East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, JI.I.Y u, 1011.
Special for Thurs.
Fri. and Saturday
:c and 10 2-Hc Lawns - 10?
2."c and 3re Lawns - 19
Ladies Wash Suits, wor tl. to $10.00, choice $2.98
One lot of $3.05 Wa.-h Dresses ?1.50
Ono lot of $18.00 Silk Dresses : $11.35
One lot of $3..'0 to $1.00 Oxfords . $1.50
Special price on every Wash
ress in
the h
II. Kicky of H-rmiston, was In the
city yesterday.
O. I). Tt-t'l of Kclit) is a Pendleton
ImsincsB visitor today.
13. O. Ciwcy came In this morning
from Helix to consult a dentist.
I iua uvow ll, ioi meriy iiimi uui'Ji m
itbo local high school, is la the city.
I Sirs. A. II., .Suiiiieiinan has r"tuin
I ed to her home after a short visit in
I Echo.
P.ert Gerrard went to. Walla Walla
with the Perulleton hand this morn
ing. K. P. Dodd returned to his home
In Hermiston ufter celebrating in the
E. P. Marshall went to the west
end of the county on the local this
II. E. Illsley of Hermiston, was in
the city yesterday to enjoy the fes
tivities. A. G. Hmith and wife of Walla Wal
'.a were among the visitors In the city
J. W. Current of Hermiston was
among the project dwellers in the (
city yesterday.
July Lilies hbms Journal Patterns Ready.
nrtd, and the Sellg qompany a
spared no expense In making this picture.
2. "A I.'json Learned." Edison.
Tl:'..- a shor' film of unusual
fctr- ! . :-! L'" d situations, played
with i:ie luii vxiJO for dramatic ac
tion for which the Edison players are
noted and welcomed.
3. "Father's Dress Suit." Edison.
This is a good comedy, true to life ;
and pleasingly acted. i
4. "The Young Interne." Eclipse..
Frank, a young medical student, falls
in love with Kuth, a flower girl from
whom he often buys bouquets. Hi
de, lares but is rejected. He is ap
pi'inted house surgeon in a great hos
pital. During his service there Ruth,
who is In want and has fainted on
tlie street, is brought to him for care.
Frank provvs his love and is accept
ed. 5. "Heligoland, an Isle of the
North Sea." Eclipse. Wild, wierd
and wonderful scenes of the island
from the sea and interior views of
great interest.
6. "Tho Money Lender." Eclipse.
The fishing fleet departs and its re
turn is anxiously awaited by the wo-
man folks on tne quay. me
its wandering. It is a triumph of
fisher folk are seriously impoverish
ed to meet the demands of the vil-; G
lage sky-lock. Une little household, j
i that of Jean and his wite ana son,
is broken up, but the money-lender i
in his house la counting ins gaum.
uffering they i
i" I'WlHIIIHlll til ll II II
Specials For
Will bteel, a young walla ijarutsa of the human
business man, spent yesterday In j hiive cost Suddenly he sees a vision :
Pendleton. ' ,,f iMn onxlnir at him with accusing.
Frank Smith of Athena,
was among
in this city
'lcc ALS i
See Lane St Son for tgni. i
Pastime pictures please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Mala 178.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Laae St Son.
Wanted Two waitresses at Hotel
Man and wife wanted on ranch. In
quire 105 Long street.
Wanted Plain sewing. Apply JOS
South Lilleth Btreet. -
Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat
and lard. Main 445.
Sor sale Underwood Typewriter,
good condition. Apply this office.
Everybody goes to the Orpheuin to
ee the best and the clearest pictures.
For rent Alexander residence on
Water street. Inquire R. Alexander.
Wanted Position as traction engi
neer during harvest. Inquire this of
fice. Buy your chickens for Sunday's
dinner at the Central Meat Market.
Phone Main IS.
Everything that's good to eat. In
meats and groceries at the Cash
Marnet, phone Main 101.
For Rent Three furnished ouse
keeping rooms, electric lights and gas.
No children. 701 Thompson.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at tne (Commercial
Barn, 2i) Aura street. Phone Main IS.
Employment office, baggage check
ed, headquarters for newspapers.
Geo. n. Dtmott cigar store, 521 Main
Wanted Work on ranch by two
young men, experienced. Address H.
V. Masters, Gen.ral Delivery, Pendle
ton, Ore.
The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate it and show
It by their liberal patronage.
If you war;t to mor, call Penland
Bros., Transfer, phone S391. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
Meat! - Meat! Meat! If it's on tho
market. It's here. Farmers' Meat
Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager,
224 E. Court street, phone Main 446.
You can't ourn slate and gravel!
Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry,
Main 1V3, for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lump or nut. It
burns clean and goes further.
Passengers to Portland can save
money and at the same time have an
enjoyable river ride by taking boat
from The Dalles. Str. Bailey GaUert
leaves daily, except Friday and Sun
day at 1:30 p. m., arrives In Port
land 9:30. Fare $1.00.
all the
time. No long waits in this
Strayed or Stolen.
One gray horse almost white, flee
bitten black spots on shoulders,
branded 98 on left stifle. One dark
bay mare, no white, branded lazy E
on right shoulder, should have young
cold. $20 reward -will be paid for
their recovery. Wm. Curl, Milton,
An nounccmen t.
I wish to announce to the public
that I have purchased the Horseshoe
restaurant, corner Main and Alta
streets. Only the best cooks will be
employed. Meals 20c and up. If
you want a good meal. I cordially
solicit your patronage. All holding
bills against the old management are
requested to present them within the
next 10 days. UNG D. GOEY.
Sealed proposals will be received
up to 6 o'clock p. m., Saturday, July
15, 1911, for furnishing school dis
trict Xo. 16, Umatilla county, Oregon,
100 cords of red fir Cascade moun
tain wood, in four foot lengths, to be
cut from green body timber and to
be seasoned, and
125 tons of lump coal. Bidders to
state kind of coal to be furnished.
The board of directors reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Said fuel to be delivered at the
several schools of the district as di
rected by the superintendent of the
city schools.
Address all bids to the undersign
ed, and endorse the envelope. "Pro-po.-al
for furnishing fuel."
Clerk of School District No. 16.
A Peek Into His Pocket
would show the box of Hucklen's Ar
nica Salve that E. S. Loper, a carpen
ter, of Marilla, X. Y., always carles."
I have never had a cut. wound, hruise
or sore it would not heal soon," he
writes. Greatest healer of burns,
bolls, scalds, chapped hands and lips,
fever sores, skin eruptions, eczema,
corns and piles 25c at Koeppens.
Pulton'!) Harbor Shop.
The Round-up Barber Pole. Op
nnsite Alexander's store. Plenty of
hot water, clenn towels, and the place j Pn
whre thev don't shave Chinamen. In- .
dlans or Japs. Five barbers working
I so Parisian Sago )u Tinio anil
vent KalilncMS.
If your hair Is growing thinner and
thinner and causing you anxiety, go
to Tallmun & Co. today and get a
large bottle of Parisian Sage for only
fit) cents It is such a delightful and
refreshing dressing that you will like
to uso it regularly.
Parisian Sage Is guaranteed to stop
fulling hair, and itching scalp, to
eradicate dandruff and make the hair
lustrous and radianY or monev back.
June 17, 1910.
"I have used Parisian Sage and It
has been very beneficial to my hair,
stopping it from falling out, curing
dandruff, and making it much thick
er and nicer." Miss Helen R. Sher
ni:in, 231 Hughes street, Berwick.
the people
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bloom were
among the Heriniston people in the
city yesterday.
Xat Kimball returned to his work
this morning after spending yester
day in the city.
F. H. Van Cleave and wife of Her
miston celebrated the Fourth in this
city yesterday.
La Vergne Bender or Pasco, came
in yesterday to attend the celebra
tion in this city.
Patrick Doherty came up from
Hermiston yesterday to participate in
the day's festivities.
Will McKinney and. wife will leave
this evening for Burns where they
will spend their vacation.
J. R. Kaurega was numbered
among the Hermiston people cele
brating here yesterday.
M. J. Mumm of Pasco, came in
yesterday morning to celebrate the
natal day of the nation.
Eddie Jarmon or Weston was
among the thousands who spent the
Fourth of July in Pendleton.
Col. H. G. Xewport returned to
Hermiston this morning after cele
brating the Fourth in this city.
Claud Still came in from the east
end of the county yesterday and
spent the Fourth with friends in this
Dick i-'harman, civil engineer, re
turned to Portland this morning after
spending several days with friends in
this city.
Lester Haniley and F. J. McMonieS
both of the'Hamley harness shop
left today for Portland upon a busi
ness trip.
M. E. Clancy of Valley City, X. D.,
came in this morning on the North
ern Pacific train to transact business
in Pendleton.
W. R. Rhinehart left on one of his
business trips to tho west end this
morning after spending tho Fourth
at his home here
Mrs. W. M. Slusher, Miss Edith
Slusher and Miss ltuhy V. Hazlett
left today for Meacham. where they
will spend the summer.
Ford Carper, formerly in this city,
now a traveling salesman for a whole
sale drug house, came In from Walla
Walla this morning.
Will Curran, formerly connected
with the Twohy iiros.'s camp at
r.arnhait, spent the Fourth with
friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cooper and
Mrs. Kinncrsley, mother of Mrs.
Cooper, will leave this evening for a
short visit in Walla Walla.
Douglas Ball, district manager of
the l!lake-!rVFa!l paper company,
came over from Walla walla on a
business mission this morning.
Leslie Anger, a member of the me
chanical department of one of Walla
Walla's newspaprs, spent the Fourth
in the city with His mother and sis
tor. '
face. He rushes from the house, ,
turning his steps towards the cliffs, i
To his disordered imagination the I
villagers seem to be pursuing him with :
menace. He steps back affrighted, j
falls over the cliff and meets his j
doom. -i
Read the want ada.
ci'.i.Kim.vnxG ForuTii i
Tho Pastime.
The house of quality. A big fea
ture film for Tuesday's change.
"Her Son." Kalem. A thrilling
western drama with Carlyle Blackwell
as "Her Son." Synopsis of story fol
lows. Mrs. Dryden's son Xed leaves
home to begin life's struggles. ' One
year of the battle proves the boy
worthless and he drifts into Calico
Camp. The honest mjners resent the
presence of the lazy young loafer and
make it uncomfortable for him. He,
however, writes to his mother: "I
am making a great ouccess here. The
boys like me so. .much they propose
making me mayor of trie town." Mrs.
Dryden, believing his letter true, de
cides to visit him. The mother ar
rives in camp just as they are driving
him out. That night Ned attempts
flight and falls into a deserted tun
nel shaft. Respecting the mother's
sacred grief, the boys continue the
deception and the mother believes that
the son died at the beight of his sue
cess and popularity. It is a very hu
man Dicture and one worth while
and it is well acted.
"The Drawn Curtain." Kosmik. In
this love story the heroine is over
come with joy when reunited with
her lover. It is a strong dramatic
story. The impress it leaves cannot
be denied.
"The Insubordinate Soldier." Am
erican drama. Weatherby is court-
martialed and dishonorably discharg
ed from the army, and feeling dis
graced joins a party of bandits and
they prepare to rob the United States
money bag. There is a thrilling fight,
the lieutenant is rescued from the
bandits and Weatherby gets the just
punishment for his crime.
"Their Mother." Pathe. A well
told story of two brothers, their love
for the same girl and other incidents
which befell them in their lives.
Fred Salo and His Dog." A vaude
ville stunt.
The best 7e Apron Gingham at '
The -best l'.i'j Dress Gingham lit "-'
The best 12 l-2c Dres Gingham at c
Tho best 12 l-2c Bleached Muslin c
The best 12 l-2c Silkolines at 9c
The best 15c Wash Goods at lie
The best lSc Figured Flaxons at 11c
The best 12 l-2c Wash Lawns at Oc
The best 10c Bleached Muslin at 8c
The best 12 l-2c Percales at C
The be.n 17 l-2c French Ginghams at 12 l-2c
The best 29c Scotch Ginghams at 19c
The best 65c Linen Waistlngs at 45c
The best 12 l-2c India Linen at c
The best 15c India Linen at 11c
The best 25c India Linen at ISO
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for Less Money
comes, and then they all come to j
comes, and then they all come
church. John. Tom and an Indian
all love Elsie. Tom and John fight,
later John and Sagwa fight and
Sagwa kills John and Tom Is accused.
He takes refuge In the mountains
and Sagwa goes to churcn ana con
fesses to Elsie. They ride and save
Tom from being lynched. Beauti
fully colored film.
"Dog and Wolf," Eclair. A story of
heart Interest, finely told. A man
has come to rob the old doctor and
H attacked by the doctor's dog. The
doctor calls of his dog, dresses tne
man's wounds and feeds him. The
kindness makes the robber weep and
he vows to lead a better life.
"Jerusalem and the Mount of Ol
ives," Eclair. Scenic film of the
Holy City and Its surroundings and
an interesting scene of the pilgrims
accomplishing the way of the cross.
