East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 28, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    L S i
Showers tonight or(
Calling card, wed
ding Btat'onery, com
mercial stationery And
Job printing to order
at the East Oregorlan.
VOL. 24
NO. 7251
Attorney Danow Openly Ac
cuses Prosecution of Using
"Third Degree" Methods
TO TESTIFY before jury
District Attorney Prepares Contempt
Charge and Will l'llo Sumo Against;
Prisoner's Wife, Unless Slio Yields.
Detectives Assert Alleged Dywi- ,
miter Regs Sixmsc to Desert Dc-
feiiso uml Assist
Prosecution bi
Angelett, Juno 28. Notice was
bervl on Attorney Darrow tills after-j
noon from the district attorney's of-
floe, to hhow cause why Mrs. Mc.Man-
lnl should not bo cited to appear for
trial for contempt of court.. Mr. '
Darrow said ho was ready to meet the j
caso in court.. Arguments win do
undo iMToro Judge liuuoii oi t"o su
perior court.
Los Angeles,
June 28. Declaring
that Mrs. Ortlo McManulgal, wile oi march club at the Charterhouse to
the alleged dynamiter of the -Times night. As a matter of fact the cen
bulldlng, is being hounded and that tennary will not be until July 18,
she has a right to refuse to testify uil, but the dinner was arranged for
before the grand Jury, counsel for tho tonight, because the Brothers in res
McNamara brohtrs, today sent her idence go out of Commons at tho end
before the grand Jury with instruc-; 0f June. Among those who are to at
tlons not to discuss any phase of the ' tend will be tho Lord Chief Justice,
case. I who will represent the governors of
Deputy District Attorney Veitch an- the Charterhouse. Sir Algernon West,
nounced that he had already prepared Anthony Hope Hawkins and other em
a contempt charge against her and lnent writers.
that if she persisted In her refusal to !
testify, she will bo locked up. The jj, jCi(ns (lt
woman says she will not testify. xcw York, June 28. The dlsburse-
"Tlilrd Degree'' Charged. nients of dividends and interest for
Attorney Darrow denounced tho the quarter year, ending last Friday,
prosecution for what he terms "third . commenced today by various railroads
degree" methods being used to secure and Industrial corporations. It Is es
infornmtion from her. I timated the total will amount to
Arthur Veitch, deputy district at-, $230,000,000.
torney, stated positively mat mere
had been no "third degree" methods
used In connection with Mrs. McMan
igal and declared equally positively, '
in answer to a question about a ru-1
mor that McManlgal at last had been ,
promised complete Immunity, that :
such was not and would not be tho
Woman With Husband.
The prosecution arranged a stage
setting that had unexpected dramatic
effects. Thev confronted Mrs. Ortle
E. McManlgal with her husband, one
nt tho accused conspirators. In
the .
ante room of the grand jury chamber
and before the interview ended she
had fallen in a swoon. j city on "Habits and Life of B ids."
Later, when she emerged, hysterl- j The pictures were taken by Mr. Fin
cal, from the ordeal. Attorney Joseph ( ley himself in the Harney and Klam
Scott, an associate of Clarence S. Dar-, ath lake district and required an in
row in the defense of tho McNamara j finite amount of patience,
'brothers, rushed among the detectives In Introducing his subject, Mr. Fin
surrounding her, and brandishing his ),y spoke for about fifteen minutes
clenched fists, swept them aside wlthl-on non-game birds and his talk along
threats of violence if they did not
ceaso "hounding this woman.'
Threatened With Prison.
A signed statement, bearing on the ( ance n0 gcta trom birus which he
allaged "sweating" of Mrs. McManlgal considers as pests and from which
by representatives of tho district at- lle prnys deliverance. Birds are a
torney's office, was given out this Rrent factor In maintaining the bal
afternoon by counsel of tho McN'a-iancc of nnturPi nr- Finley. and
maras and signed by Darrow, Scott, ' lhe nmount of damage they do to
Harriman and Davis. The statement cr0pH 3 ns nothing to the amount of
says tho woman was threatened with 1 ROO(, tlry (1(J TllPil. destructive work
the penitentiary and the threats had ,H obpprvod w(th curses and maledic
so worked upon her that b!io faintod. tions but their constructive work
According to the detectives tho ob- ,,nBSOg without notice or mention.
