'" - ' . ' ' I ! ' .... , .... la. ,. .,... . . ; X --. fid EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON', OREGOX, THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1911. PAGE FIVE l G U jf BVB especial ior a nurs. PERSONAL MENTON FrL and Saturday! irc nnd 16 2-3o Lawns 10 25c nwl 35c Lawns : 19 Indies Wnsh Suits, worth to $10.00, choice 2.98 Quo lot of $3.C5 Wash Dresses $1.50 Quo lot of $13.00 Silk Dresses , $11.35 Ono lot of $3.50 to $1.00 Oxfords ..... $1.50 Special price on every Wash Dress in the house F.E.LlVENGQOD(&CO. July Lidie3 Home Journal Patterns Ready. AT THE PlDTURE SHOWS locals! Bee Lane & Son for 1gru. Pastime pictures, please H. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Eon. Wanted Two waitresses at Hotel Pendleton. Man niul wife wanted on ranch. In quire 108 Long street Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 308 8outh Lllleth street. Phone Platioeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 445. Sor sale Underwood Typewriter, good condition. Apply this office. Everybody goes to the Orpheura to ee the best and the clearest pictures. Buy your chickens for Sunday's dinner at the Central Meat Market. Phone Main 33. Everything that's good to eat. In meats and groceries at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. For Rent Three furnished ouse keeplng rooms, electric lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses ooarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 420 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Two men with wives desire work on or thresher. Drop line to F. S. Doner, Gen. Del., Pendleton Ore. Employment office, baggage check ed, headauarters for newspapers Geo. U. Dimott cigar store, di main treet. Wanted Work on ranch by two young men, experienced. Address H. V. Masters, General Delivery, Pendle ton, Ore. The East Oregonian Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It ativ 'how It by their liberal patronage. If you war.t to move, call Pcnla'.. ' Bros., Trannfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash haulfd once a week. 647 Main street. For sale Irrigated 10-acre orchard tract In early fruit belt of Columbia river valley nt less than present val ue. Address "L," this office. Lost Between Echo and Iloldman, a small Imitation alligator hand satch el. Suitable reward for return to lloMman. Joe Bannister. Wanted Position as cook on ranch or wagon, Steady and reliable. Can come on day's notico. Address or wire Lawrence Taylor, Pasco, Wash. Meat! Meat! Meat! If It's on the market, It's here. Farmers' Meat Co., Conrad Platioeder, manager, 224 E. Court street, phone Main 44S. 1,ost Black faced diary contain ing 3.r.e In stamps, draft showing de posit In American National by Ray Ellis. Return "E" this office and get 31 reward. Tou can't uurn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry. Main 1V3, for clean screened Rock It Springs coal either lump or nut. burns clean and goes further. Wanted Employment on ranch or elsewhere during the summer by re llalilo man and 15-year-old boy, with wife as cook. Anywhere from Walla Walla, Wash., to Heppner, Ore. Good reference given. B. F. Thompson, I'reewater, Ore. , umber Yards Close nt 5 O'clock. From and after today and until further notice, our yards will close at 5 o'clock p. ra. OREGON' LUMBER YARD, EORIE LUMBER CO.. CRABCREEK LUMBER CO.. Passengers to Portland can aave money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatzert leaves dally, except Friday and Sun day at 3:30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare 31.00. COME TO MADAM KENXEWY, 607 East Court street, to get your switches nnd . all kinds of hair goods, the best and only natural human hair ever flotd in Pendleton. Bring your combings and have them made up. Everything strictly guaranteed. Phone Red 3752. Patton's Barber Shop. The Round-up Barber Pole. Op posite Alexander's store. Plenty of hot water, clean towels, and the place whre they don't shave Chinamen, In dians or" Japs. Five barbers working all the time. No long waits In this shop. Strayed or Stolen. One gray horse almost white, flee bitten black spots on shoulders, branded 96 on left stifle. One dark bay mare, no white, branded lazy E on right shoulder, should have young cold. 320 reward will be paid for their recovery. Wm. Curl, Milton Oregon. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received up to 6 o'clock p. m., Saturday, July 15, 1911, for furnishing school dis trict No. 16, Umatilla county, Oregon, with: 100 cords of red fir Cascade moun tain wood, in four foot lengths, to be rut from ereen body Umber and to be seasoned, and 125 tons of lump coal. Bidders to state kind of coal to be furnished. The board of directors reserves the I right to reject any and all bids. ' - . . . . . . Ill 1 iatn ruei to dc ueuveieu i. mo several schools of the district aa dl reeled bv the superintendent of the city schools. Address all bids to the undersign ed, and endorse the envelope, "Pro posal for furnishing fuel." LOT LIVERMORE, Clerk of School District No. 16. A. W. Whealer of Lehman, was in the city yesterday. J. C. Shea was over from his home In La Grande yesterday. Samuel Lom-y of Walla. Walla Is a guest of Iho St. George. ' John McCarty of Echo was among the west enders in the city yesterday. Attorney L. A. Esteb of Echo, was in the city on legal business yester day. H. J. Jacobs and wlfo of Heppner spent yesterday and last night In the city. Frank Sloan left via the Northern Pacific today on a business trip to Chicago. Ralph Knight came In thla morn ing on the Northern Pacific train t'tem Helix. Will A. Hyatt, formerly a newspa per man of this city ,1s visiting old friends here. Ward Manker returned this morn ing from Walla Walla where he at tended the celebration. Attorney A. W. Gray of Stanfield, transacted legal business In Pendle ton yesterday afternoon. . H. J. O'Neill, of the O.-W. R. & N. company traftic department, U reg istered at the Pendleton. If. L. Stanfield and wife of Echo were up from that town yesterday and remained 'over night. C A. Hermann or Helix, drove down from that town today behind his trotting horse, Lady Lavaunt. Mrs. J. C. McConnell accompanied her husband, who Is a member of the Round-up band, to Walla Walla yes terday. Dr. It. B Brundage leaves tonight for Kansas City, Mo., where he Is to attend a summer school. He will re turn August 1. Miss Effie Jean Frazler was among tho Pendletonlans who attended the second day of Walla Walla's celebra tion yesterday. Dr. E. A. Mann left on No. 17 this afternoon for a vacation at Trout Lake which is situated at the foot of Mt. Adams. C. J. Freese, veteran traveling rep resentative for the Spokane Spokes man-Review, came in on the "local this morning. Mrs. Gilman Folsom and daughter Jean returned this morning from Walla Walla, where they spent the second day of the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Clancy of Marshfield, Wis., are in the city to day. Mr. Clancy is a business college manager and may take over the Pen dleton business college. H. W. Randall, special agent for- the t. Paul Fire Insurance company, has been in the city upon a business visit with the company's represen tative Lot Llvermore. E. N. Wheeler, well known resi dent of Stanfied, was here this fore noon nnd left on the 1:30 Northern Pacific train for the east. Ho will bring back a party or colonists for the I'matil'a project. George B. Small, one of the own s.of the Baker Democrat, parsed thnueh the city yesterday by auto, accompanied by members of his family. The party fs bound for Sea side and the auto will be taken to Portland. t Robert Fletcher of Pendleton, a member of the East Oregonian staff was a visitor in the city yesterday, having come over with the round-up band. Mr. Fletcher Is an enthusiastic Ixiosler, but took his hat off to Main street last night. Walla Walla Union. Orphounj. Pendleton's favorite picture the-i atcr. KiiNon feature film for Friday! ami Saturday: j 1. "The Cordinal's Edict." Edison. ) This film tells a stirring story of love: and lmrlguo during Cardinal Riclie- ; litu's regime at the court of France. I It should appeal to all lovers of the: romantic drama. The settings are j elaborate and true to detail. 2. "Forgiven in Death." Essanay. ! A western drama. Tho work of the j actors is up to the usual Essanay , standard and will interest all who view it. i 3. "Dave's Love Affair." Biograph. Dave Is sve"t on May and she likes . him, so hile he Is sitting with her' on the front steps, his boy palj play I a trick on him by sending him a note about a certain Clarice. Dave now J realizes that the course of true love never did run smooth. j 4. "Their Fates Sealed." Biograph. j Tli is Is Indeed the most unique com edy ever portrayed in motion pictures. Don't fail to see it. G. "The Outbreak." Selig. Two young women of a nearby ranch are riding, when, seeing a man lying in i the road, one of them dismounts and finds the man Is dead. As she turns ! to tell her f rieiil they are set upon : by the Indians and aro carried off. A rancher, who has escaped the In- dians, rides to arouse h!s neighbors.1 Coining to the girls' homo he tells tho 1 news. Bob and Bill ride away and j tome across the man the girls had , seen in the road. Bob discovers a j comb belonging to one of them. They rid frantically back to the ranch, v. li i; cowboys and ranchers are now gathering. The two boys change horses and