EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PEXDLETOX, OREGOX, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1911. PAGE FIVE 0000000000000000000000000000000000000900 o o PERSONAL MENTION Big Bargains in Desirable Needs For the 4 th of July FOR FRI. AND SATURDAY 20 SIL A Real Sale That Will Make ay One of Pleasure . K DRESSES in Foulards and Messalines all sizes. A dozen different shades, regular $18.50 Values. Your Choice $1 1.35 the Don t forget the $2.98 sale of Linen 1 Suits. Values up to $10.00 F. E. LlVENGOOD(&CO. July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready. locals! See Lane & Son for ilgna. Pastime picture .please all. Dutch Henry fur coal. Main 178. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane St Son. Wanted Two waitresses at Hotel Pendleton. Wanted Plain sewing. Apply SOS South Llllcth street. Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main Hi. For rent Two light housekeeping rooms. Inquire 517 Aura street. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to ee the best and the clearest pictures. Buy your chickens for Sunday's dinner at the Central Meat Market. Phone Main SJ. Call up Main 75 for McConnell's express. All kinds of hauling care fully and promptly done. Everything that's good to eat. In meats and groceries at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. For Rent Three furnished ouse keeplng rooms, electric lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses ooarded by the week or month at the Commercial Parn, S20 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Employment office, baggage check ed, headquarters for newspapers. Geo. R. Dcmott cigar store, 521 Main treet. Wanted Work on ranch by two young men, experienced. Address H. V. Masters, General Delivery, Pendle ton, Ore. Lost On the street or on the road t. Frank Prattler's ranch, a watch with J. C. M. on back. Return to this office for reward. Go to Clark's Grocery for fancy Idaho strawberries. The price Is cor rect. Tou will be stuck on the ber ries when you "ee them. The Hast Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative pitper. It Iejds ant the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. For Sale Ono 16 ft. Hodges header complete, with 4 boxes and nets. At a bargain, If taken at once. Inquire Mrs. M. A. Rush, Helix, Ore. If you war.t to more, call Penland of July 4th. Good music and good time for all. Everybody Invited. Putton's Barljcr Shop. The Round-up Barber Pole. Op posite Alexander's store. Plenty of hot water, clean towels, and the place whre they don't shave Chinamen, In dians or Japs. Five barbers working all the time. No long waits In this shop. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatzert leaves daily, except Friday and Sun-1 day at 3:30 p. m., arrives In Port-. F.aker. iana :3U. fare 11.00. R. E. Harbison of Hood River, is registered at the Bowman. S. A. Barnes of Walla Walla is transacting business In this city. , Col. H. G. Newport of Hermiston is a business visitor In the county seat. 15. A. Chlsholm of Hermiston Is among the west end residents In the city. V. II. Wylle of Walla Walla, is among the citizens of that burg in Pendleton. Mrs. H. T. Haley of Walla Walla, i.i the 'guest of her sister Mrs. Tom Thompson. Attorney C. M. Rader of Walla Walla is transacting business In Pen dleton. Mrs. Roy Penland came In this morning on the X. P. from her home at Helix. Representative S. D. Peterson of Milton is transacting business in Pen dleton today. W. R. Rhlnehart, popular travel ing hardware salesman, left on the local this morning westward bound. Roy Kirkley and Leonard Brown, well known traveling men, are pay ing rilot Rock a business visit today. The Misses Cora M. Griffin and Rena Martin of Umatilla, came up from their home yesterday on a visit to this city. -Constable H. II. McReynolds of Pilot Rock came in from that town yesterday afternoon and spent the night In the city. Mrs. Anna Kinersley, mother of Mrs. James A. Cooper, is In the city, the guest of her daughter. Her home is in The Dalles. E. L. Smith, seller of combine har vesters, returned this morning on the Northern Pacific from a visit to his son's ranch, near Vansycle. W. II. Jones and daughter, Mrs. Ernest Temple, returned this morn ing from Seattle, where they had been to witness the graduation of Miss Minnie Jones from a high school In that city. Deputy Game Warden E. B. Thompson left this morning for Mea cham, where he will look for viola tors of