DAILY KAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETO.V, OREGON. Fill DAY. JUNE 30, 1911. PAGE FIVE PERSONAL n MENTION oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FOR FRI. AND SATURDAY in Foulards and Messalines all sizes. A dozen different shades, regular $18.50 Values. Your Choice $1 1.35 Don't forget the $2.98 sale of Linen Suits. Values up to $1 0.00 F.E.LIVENGOODCO. July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready. u I LOCALS ! See Lane & Son for atgns. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane Son. Wanted Two waitresses at Hotel Tendleton. Wanted ria:n sewing. Apply 308 South Lllleth street. Phone Platzoeder for' fresh meat lid lard. Main 445. Everybody goes to the Orpheura to ee the best and the clearest picture Buy your chickens for Sunday's dinner at the Central Meat Market. Phone Main 33. Call up Main 75 for McConnell'a express. All kinds of hauling care fully and promptly done. Everything that's good to eat. In meats and groceries at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. For' Rent Three furnished ouse keeplng rooms, electric lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses DoardeJ by the week or month at the Commercial Ilnrn, t20 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Employment office, baggage check ed, headquarters for newspapers. Geo. K. Dtmott cigar store, 521 Main street. Wanted Work on ranch by two young men, experienced. Address H. V. Masters, Gen.ral Delivery, Pendle ton, Ore. The East Oregnnlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show It by their liberal patronage. For Sale One 16 ft. Hodges header complete, with 4 boxes and nets At n bargain, If taken at once. Inquire Mrs. M. A. Hush. He,t. Ore. If you wart to mov-, call Penland Bros, Transfer, phone S391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. .Sir 'ale Underwood Typewriter, good condition. Apply this office. Lost Greek letter sorority pin. Shape of quill with row of pearl set tings. Name engraved on back. Re turn to "C," this office, for reward. Meat! Meat! Meat! if it'a on the market, it's here. Farmers' Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager, i 224 E. Court street, phone Main 445. You cun't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 13, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. Bud Wilson of Athena, was In the city last evening. J. S. Cutler of Walla Walla, was In the city yesterday. Mary Bowman of La Grande Is a guest of the Bowman. R. H. Irwin of Stanfleld, came up on the motor this morning. J. E. Perrymnn of La Grande, Is in the city on a business trip. Attorney Frederick Stelwer spent yisfrday in Echo on legal business. Hi one W'atHun returned on the lo cal this morning from the east end of the county. J. T. Hinklo the well known at torney Is a Pendleton visitor today l from Htrmlston. J. T. 'Rainville of Athena, came In from that town yesterday and spent ; the night In the city. J. R. Armstrong of La Grande, Is among the visitors in the city from the Union county seat. ; Mrs,. T. P. Banks of Walla Walla ; was among the out or town people in the city last evening, i Nelson St. Dennis, one of, the heirs ' of the famous St. Dennis estate, spent j last night in Pendleton. I Express Messenger A. B. Steel, wife and baby, came n oh the North ern Pacific train this morning. I Attorney tf. Fred Wilson of Athena I came in on the local this morning ! and Is transat-thig business In the city today. t ! Mrs. Edgar W. Smith came in from Vansycle this morning and will leave Monday for the coast io spend the summer. Lee Teutsch spent the night at the ThiiM'o nt German Hall. There will be a dance at German hall Middle Cold Spring on the night of July 4th. Good music and good time for all. Everybody Invited. Teutsch-Milne farm at Pilot Rock Junction and returned horseback this . morning. Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely entrain I ed this morning for the west end of ! the county. j C. A. Bushnell of Hermiston was in the city last evening from the west end of the county. Philo Seeley and wife and A. Whealen of Lehman Springs, are reg istered at the Pendleton. S. D. Fielder, traveling salesman for the Blake-McFall paper hou?a, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Pat McKee, wife of the popular O.-W. H. & N. yardmaster who has been in the east since March, return ed home on No. 1" today. j happens For Ico Cream Sodas That Please. Pulton's Barber Shop. The Round-up Barber Pole. Op posite Alexander's store. Plenty of hot water, clean towels, and the place whre they don't shave Chinamen, In dians or Japs. Five barbers working all the time. No long waits In this EllOp. o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Big Bargains m For the 4 th Desirable Needs of July A Heal Sale That Will Make the Bay One of Pleasure Tlio best 7c Apron Gingham at 5 The bofi J0e Dress Ginghams at 7 The be-,t 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams at 0 The lest 12 l-2c Bleached Muslin at 9 The best 12 l-2c Silkolines at 9 The best 15c Wash Goods at H The best 18c Figured Flaxons at 14? The best 12 l-2c Wash Lavn3 at 9 The best 10c Bleached Muslin at 8 The best 12 l-2c Percales at 9 The best 17 l-2c French Ginghams 12 l-2 The best 29c Scotch Ginghams at 