Ject of tho Interview was to have Mo- j Tbe robln does not commence to
Manigal lnduco 'hia wife to chango pnt tll0 cborrcs which ho has asslst
her attitude and abandon the defense. Pt( ln brnKng to maturity and even
It developed that while the attor- J tbo crow s n benefactor, black though
neys for tho defense who remained , bp nlny be sa,j tho great birdman.
out.-lde the grand Jury room all tho . ho Insects, worms and pests which
time Mrs. McManlgal was within, that (1Pse birds destroy annually would.
McManlgal was not taken before the j if allowed to live, cause hundreds of
grand jury at all. When his wife had ' times more damage and destruction
been beforo that body for a brief pe- than their destroyers.
With practically every man pres
ent save those out of town or pro
vided with sufficient excuses tho
semi-annual Inspection of company
L was held last evening with Cap
tain M. S. Kern as Inspecting officer.
The inspection and drill showed the
company to bo well trained and
Following tho inspection a meet
ing of the company was hold and the
same was attended by tho members
ot the commercial club committee
and other business men. Many of
thoso present addressed the company
briefly. George Hartman, Jr., was
the first speaker and also had the
honor to present members of the
company with decorations won by
good work on the rifle range.
Captain C. A. Murphy, former com
mander of company M. of Salem,
Dan P. Smytho, former captain of
company L. Leon Cohen, Attorney
riod, she was taken Into the ante room
and left alono with her husband, who,
It was asserted by Burns detectives,
pleaded with her to align herself with
the prosecution, telling her that she
would be well provided for. Later
they were Joined by Malcolm Mc
Iare'n, one of Burns' lieutenants, who
added his importunities to that of h'-'r
husband, ' - ,f
North Yakima, Wash., June 28.
To marry a man whom she. had met
but once, about a year ago, after a
correspondence courtship. Miss Ida
Myer, daughter of Andrew Mycr of
North Yakima, left this city about
three weeks ago. Announcements
were received Saturday by her friends
here of her marriage in New York
City, June 17, to J. Cleveland Baker.
Slaslies Throat and Dies.
North Yakima. Wash.. June 2S.
Detected by the odor arising from de-
composed remains, a man identiuou ,
rank u uonneii, ewuenuy a tran-
bichi miiii.-i.-i, us iuuiiu ueuu uu iu j
oank or me iakima river one rourtn
of a mile below the Intake of the Sun- I
nysldc canal at 6:30 o'clock last night
with the throat cut from ear to .ear.
All indications pointed to suicide. Al-
though a keen edged razor was found
among the belongings of the dead
man, he had ended his life with a
pocket knife.
Centenary of Tliackery.
London, Juno 28. The centenary
of William Makepeace Thackeray's
birth will be "celebrated by the Tit-I
Illustrating his talk with one of the
finest collection of slides on bird life
In the world, W. L.
Finley, state
game warden and prominent bird ov
er, last evening spoke to a small but
intensely interested audience In the
this line would be very valuable In
bringing the average farmer to a
sense of of appreciation for the assist
Joseph Skrnbel and E. B. Aldrlch al
so were tailed upon.
Captain Murphy urged . that tho
company should be maintained as a
strong organization and that an ar
mory be provided. He thinks it eas
ily possible to secure an armory for
the city. Captain Murphy Is popu
lar with the guardsmen and they
showed their good feelings for him
last evening by unanimously electing
him to be their commander. How
ever, Mr. Murphy declined to actrpt
the honor.
SUrable for Captain.
Attorney Joseph Skrable Is tho most
talked of man for captain of the
company. Many friends of the law
yer are urging him to take the com
mand If chosen for they consider him
the "Man of the Hour" ln this In
stance. If ho will consent to take the
captaincy he will undoubtedly be el
ected as the militiamen favor his selection.
Case Involving Rights on Little Wal
la Wallu River Will lo Taken to
Supremo Court., by Timi-u-Limi
People. ,
The end of the water litigation in
the east end of the county Involv
ing the rights of nil users along the
Little Walla Walla river has not been
written yet, for before the time al
lowed for appealing is up tomorrow,
the case will have been u.pealjl to
jthe supreme court by one of th.j nvtny
This case, known originally a- t'.v
Peacock Mills vs. The Finis lrriga-
tlon Co- tt ai Dut in wi,.n t,e ,,i
tiff ls now kn0Wn as th Little Wal-!
t alla Irrigation Union, has bc-n I
it, ,hp ,.nurts ror v.ars and is one ,,i
considerable importance. When
j,,(ge jr. J. Bean handed down hi
decision Just before stepping off the
circuit bench, it was thought that
jthe case was ended but it now seems
that the Tum-a-Lum company is dis
satisfied with the amount of water
given it under Bean's adjudication an i
will appeal. To counter this move,
it is said upon excellent authority,
the plaintiff will file a cnss appeal.
Tho appeal will mean that there
will be much additional delay and ex
pense attached to the case.
Secretary Knox and Ambassador
llr.vce Meet and Settle all Differ
ences Retwcen Two Nations.
Washington, June 2S. It was of
ficially announced this afternoon at
the White House that the peace arbi- J
tratlon treaty between the United j
Staea and Great Britain had been
agreed upon at a conference between
Ambassador Bryce and Secretary
Knox. A tentative draft of the treaty
submitted by Mr. Knox, was discuss-
ed, Ambassador Bryce offering only )
minor modifications. Following the
brief visit of Mr. Pryce to the White
House, it was announced that all dif
ferences l ad been settled.
London June 2S. Sixty thousand
troops evacuated this city today, af- colVed hole from Governor Clark of
ler taking part In the coronation fes-j the nortnorn territory. Quarantines
tivlties. All the infantrymen ruive',,ave bPen established at Eagle City
gone, while some cavalrymen still anJ skagwav to prevent nn outbreak
remain. For the visit of King George of thp djsea'se at Dawson City from
and Queen Mary to London tomorrow spreading across the international
troops will be drafted from the garrl- , boundary. Governor Clark consid
soiis nearest the city. Things are re- eied the situation dangerous as min-
l turning to their normal state again. '
The biggest part of the crowds are
rt turning to their homes.
Mount Airy, Ga., June 2S. James
Adolph Cody, aged 2, weight 122
pounds and growing every day is de
clared to be the biggest baby boy in
the world. He sleeps well and is per
fectly healthy, and eats meals like
a grown man. James' measurements
Height, 39 inches, barefoot; neck,
14; bust, 33; waight, 36; arm above
elbo, 12; wrist, 8; across hand above
thumb, 6 1-4; first linger near hand,
2 1-4; thigh, 2"); knee. 13: ankle. 9;
around foot, S 1 2; length of feet,
6 1-4; shoti'ders, 15.
London, June 2S. The seamans'
strike is more serious than ever to
day. At Liverpool, 4,000 longshore
men employed by the White Star,
Cunard, Ellerman, Dominion and
Canadian Pacific lines struck sym
pathetically, causing shipping to come
to a sttndstill. At Glasgow fierce
rioting occured on tho docks today
and many were hurt. The crews of
every liner-ln tne port nave joined
the strikers. At Hull all dock labor
ers struck to day in sympathy with
the seamen and tied up all the fish
provision sale trade on the east coast
of England.
London, Juna 28. Writing
from Madrid, n correspondent
for tho London Times, declares
that tho condition of-King Al
fonso is moro serious than has
hitherto been admitted. Ho
says that another operation for
the removal of a diseased bono
from the royal head Is lmpera-
tlve and adds that there is gen-
oral fear that the rsult of the
operation may bo grave.
I'liiMviilin;' Attorney Slakes Opening
Statement ami Another liitter Legal
Rattle Is On.
Seattle, June 28. With the Jury
completed, Prosecuting Attorney
M.irphy began his opi ning statement
to the jury today In the second trial
of fornit-r Chief Wappenstein of the
Seattle police department, for graft
ing. The jury was completed late yes
terday afternoon. Every peremptory
challenge available was exercised by
both th prosecution and defense and
i. reparations have been made for a
bitter fight. The first trial resulted
in a disagreement.
The Jury that will try Wappenstein
upon the charge of accepting a bribe
of $1000 from Gideon Tupper and C.
J. Gerald for permitting them to op
erate the Paris and Midway crip
houses while he was chief of police
of Seattle, was sworn in late yester
day. The personnel of the jury is as
M, LaDuke, iron moulder; E. Man
dy, cook; Mike Auter, pipe fitter; R.
Meat-ham, stationary fireman; Peter
Pearson, farmer; II. H. Simmons, fac
tory manager; It. C. Smith, street car
conductor; C. C. Christensen, master
mechanic; Oliver Campbell, clerk;
Ole Akerson, farmer; A. F. Peterson,
grocer; Albert Saylor, mining man.
