eiost tag a r.vr.i: roru. OA1LY EAST OltEGOXIAS, PEXDLETOX. OREGON, '1 111 KsRW. Jl'l.Y . ltl. t interior of Oreeon marks the nasslnii - i f 1 vCxccj.asO ! 11 tUat "oe llvo,y Uul tow"' Un" i tri t-V ' ' '"' Hill iin.l llarriman finished their ' race up tho Deschutes, Shaniko "ax iMuar.vi'Kxr nkw si'Arr.r- v .is IUe lulLl of ,hc interior and had . : . been for many years. It was tho 1 1'iirvv:iriliii' iiniiit t,r nil .il Titivi1 Oregon and the wool of that real.ui j-w);;is brought there fo;- sale and ship . ..SO ; num. u lit. II. IIIL" I illll I'iUlN till" jumuii up I'ne lusehutes the slory of Shani ko has departed, never to return" it seems. It will mean little for the town tii be the terminus of the Co lumbia Southern sinee the Hill and H.irriinaii lines have penetrated to tl;e interior. Shaniko's fate, however, is nothing In early days Vmatilla was the metropolis of eastern Oregon and in fact of the inland empire. All tho fret1it for the interior northwest wad , landed from boats at Umatilla and that place was a thriving city of several thous and people. The town still has the I distinction of being the "Seaport" of I I'matilla county but such glory is Fut;.s!..-.l I':ii;.v mid Seiul Weekly at iiau'ii. uivj.-1'ii, by tue EAST tiiaa.OM AN .TliLlSUING s. I I : S ( 1 a V T 1 O N HATES. P-iiy. ene ear. lv mail I:iv, six i!iii:s. ly mail !!, tiirio u.'ir.lis. by mail .... Will. I,l tUoillU. tT 11.1111 Diy, Hue Jcar. by tamer P-uV, mx iuumi's. by currier ... Im:. 1 1 1 roe nunnlis, by carrier. Ir.y, cur iiiiu ili. by carrier B.mi Week.), one year, by mall.. i-oeki.v, six niouilis. by mall. tmi- tvkiv. tour mouths, by mall len- CO. ..-.0 I 7.50 8.75 1.115 .H 1.50 .75 .50 The nnily l.ast Orevulnn is kept on -ale t the Oregon News u., o- ilorrlsoo itreet. l'ertlaiul, Uregon. Nurtlnvest News Co., Portland, Oregon. I I'tiun-ii l'.iaeau. toS) Security Building. ! Washuita.iu, U. C, Bur.au. 501 Four- j unusual in eastern Oregon. ireum suee-. . Mesiber United Tresa Association. Entered at the postotflce at IYndleton, Oregon, as second class mail matter. telephone i Main 1 Official City and County Taper. mild compared with the glory of TilK HAPPY I.AM). i Umatilla in the early days before the ! railroad came. I live in the land of endeavor. Where nothing is counted in vain; While pcuple are bus- evtr, An 1 no one has Unit.- .o com plain. Out lure in the world of the idle Yt-u talk in your sorrows and fears. And even the feast and the bridal Resound with the plashing of tears. But we, who are busy with lever, AVith plow, and with ax, and with loom, In the beautiful land of En deavor. Care not for your stories of gloom. Out here in the land of the talkers You're breeding a difficult race : I , ! ' i : . :i :i ! i I Arliimt.m too has tasted the bitter ness tint comes from loss of prestige , ' iHie to the construction of now lines i t iat have taken its business from it. i So h ive other towns of the inland empire. There are lively places that ; have ben literally fiped off the map by slcIi influences. I It is true that towns are largely what men make them, but it is also , true that Fate has much to do with i the matter and Fate N ever a fickle ; goddess. THE OUF.F OF POLICE. It would be a bad time of the year to lose the chief of police. With so many idle and transient men in town and with such thirsts as prevail in the summer time Pendleton needs 1 olieemeu with cool heads and heavy fists. Chief of Police Gurdane has always been a sensible officer yet oi.e who can make his prowess felt Of pessimists, knockers. AVho swarm in your Indolent place. Your land, thus encumbered, will never Be peaceful and happy like mine; In the beautiful land of En deavor, This life is all roses and wine. Oh, yes, you may go to that re gion And leave all the troubles be hind. Which now, in a pestilent legion Are gnawing away mind, But first you mu't sever The fetters that made, And then in the land deavor You'll take up the man's trade. Walt Mason in The Examiner. grouches and i when tho occasion demands. Fur- 1 thermore he has a reputation for honesty and it has been fairly earned. J It