the game laws, after which he will make a trip through the ter ritory tributary to La Grande and The Wis Bride. "Yes, the girls gave the bride a commiseration shower." "What In the world Is that?" "Why, they all told her how sorry they were she was going to marry such a man as the coming bride groom." "That must have hurt her feelings." "No. it didn't. She knew there wasn't a girl there who wouldn't have given her eyes to get him." Cleve land Plain Dealer. H. P. O. Elks. Notice Is hereby given that a reg ular meeting of Pendleton Lodge No. 2SS. IJ. P. O. Elks, will be held at their lodge rooms tonight, June 29, 1911, at 8 o'clock p. m. There will be initiation of candidates and refresh ments. All members are requested to be present. I'y order of the exalted ruler. THUS. FIT. GERALD, Sec. Xo Dnnger in Alaska. I'tica. N. Y., June 29. W. B. Hog gatt, former governor of Alaska, .who is spending the summer near here, in discussing the decision of the mat ter of the Cunningham land claims last night said: "There is not now and never has been anything to fear from the Alas ka syndicate or any other syndicate that is willing to invest its money in railroad construction In Alaska, In development of mines or any other of its resources. Under the railroad laws, railroad monopoly is already impossible. XEWSY NOTES OF PEXDLETOX. O Mrs. Wilder Secures Divorce. In the ca.se of Mary M. Wilder vs. J. F. Wilder, Judge Phelps has hand ed down a decree for the plaintiff and given the custody of the minor child to tl plaintif until further orders. Shocked by Live Wire. Frank Ulrlch, familiarly known as "Red," one of the employes of the Pacific Light & Power company, re ceived a severe shock by a live wire yesterday but fortunately escaped without serious injury. llonrd of Control Upheld. In the matter of the determina tion of the rights to the water of Goodman Spring Branch in this coun ty, Judge Phelps yesterdty upheld the board of control, approving and confirming its findings. No objec tions were entered in the case. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Tho best 7c Apron Gingham at 5 The best 10c Dress Ginghams at 7p The best 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams at 9 The best 12 l-2c Bleached Muslin at 9 The best 12 l-2c Silkolines at 9 The best loc Wash Goods at 11 The best 18c Figured Flaxons at 14 The best 12 l-2c Wash Lawns at 9 The best 10c Bleached Muslin at S The best 12 l-2c Percales at 9 The best 17 l-2c French Ginghams 12 12 The best 29c Scotch Ginghams at 19 The best G.lc Linen Waistings at 45 The best 12 l-2c Indian Linen at 9 The best l,"c India Linen at 11 The best 25c India Linen at ...... 18 ALL HOUSE DRESSES AT TILTS 4TII OF JULY REDUCTION. The best $1.50 Dresses at The best $1.75 Dresses at The best$2.00 Dresses at The best $2.50 Dresses at The best $3.00 Dresses at Tho best $4.00 Dresses at The best $5.00 Dresses at The best $7.00 Dresses at 91.15 91.40 91.60 .. 91.95 92.35 93.20 . 93.95 94.95 $10.00 White Swiss Dresses 98.35 $12.00 White Lawn Dresses 1 99.95 $15.00 Silk Dresses . 910.75 $18.00 Silk Dresses 912.00 $25.00 Silk Dresses 91800 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money C o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I'LOWKH FESTIVAL. Excellent Program to bo Rendered and Refreshments Served. The followinir nrnirrnm will ha Bros.. Transfer, phone 3391. Large J ren(jered at the Flower Festival to be dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. Meat! Meat! Meat! If it's on the market. It's here. Farmers' Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager. 224 E. Court street, phone Main 445. Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 1V3, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. Dnneo nt German Hall. There will be a dance nt German hall Middle Cold Spring on the night (oeppensj For Ico Cream Sodaa Thai J Please. Try Our CHOCOLATE ICECREAM "The beat made." lce!Cream Sundae One of our most popular dishes. Fresh Strawberries served with ice cream. Once n patron, always a pat ron, at KOEPPENS held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Temple on South Main street tomor row, Friday, evening, under the man agement of the Indies Aid Society of the M. K. church: Program. The Proplu-t-lUrd Schumann Phantoms Mrs. Beach Miss Minnls. Thour't Like a lively Flower.... ". Chad wick In the Time of Hoses Relchert Mrs. Vaughnn. Chasnn Gracleuse Barnes Mr. Braden. Sours From an Old Garden MacDowcll The Pansy. The Myrtle, The Clo ver, The Bluebell. Mr. Blakeslee. Gavotte Severn Miss Lowell. Nightingale's Song Nevln The Violet Woodman Four Leaf Clover Coombs Mrs. Landers. Refreshments will be served nt the close of the program. A cordial wel come Is extended to tho grown peo ple of tho city to be present. There will bo no charge for admission or refreshments, but a silver offering for the choir fund will bo taken. Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the ! I AUTO CAB I Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IV TOf X. Stand at 614 Main St. ! K11I Wants to Furnish Music. L. Ruzzl, manager of Ruzzi's band of Portland, Ts in the city today ne gotiating with the directors of the fair association and the Round-up for the furnishing of music here during fair week. The directors have taken the matter under consideration and will give a definite answer soon. Ruz zi's band was hired last year, but, in asmuch as the leader signed a con tract to play seven hours a day con trary to the laws of the union, his contract was cancelled and he was fined $75. This year, however, he has permission to play seven hours and ns he has already been engaged by the Walla Walla fair, he Is very desirous of closing a contract with the local associations. (Special Correspondence.) Kcho, Ore., June 29. The wed ding of Miss Qulntllla Matthews and Mr. Charles Despain took placo last evening at the residence of the bride's parents on Butter creek at 8:30 o'clock. I Rev. Nathan Evans, pastor ot tho- M. E. church ut Pendleton, performed the wedding ceremony. Only relatives ot the two families were present. Tho bride, who Is th'S youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. 1.' Matthews, is an accomplished young lady and a general favorite 01 a large circle of friends. Mr. De spain is u prominent young business man of Pendleton, being ono of the proprietors of the Wonder Store. The happy couple left this morning for IVndjeton where they will be at home to' their many friends. Trout Fishing Is Good. Louis Scholl, one of Echo's suc cessful sportsmen, returned yesterday evening from a fishing trip' between N'olln and Echo with a basket full of trout. Among the speckled beauties were several measuring from 14 inches to 17 inches in Jength. Mrs. I. X. Prater of Walla Walla, and daughter, Mrs. Gary Taylor of Pendleton, arrived here yesterday to attend the Matthews-Dospaln wed ding. Chns. Fricdly, Mine Host of the Hotel Echo, returned yesterday from Davenport, Wash., where he and Bert Logvton were called as witnesses In a horsestealing case. Goddess of IJlKjrty Cliosen. The contest for Echo's Goddess of Liberty which has been held at the George & Miller store was closed last night at 9:00 o'clock. Miss Agness Donahue was the lucky girl. She was elected by a majority of 400 votes over to the other candidates. M. Logston will not be able to re turn home for a week. J. T. Hosklns and wife returned home yesterday evening from an ex 'tended visit to Milton, Freewater and Pendleton. Mr. Ralph Howland, secretary of the First National Bank of Pendle ton came down from that city yester day to attend the wedding of his sister-in-law, Miss Matthews. Mrs. A. Coe, who has been visitlg with Mrs. A. B. Stephens the past week, returned to her home In Pen dleton this morning. Ralph Davis of Pendleton, has ac cepted a position nt the O.-W. R. & X. Co. depot here. Homesteader Proves-up. Mr. Thos. Teague today proved up on his homestead, of 160 acres of wheat land near Butter creek, before County Clerk Saling. C. W. Garrison and Percy Jarman accompanied him ns witnesses. Robert Lewis who has been tran sacting business here returned to his Hermiston farm this morning. Attorney Stelwer of Pendleton was a business visitor here this morning. Mrs. Wm. Watenburger and dau ghter Miss Audrey Watenburger went to Pendleton this morning to spend the day. anyway. From an old teapot she got the necessary railroad fare and made the trip in her old clothes. John re ceived her with Joy and she was again reinstated as mistress of his house and heart. AT THE PICTURE SNOWS Orjdieum. Pendleton's favorite picture the ater. Fine program for Friday and Saturday, f 1. "Tim Mahoney, the Scab." Vit ngraph feature film. Tim Is a mem ber of a labor union and Joins the strike, but stands by his wife and children .when it comes to a question of labor union and family union. Those who revile him alive seek to do him honor when he Is dead. The most Intensely impressive and the most de vouringly absorbing picture ever shown in Pendleton. 