PAGE EIGHT PAILY EAST OUEGOM.W. PENDLETON. OltEGOX, TIKSOAY, JVXE 27, 1011. EIGHT PAGES Fruits and Vegetables the fresh, crisp and jucy kind. Everything the market offers In fresh fruits and green vegetables U found here first You'll find our quality highest and prices lowest. conomy Jars Just receive .1. large J line of Keonomy ii( fruit jars, wht.h we j are selling at the fc lowest pri. es. Tops always on hand. (i Newsy Notes of Pendleton sengers who were In the bus yhon tho race started were Jolted out, strik ing the street on all fours. (I lurch lliiys Lots. Peeds have been filed with the IH-itoon 1 Cm ml father. Sunday night a child was born to Mr. and Mrs. lliehurd Nye at tho home of A. V. Xye on Water street. Motuii Is IJooovorliijr. M. J. Moran, section foreman at Cs'.yuse who was stabbed during tho j county recorder by which the Fran- i rlsean Capuchin Order of the Diocese of Baker secures possession of eight i lots In Stanflcld for the purpose of building a church. The lots wore purchased from the City Realty com- j pnny and Henry Waldo Coe. ' Order of Adoption Kevoketl. recent Italian riot, has sufficiently! 1 Pon Ine P"ion or Viola H. An n covered from his injury as to bo 1 ,1or9 Judfie Phelps yesterday revoked aide to sit up at the tft. Anthony's hospital. He was out upon the porch at the hospital yesterday. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY ISC. ', WHERE AIX ARE PLEAS FI. 1 FRAXK O'GAKA. Pre. BERXAltn O'GAKA. Sec-Tivws. i TAFT AND DINEEN MENTIONED IN CASE HINTS CAMMED CREDIT FOR STEVENSON'S ELECTION Pnluth Lumberman Claims to Have Heard Conversation Over Long Dis tance Plioiie. Washington, June 27. Testifying before the Lorimer Investigation com mittee, W. A. Cook, a lumberman of Duluth, swore today that Hines, the alleged collector of the $100 000 s:ush fund, had declared to him (Cook) that he was responsible for the election of United States Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin. Cook said Hines told him that Lorimer would be the next senator. In the Grand Pacific hotel just pre ceding Lorimer's election. Cook said the phone rang and he answered 1t. The operator said that Governor Di neen was on ths wire. Cook trans ferred the phone to Hines. who said: "Is this Governor Dineen I have Just left Taft and Aldrich. They tell me that on no consideration should Hopkins be returned to the senate. Lorimtr wants to be elected and I will furnish all the money needed. Don't stop at anything." Xew York Music Teachers. Buffalo, N. Y.. June 27. Music teachers of Xew Tork state commenc ed their annual convention in Buffa lo today. An elaborate musical pro gram will be a feature of the meet ing, which will continue three days. HEADOUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the .., Celebrated, F'S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. COMPANY LIST FIND NEW CAPTAIN This is the evening for the semi annual inspection of company L, and the general public is invited to be present at the armory at S o'clock to see the showing made by the Pen dleton guardsmen. For the purpose of holding the semi-annual inspection Captain M. S. Kern came up from Hermiston this morning. Speaking of the company and its prospects, Captain Kern said: "There is no reason why a strong company should not be maintained here right along and it only proper in terest Is shown the company will be alright. There is also a good chance of securing an armory building for this city. "But unless the company makes a good showing at the inspection and unless a permanent captain can be secured soon, the company may face disbandment. I am merely serving temporarily as commanding officer and will be glad to be relieved since I am no longer a resident of Pendle ton. "From July 9th until 15th, there wi'.I be officers and non-commissioned officers school at the Clackamas rifle range. All officers of the guard, the first sergeants and one duty ser gant from each company are instruct ed to attend and will be expected to attend unless positively prevented from so doing. "The annual O. N. G. rifle shoot occurs from July 12 to lath, and will be held at Clackamas." Wiitcr was liiariiod. Many of the riders in the wild west parade today and trouble with their mounts Chile passing the Siebert tail oring shop on Webb street. It was fi nally discovered that the water in a pool In front of the shop had been accidentally charged with electricity through a wire from a nearby pole. tho order of adoption made bv the county court some time ago by which the niece of the petitioner, Mary Jane Swash, was made the legal daughter of her uncle and stepfather. William Swash. The girl, who is twelve years of age is said to have nn estate valued 1 at $75,000. The aunt Is now petition- ! ing to adopt her. OBJECT TO CITY LIFE. Suburbanites Will Resist Proposed Annexation to Cottage Grove. Cottage Grove, Or., June 27. Those persons residing outside of the cor poration limits of Cottage Grove who were forcibly brought into the city at the special election of May 1 have concluded to resist annexation in the courts and have created a fund among themselves for the purpose, after having consulted legal talent. The? ?et up the claim that the city of Cottage Grove had no legal F'fiht to call an election outside of the cor poration, and furthermore, that it