PACK SIX DAILY EAST OREGOMAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, TI KSDAY, JVXE 27, 1011. EIGIIT PAGES SPORTS XATIOXAL LEAGUE. Cincinnati ft. Pillshurs 8. Pittsburg. June 2". Cincinnati de feated Pittsburg in a ten-inning game yetcnln The score waa tied In the sixth. Cincinnati hit Steele hard in the tenth, when four hits were made, including two two-baggers. Score: R. H. E. Pittsburg S 8 S Cincinnati 6 10 0 Adams. Steele and Gibson, Simon; McQuillan and McLean. eouver had no difficulty winning from i Spokane yesterday, 9 to 6. Strand, ! who went in to pitch for the visitors, was knocked out of the bos in the third Inning, and Vionner. who reliev- ed him, was unable to hold the locals. Vancouver also used two pitchers. Score: H. H. K. Vancouver j.9 9 9 Spokane 6 11 9 Erickson, Clark and Lewis; Strand, Penner and Hasty. LASTIG MEET IS NOW ON IU T.Urr KILLS IH; GIVES WOMAN AMERICAN I.EAGPE. New York 3. Washington 1. New York, June 27. Washington was helpless before Fisher yesterday, making only two hits. New York hit Groom at opportune moments. Score: R. H. E. Washington 1 2 2 New York 3 10 2 Groom and Henry; Fisher and Sweeney. Petrolt 6, Chicago 3. Chicago, June 2 7. Detroit came from behind and bunched enough hits off Young in the seventh, with the assistance of TannehiU's error and a hit off Lange, to win. Callahan's home run with a man on base was the feature. Chicago 3 8 1 Detroit 6 12 0 Young, Lange. Olmstead and Sulli van. Block; Summers and Stanage. Newark. N. J. Mrs tine of this city, '.s in . Fasuuale Pas- a hospital here Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Juno 27. Hat bands that can be heard a block, socks and cravats that would make a rainbow look pale and other mis jollaneous riotous attire, draped on 1 VIUI'S i tlu" lurs,,ns of several thousand young u ,l" i men whose main object in life seems to be to imitate the noise of a hun dred boiler factories in full operation, served til unrn ti. InlmMt'intd suffering from rabies as the remit Poushkl,,pt!ie this m0Pnlng thnt the of a sl.ght bullet w ound in the head. I j of ,he nnnu;ll lntercolk,gl;Ue boat The bullet, fired by a policeman at , on the Hudsoll had arrlved. a maa nog, passea mrougn me ms a head before it grazed Mrs. Pastine's forehead and apparently carried the germs of the disease with it. Mrs. Pastine was injured while sit ting on the front steps of her home. The policeman had chased the mad dog up to the second floor of the ad joining house and out on to a fire escape. There he grabbed it by the neck, carried it down stairs and while he held it with one hand fired four shots from his revolver. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o MilDE'S PARENTS A HE SUED. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. 25 27 2S 34 34 52 Pet. .632 .603 .5S8 .4S5 .477 .209 Vancouver 43 Tacoma 41 Spokane 40 Portland 32 Seattle 31 Victoria 14 Taconui 3, Victoria 2. Victoria. B. C. June 27. Tacoma defeated Victoria yesterday in a sensational 11 inning game. It was a pitchers' battle between Annis and McCreery until the tenth when Furchner replaced the latter. Rock enfield scored the winning run in the 11th on a passed ball. Score: R. H. E. Victoria 2 7 5 Tacoma 3 9 0 McCreery, Furchner and Devoght; Annis and Burns. Vancouver , Spokane 6. Vancouver, B. C, June 27. Van- Spokane Man Who Stole Girl Seeks $2,500. Spokane, Wash. After playing the part of ;t modern Lochinvar, stealing Clara Kimm, his sweetheart, away from the family home in an automo bile, being arrested as he was apply ing for s marriage license, lying in jail for two days in default of $500 bail and finally being brought to trial only to emerge triumphant and wed the girl despite parental objection, Hermann Schneider is today adding the extremely modern touch of his romance by suing his wife's parents for $2,500 damages. One evening last week Schneider appeared at the Kimm home with a big automobile. The girl donned her street clothes, skipped out of the house and Into the automobile and was whisked away. Schneider and Miss Kimm applied for marriage license June S, and just as it was about to be issued the par ents appeared with a policeman and Schneider was arrested on a warrant accusing him of having trespassed on the Kimm premises and abducting Clara. Schneider was thrown into jail, and in defau't of $500 bail had to spend two night in a cell. He had no trouble in proving that Miss Kimm was of le gal age, end was discharged. i "Columbia Ra ra Ra Columbia!" j Just like that heralded the ad ivent of a mob of youngsters from New York who affected a color scheme f light blue and white. They got a defiant answer from a carneli nr. and white crowd whose battlecrv was "Cornell! I Yell, Yell, Yell! Cornell-" The "I Yell, Yell, Yell" seemed a superfuous bit of informa tion, since it was perfectly obvious to all not leaf and blind. Another hu man tornado with orange