2. "A Game of Deception." Lubin, comedy. John Howe, a minister's son, was supposed to be studying hard in Now York to enter the ministry. In reality he was "seeing life." Don't miss this good comedy. 3. "Mistrust." Gaumont. This is a very dramatic and well made pic ture of a gamekeeper's family on a beautiful French estate. A game keeper's duty forces him to disarm a hunter whom he finds trespassing. The picture is extremely well acted. 4. "Vanity and Its Cure." Lubin. John Hart and his wife, Effie, were a fairly happy young couple. How ever, Effie was somewhat peevish and extravagant. These qualities finally led to a quarrel and Kffie went home to her mother. Mrs. Jenkins, to whom she told her troubles. Mrs. Jenkins called" on lu' son-in-law and asked to hear his side of the question. Af ter hearing It she decided to cure her daughter. She discharged the hired girl and told Effie to do the work to pay for her boart. Effie soon grew tired of this and telegraphed to her husband to come and take her home, hut John wanted the cure to be complete and wired back that he was "too busy." Effie s mother had concealed her good clothing, but she determined to return to her husband The Pastime. The house of quality. Good pro gram for Friday's change: "The Flag Didn't Rise." American Pathe. This war-time story has a lieutenant's Jealousy of a private sol dier for' its theme. As a consequence of this the private is wrongly accused and condemned to be shot, but the heroine arrives at the place of execu tion in time to save his life. The story Is full of Interest ana well acted. "The Inheritance." Edison. This is a well acted farce. There is an old saying that fortune is a fickle jade, and the plot of this film fully bears it out. The characterization in this story is exceptional, and is good for Innumerable laughs before the unexpectedness of the final outcome. "It Served Her Right." The clinvix is mirth-awakening. It is a real com edy. "Science Versus Quackery." Gau mont. This educational subject is full of interest. The views we get of the interior of the factory are in teresting and the turning of the plot upon the Illness of the manufactur er's son gives it a touch that empha sizes the manufacturer's moral re sponsibility. "Dobbs the Dauber." Lubin, com edy. Alas, the world does not appre ciatethis strenuous artist. for Cosy. Another excellent program W ednesday and Thursday. "The Poet of the People," Than houser. This is a feature film and the story depicts a poet in rags read ing a poem to the people in which the king i3 severely critisized, and for this he is hurried away to sum mary execution. But a girl, a ward of the king feels sorry for the poet who is seeking to right the wrong of the people and she pleads for him. The noose has been placed about the poet's heck when the king arrives w-lth a pardon. The ending is hap py. Finely acted and beautifully colored. "Second Sight," -Imp. A splendid story. Tom and Owen both love Gertrude, and Owen steals a photo and shows Tom, who in Jealous an ger Joins a party going to the wilds of South America; The party is cap tured by savages, but Tom's life is spared. In the newspaper account all hands are reported lost. But Gertrude, in a vision sees Tom alive In the wilds. She persuades Owen to go search for Tom, and to please her he goes, and finds Tom. Gert rude promises to marry Owen If he finds Tom, but Owen refuses to hold her to the promise and gives her to Tom. "Chief Crow's Defeat," Bison. This is an Indian picture without any palefaces in it. It shows the bitter hatred that existed between the tribes in olden times and the battles be tween' the Crow Indians and the Sioux are very exciting. It Is all grim Indian life and warefare. "An Exception to the Rule," Rex. A girl was going to prove to her mar ried friend that all men are fickle and can be led astray so she wrote 'a note asking him to meat her in the park and to wear a white rose so she would know him. But a drum mer got the note and here the mlxup begins. Meanwhile the innocent hus band comes home wearing a white rose and wifey decides he is guilty. But the end is full of surprises for all hands. A high class comedy, beau tifully colored. NEW! TELEPHOKE DIRECTORY FOR PENDLETON WILL CLOSE JUNE 30th Any changes or additions to listings or advertis ing matter for this issue must bo arranged for on or before this date. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company