PAGE FIX DAILY EAST ORE GOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911. EIGnT PAGES A Cyclonic 2 Days Finish-The End is Here-Onr Contract Expires July 3rd at 12 P. M. The Entire Stock Must Be Sold, Tremendous Sacrifice of All Remaining Stock. Standing enormous losses rather than have the goods left over, as we agreed to dispose of the entire stock and in case we fail the remaining stock goes to the former owners The Wonder Store, as WE CANNOT MOVE IT, so you can readily see why we place the entire stock at your mercy. Not one single dollars worth reserved from this astounding slaughter. It's our loss and your gain. 2 Days Only, Saturday, Monday and 1 -2 Day Tuesday everything reduced. In all your life you've never faced such a sacrifice before. Bar gains that will Beggar Description and Stagger Belief. The Whole Store Alb toe With Bar gains GORDON & COMPANY, In ii fllQ Charge of we SPORTS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburg 8, St. Louis t. St. Louis, June 30. An eighth in ning rally by Pittsburg after the lo cals had tied the score in the sixth, u-on for the visitor, - Score: - " R. H. E. Pittsburg 8 12 1 Ft. Louis 6 9 1 Adams. Steele, Ferry and Simon; Golden, Geyer and Bresnahan. Cincinnati 5, Chicago 4. Cincinnati, June 30. Cincinnati made a batting rally in the seventh and scored four runs on a base on balls, two singles and a double. Reul bach was succeeded by Brown, off whom the winning run was made. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 4 13 0 Cincinnati 5 8 1 Reulbach, Brown and Graham; Smith and McLean. Philadelphia -I, Brooklyn I. Philadelphia. June 30. Scanlon's wildness was responsible for Brook lyn defeat by the home team yes terday. Score: r. h. E. Brooklyn 1 4 1 Philadelphia 4 Scanlon and Bergen; Moore Moran. Xew York 10, Boston 4. New York, June 30. The New York team had a batting matinee here yesterday, winning from Boston 10 to 4. - . ... - . - Boston 4 6 5 Xew York 10 14 4 McTighe, Brown and Kling; Cran dall and Myers, Wilson. 4 2 and $6500 50 acres of alfalfa land, all cleared, within 100 yards of railroad station. About 20 acres in alfalfa, pood orch ard, small house, frood barn and out buildinps, pasoline pumping plant of sufficient capacity to irrigate entire tract, $3000 cash, balance lasy terms. 1 12 Acres 9 MILES SOUTH OF PENDLETOX. $2500 cash, balance two and four years. 20 acres growing alfalfa, 60 acres un der the ditch, about 5 acres in orchard ; two barns ; good 4-roora house, and numerous out buildings; 1-3 of crop goes with place if sold at jnce. Teutsch Bickers Real Estate and Insurance. Phono Main 5. AMERICAN LEAGUE. O St. Louis 6, December 5. Detroit, June 30. Works was easy for St. Louis yesterday and his sup port ragged, the visitors winning. Score: R. H. E. St. Louis 6 11 1 Detroit 5 9 4 Powell and Stephens; Works, Summers and Stanage. Washington 0, Philadelphia 7. Washington, June 30. Groom out pitched three of Philadelphia's pitch ers and Washington won. Score: R. H. E. Washington 9 13 1 Philadelphia 7 8 2 Groom and Henry; Morgan, Plank, Loud and Thomas, Lapp. Cleveland 8, Chicago 7. Cleveland, June 30, Cleveland do feated Chicago in 10 Innings jester day. Score: R. H. E. Cleveland 8 10 2 Chicago 7 13 1 West, Blanding, Gregg and Smith; Lange, Walsh and Sullivan. Boston 1-3, New York 3-2. Boston, June 30. Boston and New York split even In yesterday's double header. Both teams fielded loosely. First game: R. H. E. Boston 1 6 4 New York 3 4 6 Wood and Nunamaker; Warhop and Sweeney. Second game: " ' R. H. E. Boston 2 5 1 New York 2 9 4 Killilny and Williams; Vaughn and Blair, Sweeney. Portia ml 6, Sacramento 1, Sacramento, Cal., June 30. Ina bility to hit Seaton lost another game for Sacramenti yesterday, Danzig's home run over the right field fence in the fourth inning being all that saved the locals from a shutout. Score: r. h. E. Portland 6 12 0 Sacramento 1 4 4 Seaton and Kuhn; Fitzgerald, Baum and LaLonge. Angels 13, Frisco 3. Los Angeles, June 30. Los Angeles made It three straight from San Francisco yesterday, winning 13 to 3. Score: R. H. E. Loa AngeUs 13 13 0 San Francisco 3 7 6 Delhi and Smither; Miller, Zam lock and Berry.. Oakland 4, Vernon 0. ' Oakland, Cal., June 30. Securing four runs and ten hits off Hitt in four innings, Oakland defeated Ver non here yesterday by a score of 4 to 0. At the beginning of the fifth, Hitt was replaced by Glpe. Vernon 0 2 1 Oakland " 4 12 1 Hitt, Gipe and Brown; Abies and Pearce. I .NORTHWEST LEAGUE. MAKES GOOD, HEALTHY FLESH. Koepiicn Bros., Offers to Pay for S iiiom? If It Fails. Begin the use of Samose today and you will soon notice a gain In good, healthy flesh. To all who are thin, weak and run down, this remarkable flesh-forming food promises plump, rosy perfect, vigor and vitality. Most people eat enough to become fat; the trouble Is not lack of, food, but lack of assimilative power. Samose mingles with the food that Is eaten so that it is assimilated by the blood, and builds up pleasing plump ness and good healthy flesh. Those who use Samose for a week or ten days will soon notice a gain In weight and an improvement in general strength and health. Samose Is in tablet form, pleasant to take, and Is sold by one of the most reputable drug stores In Pendleton, Koeppen Bros., under their personal guarantee to refund the money If It does not give satisfaction. ANOTHER SHAKE-UP LIKELY AT SEATTLE Standing of the Teams. L. 28 29 3'J 34 35 54 Pet .611 .597 I .i83 ! .493 I .485 ' .29 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Portland . .46 38 .648 Oakland 60 42 .643 San Francisco 48 43 .627 Vernon 45 45 .600 Sacramento 41 46 .471 Lot Angeles 37 63 .411 W. Vancouver . . ; 44 Taeoma 43 Spokane 42 Seattle 33 Portland 33 Victoria 16 Vancouver 8, .SSkane 2. Vancouver, B. C, June 30. Vancouver hit Kraft hard In the fifth inning and overcame Spokane's lead, winning 6 to 2. Strand replaced Kraft in the seventh ana held the lo cals the rest of the game. Vancouver 6 7 2 Spokane 2 11 2 Clark and Lewis; Kraft, Strand and Spiesman. Taeoma 4, Victoria 1. Victoria, B. C, June 30. Victoria was defeated by Taeoma 4 to 1 yes terday, the visitors outhitting and out playing the locals in every depart ment. Score: R. II. E. Tacorna 4 101 Victoria 1 7 4 Hall and Burns; Belford and De vout. Seattle 4, Portland 0. Portland, Ore., June 30. Wiggs was the main attraction in the game between Seattle and Portland yester day. He allowed but four hits, all of them harmless ones. Score: R. H. E. Seattle 4 8 1 Portland 0 4 3 Wiggs and Shea; Jensen and Harris, Seattle, June A resolution de claring that unless Mayor George W. Dilling discharges Chief Jailer John Corbut within five duys a recall move ment will be started against the may or was rnssed at a somewhat stormy mass meeting held in Arcade hall last right. Tho meeting was called to consider u. proposed recall movement against Councilman Max Wordell, J. Y. C. Kellogg, and E. L. Blaine. The meeting voted to press the campaign CTainst the three councllmon who were active in the councllmanlc In vestigation of the police department October, that resulted in the re call of former Mayor Hiram C. Gill and the election of Mayor Dilling. Women comprised about 30 per cent o? the assemblage last night. CHILIAN CYCIiONE KILLS 200. IiKiinque Said to Have Been Inundat ed by Torrential Rains. Valparaiso. June 30. The great cy clone which devastated the coast of Chili a few days ago extended from Plsagua on the north to Antofagasta to the South. Torrential rains have followed the hurricane, almost com pleting the disaster. It Is estimated that more than 200 persons were killed or Injured and Immense dam age has been done to property of all kinds. Reports here say that Iqulque has been inundated. Many vessels,' In addition to launches and lighters, have foundered. Incoming steamers report having passed buoys adrift, cargo and derelicts. been murdered by Morn in Minda nao, one of the largest of the islands. Prospectors named Ojier and Vexcs b.mes were murdered near Camp Ov erton. A plantation owner named Met till w-as killed by robbers at Pantar, while Prlvato Michaels of the Twenty-first Infantry was killed at Parang. He was stabbed seven times while. In sight of his comrades. for f:trU IWurtiJ k. ClkTIUfi niluc tinl w - --.-". u; iih vii tnfl ur i n nun NAMES OF JESIS AND MARY. G,. jt.u ..4 CtllttiM Cwm. Munc Art. Elocution ind Ccmmer till Dcptt. toildmlaitDatSmdnn..?tnt4 MoriliruJ IntrlMWMl Tmimnj. Writ- forAnnontrmrnt. A.Mrr tisrm tvrr.tmu. p,isnd MOROS MURDER AMERICANS. Natives Slay Four Victims oil Minda nao I-land. Manila. Four Americans have -Portland, Omaa X f RatMeot anil D.jr School for Olrli tn clilrMrJBU.l n. TI r 7 . ... t".iiii npuHiE.pim)iiini ColUfUM, A4ralo u BUtunUrr D.pwtalU. I Mult. Art. Iteration, OTmualaa. I THE KIHTKK SI I EIUObI UMc7, St. Ilelmi. Hall i'J THE AGONY OF A BABY UN DER A SKIN AFFLICTION ML When a man finds himself In the wilderness the best thing to do is to start a nawmlll. is all 1110 more terrible because It can't' t II you how it suffers. But there is relief at hand not only re lief but a permanent cure from prlck ley heat, raches, hives, ecxema and all other skin affections so preval ent among Infants during the summer months. If you want to see your ba by rest easy once again and a look of relief spread over Its little face, just apply this splendid remedy ZE MO. AVe believe honestly and sin cerely that in ZEMO you will find the cure you have been praying for. We can tell you in all truth that we have made thousands and thousands of parents happy with this simple but sure remedy. And to prove our absolute sincerity we have Instructed all druggists sell ing ZEMO to refund the purchaser his money if the very first bottle does not bring relief. Used persistently thereafter ZEMO is bound to cure. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP make the most economical as well as the cleanest and most effective treatment for affections of the skin and scalp whether on Infant or grown person. Sold by druggists everywhere and In Pendleton by our authorized agents, Pendleton Drug Co. J OUR ENTIRE ILIiMERY STOCK MUST GO All Trimmed Patterns, Plumes and Flowers, sacrificed regardless of cost. 10 BIG DAYS OF LITTLE PRICES Commences Saturday, June 24 and ( ends July 4th. buy your new sum mer hat for the 4th of July or vaca tion trip, at The Vogue Millinerv ii Opposite Post-Office )) 2) 622 Main Street