would be a misfortune to lose him now. Keep him in office and give him full leeway in the matter of en- j forcing the ordinances of the city. 4 ' There are reasons f..r believing some of the ordinances could stand a more vigorous enforcement than they have had during recent weeks. at your honestly idleness of En- ha ppy There are thousands of people who vi'l be fully in accord with Congress man Henry of Texas, in his criticism of our dollar diplomacy. It is be- coming more and more evident each j year that our ambassadors to Euro I pean countries are not chosen because of their tbilit3- as much as because of their wealth. .. !?Wr0..i '' r-1 ' vMr-raai ' nf,rnifinm-:r-,,-r-"JC-A Known Fpr Its Strength Hie F irsf liataa! PERDLETOS, (OREGON leink i CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . RESOURCES OVER Si.000.0U 'j 2. 000.000.00 SECURITY The lowers Canadian Sso Spokane Rou! JO EAST THltU Koofenay and Arrow Lakes and Canadian Rockies The most beautiful and mag nificent scenery in the world. Splendid train service. Luxu rious hotels and chalets and nu merous natural attractions. The playground of America. VEKY LOW HATES EAST LII1F.KAL STOP-OYEHS LONG LIMITS For further information and il lustrated folder write M. E. MA LONE, T. P. A. GF.O. A. WALTON, G. A. 1 1 Wall St., Spokane. Hotel St. George mr ;EO. l)AHVE.l?, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mens Itesort. Anheuser-BuschVamou3 BUDWEISER BEER on draught, 5c glass Electrio Mixed Drink. Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whlokey. MM Xfl.VI, AX XOl'XCEMEX T COMMENCING JCLY FIHST, NINETEEN IHNDItF.I) ELEVEN Amet ican and European Plan Very attractive permanent rates to families and single gentlemen. Hotel newly furnished and decorated. TABLE D'HOTE BHEAKFAST S .50 TABLE D'HOTE LVNCH. .".0 TABLE D'HOTE DIXNEH 1.00 Also A La Carte Menu SERVICE IN" TEA ROOM UNTIL 12 O'CLOCK P. M. Refreshments served on Roof Garden Every Evening. Private Dinner Parties. Luncheons and Ilanquets Given Personal Attention. Perfect Service in nil Departments. H. C. BOWERS, Pres. and Mgr. FOR SEVENTEEN' YEARS MGR. THE PORTLAND. THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. PENDLETON, ORE. FarT)iIy Liquor Store Phone Main 299 7 1 1 Main Street DON'T LEAVE II TO THEM. Interviewed ly the New York World Senator George e. Chamber lain is quoted as follows upon the subject of trust regulation: "I dtuht the sincerity of Judge Gary's of'er for the United States Steel corporation to submit their bus iness to 'government supervision,' on condition that 'some government au thority' fix their selling .prices." Sen ator Chamberlain said, at the sug gestion jf Judge Gary's proposal. "I v.-ould suspect that there is an Ethi opian in the woodpile. Coming from Judge Gary, who has always opposed such legislation, I must doubt the al truism of his proposal. Judge Gary himself said, as I recall his testimony, that his company wanted the protec tion" against 'public agitation, and the guarantee of a 'steady selling price, which his government super vision plan would give. There ought to be public agitation until the ques tion is settled and settled right. Judge Gary's proposal is simply a sop to Cerebus. It will never be accept ed by the government and such an tigreement could not be enforced." It is true of course that it would never do to leave the matter of ar ranging trust regulation to such men as Judge Gary. It would be like al lowing a horse to select his bridle or like allowing a convicted criminal to uesiirnatc what penalty he should suffer. But there is no goo. reason for be lieving Judge Gary was not sincere when he declared that trust regu lation should be adopted by the gov ernment. He was only setting forth a fact that has become generally recognized among public men. The trusts must be regulate, l.y the pub lic as a matter of s-:f defense. If they are not regulated they will soon own it nil. Vhat will happen after the trust" have be-m regulated for a time re mains to be seen. It will constitute still another chapter in the boog of the economic progress of the United Slates. Why a man