had, no legal authority for proclaim ing the territory annexed without a favorable majority vote of the elec tors residing within the area propos ed to be taken into the city. Since the election last May residents and land owners of the alleged annexed territory have refused to comply with laws and ordinances of the munici pality, and will claim the right to pay taxes nunder the county levy instead of that of the city. Injured Man Still Low. i lieorge Mustard of Hermiston, who was Injured through falling from a freight car at Stanfield recently is still very low at St. Anthony's hos pital and his condition is considered critical. Mustard was working on a' warehouse and when hurt was on top of a box car, from which he acci dentally stepped off. Nowlyutxls Arc Hero, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kimery arrived yesterday morning from Portland where they were married last Thurs- Sih's to Collect Notes. Frank Brown, administrator of tho estate of Hans Peter Hervlck, known as Peter Xelson, has. commenced suit against A. W. Daubner for the col lection of sums due on two promissory notes which it is alleged defendants gave to August Fenians and which have since come into the possession of plaintiff. The notes are for the sums of J138 and $189.40 with inter est and $50 attorney fees. Lowell and Winter, Johnson and Skrable are plaintiffs attorneys. Water Case is Appealed. The case of Frank K. Donnelly and William H. Doughtrey vs Joseph Cun ha has been appealed to the su- ?th' ccremon- tak'"G Place at the tifls from lne Jeir'ee maJe Macn j hite Temple. Mrs. Kimery was for merly Miss Emma B. Traxler of De troit Mich. Mr. Kimery is to take his position as day clerk at the Hotel St. George and they will make their home in Pendleton permanently. giving the defendant the right to di vert and use 150 inches of water un der a six inch pressure prior to the rights of the plaintiffs. Carey & Kerr. Harrison Allen, H. R. Johnson and Frederick Steiwer are attorneys for the appelants. The plaintiffs are familiarly known' as the ' Henrietta Milling company of Echo. iu Your Choice of Our L- $4.50 A. ' I I $5.00 ft I Summer I Oxfords f f They are all of Boston Store quality the kind that I i ff make walking a pleasure A j THE BOSTON STORE his connection with an unique religi ous sect popularly known as Snake Three More to Jail. Three more guests secured rooms ii the city hotel today and if arrivals , continue, the accommodations of that ' n.,iwwx institution will be sorely taxed. John Residents of the east end nennj ,vas given tnree Hays tor lm- city are complaining of petty thlev bibing too freely. Ed Burke five days . ing on the nart of a hand of hoboes on a drunk and disorderly charge and having a camping ground near the Frank Maley three days for drunk- two railroad bridges. There are said eness. Tohn Mite escaped incarcer-1 to have- been close to 40 men in the ation by forfeiting his bail of five: r!lmn fp. ,ia h to,i disorderly charge. havoc with butter, pem nn other i It. He w as prosecuted for criminal emoies mat nau Deen leit on me "Bieci, rui me jury iuuea 10 convici. dollars on a Charmers, died at Preston, Kan. His body will be brought here for burial. Talklngton, who was a wealthy far mer, became so carried away with the I doctrines of the sect that he would I have deeded all his property to one of tho j of their preachers had not his son Hoy succeeded in getting a guardian appointed by the Probate court, this same son afterwards becoming a con vert himself. His wife died of ty phoid fever without medical attention because the belief of the sect forbade Itetnrn from Yellowstone. C. B. Daniels and nephew, J. C. Daniels, returned this morning from a trip through Yellowstone Park and report a splendid outing with the weather ideal. Mr. Daniels says the principal souvenirs which he brought back from the great national reserve are- in the form of welts on his 'body due to the voracious mosquisoes which are among the exhibits in the park of natural wonders. Has Umatilla County Suit. G. M. Rice, cashier of the National bank, is wearing a new gray suit which is distinctly a product of Umatilla county and in which he feels I a pardonable pride. The cloth was made at the Pendleton Woolen Mills from wool grown by the J. E. Smith Land & Sheep company and is of nau been left on j kitchen porches in that part of town. ( T. J. Tweedy is one of those who has , suffered from the depredations of the hoboes. Last night some of the crowd boldly robbed the Tweedy refrigerat or f some butter, bacon milk and other articles. At the home of Cute Itothrock the pilferers got away with a dressed chicken and other delica cies. That the hoboes camped near the bridges are the guilty parties i seems conclusive from the fact that some pans that were stolen from the liothrock place were found at the First . camp. The Talklngtons later went to west' ern Kansas, where they organized a colony of the Snake Charmers' cult. From time to time reports of mem bers being bitten, while handling rat tlesnakes, have appeared In he pa pers. Talklngton's wife died from a snake bite a couple of years ago, and soon after Talklngton himself was bitten by a rattler he was handling. He recovered after a long Illness, hut never was In good health again. He leaves an estate In this county valued at fully $20,000. Free Demonstration Of Butterick Patterns, this week, by Mrs. C. C. Herrlck, special repre. sentatlve of the Butterick Pub. Co. Expert advice on sewing, and pat terns fully explained at THE PEOPLE3 WAREHOUSE. Where it Pays to Trade. Save Your Coupons. "SXAKE C1IAKMEK" IS DEAD. Member of Strange Soct in Kansas Passes Away, i Wellington, Kan. William Talk- splendid texture It was presented , th count a few ago through to Mr. Rice by the Bishop brothers, Hiaiiagcis ui me mm, as a tu&en 01 appreciation for his assistance -in es tablishing the mill here. Don't be afraid of the Hons in the way. Lions are mostly "like folks more roar than reason. Easy Shoes for the 4th of July Tli? DnniiiiiM-'s SaiiifiL- .Store can rave you enoujili on vour outfit to Ijhvc a umk time on the 4th of Julv. ARE WE RIGHT ? Viine ami inwstiprate. THE HUB 745 Main Street, T'etwcen Tavlor Hardware and Pendleton Dm. 2 Co. Huln Helps and Damages. . 1 Edgar W. Smith, who is farming 5000 acres of wheat land In the Van-1 sycle country, la in the city today and declares th'e rain last evening war a. great blessing to the farmers in his I neighborhood as their crops were about a week behind what they should I ha T-T -ttrii'riT annrta tViA roc. ' 1 - iivnt vt( i cut 11 will iiiu ervation are to the effect that the rain did more damage than good as some wheat and considerable barley , (" 11 i. -..y. cfnro exrtA was beaten down by the liquid pel-! VU at UU1 SlUIC CUIU lets. our Prize Saddle Exhibited. The firm of Hamley & Company has on exhibition in its window the prize saddle which It will award to the winner of the wild mule race to be held at Round-up Park on the 1 Fourth of July as ono of the big fea-' tures of the celebration. The saddle is a handsome one. retailing at J50, j and is made with the patent cinch ring. Seven entries for .this race! have already signed up and others j are expected before the date arrives. C' whoys who iuten I contesting for j the saddle are requested to notify J;i:k Kf-efe at the Commercial nso- eiation rooms or Lee D. Drake at the Kast Oregunlan office $1.00 FR.EE ask for one of famous Watch Puzzles The road only looks rough to the folks tha fear to travel it; once well on the way, you climb the hills and forget about them. The Pendleton Drug Co. is In business for "Your Good Health" RUM EM HER THIS WIIEX YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIOXS. OH WANT PURE MEDICINES DO NOT FORGET when phoning your order for meat, that WE CARRY A COM PLETE MXE OP FAXCY AXD STAPLE GROCERIES, and our prices are RIGHT. Fresh fruits and vegetables received dally. "Everything to eat, Groceries and meat." CASH MARKET Court and Johnson Sts. Phono Main 101 Car. K It Wild West Runnuay. A short but exciting runaway oc curred on Alta street this afternoon when one of the bus teams engaged In hauling 7Kissenirri to the wild wst show became frightened and dashed down the street. The rig was near the corner of Main and Alta when one of the horses became frightened by getting one leg over a tug. The team dashed down Alta street at a brisk clip and it was several blocks before the driver could stop the an imals by zigzagging them. Two pas- Every person who can solve this pu;:zle, upon purchasing goods to the amount of $2.00, will receive abso lutely free, $1.00 in merchandise. Jt Is easy worked when you know how. Call and ask for one. Test your Bk'll and knowledge. Wm HANSCOM THE Jeweler Hlght class repair work of all kinds All Work Prompt and Guaranteed. Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR JUNE LADIES' SUITS CLEAXED AND PRESSED 'i.0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED $1.00 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.00 MEN'S SUITS (PRESSED ' T5c Have your clothes cleaned t an up-to-date place and by up-to-date methods. Phone Main 109. aos 1-2 E. Aim. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A STOCK RANCH? I have 480 acres, 200 of same tillable, black rich soli, will grow grain, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never falling spring of water. This land Is close to tho reserve in the foot hills, and is an ideal hog ranch. $8.00 per acre will buy It. I have other tracts from 1000 to 16000 acres in a body at pri ces ranging from $8 to $16 per acre. Having 12 years experience In the Btock business In this county, I am in a position to show you some of the best propositions to be found. In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban homes at low watermark prices. Come and see me. E. T. WADE Temnle Big. Office phono Maiu 455 ; Res. B. S271. Pendleton, Or. 000OO000OOUt)OOO0OOO0O0O000OO0OO9O000000OOOOO00OO00(000O0O000O000O000000C00O0000OO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Special Feature Week at GRAND THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Pawnee Bill's Far East. Shown to 48,000 people at MndiVm Square Garden, New York City. 3000 feet. A bis feature film. Wednesday and Thursday ....Nelson-Moran Fight 11 Hounds with n Knockout. Spanish Bull Fight Don't fail to see this program. Friday and Saturday The Morris-Sch reck Fight. Don't fail to see Morris, the Wliite Hope, then judge for yourselt. ADMISSION ONLY 15c. Doors Open Evenings 7 p. m. Matinee 2 p. m. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000 1