New York. June 28 That fifteen
miLlion dollars 'worth of dutiable
goods were smuggled into this port
Hiirino- tho sW vears nrior to the
Loeb. administration, is stated here
today by customs officials. The rev-
elation result., from the development j
- .h.i, ,n.
closed when the collector acted in
the cases of Nathan Allen and John
uoinns. millionaires. no aie una. s- ; Court Judge Newman. Morse's nt
ed with tailing to declare $300,000. torneys have mlied a notice of appeal
Washington. June 28. An appeal;
for federal aid to prevent a spread of
small pox in Alaska has just been re
ers are coming into Alaska from the
Dawson district at a rate of
100 a
Washington. June 28. The charges
made by Miss Lillian Dorworth, sec
retary to Representative Robert Die
wenderfer, of Pennsylvania, that an
unknown party had attempted to
bribe her to surrender documents re
lating to the government shoe con
tract scandal, will be laid before the
house committee on expenditures of
the war department today. Represen
tative Dief end orfer says he has some
very sensational evidence that will
prove that favoritism was shown in
awarding the government shoe con
San Francisco, June 28. I'oundins
on the rocks off the Cliff house, near
the entrance to Golden Gate, the $."i0.
0(0 steam schooner Signal today is in
imminent danger of becoming a to
tal wreck. She struck last night af
ter a high pressure valve stem had
blown off while' she was close in
shore. Powerful searchlights from
Fort Miley and scores of automobile
lamps aided in the rescue of Captain
Herbert Nason, his crew of seven
men and S. E. Phillips an Oakland
garbage Inspector. They were hauled
ashore on a line. Tho vessel had
been used to haul garbage from Oak
land to the sea.
San Francisco, Cal., June 2S.
Jumping from the seventh
story of the Hotel Fasley, a
young woman who recently ar
rived here from Honolulu on
the steamer Sierra and who is
registered as Diss F. dishing,
was Instantly killed today. She
was apparently refined. She
left a noto asking the officers
to notify Charles Cushlng of
her act.
Houston, Texas, June 2S. There is j
one convict in the Texas penitentiary
who likes the prison life so well that ;
he doesn't want to leave it. Recent-j
!y when the board of pardon advisors,
met in regular session a communica
tlon was read from a convict for
whom efforts were being made to e-
cure a pardon. The convict asked I
that efforts to secure his freedom be
ignored. ,
It is believed the governor, and
board will act favorably on the man's
request. The. convict declared he
knew it was the daughter of an I
uncle who was seeking his freedom,
but he says "please don't pay any at
tention to their efforts for a parole
or a pardon." He says he is well
pleased with life in prison, that he
gi ts all he w ant's to eat and a chance
to go to church.
Woman Anxious to Stand Trial for
Hanging Step-daughter, With Aid
of Hrotlier.
; Chicago, June 2S. Evelyn Arthur
Oroville, Calif., June 25. Plans for ! See took the stand today and testl
the defense of Mrs. Emma Rumballjfied that he had not had illicit rela
and her brother, Archie Lewis, who i tlon with the Bridges and Rees girls,
are being held fi the alleged hanging! As he left the stand Mrs. Bridges, en
of Helen Rumball, age 14 years, and j raged by the testimony of Charles
the acc used woman's step-daughter. Cotthart, a reporter, who stated that
began today. The woman has recov-I Mrs. Bridges had purified herself by
ered her spirits and is anxious for j disrobing and standing naked befora
the trial to commence. She declares 1 the "Revealer," attacked See. She
the girl hanged herself following the
administration of punishment for a
trivial ofense. The officials assert
she and Lewis beat the child and.
then tied her to a post In an attic,
where the girl died.
Reieliinan Convicted.
New York, June 28. Joseph Reich
man, former president of the Car
negie Trust company was today con
victed of making a false report to
the state banking department. Reich
man will be sentenced later.
Morse Petition Denied.
Atlanta, Ga Jun3 28. The appli
,. , . v,...ut
cation lor a naDeas corpus writ ioi '
' . -v
who is serving a term in the federal
prison nere lor bank wrecking was
denied louay ny l nueo fuues ircuu
special trains to
During each day of the Round-up
two special trains will be run daily to
Pendleton from Walla Walla and one
special is to be brought down from
Dayton. A special is also to be run
to the city from Huntington while
special trains will run daily from the
west end of the county. Special rates
for the three days of the show will"
be granted to all points from The
Dalles on the west and to Huntington
on the east. Special one day rates
will be given from other points out
side this district save from Portland
where the special rates will be effec
tive for two days.
An announcement to this effect
was made today following a meeting
of the Round-up directors and rail
road men last night. Among the
transportation men present were J.