19 The best C5c Linen Waistings at 45 The best 12 l-2c Indian Linen at 9 The best 15c India Linen at : H The best 25c India Linen at 18 ALL HOUSE DRESSES AT TIIIS 4TII OF JULY REDUCTION. The best $1.50 Dresses at $1.15 The best $1.75 Dresses at $1.40 The best $2.00 Dresses at 81.60 The best $2.50 Dresses at 1.95 The best $3.00 Dresses at $2.35 The best $1.00 Dresses at $3.20 The best $5.00 Dresses at S3.95 The best $7.00 Dresses at $4.95 $10.00 White Swiss Dresses S8.35 $12.00 White Lawn Dresses S9.95 $15.00 Silk Dresses S10.75 $18.00 Silk Dresses S12.00 $25.00 Silk Dresses S18.00 Better Goods for Less Money Wohlenberg Dep't. Store eooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o 0 comedy. John Howe, a minister's son, was supposed to be studying hard In New York to enter the ministry. In reality he was "seeing life." Don't Miss Emma Richardson, one of the miss this good comedy. spring graduates from the high school, j 3. "Mistrust." Gaumont. This is left this morning for Weston to visit , a very dramatic and well made pic her Ki'undmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hall. ' ture of a gamekeeper's family on a F. H. Sheer of Paola, Kansas, is in Pendleton on a visit with his brother. Night Officer William Sheer. This is his first visit here in nineteen years. H. W. Shafer O.-W. R. & N. sec tion foreman at Noith Work has re- Passengers to Portland can save i turned from a visit to Sacramento, t . . .v.. . .i v, ...... !..,,,. , i i extravagant. enjoyable river ride by taking boat tion tomorrow. from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatzert ; T, XVriszht n. WaI, Walla. la now on the Pendleton-Walla Walla li.cal passenger train during the ab sence of Conductor Patton who is t ilcinir n l.ivuff i leaves daily, except , "riday and Sun day at 3:30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare $1.00. Io tho Domestic Patrons of the Ijuimlry. mi account of the legal holiday Tuesday, July 4, would ask you to Ket your bundles ready as early Mon day as possible. Respectfully, THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY. Ry John F. Robinson, Man. SYRIAN SERVES SENTENCE AND STARTS SUIT (Continued from page one.) j Maurice D. Scroggs, formerly a Hermiston merchant but now in the 1 employ of the reclamation service, returned to the project town this j morning on the eany train after j .s; eliding the night in tie city. I Isaac Light, a resident of Oklaho ma, for many years arrived last eve I ning from Portland to visit at the I home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry C. , t'ralg, until after the Fourth. This i is the first trip he has made to Ore ! R.- n for ten years. Try Our CHOCOLATE ICECREAM "Tho best made." Ice'Cream Sundae One of our most populaT dishes. Fresh Strawberries served with ice cream. Once a patron, always a pat ron, at KOEPPENS was contemplating such a suit sever al months ago but was suddenly ar rested on a charge of having stolen the suit case from tho company. The raso was threshed out in the local I'uurt and the jury brought in a ver dict of simple larceny. However, as by the verdict he was adjudged guil ty of stealing property of the value of $20, ho holds that the Jury could not have found him guilty of stealing the suit case in question. Therefore, he thinks he lias a case. He has retained a Walla Walla at tornev as counsel and the express oi-mpany .1" being represented Frederick' Stelwer of this city. by Do you read the East OregonlanT Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the : AUTO CABj Twenty-five cent fares to any J S part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IX TOWN. Stand at 614 Main St. IMUZE 111 LL SELLS FOR $13,000. Kirksville, Mo. New world's rec ords for Jersey cattle prices were es tablished here today when two bulls and one cow brought $26,425 at the annual fair sales. Violt's Golden Jollv. a 7-year-old bull, born at St. Queiitin, isiand of Jersey, was sold for $13,000.NJolly Royal Sultan, a 2-year-old bull, and Lady Viola, sold for $10,000. Majesty's Lady Houhlar, 6 years old, brought $3425, said to be the biggest price ever paid for a Jer sey cow. beautiful French estate. A game keeper's duty forces him to disarm a hunter whom he finds trespassing. The picture is extremely well acted. 4. "Vanity and Its Cure." Lubin. John Hart and his wife, Effie, were a fairly happy young couple. How- ! ever, Effie was somewhat peevish and These qualities f'nally led to a quarrel and Effie went home ' to her mother. Mrs. Jenkins, to whom , she told her troubles. Mrs. Jenkins I called on her son-in-law and asked to hear his side of the question. Af ter hearing it she decided to cure her j daughter. She discharged the hired girl and told Effie to do the work to pay for her board. Effie soon ! grew tired of this and telegraphed to , her husband to come and take her . home, but John wanted the cure to I be complete and wired back that he was "too busy." Effie a mother had j concealed her good clothing, but she ' determined to return to her husband anyway. From an old teapot she got the necessary railroad fare and made the trip in her old clothes. John re ceived her with joy and she was again reinstated as mistress of his house and heart. pro- AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieuni. Pendleton's favorite picture the ater. Fine program for Friday and Saturday. 