should do such fiend ish work as to cut the ears off a span ot mules 1- past all understanding. Hut evidently it takes all sorts of people to make up a world. With fights and street brawls oc curing almost daily here the life of a policeman is one of trouble at the verv best. SIIAMKO'S PASSING. . The abandonment of Shaniko as the mall distributing point for all the THE COKE RECALL. (Oregon Journal.) Probably, if the recall be invoked against Judge Coke, the matter will go to the supreme court. It ought to. Then, the issue presented to the higher tribunal will be, why, is the recall invoked in this instance? The reply will be that the recall Is in voked because Judge Coke gave cer tain instructions to the Jury in a cer tain case. If the court finds the instructions to be correct, what can it do, but de clare tho recall on Judge Coke un warranted? If it finds the instruc tions incorrect, what can it do but declare that under the constitution there Is no way but by Judicial pro cesses for the error to be righted? In either event, how can the higher court, being guided by the constitu tion, hold that a -Judge is recallable for interpreting the law according to his light and his ability? If the higher court does not take such a view, what day will it be re called for Its interpretation of the law? If it can be recalled on such a pretex, then there Is no constitu tionally created Judiciary with pow er and authority to administer Jus tice. The effect would be to break down that "part of the state consti tution which makes the Judiciary a co-ordinate branch of a government consisting of the legislative, execu tive and judicial departments. It is Impossible under our system to make the people the supreme court. Yet. that Ig exacty what Is being attempted by those who are proposing to invoke the recall on a Judge because of his interpretation of the law. The Coke recall will fall because neither the recall nor the constitution ever contemplated that every man in Oregon is a supreme Judge. ORIGIN Ol" THE I'LAG. New York Tribune. The Eritish and American flags are alike in being divided into reld and cunton, anil at that time they stood probably alone among the flags of the world in this respect. Moreover, a most convincing transition form between the two is found in the Grand Union flag, which was raised over the co lonial armies on January 1, 1776. and was their flag until supplanted by the Stars and Stripes in September. 1777. The Grand Union flag nad a field of red and white stripes and a canton of superimposed crosses. Tho field was that of the American flag, and the canton was the Union Jack of Great Britain. The steps of transi tion . arc obvious. The first was to change red field into a field of red .and white stripes, and the second was to substitute stars for the crosses in the canton. Washington fir-1 drew the design of the American flag with six pointed stars instead of the five pointed stars of his family's coat of arms. All that we know of him dis credits the notion that he was so con ceited a to try to foist his own fam ily's emblem upon tho nation. He explicitly declared, in reporting to congress the design of the Stars and Stripes, that it was at last part cop ied from the flag of the mother country. Jl'LY 0 IN HIS TOR V. 11S9 Henry II of England, died of a broken heart at the rebellion of his children. He added Rrittany and Ireland to his dominions, 14 95 Battle of Fornovo (Italian wars). 1746 Battle of Rotto Prcddp (war of the Austrian succession). 17 99 Action off Granada between British and French, fleets. 1801 Action off Algeciras between the Rritish and French fleets. 1804 General Jean Jacques Dres sallnes of Hayti was declared Gover nor for life. 1S09 Britisli sloop or war Bonne Citoyenne, captured In six hours and fifty iminutes F'rench frigate La Furienne. British loss was one kill ed, five wounded. French Ioks, thirty five killed and thirty-seven wounded. 1839 Great fire at Eastport, Maine, by which the larger portion of the business part of the town was de stroyed. ' 1849 Successful sortie of the Danes besieged In the fort of Fred erick by the Sehleswig-HolstcinerH. of whom 3112 were slain and taken priM oners. 