as its favor ite color got off with deafening fre quency a sound that resembled "Tip, Roo, Rah! Hip, Hoo, Rah! Syra cuse! Syracuse! Rah-rah-rah." Smal ler contingents from Pennsylvania wearing red and blue, and Wisconsin affecting a gory cardinal, announced with violence the names of their in stitutions, coupled with sundry "rahs." Multitudes of young women, scar cely less enthusiastic than their broth ers, and numerous color-bedecked men old enough to know better, early assembled on the scene to witness the annual struggle for aquatic su premacy. The Cornell adherents had the best representation and made the most clamor, as they had a right to do, the Itahacn Institution having made a clean sweep of the intercol legiate regatta for the last two years. The four-oared race will start the program at 3:30 this afternoon, with four crews entered. Syracuse has drawn course No. 1, Cornell No. 2, MAUD WAS GOING HOME. She lie- WASH THOSE PIMPLES OFF. Use D. D. D., that mild, soothing wash, that recognized remedy for eczema and all skin troubles. First drops take away that awful burning itch, cleanse the skin wash away every pimple every impurity. Noth ing like D. D. D. for the complex Ion. Get a 25c trial bottle today worth ten times its cost to have a bottle in the house. At any rate drop into our store to talk over the merits of this wonderful prescription. Tallman Drug Co. Gazed at Sigiilxmrds and sented Interference. Logansport, Ind. Bert Hyman was the owner of a mule named Maud, which showed great affection for its owner and deep hatred for all others. Recently he sold the mule to John Volper, sheriff of Miami county. Volper found the barn door shatter ed. Maud was missing. Being state president of the Horsethlef Detective association, he asked the assistance of members of the association througout Miami, Cass and Howard counties in recovering her. Maud was found near Clymers sta tion, standing at the junction of two roads, gazing at a signboard which read: "Logansport five miles." Ten or fifteen members of the Cass Coun ty Horse Thief Detective association spent an hour trying to capture her, and then sent for Hyman. When he arrived Maud brayed loudly in welcome and ran to him, placing her nose undtr his arm. Hyman says she was homesick in Peru and started back to him, and after reading the crossroads sign she would have been in Logansport and in his barn in a half-hour. MEN: For tender face nn! neck after dm vine, for pimples, black heads, dandruff or any skin or scalp (lis eane use ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP. ZEMO Is guaranteed to relieve all soreness and itching. The soap 13 part of the treatment best for all toilet purposes. Sold by druggists everywhere and In Pendleton by Pendleton Drug Co. Pennsylvania, No. 3 and Columbia No. 4. The freshman race will begin at 4:15 with Cornell In No. 1, Columbia No. 2, Disconsin No. 3, Syracuse No. 4 and Pennsylvania No. 5. In the 'varsity race, the big event of the day, scheduled to start nt 5:30 Pennsylvania has drawn No. 1, while Columbia has second position, Syra cuse No. 3, Cornell No. 4, and Wis consin X). 5, on the outside. Cornell has only two men left of li'st year's victorious crew, and Cour tney has been playing in bad luck all around. The Cornell freshmen eight. which won in 1908, was made, with two exceptions, the 'varsity eight of the following year, and won a close race from Columbia. Last year, with six of the eight original freshmen still in ihe boat, Cornell won again. Since then one defection after an other has riddled the crew and forced Courtney to make his crew out of raw material. Columbia's eight has also been shot to pieces, and the Badger crew has been little better off In this respect. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o WEMESPAY will be a big day at the Special Sale of New White Waists for Wednesday Only All $1.00 Waists, -while they last for only $2.79 All $3.50 Waists, while they last, for only $2.19 . All $2.50 Waists, while they last, for only $1.69 All $2.25 Waists, while they last, for only $1.39 All $2.00 Waists, while they last, for only : $1.29 All $1.75 Waists, while they last, for only $1.19 All $1.50 Waists, while they last for only 9S Here's your opportunity to get a new cool and comfort able white waist for the 4th. Special on Curtain Goods All 23c Curtain Material W All 35c Curtain Material 27 All 50e Curtain Material 39 Bed Spreads Reduced Good $2.00 Bed Spreads $1.29 Good $1.50 Bed Spreads $1.05 Good $1.25 Bed Spreads 79 Trunks and Suit Cases at 35e Union Suits for only All thoes to be closed out re your own price. . 