DAILY EAST ORE OX I AX. rKXDLETOX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10U. EIGHT PAGES tooooooeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooootooooooooooodoooooooooooo 0 PAGE SIX The Best Stories by the Best Authors and AH the News the Day it Happens g 1'. gn'"'" ' 1 GOOD SUMMER READING 1 v 1 ITT o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t.r.s s - V'e-'V I fur A t--.V . . few I ' v." w I Two Extraordinary Offers Special Offer A Pacific Monthly with Daily E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals . Regular Price PocificfMonthly $1.50 Regular Price Daily E. O. by mail $5.00 $650 Special Offer B The Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals! . . Regular Price Pacific Monthly $ .50 i Regular. Price" Semi-WtekIyE. O. $ 1 .50 $3.00 The Pacific Monthly la the leading magazine of Western America, published on the Pacific Coast, edited by Western men, and Its entire contents are Western. The East Orsgonlan, as you all know well. Is the leading paper of the Inland Empire, and Is the official paper of Umatilla Co. and City of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without It This is a short-time ofler PLEASE STATE IF NEW OH RENEWAL East Orcgonlnn Pub. Co., Pendlfton, 6ro. Enclosed find sond your premium offer, following address: Name Address for which please to the CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY. OOOOOOOOO 0)SQ&0 oqoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FROM THE SP01TIMG WORLD NATIONAL LEAGIE. Brooklyn 4; Boston 2. Brooklyn, July 5. Brooklyn won yesterday afternoon's game, bunch ing hits off Perdue. The fielding of Hummel and Zimmerman featured. Score: R. H. E. Boston 2 9 1 Brooklyn 4 8 3 Perdue and Rairden; Schardt and Erwin. Pittsburg 11; St. Louis 1. Pittsburg, July 5. Yesterday's game was easily won by the locals. They hit the ball hard in the third inning, netting six runs. Score: R. H. E. Pittsburg 11 11 0 St. Louis 1 6 2 Htndrixx an J Simon; Steele, Lau (JermiJk, Geyer and Bliss. Cliiesijro 2; Cincinnati 2. Chl'-ag'i, July 5. Cincinnati and Chk-ago played a tie yesterday af-tt-rnonn ihe came being railed at the end fit the tenth by agreement, to .'ill'uv the jilavers to catch a train. ri-: R H. E. 'hka;," 2 7 1 'in jriDoti 7 1 Col', Brown and Archer; Smith, Sut'-'s and Mr-Lean, Severold. I'hilal lliia 7: New York 5. PhiUi l. July Philadel phia kn,k.-d New York out of f irt jari. hy winning yet.-rday afternoonV arne. V.'h.-u play .Mart'il Phila (liUliia, New York and Chieaso were In a triple Pad for the National lSue fire. The home team won by poundir.;: f'randa!l haril. Iuderus ;tt)nj two home rtins and a single S"T": R. II. E. Detroit 11; ClikiiKo 10. iH'troit, July 5. Detroit won from Chicago in the 11th inning of yester day's game. It was a zigzag contest ali the way. Detroit used three pitch ers and Chicago four. The "core: R. H. E. Chicago 10 14 4 Detroit 11 17 4 White, Baker, Young and Sulli van; Donovan, Summers, Willett and Slanage. St. Louis 4; ( Irvolatiil 2. Cleveland, July 5. Bla tiding had one bad inning and St. Louis won yes ; tenlay afternoon. Lake was effective ; with men on bases and was sensa tionally supported. Score: ' R. H. E. Cleveland 2 8 2 St. Louis 4 10 01 : Bhinding, Oaler and Easterly; Lake! and Krltchell. Ipiwton I; a-liinton ;l. Boston, July j. Boston won yes-1 trrdiy's game.- In the ninth, Hoop-1 r. 'lardner and Speaker single.-, ' L wis filed to Lellt-velt, and Hooper i was safe at tiu- plate with the win ill:;; run wlp n Hemy droppe'l Lelie-! v It's p'erfert throw, .-'core: R. II. E. Wasliington 3.11 2 Boston 4 jo i; pitched Willis but almost lost his game in the eighth. Williams, the players in protest, drove in two runs for Victoria in the sixth on a long drive to left. Score: R. H. E. Victoria 6 14 1 Spokane 3 5 1 Thomas, Starkell and Dashwood; Willis and Hasty, Score: R. H. E. Spokane 5 5 0 Victoria 0 2 3 Bonner and Ostdlek, Hasty; Star kell and Devogt, Tuconia 1, Vancouver 0. Tacoma, July 5. Annls waB in vincible in yesterday's game and held Vancouver to three hits. Cates was hit freely by the locals who won 4 to 0. Rockenfield made a home run. The fielding feature of the game was a catch by Abbott, who fell while catching a low line drive, but retain ed his hold of the ball. Score: R. H. E. Vancouver 0 3 0 Tacoma 4 12 1 Cates and Shea; Annis and Burns. pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oi: jiiwK.sr i.KAGifc. Standi!!", of the i'eains. w. . .46 . . 1-J . . 4t5 L New York Philadelphia C'raridall, Marqjard, Meyers; Alexander and Z 9 1 7 14 1 Ames and Dooln. 5S Pet. .60 j .5'J0 .00c) .4 50 .J37 - AMERICAN I.EAGCE. Iliiladelphla n; ew York 9. New York, July 5. Philadelphia won yesterday's game from New York by a game uphill fight. Though the locals made seven runs In the first inning, Philadelphia kept plugging away and tied the score in the sixth. New York went ahead in the seventh but Philadelphia evened matters up if the ninth. The champions won in the eleventh. Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia 11 li 0 New York I 11 J Coombs, Moran, Martin, Long, Leo nard and Thomas; Brockett, Wisher, Caldwell. Ford and Williams, Swee-r.ty. Tacoina Vancouver Spokane Seattle 37 Portland 36 V.'t'.ha ij Scaltli! I, Poitlund 5. Seattle, July a. Seattle lost yts 1 ter.iay's game to Portland 5 to 4 in ' Jo innings. Portland was shut out ; uaiil toe eighth, when .Mundoilf's j . o.ii - j u it broke the charm. Portland scored two in the ninth and again In , tii.j nth on S' aton's error and 'file game tlosi d with u.oe play at the plate. it. H. E. Seattle 4 13 3 Portland 5 11 0 Batteries t-'uge and Siva; Easterly and Moore. Victoria 6-0, Smkniic 3-5. Spokane, July 5. Captain Ostdiek of Spokane hag protested the decision of Umpire Allen In yesterday morn ing's game. Victoria players ragged continually at Allen In the early part of the game and the umpire finally drove all the substitutes off the bench. A moment later, Keller was ordered out for kicking. This left Victoria with only eight men. Acting Captain Cocash then tailed Williams from the hlea here to continue. Thomas out- , :.u;; :.id hits, j a s n -.1 1 .oiial l Score: PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. Portland 50 40 .556 Oakland 51 46 .526 San Francisco 51 46 .526 Vernon iiO 46 .521 Saiiamento 43 50 .462 I.om Angeles 3!) 56 .411 Sai-ruiih-iiio 2-2, I "oil la ml 0-1. Portland Ore., July a. Portland and Saiiamento opened the series here yesterday by breaking even in a double header The morning con test resulted in a shutout for the IP avers, w ho were unable to find Ar r .-Danes. In the afternoon, while the vi.-itors batted Steen harder than their own pitcher was hit, yet the local pitcher kept his hits well scattered, while Byiam, after pltchin galmost perfect ball for five Innings, was found in the sixth and seventh for live hits that netted the locals four runs. Scores: Morning game: R. II. K. Sacramento 2 8 0 Portland 0 2 1 Pattr-riet Arrellanes and La L-ng"; Kostner nnd Kuhn. AHurioon game: R. II. E. :-'-i Tiinirnlo 2 10 1 Portland 4 6 0 Batteries By ram and Thomas-, .V.een illl'l i'ljoo. t Vernon 5-5, 1YIco 0-2. San Erancisco, July 5. Vernon took both games here yesterday, blanking San Francisco in the morn ing and taking the afternoon game a to 2. Home runs by Kane and Hosp netted four of Vancouver's five runs in the morning game. Kane's came with no one on, but two bases were covered when Hosp sent the ball over the fence. In the afternoon Vernon won by bunching hits In the fifth and In the eighth. Morning game: R. H. E. Continued page seven ) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Concerning Your Business THE horse -will finally drink even though it won't always do so when led to water it's a case of must in time. So it is with producers and marketers of wares, they will finally advertise, even though they may not concede this necessity when invited it's a choice of intelligent advertising as a means of economy or dropping behind those who skillfully practice this most effective of all sales economies. There are most excellent reasons for the annual expenditure of several hundred millions of dollars for advertising space in newspapers, magazines and other channels of publicity. . Those who advertise are, as a rule, far more successful, and their success is of a more permanent character than that of any equal number of non-advertisers. " It isn't the firm with surplus wealth that needs intelligent advert isin" most many of the world's largest and nint prosperous concerns have sieetl ily grown from obscurity and scant capital chiefly through intelligent adver tising of good goods. Their advertising has been responsible for quickly gain ing popularity with the public, and by the rapid turning over of money soon provided the desired and enlarged capital. Advertising is an economy it makes sales quickly, thus saving storage and shelf room, besides keeping your help busy all the time. y It multiplies the selling power of your salesmen and insures "Ihe trade" handling your product. Dealers always show a preference for goods well ad vertised. They know a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling and so' do you. monopoly, public eye Advertising is the one powerful channel uncontrolled by a through which any firm, largo or small, can effectively reach the and purse, and upon the same equal basis. It is the open door through which success can be gained quickly and eco nomically. It is Business Insurance. J ' - ' build n lighthouse and never put oil in the lamps would be as foolish as to prepare to do business and not advertise the public of the nature of your service or the superior points in ita favor. ITow many merchants can tell off hand, all the articles they carry in stock ? If they do not know, how do they expect the public at large to know ? Its easy advertise in the East Oregon ian, the paper that reaches more homes in Umatilla county than any other 2 papers combined. Think this over carefully; see if, there is not some article or department in your store that can be made a greater "earner" by the application of a lit tle well placed advertising. o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o 0 a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo