r.r,K ront. AN iM'.'rKM'KNT NKWSl'Al'KU. lub!iiM'il l'.liy uiiil Semi Wookly at Ten- iini.m, Oregon, by ilie EAST OKKtiUMAN IIT.LISUINU CO. s i r.sci: nn ioN katks. f-'allf, one w:ir. by mall I'tiiy. m lunuilis, l.y mall l'Uv, :.iit'i' UKiitlis. liy mail I .;!-. 01. t1 niniult, by mail iaiiv. iint' ui ty carrier !'!ly, jo iniinths., by carrier .... taiiy, tlirtv momhs. by carrier... I illy, o::i' inmitli, iiy carrier tecuW i niie jt'ar, by mall... ml- ivkiy. mx uimitlis. by mall.. nui A i iki) . lour mouths, by mail. .$5.00 . 2.5(1 . l.lio . .50 . 7.50 . 8 73 . l.UJ . .113 . 1.00 . .75 . .50 i'he l 'ally Kusr Ortvonlan Is kept on oala '.t the Oii'-ivi News Co., oJl Morrison a;reet. riir.kuid. Oregon. Noi l Invest News Co., l'ortlauj, Orefton. Chicago iliireau, Hoi) Severity Building. V asUln.Mnu, I), c, Itureau, 501 Four teenth saeet, N. W. Member United l'resa Association. Kutered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oreicon. as second class mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. ? THE 1'Dr.TS til FT. It is certainly n vast improvement i'tr luriuir celebrations to have the .iftornnou imvvrain at the Knuml-up park. Yesterday there were comfort-al'U- seats for all an.l evel ybi'dy ecu lil see the t vents upon tie track an.1, field. People did not have to Maud around on hot streets in order to see the races ,.nd other stunts. And there was no charge for any thing. At the afternoon exercises people in the fratnlstard had enjoy ment that would ordinarily cost them .1 dollar or more. No one can truthfully say Wndle- TllDAVS ItlKTHDAV SKETCH Charles K. I'atton, congressman from the twenty-first Pennsylvania district. Is fifty-Two tody, hav'.ni been born in Curwensville, t'li ai ! i Id. County, l'a., July 5. ls.vi. He re ceived his early education in t!".' ! common schools of his native pi. to j and later attended Dickinson m mi-j nary at Willlamsport, l'a. In 1SS3 Mr. I'atton married Mi- Mary Hokks. of Ebensburg. l'a., shortly after he had started in bttsi- ness ns a dry goods merchant. Later; he branched imt in various lines ui 'j business end proved himself to Ik j one of those fortunate individual.-j nui-e eciy louen llirils to gold. !;! ''US'?! . , . , , . 13 ow lilentitied with manv of the I ton attempted to make nnmev off lis L , , , . ! must important business ventures oi ceienrauon yesuruay. en tne con-j the community in which ho resides. trary the committee this year, under the direction of its chairman, Mr. Montgomery, followed the broad plan of trying to show visitors a good time. They succeeded well and for this and the hard work they had to do the celebration managers are en titled to thanks and to congratulations. The faces of the passing throng lie leads, in street and mart: For him the starred skies sing their song, And tlod speaks in his heart. II. To fleeting winds and babbling burns. Sea sounds, and singing birds. He listens, soul-absorbed, and turns Their music into words. l SHOULD TI1K CITY DO IT? Several Oregon towns are now dis cussing how to care for the street larking ami with the street improve i'. t jits in store for Pendleton It Is a timely subject for consideration loudly. At Corva'.lis the scheme is for the 1 1 ny te which Happens to oe ins native town.! He is a director of the Curwensville j national Jiank and president of the Curwensville Light & Tower com pany, Is Interested In large lumber and contracting companies, besides owning si-viral fine farms iu widen he takes an unusual interest. He has held nearly every elective office in his own town, and was elected to the sixty-second congress by a splendid majority. ft Csnsdjsn ft' fcii r-- r fl ri-. ..I. D jm vi 1 1 o:o opoKans nouns i . -a All a S2 I I GO EAST THRU I 1 1 maintain the strips of parking g t'. .' streets instead of re.iuir-hm--.-holders to keep up the i ; rk'npr In front of their places. In favor of this plan there are He the vales, .g 4. 1 some excellent arguments. Tlie j parkin.tr is in the street, not on pri vate ground, and it would be as con jsistent for the city to maintain the ! parking .is for it to sprinkle and j sweep the streets. Should tiie city maintain the pnrk- j ir.g the plan would insure uniform jcare and attention throughout the jelty. When the matter is left to in- j dividual!" it is notorious that some do I their duty while others fail to do so. 4 When the new paving is completed A voice within him whispers, here there will be much parking to 'Write." ileok after and the citv will have to And pondering, dreaming . one Iicv or the othpr witn long, . ; reference to earring for the strips. I: is a subject that deserves -some at trition and discussion before any particular plan Is adopted. III. walks the hills the fields. The dim, - mysterious woods. And each, because he loves them yields Dreams for his many moods. IV. Begot by darkness and by light. Lo, there leaps forth a song! Who to the world a true song gives, Though simple be Its art. Gives something that forever lives Life of his soul and heart. Charles W. Hubner. A CHANCE IX)K SKHYICE. There are local attorneys who say that under its police powers the city has authority to require that the el ectric light and telephone wires be placed underground. Then why not insist that this im provement be made by both com janies during the present year? it Would add vastly to the appearance Of the streets in the business section tc have the overhead wires and the poles removed. The cluster light.-; Could then be installed at regular in tervals, and llieir effect would be wliat it should be. To remove the overhead wires would mean to safeguard the live Ot firemen and of other citizens. In times of fire the overhead electric wires become a menace to human life. It is a danger many do not re alize but if the wires are allowed to remain one of these days some poor fireman will lose his life and then there will be a loud outcry for the temoval of the wires. In. Portland the authorities did not realize the danger of the oil tanks until after r:-. '. Chief Campbell had been sacri ficed. 0oiv they are demanding that lae tank.s be taken outside the city. If the wires are to go underground in Pendleton now is the time for ac tion Much street work has been or dered and some of it is to be In the business section. The companies t-hould be required to place their wires underground in tables before the paving is done. The wires on Main and Court streets should have gone ur. Ici ground in cables before the paved. But it is not too late to cor rect the mistake. If necessary to hove the lines along Main and Court tr-'-t th; cables may be placed un-1-r the .oncrete gutters or under the fidewallw. Unless the East Oregonlan Is ; rc t'y rn! -tak'-r. the ' Hy counc il will trke steps to require that the tele Jh' ne and electric companies place their wires und'-rground. It ii a ti ndid opportunity lor the council C, be of S'-rvir e to tl:e people and the members were chosen to repre fent the. Interests of 'he public not to represent the electric trust or t'"1 telephone trust. Those corporations have able and well paid men to up hold their inter-sts for them. In the past they have had the better of the fame and it is time for the people If Pendleton, throws;!: their ncercd fteil representatives, 1 1 take a brace. Jl l.Y 5 IX JUSTOI1Y. 1044 Aba. King of Hungary, de feated by his own subjects and killed in batile. 1601 liattle of Ostond (Nether lands war of injt pendence.) I"-" I'attle of Stralsund (Thirtv Years' War.) 17 Si' V'ifth action between the Pntish and Fren h fleets in the Hast Indies. 17l7 Second bomhardmei.t of Ca diz by the Iiriiish. 1 "7 -Battle of Iluenos Ay res. dur ing the Napoleonic wars, when 9, 0101 p.ritisii troops under General Whitelocke assaulted the city. They penetrat-d into the streets hut sul lere.l terrible .-es from the de fenders" lire from windows and roofs. Despite his brilliant maneuvering Whitlocko was forced to surrender. is its Cuepca, Spain, taken by the French under Caulincourt, and -given up in pillage. ISIS The negroes of St. Croix re volted and compelled the governor to proclaim their freedom. The whites thereupon formed a prov'ncial gov ernment, deposed the governor, at tacked the negroes, and having cap tured 300, shot them immediately. 1S64 President Ijncoln issued a proclamation declaring the state of PROTECT VOII! HEALTH! during the hot summer and "bad water" months by drink ing ".,; j ure s .la, root beer, cid"V and beer. Cheaper Tlinu 41 Doctor Hill. One dozen quarts or two dozen pints of the City Brewery's fa mous "Export re.er" delivered to your home for $2.00. PEN'DLETOX SODA WORKS. W. A. lleinmelgarn Jfc Bros, 400 E. Court St. -Tel. Mam 459 Kentucky under martial law. lssts Gen Toral, the Spanish commander in Sanlago de Cuba, was again called upon to surrender the city to the American troops, but de clined and the truce was extended. 1903 Preaklng of the Oakford Park dam, near Jeannette, Pa., dam aged property to the amount of $1, 500.1100 and cost thirty lives. I 1910 Howard M. Hanna. of Ch ve- ! !'!!. 1 Ohio sriive !'r.H Dllll to Western r.eservo University. 5 r2 ..1 1j your r.icsi sion. k.v should he 1 H"OVii 1C nil i s j;.;sscs I lo hpt-l Lil .;.'blo u:h1 rciiu lv 1 ! ftri::! n -n . Sold Everywhere. In b -2.V 10. and 25c. JIST AS PATRIOTIC. Pendleton had a safe and sane 1 (fourth of July celebration yesterday land reports from over the state in- 'dicate similar celebrations were held 1 . elsewhere. The agitation for a sen sible celebration of independence day has been so effective that practically no fire crackers were used this time despite the fact that the law against their use is not yet In effect. After July 15, 1912, it will be un lawful for any dealer to sell or for anyone to discharge a firecracker that is iver two and one-half inches ir length, those who do so become subject to a fine of from $25 to $50 This law was enact", 1 by the last legislature and Senator Burgess of tl.ii roiintv was author of the bill. ) It Is needless to say that the idea of a saf? and sane fourth appeals to most people. It is nonsensical to make the day one of noice and of make the day one of noise and of exploding cannon crackers add noth ing to the patriotism of the day. On the contrary It has made many peo ple wish the fourth would not come so often. "MMWlMr l I 11 II II IllUfW H WW IMaS WaMITJaSlSl Another revolt is on in Mexico, but unless there Is some money as well as men behind the move it will am ount to but little. There are reasons for believing that Madero's general ship was largely In his distribution of cash among his followers. IT SUCCEEDED WELL. Pendleton endeavored to be a good iot at the fourth of July celebra tion yesterday anil expressions heard tn many sides Indicate the plan uc ceeded we!. Speaking' of spectacular stunts what about the wild mule race for a thriller. Silver Teaspoons FREE You will find a lettered coupon In e,ch package of Illanchard Butter, and each carton of Blanchard Eggs. When you have leceived all the letters that make up the name B-L-A-N-C-H-A-R-D, send the coupons to us, and we will deliver to you, ab solutely free, SIX SILVER TEASPOONS, of exceptionally beau tiful pattern (known as "Arbutus"'), designed and made by the old reliable and well-known Wm. A. Rogers Manufacturing Co. No advertisement appears on the spoons, the manufacturer's name Is stamped on the handle just as it Is on ail first-class silverware. COUPONS IX EVERY PACKAGE. Jensen Creamery Company PEKDLETOri, OREGON . Kootenay and Arrow Lakes and Canadian Rockies The most beautiful and mag nificent scenery In the world. Splendid train service. Luxu rious hotels and chalets and nu merous natural attractions. The playground of America. VERY LOW RATES EAST LIBERAL STOP-OVERS LONG LIMITS For further Information and Il lustrated folder write M. E. MALONE, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, . G. A. 11 Wall St., Spokane. Hotel St. George GEORGE DAUVEAU, Proprietor. &f&lA If" ill t5l r'-:. t ... if 1 IT 3 flf. 1 i-fii r-AtZ- m - I 1 . . km European plan. Everything flrst-ciass. All modern oonvenl- cnoes. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Large, new sample J rooms. The Hotel St. George U a pronounced one of tho most up- to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm con- neetlons to office, and hot and f cold water running In all rooms : Rooms $1 and $1.50 : Block and a half from depot . See the big electric sign. a PENDLETON'S POPULAR PK'TUKE PAPiLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort. FUN, PATHOS, SCENIC, THKILLIXG ALL PKOPEKLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes .Suit., Mon.. WeJ., Fri. Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5 ami 10( Orpheum Theatre i. P. MEDSWACB, Fufifcuu HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATEgMOTlOU PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PUOtiHAM IN TODAY ' PAPEK. PTusraoi CtaMat urn WaAay's, Tmdai'i mmd rrkU-a. Grande Ronde Apple Orchards ou the INSTALLMENT plan. 1 Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited thwo tracts. mi I 9. umornn nwticnc JJ At the office of MARK MOORHOUSE CO. The Buckarooes covered themselves with glory at the finish anyway. Some Athena fans are acting as though they were not yet fully grown. If Just the ripht sort of men can he elected, the fewer commissioners the better. nfoodl Sarsaparilla Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complex ion, creates'an appetite, r.'ds digestion, reli-.-ycs that tired feeling, gives vior and vim. Get it today In usual liquid fo: m OP chocolated tablets called SarS'jta&s PUTIN IIEITIE i! Cass Matlock, Pre?. Jljl I'll MOKE PIf""!.'RI ' -latest "j":n:j;s rrn't i H ti "i t ; i -! f ti' in' th-" citr SI:. f -- : 1 a ,ft, rtj'-.n and eve- ri'.jM ard en i:ie for the entiie Get There Quick Phone Red '3961 for the Iauto cab I! Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SEKVICE fs TOWX. Stand at 614 Main St. i t.xt to French Rmtaurant Entire change three timet each weoK Be sura and op the next change. Adulu 10c. ChiMron v.r.rler 10 yearn, Rp. YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND TP.OinLE when you come up against a defect In your plumbing. WIIEX LEAKS BOT1IEK YOU CALL IX PEXDLKTOX'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS. We krfbw Just how to fix your . faucet and make It like new. There Isn't anything wo can't do IX TIIE PLU.MI1IXO LINE, WE ARE EXPERTS. BEDDOW & MILLER I! P." Ml CxJMWflJWBMaaJ M S I 5 ,1, v J J NBURSBBmHIai Make Summer f Months, Com fort Months. ! Summer Tasks, Pleasant Ones. By using one of our famous Mpoint Electric Irons The Iron that does work cheaper, quicker and with more comfort. Price $3.50 Gash Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service." uamam