23 gardless. of cost. Be Sure and be here Wednesday. Tine GORDON & in charge of Wonder CO., Sbore PLEASURE RESORT HORROR. CRAZED ACROBAT ON WIRE. Philadelphia Pwmle Amazed at Stunts of Doniinick Borro. Philadelphia, Pa. Residents along Reed street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, were startled early in the morning at the sight of a man twinging from the electric light wires just outside- their windows, going thrnugh all the evolutions of an ac complished acrobat and seemingly unmindful of his danger. The frail wires swaved and threatened to snap at any moment, but the man contln ue! his contortions thirty feet above the pavement. Policeman Foley of the Fifteenth and Jackson street station was at tracted by the cries of spi-tators. 1! climbed the electric light pole and tried to induce the man to abandon his perilous perch. For a time it look ed as if both would be dashed to the street, but finally Foley succeeded in getting the man to the ground. Taken to the station house, he gave thi name of Dominick Tiorro, 37 years old, 1515 South Clarian street. Later he was sent to the city hall, where policesurgeon will make a mental exum'nution. Wharf Collapses nnrt Hundreds Fall With Debris. Montreal. Through the collapse of a wharf at King Edward's park, a pleasure resort on Isle Gros Bols, 12 miles from here, between 50 and 60 persons were Injured. The collapse occurred when the wharf was packed with hundreds of pleasure seekers awaiting a ferryboat to convey them to Montreal. The crowd tried fran tically to retreat, but Its members were so closely massed that escape was Impossible, and hundreds plung ed down in the midst of shattered beams and planks. So far no death has been reported and it is believed nobody was fatally Injured. Broken limbs seemed to be the most serious hurts sustained. AMERICANS PICKED TO WIN". CARS FOR .MILTON' I RIIT CROP YOL'LL ALWAYS FIND TROUBLE when you come up against a defect Jn your plumbing. WHEN LEAKS BOTHER YOU CALL IX PENDLETON'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS. We know Just how to fix your faucet and make It like new. There isn't anything we can't do IX THE PLUMBDfG LINE, WE ARE EXPERTS. BEDDOW & MILLER Milton, Ore. The Walla Walla Val ley Electric Railway company has placed a long string of cars for the fruit shipping trade on the Rpur above the Icehouse to be ready for the im mense shipments of grain and fruit expected In July. A carload of Royal Ann cherries was snipped from the Milton-Freewater, Fruit Growers' union yesterday and a carload will be Bent out every other day throughout the season. Royal Anns and Black Republicans are selling at from 4 to 5 cents a pound and the Kings at from g to 10 cents a pound. Strawberries are selling at $3 a crate. Raspberries are S3 a crate, retailing at two boxes for 25 cents. Three carloads of mixed fruits went out over the O.-W. R. & X. and Northern Pacific Saturday. Rewnls Mnrfo by Vale ami Harvard IU ttor Than Oxford. New ' York. Records compared of the Yale and Harvard athletes with those of Oxford and Cambridge show the Americans will have the better chance to win the Anglo-American meeting in England July 11, If the past achievements can count for any thing in doping out futures. The four Americans entered have marks of ten seconds flat in the 100 yards and the Yankees ale credited with better ilme in the quarter, half ajid mile events. The Kriglislimen hope to ijiscard the :-hotj,ut rind t'.v ) mill- run and substitute a three mile event which Is unknown here. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Do you read the East Oregonlan? A State Secret. "I hope your husband has no secrets from you." "Not many. However, he never would tell me what he paid for the engagement ring." Kansas City Journal. A HEALTHY, HAPPY OLD AGE May be promoted by those who gently cleanse the system, now and then, when in need of a laxative remedy, by taking a deseitspoonful of the ever refreshing, wholesome and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, which is the only family laxative generally ap proved by the most eminent phy sicians, because it acts in a natural, strengthening way and warms and tones up the internal organs without weakening them, It is equally benefi ficial for the very young and the mid dle aged, as it is always efficient and free from all harmful ingredients. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine, bear ing the name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of everypackage, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 o o o o o o o o o o, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o For Yoisjime 2 M Ala - --r" tw v Jli); Free! i roo! Sunrise to Sunrise! The Glorious Day will be celebrated in a manner to please everybody. Pendleton will play the host as only Pendleton can do. All invited to the most unique parade, sta ting at ten o'clock, that you can't afford to miss. Appropriate floats, Goddess of Liberty, the States, and a spectacular decorated bicycle parade. Following parade will be an intensely interesting program in which will close the morning Ccf C136S OH, YOU AFTERNOON ! Greased pig, greased pole. Oh, what fun. