PAGE TWO IVtLY EAST OUEGON1AX, PENDLETOV, OREGON. YF.1XF.SD.Y, .Tl'I.Y 5, 1011. EIGHT PAGES t?5 What Summer rrers our store Summer offers the best there is in Merchandise, Oar goods are frerh. Our styles are correct. Our quality yo i can count on, and our prices arc as low as good goods can be sold. We depend on a big "volume" of business to make our profits- That's why we make prices as little as we can. The goods we sell you satisfy you. We invite you to co re to our store and see what "Summer offers. ft All Millinery Sacrificed A great clean-up of our entire Millinery stock. Every Hat, Plume and Flower, at prices that will positively surprice you. Come and see. New White and Colored Wash Skirts Tlii season's latest model?. Come in white and tan Indian hoad. Plain ami pleated models; all sizes. $1.50 to $2.98 each Children's White Lingerie Dresses These dresses are all nicely trimmed with lace and em broidery; all nice, dainty new sty Us. Full gathered ami pleated skirts, square neck and short sleeves or high neck and Ions sleeves. , $1.25 to $6.45 Ladies' White Lingerie Dresses Beautifully trimmed with embroidtry and lace, in the new est models. White Marqucsette dresses trimmed with Irish crochet lace: the: new styles, low neck, peasant sleeves or high neck and regu lar sleeves. $7.50 to $37.50 New Neckwear A Fichu of dainty net or sheer batiste is a fitting finish for any summer frown or waist, and transforms even the plainest garment into a thine: of beauty. We have just received a new shipment. Price - 75 to 3.75 New Girdles The new silk cord girdles. Just what you have wanted to finish the short waisted dress; colors l ink, blue, lavender, black : nl white. Price , 75 New Shipment Ladies' Shoes Patent leather, kid and calf skin. Either button or lace," with the new short vamp or broad toe, quality and style the lest. $2.50, 3.00 and 3.50 Misses' 18-Button High Top Shoes Come in patent leather with dull mat kid top, wolt sole. Sizes 2 to a. $3.50 New Linens In pretty shades of lavender. liUt blue, pink, white, reseda,, etc., for dresses and the like. About "0-in. wide. Come in, let us show you. Xo trouble. Price 40 Lawns, Batistes, Dimities, 10 -35c Including the lcst selection of color- and patterns in the city. Big assortment. Prices from 10 to 35 yard. All new, crisp, seasonable poods. New Table Linens From the "Giblxm" line of New York. One of the best. When we say "pure linen" we mean it. A pood lot to select from. Come, have a look. Prices, yard 65 to 3.00 Beads For fall the Fast Indian styles will be "the vogue." Just now the American women are emulating theic Oriental sisters and are wearing beads on all occasions. We have them in black, coral, white, blue, red, pink, black and white and f:)hl. Prices 35 to 75 Pendleton's Cleanest, Coolest and Best Grocery, in Our Model Base ment. Phone Main 17. Fancv Mountain Strawberries, box 10; crate 2.25 Fip Pudding, cans 15 and 25? Dill Pickles.. quart - - - 20 Pickles Stuffed With Relish, 4 for 25 Extra Fancy Pineapple, large cans 25 luiMirted Swiss Cheese, pound Cream Brick Cheese, pound Taney Sweet Midget Pickles, pint .Melon Man-roes, each ..THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. WIIFBE IT 'PAYS TO TRADE. SAVE YOUR COUPONS. NEWS OF TfflE i that Mrs. I'M"''1 '' 11 1,f,nml Spokano, taking u '' l,f 7 'uiu'a l travel wltli the negro. Her husband swore out tlx- complaint. The pnlr, with another negro, hud heon t,,wn three days. dupum-wo lulled at ltiwfonl. Rextord. Mont. Matulm, a Japa nese employe of Hie roast chutes, was crushed between two ears yesterday and died soon .after reaching l1'" hospital. Allows Train u Kill llim. Wallace. Iduhn. Edward Kene, a lumberjack "f Wurdner, was killed by. an ore train from liurke Just ln cile the city limits this afternoon. He was sitting on the track as the train approached and apparently made no effort to get away. Intovleated in Dry Towns. Lewlston, Idaho. Eight arrests were made by the police yesterday of parties intoxicated with alcohol, nnil Ivan Rartlett, a resident of East Lewlston, ran amuck in the neighborhood with two bis revolvers. Patrolman Tabor arrested him. Kills Wife and Self. Twin Falls. Idaho. One of the. must spooking tragedies which has ever occurred" In this section took p'ace at G o'clock yesterday afternoon when Horace (3. IJchty shot and killed bis wife and blew his own brains out, both dying almost instantly. police Looking Tor Ian. Olymi'ia, Wash. Local police are seeking W. K. F.K-''ii. committed two ymrs ago to the state training school from Spokane. Two months ftgo he was paroled and secured work in a !, cal mill. Saturday he passed two bogus checks and disappeared. Flight Tests Success. Salt in, Ore. Three attempts this afternoon by I. ( '.. ! luddK stoii In the new Taylor-Huddleston aeroplane, which h is been constructed In this city, amply demonstrated that the machine can fly. although there was nothing spectacular about any of the short low flights. Unlit Play llasclmll. Froewatcr, Ore. One of the best and also the most amusing games of baseball ever played in this vicinity was played yesterday on the Milton Freewat'er diamond, when a team made up of ladies from the Integrity lodge of Robekahs played a match game of ball with a team from the I. O O- F. lodge. There was a fine crowd in attendance to witness the game, a good large stun being taken at the gate for the Kebekah order. I The sisters easily won the game, the j score standing 21 to 4. Batteries Kebekahs, Mesd.imcs West and Mulr; Odd Fellows, Messrs Smith and Stephens. Works on Sunday; Arrested. Pasco, Wash. J. Noland of the Pasco Transfer and Warehouse com pany was today served with a war rant on a charge of laboring on Sun day, the warrant having been issued on the request of Prosecuting At torney Charles M. O'Brien. ' Man Drowned Is Relief. Portland, Ore. Cuy Taylor, aged 24, who disappeared from the steamer Elmore at the Ash street dock Satur day evening Is believed to have been drowned from the steamer Hassalo that night. Taylor left the Elmore, spending the night nbout the city and returned to visit one of his friends on the Hassalo, Pays for ItrinkiiiK Pure Pood Ijiw. Salmon City, Idaho. T. S. Parker, and Dr. M. W. Smith of the pure food and sanitary department of the state visited Salmon, this week and collected fines amounting to over $350 for violations 'of the state health laws. Minnlmum fines were Imposed In all cases Patients Explode Crackers. Spokane. The last case of small pox was dWeharired from the city Iso lation hospital yesterday. There are now only six patients remaining In the hospital. All are cases of scarlet fever anl so light that the patients were letting off crackers last night In celebration of the Fourth. DON'T ifi,ay. 1 Rtrtlmnii Soars at Moscow. Moscow, Idaho. Charles F. Walsh .the Los Angeles aviator, made two successful flights here yesterday af ternoon 'n his biplane during the two days' celebration. During the first ftl-rbt h" remdnnd up for seven min utes. The second one was much longer, the aviator remaining up 15 minutes and attaining an altitude of 400 or tOO feet. Some. lVnillelon Poonle Hnvo Ijrurnrtt That Neglect Is Dangerous. The slightest symptom of kidney trouble is far too serious to be over looked. It's the small, neglected troubles that lead to serious kidney ailments. That pain In the "small" of your hack; that urinary lrcgular ity; those headaches and dizzy spoils; that weak-weary, wornout feeling, may be nature's warning of coming dropsy or fatal Uright's disease. Why risk your lif" by neglecting these symptoms K"iich tile cause of tho trouble while there is time begin treating your kidneys at once with a tried and proven kidney remedy. No need to experiment 1 loan's Kidney Pills have been curing kidney trou ble for over 76 years. Doun's Kid ney Pills are used and recommended throughout the civilized world. Con vincing testimony follows: Mrs. V. W. Jacobs. It. P. D. No. 3, St. Johns, Wash., says: "I had pain across the small of my buck and suf fered intensely. Since I leurned of Doan's Kidney Pills, I have taken them whenever this trouble had made its appearance and I have always re ceived relief. I highly recommend this remedy to persons afflicted with kidney complaint." For sale by all denwrs. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents fur the I'niied States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Find llr-nd Indian Reside Track. Spokane. Joseph Mulcllpsie, nn Tndb'n was found dead beside the O. W, U & X. tracks about n mile from Tekoa yesterday morning anil was turned over to his relatives. The matter was reported to the coroner of Whitman county. The Indian lived about r l-rht mil" from Tekoa,- and was supposed to have been struck by a train. New Jersey Judges are waging a re lentless war against that feeble mind ed cla.-s of individuals known as "boat rockers." In one or two in stances offenders who have been brought before them as a result of fights following their Insane Idea of fun, have been heavily fined nnd oth er offenders are threatened with Jail j terms or an extended residence In the asylums of the state. S t S I'OK MONEY 1 by William Safford of New York. XOW IX THTSASl'llY Secretary of the Treasury Mac- I Veagh and Treasurer Lee MoClung Washington. A receiver for a , are made defendants. They are cited f in,) of J385.0OO held in the treas- t show why they should not be en try of t lie United States has been joined by the secretary of state, a k.d in the district supreme court: The fund Is an Indemnity that Ven . : exuela allowed the United States for i concessions taken from gold and as phalt corporations. The Manoa company, the Orinoco company, I'mited, and the Orinoco -orporation are among the designated beneficiaries. Safford claims in his petition to be a judgment creditor of the Manoa company for STiG.OOO. THIS LADY'S GOOD APPETITE Mrs. Hansen, In a Letter From Mobile, Tells How She Gained It Mobile, Ala. "I suffered for seven years, with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. Sigurd Hansen In a letter from this city. "I felt weak and always had a headache and wa3 always going to the doctor. At last I was operated on, and felt better, but soon I had the same trouble. My husband asked me to try Cardul. 1 I felt better after the Crst bottle, and j now, I have a good appetite and sleep i welh I feel fine, and the doctor tells j me I am looUng better than he ever saw me." If you are sick and miserable, and suffer from any of the pains duo to womanly trouble try Cardul. Cardul Is successful because It ll composed of Ingredients that have been found to act curatlvely on the woman ly constitution. For more than fifty years, It has been used by women of all ages, with great success. Try It Your druggist sells It K. B. Write to: I Jidl" Advliory Dp., CtMU aooc AtalktraCo.. Chtinoo. lno.. ix bptaal Jnrirurtumt, sn4 64-pagc bk. Horn TruUM m Women." Mill In pUin mapper, 00 rquet. TKIKS TO IU:COVK7t MONEY WITH GUX j Vancouver. Wash With an empty revolver. Adolph Jasper, who lost $1, 7ft2 in the Commercial bank failure, tri.-d to hold up IT. C. Phillips, reg ister of the Vancouver land office and president of the d. :"unct Institution. Jasper accosted Phillips in the land office with a demand for his money. Phillips took him downstairs with the pretended intention of getting it, then had him arrested. Jaspar is a farm er. He said the $1792 was all his money and that he w anted to get Just a little of It back. He was released 1 without any charge be!ng placed. He t has been paid 1179.20 bo far in divi dends. Leaf. It is to be readly by the close of the present year. This Is the birth of President Bush of the Missouri Pacific. He is fifty-one and began his railroad ca reer with the Northern Pacific in 1SS2. The abandonment of the joint traffic bureau f the Gould lines is one of the latest economics inaugur ated by Mr. Bush. The general offices, but not the shops of the Evansville nnd Terre fit Haute are to be removed to Chicago August 1. On July 20 the road will become a part of the Chicago F Eastern Illinois, but is not to lose Identity. , Recently in tests on the Lehigh to1 determine how far an engliif c-rt run with a passenger train whou ve- ; plenishing Its fuel supp! . "! fiin 2475 brrtke the world's re m! "y r,o-I ing 44.6 with 900 ton: ..; coal, r .;uly all of which was burned. It is the under.-. -mdin, tb ,t Judge Thomas J. Fr m m w ill ;c made president of the i-Ue n itional & Great Xorthe: : wl: n th new board of director:-- me M that time a decision '..I : 'o ! reached as to the lo- itaj.'i k t'.f company's head-, quarter.-'. ' It is salt1, t'.r.t regulations for the 1 ...iiiortaiion oT dangerous articles lilt,, of Rattler Is Fatal. Ooldendnle. Wash. Mrs. Robert A. Oray. who wn bitten by a rattle snake on Crofton prairie about two weeks a?o, died at the Goldendale hospital 1at night. Everything known to medical science was done to save her life, a pryslclnn being called from Portland In ronsultat'on with lo-nl doctors Inst week. Mr. Orny was formerly n pumpman In the employ of the O. R. & X. company In eastern ' Oregon. nmnm )Vm ' .1 A iUI ft til file I . it lul basis. Notice has been served on the Al ton by the Indiana Railroad com-i Nal. N-gro nnd Wldto Woman, mission that its physical condition Winona, Wash. Mrs. Mamie Fish must bo materially improved forth- er. a white woman, and Jesse Hunt, wUh or the speed of its trains will be colored, both from Srmknne. n-r ,.. Health ordered reduced. rested here this morning. It Is said Wllholt, Or." at Wilhoit Springs Two Wooks Horo Batten Than Six at tho Soa Shore Wilhoit Spring Water is a wonderful touio and curative agent I.iviiiK in tbo open among tlio lir trees aial drinking the uprmg water builds up ones entire system both physical and mental. Kllev Unm. li trouliln n.l other .'nmplint In l "h;A tft IIot... C.,ttag or T-nt. Hunting. Fmhing nd tramping throngh thn wood. AuU)I ly at 3 p. m. Pi.Rt -a mill, trip "all on loK hUno. "WUh.ui" and n.ak. riwrvat loni. or mall Inquiry to Wllholt Springs. TV terete Bloclis-Concpete'Wolf l he Most Modern and Most Substantial Building Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end JIUtOAI NOTES. r. be onrio'ircea by me interstate '.ommer:' Commission will not con tain n Fi;';estcd jjrovision prohibiting t! -s u .e of wooden barrels for the !ra importation of lnflamable articles v i'n a low flash point. The Chicago & Western Indiana Is . king to have the Chicago & East ern Illinois to use its tracks and op The Illinois Central is spending .$2,- 000,010 on improvements this year. ! ernte trains to the Dearborn street, The new system of the Baltimore 1 instead of the Ta Palle street station Save Yourseli Money Concrete Blocks and re-in-forocd concrete are cheaper and far more satisfactory. Make prettier work when finibhed and give the great est comfort in either hot or cold weather. k ..:;ojoijat.'.,l 4 IS. 4 71' V Give Yourself Satisfaction St; my many beautiful de signs for liasements, House Fonndatinns, Walls, Fences. Curl.iiifr, 5uilding Triin miniru ami Cemotory Fences. Th & Ohio requires daily Instead of monthly -reports on freight tonnage. The Kokomo, Frankfort & West ern has arranged to build a traction line, between Frankfort and Kokomo, Chicago, whereby it would have to pay a greater proportionate share of the expense of maintenance and op eration. It la one of the five own- es of tha Western Indiana and this lnd., and compete with the Clover j expense ls shared on a wheelage icy grow stronger with age. Estimates Furnished on Application D.A.MAY Fhcne Black 3786. Bend leton, Oregon. Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Con crete Work.