftlm walked down stairs one foot at a tlmo. Slip , not boon able to walk downstairs bofore In post five years, except hy stepplnc down on earn ntrp W, on foo, Bt time. Tills Is remarkable Send five more boxes." No matter what alls your feet or what under heaven you have used without retting relief. j,f use TIZ It's different. It acts right off n cures sore feet to stay cured. If the only foot remedy ever mads which acts on the principle of drawing oat 11 the poisonous exudations which cause sore feet. Powders and othsr remedies merely clog up the pores. TIZ cleans thorn out and keeps them clean. You will feel better the first time It's used. Use it a week and yon can forget you ever had sore feet There Is nothing on earth that can. compare with t. TIZ Is for sale at all druggists, 18o per box. or direct. If you wish from Walter Luther Read the want ads S 'a7ir- 4