1. "Tim Mahoney, the Scab." Vit ngraph feature film. Tim is a mem ber of a labor union and Joins the strike, but stands by his wife and children when it comes to a question of labor union and family union. Those who revile him alive seek to do him honor when ho is dead. The most Intensely impressive and the most de vouringly absorbing picture ever shown In Pendleton. 2. "A Game of Deception." Lubin, Tho Pastime. The house of quality. Good grain for Friday's change: "The Flag Didn't Rise." American Pathe. This war-time story has a lieu tenant's jealousy of a private soldier for Its theme. As a consequence of this the private is wrongly accused and condemned to i)e shot, but the heroine arrives at the place of execu tion in time to save his life. The story is full of Interest and well act ed. "The Inheritance." Edison. This is a well acted farce. There Is an old saying that fortune is a fickle jade, and the plot of this film fully bears it out. The characterization in this story is exceptional and is good for Innumerable laughs before the unex petedness of the final outcome. "It Served Her Right." The cli max is mirth-awakening. It is a real comedy. "Science Versus Quackery." Gau mont. his educational subject Is full of interest. The views we get of the Interior views of the factory are in teresting and the turning of the plot upon the illness of the manufactur er's son gives It a touch that empha sizes the manufacturer's moral re sponsibility. "Dobbs, the Dobber." Lubin, com- edy. Alas, the world does not apt elate tills strenuous artist. Cosy. Extra strong program with a reel for every taste for Friday and Sat urday: "The Ranchman's Vengeance." Am erican. An extra strong western story with some exciting situations. Pedro, a Mexican, owns a sheep ranch and lives happily with his wife, Marie, and child. Flint, while- riding on the plains is overcome with the heat and Pedro takes him home. Flint and Marie fall in love and Pedro discover ing them embracing, tells Flint to take her and go, but warns him against ill-treating her. Flint tires of Marie and abuses her. Word is brought to Pedro who goes to Flint's home, where he finds Flint beating Marie. He marches Flint to a high cliff and a terrible struggle ensues, Flint being thrown over the cliff, thus avenging Pedro's wrongs. A story full of human Interest. "The Sinner." Thanhoused. An ex tremely well told emotional story. A man is accused of murder and his son, a priest, receives the confession of the real murderer, but he cannot reveal what has been told him in the confessional, though It would clear his father. The innocent man is con victed, but the murderer makes a full confession and the priest's father is freed. The story deals with deep things and handles them well. The background is interesting, being a contest between employes and their employer. "The Other Man." Nestor. In this film we have life, action, spirit and some of the lower traits of hu man nature dramatically set forth. A servant girl in a rage, the sudden appearance of a man she doesn't know, a telephone message to the husband and the mischief Is done. After a wild dash to his home he found his wife's father. All the witchery of the Nestor photography and art are displayed In this fine film. "Nearly a Hero." Solax. Dad says his daughter must marry a man of mighty deeds a hero. Jack's creditors gather In the hall prepared to beat him up, and just thon a burly plumber comes to fix the pipes. Jack hires him to fix his creditors and he gets after them, licking them all. Dad thinks Jack was the one who did the strong armed deed and consents to his daughter's marriage with Jack. Very funny. "Beneath the Moon." Solax. An other Solax comedy containing a hun dred laughs and a thousand giggles. If you have ever seen a Solax com edy you know how funny they are. If you haven't seen one, come and see these two and laugh your cares away. A MISTAKE THAT STCVG. There was a determined look in the young lady's eye as she marched into the optician's shop. "I want a pair of glasses imme diately," she said. "Good strong ones. I won't be without them for another day-" "Good, strong ones?" "Yes, please, I was out in the coun try yesterday, and I made a very painful blunder, which I have no wish to repeat." "Indeed! Mistook an entire stran ger for an old friend, perhaps." "No, nothing of that sort. I mis took a bumble bee for a blackberry." Ideas. ' The Pendleton Drug Co. is in business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER TIIIS WHEN' YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTION'S, OR WANT PERE MEDICINES HEADOUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated & S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTn POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOC?OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO0OOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Special THE Feature Picture at GRAND THEATRE Don't Fail to See Morris, the White Hope, Then Judge for Yourselves. ADMISSION ONLY 15c. - - - - - Doors Open Evenings 7 p.m. Matinee 2 p.m. o o o o o o o o o o o o o OO0O00O000O00O00OO00O00O0OO00OOOOOOO00OO.OO0O0OOOO0(O000OO00000O000000O00000O0000O