M Scott, assistant general passenger
agent for the O.-W. R. & N., Jack
O'Neill, traveling passenger agent,
and Robert Rums, of Walla Walla.
Two American Killed.
San Diego, Cal., June 2S. News of
two further murders of Americans in
Lower California was brought by ref
ugees from Ensenda who arrived on
the steamer San Diego. The names of
the victims were not learned. They
were killed at Alamo after the kill
ing of four other persons there, news
of which was received some days ago.
Lawlessness is rampant throughout
the territory, it is reported. At Alamo
the stores belonging to .Mm G. Car
mil and Patrick Rrennan. who were
murdered, were burned. Other prop
erty belonging to foreigners has been
That C. S. Jackson and Harry L.
Corbett of Portland are planning to
bring a special train party from
Portland to the Roundup to arrive
here Thursday morning, the first day
of the big show, is tho interesting
news brought by John M. Scott, as
sistant general passenger agent for
tho O.-W. R. & N., who with other
railroad men met with the Round-up
directors last evening.
"Mr. Jackson and Mr. Corbett are
Intending to bring a party out of
Portland Wednesday night of the
Round-np week." says Mr. Scott,
"and it is possible the Fortland Hunt
club will come In a body to the fron
tier show. The members of the club
may bring their horses and ride ln
"Revtaler" Testifies in Own
Behalf and Denies Intimacy
With Followsrs
Police Captain ami Reporters to
Whom Confessions Were Made,
Relate Same to Court Attorneys
for Defense Rattle Against Evi
dence, Claiming Coercion Was Used
in Securing Alleged Admission.
was pull -'d off before she had serious
ly inju-ed him.
Jury Excluded.
Desperate attempts were made by
the attorney for See, to keep from
the jury the testimony of Police Cap
tain Danner and several newspaper
reporters, who have sworn that they
heard See, the Bridges girl and Mona
Rees admit illegal relations.
When attorneys for the state called
their witnesses this morning, See'i
attorneys protested, asserting that the
confessions were secured under
threats and by promises of immunity.
Winally the jury was excluded while
Captain Banner and the reporter
testified. A new danger for the "Re-
"v 11 "tta
i. , .t. u
;Pc,rted that Mildred had become
ported that Mildred
; reconcilea t0 ner fatl)er whom sne
, had formarIy denounced
"Golden Rihle" Faked.
It was stated at the state's attor
ney's office late yesterday that a re
markable similarity has been discov
ered between the "Golden Bible" or
the Mormon church and certain pas
sages from the "Rook of Truth,"
which figures largely in the trial of
Evelyn Arthur See. .
"In the 'Golden Bible' which Joseph
Smith claimed to have deciphered
from plates of gold revealed to him.
Smith frequently speaks of fr.ee wo
men and men in the strain which
seems to have been closely copied by
See," said Trosecutor Burnham. "The
men we have tiad making compari
sons tell me that large portions of
Sees book were taken vertatim or al
most so, from the Mormon book."
Mona Rees concluded her testi
mony. The prosecutor was unable
to secure answers from her satisfac
tory to himself. Miss Rees repeated
ly took refuge in her constitutional
right not to incriminate" herself, or
by answering with quotations from
"The Book of Truth."
Los Angeles, Cal., June 28. The so
called treasure ship Eureka, docked
at San Pedro this morning. Captain
Burtis stated that no treasure had
been found. It had previously been
reported that the vessel had found
J15.000.000 off tho Honduran coast.
Tho treasure had supposedly been bu
ried by pirates.
San Diego, Cal., June 2S. The rep
osition of August Grata of Oxnard,
who left Alamo. Lower California, be
fore th- shooting of Dr. Foster and
other Americans by drunken Mexican
troops, was sent to Secretary of State
Knox today by District Attorney Ut
lcy Gratz told of the atrocities
against Americans in Lower Califor
the parade and otherwise participate
in the Roimd-up."
Commercial Club Also.
Aside from tho Jackson-Corbctt
special train, there is also to bo a
I special train out of Portland on Frl-
day night of the Round-up week.
This will bring the -Portland commer
cial club party and the members who
make tho junket will be here for Sat
urday's Round-up performance.
Not long ago Secretary C. C. Chap
man of the Portland club announced
the plans with reference to the trip
for the closing day of the show Jnd
the fact the Portland Commercial
club will come by special train was
hailed with delight that was only
equalled by tho pleasure with which
the announcement of 'the Hunt club
special was received last night.