"The Field of Honor," American.
The colonel who has never been to
war, the captain who never went to
sea, and Jack, all love the same girl.
Jack has the colonel and the captain
fight a duel. He loads the guns with
tabasco sauce. The terror stricken
heroes fire and being spattered with
sauce, think the end has come. Very
Children, we will give away the
Imp A, B, C books at some early date.
'Thirty-five cents books in beautiful
colors, free. Watch, for the announcement.
Liquors You'll Like
For In&ntf viid I Midi an
fna Kind You Hae Always flougr
Iviara the
tanatori of
because of their perfect purity
and excellent flavor, are stand
ard goods in our establishment.
Every brand of Liquor has been
carefully mellowed by age, pure
ly d'stilled, and is fully guaran
teed by us. The same way with
our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine
and Moselle Wines and every
article we handle. You get
more than your money's worth
in quantity and quality.
Phone Main 188
Pioneer Bottling Works
Phone Main 177.
Tho Cosy.
Strong Western program for Wed
nesday and Thursday.
"A Cowboy's Sacrifice," American.
Jack, a cowboy of "The Circle X
Ranch" is in love with the ranch
owner's daughter, Edith. Her broth
er George comes home drunk and
Jack takes care of him. But George
goes hack to town and has a fight
with "Texas Jim," getting licked.
George waits for Texas and shoots
him. dropping his gun in his haste
to get away. A posse capture him
and are to hang him, when Jack as
sumes the blajue for the crime. But
the girl saves him from making the
sacrifice by telling the facts. Jack,
man-like, wonders why she saved
him; later he finds out.
"An Indian Brave's Conversion."
Yankee. Splendid Western story full
of cowboys and Indians. The min
ister of "Poker Gulch" can't do much
with the cowboys till his daughter
i toe on
ens i
I mm
For Ice Cream Sodas That J
Pleaao. ?
Try Our
"Tho best made,"
Ice'Cream Sundae
Ono of our most popular
, dishes.
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Manufacturers
and Distributors of th
Fresh Strawberries served
with ice cream.
Once a patron, always a pat-
Tallmaiv & Co.
Leading Druggists of East
ern Oregon.
(Conttnuea irom page one.)
The blaze started presumably
a fire-cracker.
Kploics Cause I'iiv.
Bernard, -Iowa, July 5. Fire, re
sulting from the explosion of a largo
firecnukci in un Icehouse here last
night caused a loss of more than
$50,000. The ice house, elevator, a
lumber yard, general store and a
number of residences were totally de
stroyed. Brnggs WIihI Out.
Port .Smith, Ark., July 5. Ac
cording to a report received here to
day, the business section of liraggs,
Oklu., 58 miles west of here, was al
most entirely wiped out by fire last
night. Among the buildings destroy
ed were many stores and the post ,
officee. '
Portlaml, ore.. July 5. For the'
first time in Portland's recent history j
no fires were started by fireworks on j
the Fourth, which was celebrated j
sanely here.
Von can rt'ly on
to (jivo you quick relief In
ftiss of poor ApiM'tite, In
diiivstioii, HrmliU'lic, Cramps"
or Ularrhooa.
You Will Find That This is the Case !
Fine large new line of suit cases just received.
Jap Matting Case $1.95 and up
All leather case - $4.43 and up
Etc., Etc., Etc.
Very convenient for that outing trip and you will find
our prices lower.
745 Main Street.
Between Tavlor Hardware and rendleton Drug Co.
Pendleton's Favorite Picture the
ater. Excellent program for Tues
day's change.
1. "The llose of Old St. Augus
tine." Selig. A tnle of Jean Lifitto,
privateer. Time, A. D. 1810. Loca
tion, Florida, in and near St. Augus
tlno. This Is an unusually romantic
story and an exciting one. It Is well
Pendleton Drug
is in business for
Your Good Health"
Pendleton Beer
Quality-quality first, last and all the
time is the watchword in the produc
tion of City Brewery Beer
Von do not find it lacking in that 'iifev so necessary to
give it the required zest.
You assist in providing employment for home labor, build
ing up your home city and supporting institutions that place
money in circulation here, when you buy home products in
preference to those that are shipped in.
When yon drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at
the following places:
V. J. Bogart, Prop.
Paul llemmoL'arn. Prop,
Anton Kraft, Prop.
II. J. Latourelle, Prop.
J. II. Taylor, Prop.