1864 The constitutional conven tion of Nevada selected Nevada as the name of the state and adopted a constitution. 1898 The Spanish authorities ex changed Lieutenant Hobson and his seven men for prisoners taken by tho American troops. . good A Mixture of Composite. "Jorklns is certainly In a many positions at once." "How so?" "He Is up in the air, down on his luck, on in years and back In taxes." Baltimore American. Brutal Advice, Miss Passee Can yon tell me of a good way to keep my hair from falling out? Mis. Pert Yes; put H on tighter. Baltimore American. POLITICS AND POLITICIANS Kockvllle, Md., is to have a whip ping post for wife beaters. After his Indianapolis trip, the president will return to Beverly for at least a month's rot. He will de- his I vote much time to the prevention of tno accumulation ot ncsn. John W. Gates is due to" arrive from Europe today, and tliero is much In terest in Washington over what he will say, particularly In reply to An drew Carnegie's characterization of him as a gentleman of veracity or rather lack of it and upright living. The historic Unlteil States mint at New Orleans has been abolished y such. The building, however, from tomorrow on, will be used for an as say office and a storage place for 23,00(1,000 silver dollars which are to be stacked in the only one of Its old vaults now considered burglar proof. An interesting political situation ex ists in Panama. Dr. Arosemena and Dr. Porras arc, waging a bitter cam paign for the presidency, as members of the liberal party. The remarkable thing about their rivalry is that It wuji but a short time ago that they were close friends and political part ners, fighting vigorously against the conservatives. Both men are noted fur their high character and execu tive ability, so that their rivalry is confined strictly to constitutional lim its. Pennsylvania is a gnat state. The. legislators know it and appropria tions are built to match. Figuring on an annual income of $00,000,000, the lawmakers passed nwropriatlon bills carrying only $376,000 more than tho revenues, and It Is said that Gover nor Tener is so pleased with their moderation that he whistles as he signs the bills. That does not mean, however, that the legislators have not come In for their share of criticism from certain of their constituents. 25-3 PENDLETON'S rOPUEAII PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Whore the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort FUN, PATHOS, SCEXIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Mon., Wed., FrL Xea-t Door to St. George Hot,. I. Admission 5( and 10$ &333 Orph But Senator Borah may consiuer himself too big and important a man to be consigned to the vice presiden tial shelf. I THEATRE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illuatratwl songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve ning?. Refined RDd en tertaining for thn enli.-e family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times nch weok. B snre and itc tho next change. M-- ----- Adults 10c. Children nndcr 10 yenre, 5c. eum Theatre HJGH-Cl.ASS .UP-TO-DATESMOTIOI PICTURES For Men. Women and Children 8FE PROGRAM IS TODAY '8 PAPE3U I Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have vigited these traeta. HILL & HIBBERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOOR HOI KP Pft 3d Silver Teaspoons FREE You will find a lettered coupon in each package of Blanchard Butter and each carton of Hlanchar,, Kffss. -Vhen you have tecelved all the letters that maUe the name B-I.A-N-CH- A-K-IJ, send the coupons to us and wn .ni in. . -. . , , , . u nnu wo will deliver to you, ab- ol ntely free SIX SILVER TEASPOON of ,)XCept,onallv beau- Mful p ttern (Known as Arbu.us"). (,es.,ned and made by tho ' Mab;.0 "' --ow Wm. A. UoKers Manufacturing Co. No advert sement appears on the spoons, tho manufacturer' sZrJnre " lt ta " ""t-cln., silverware. j W&n ccunixs ix i veisv package. Jensen Creamery Company PENDLETON, OREGON II j j r-?iw y-'wggi ais- 11 l-.tr-; i,m.- i iK(7 t BIANCHARP,! .lvi