guide the horsemen, ac companied by two Indian scouts. They soon overtake the marauding Indians. They leave their horses and follow on foot. They open fire on the Indians. Taking advantage of an opportune moment, they gain the center of the camp and seizing the two Indians who are guarding the girts, nurl them in to the river. The rest of the Indii.ns commence firing, only to find them selves surrounded by a large posse. lhey jump Into tho water and are shot by the enraged whites. Cool Specials For WEEK The best. 7c Apron Gingham at 5c The best l'j'j DresM Ginyham at 7c The best 12 l-2c Dress Gingham at ' c The best 12 l-2c Bleached Muslin Oc The best 12 l-2c Silkollnes at c The best 15c Wash Goods at . 11c The best ISc Figured Flaxons at 11c The best 12 l-2c Wash Lawns at Oc The best 10c Bleached Muslin at . 8C The best 12 l-2c Percales at 9c The best 17 l-2c French Ginghams at 12 l-2c The best 29c Scotch Ginghams at 19c The best 65c Linen Waistlngs at -15c The best 12 l-2c India Linen at Ac The best 15c India Linen at 11c The best 25c India Linen at 18o Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money j Koeppens For Ice Cream Sodas Thai Please. Try Our CHOCOLATE ICECREAM ' "The best made," IcelCream Sundae Oifo of our f most popular dishes. Fresh Strawberries served with ice cream. Once a patron, always a patr ron, at KOEPPENS AH Strnngo to Him. "Why. vou don't seem to know any thing about this show. I thought you told mo you wrote the book?" "I did; but I wasn't present when the sluco manager got through with it." SAYS THEY TOOK FUNDS. Jury Tho Pastime. Indicts L. J. Wilde nnd V. C. Morris nt Portland. Portland, Ore. An ' indictment Jointly charging Louis J. Wilde and W. Cooper Morris with the larceny by embezlement of J 90,000 of the funds of the suspended Oregon Trust and Savings bank, was returned today by the county grand jury folllwlng an investigation conducted by District Attorney Cameron. A bench warrant was Issued for the arrest of Wilde, who is In San Diego, Cal. Morris Is In the state peniten tiary at Salem serving a six yeur sen tence in connection with the failure of the bank. The indictment is based on an al leged transaction between Wilde and Morris und the Oregon Trust and Savings bank, of which Morris was cashier. In which Wilde is alleged to have disposed of about $500,000 of Omaha Home Telephone bonds as the alleged agent of the Union Telephone Construction company. The transac tion is said to have occurred about three months before tho failure of the bank, which closed Its doors in August, 1907. A program you will enjoy for Fri day and Saturday. "A Clever Fraud." Vitagraph. This bright comedy tells the adventures of a number of young people who take part in a mixed up love affair. This comedy has a sparkle and life that is delightful. The actors perform their parts quite aa they would -in real life and it U highly amusing throughout the length of the film. It has no weak places. "The Feud." Lubln. Here is a good love story built up around a feud. The young people meet through an acci dent, fall In love and after some vicis situdes are married. One of the most exciting scenes is Where the girl's father in his dying moments attempts to shoot the young man down. The girl is warmly welcomed by the young man's mother, but the father ii '!Js i-ui io;iT, but she wins him over, too, and the minister completes an interesting story. "Advertising for Mamma." Ka lem. A child's plea that is rewarded. There are real heart throbs in this feature production. "My Prairie Flower." Melies. The lively story of a young college scrape- grace who Is sent west to make a man of him. A little deception in impersonation is practiced at the start, but this helps, not alone in the telling of the first part of the story, but in the love tale which de velops afterwards. "The Sardine Industry." A topical film of much interest. "Doe and Wolf," Eclair. A story of heart Interest, finely told. A man has come to rob the old doctor and H attacked by the doctor's dog. The doctor calls of his dog, dresses the man's wounds and feeds him. The kindness makes the robber weep and he vows to lead a better life. "Jerusalem and the Mount of Ol ives," Eclair. Scenic film of the Holy City and its surroundings and an interesting scene of the pilgrims accomplishing the way of the cross. "The Field of Honor," American. The colonel who has never been to war, the captain who never went to sea, and Jack, all love the same girl. Jack has the colonel and the captain fight a duel. He loads the guns with tabasco sauce. The terror stricken heroes fire and being spattered with sauce, think the end has come. Very funny. Children, we will give away the Imp A, B, C books at some early date. Thirty-five cents books in beautiful colors, free. Watch for the an nouncement. HOT WEATHER HURTS THE SKIN HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods Wo aro Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated & TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. nOOD CREAM. Tailmaiv & Co. Loading DniRpists of East ern Oregon. (iOLDEN Ul'I.K PROPRIETOR LEAVES FOlt THE EAST Mr. A. D. Frost, proprietor of the Golden Rule store of this place, left yesterday morning for New York city and other eastern markets. Ho was joined here by Mr. Hayre of Walla Walla, and they vr-ill meet the rest of the buyers of tho Golden Rule Syndicate (altogether 12 In j number) in Ogden, Utah, from which ! place they will go direct to Chicago, ; thence to New York city, where- they ' will meet Mr. J. C. Penney, who has; been in the market for some weeks, j Theso buyers who have been long! schooled in tho best markets the Unit ed States can afford, are, continually striving to buy the best merchandise for the least money nnd the people j of Pendleton have the advantage of the strenuous efforts of these nblo I men. Watch closely for tho great savings at the Golden Rule store Tlio Cosy. Strong Western program for Wed nesday and Thursday. "A Cowboy's Sacrifice," American. Jack, a cowboy of 'The Circle ' X Ranch" is in love with the ranch owner's daughter, Edith. Her broth er George comes home drunk and Jack takes care of him. But George goes back, to town and has a fight with "Texas Jim," getting licked. George waits for Texas and shoots him, dropping his gun In his haste to get away. A posse capture him and are to hang him, when Jack as sumes the blame for the crime. But the girl saves him from making the sacrifice by telling the facts. Jack, man-like, wonders why she saved him; later he finds out. "An Indian Brave's Conversion," Yankee. Splendid Western story full of cowboys and Indians. The min ister of "Poker Gulch" can't do much with the cowboys till his daughter conies, and then they all come to church. John, Tom and an Indian all love Elsie. Tom and John fight. later John and Sagwa fight and Sagwa kills John and Tom Is accused. He takes refugo in the mountains and Sagwa goes to church and con fesses to Elsie. They ride and save Tom from being lynched. Beauti fully colored film'. Poisonous perspiration causes rash es, hives .blotches, pimples and prick ly heat, often the beginning of serious skin troubles. To wash away the poison entirely, apply a simple solution known as D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema. D. D. D. is generally sold in 31.00 bot tles, but for 25c we can now give you enough to grove that the very first drops soothe and heal the inflamed skin as nothing else can. We vouch for the wonderful prop erties of D. D .D., for we know that it brings'instant relief for all kinds of skin trouble. Tallman Drug Co. Liquors You'll Like because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goods In ous establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by age, pure ly d'stilled, and is fully guaran teed by us. The same way with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every article we handle. You get more than your money's worth in quantity and quality. TheOlympia Bar Phone Main 1SS and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETERS & MORRISOX, Props. Can We SAVE You MONEY? You Will Find That This is the Case I Fine largo new line of suit cases just received. Jap Matting Case SI. 95 and up All leather case S4.45 and up Etc., Etc., Etc. Very convenient for that outing trip and you will find our prices lower. THE HUB 745 Main Street. Between Tavlor Hardware and Pendleton Drusr Co. Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chnmberlaln's Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale ly all dealers. The - Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for Your Good Health" KEMEMUF.ll THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTION'S, Oil WANT PURE MEDICINES Pendleton Beer THE BEST Quality-quality first, last and all the time-is the watchword in the produc- tion of City Brewery Beer You do not find it lacking in that '"life" so necessary to give it tho required zest. You assist in providing employment for home labor, build ing up your home city and supporting institutions that place nionev in circulation here, when you buy homo products in preference to those that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at tho following places : BILLY'S PLACE, OPERA BAR, W. .T. Rogart. Prop, Anton Kraft, Prop. STATE SALOON, II. J. Latonrelle, Prop. BREWERY DEPOT. Paul lleimnelgarn, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOON, T. IT. Taylor, Prop.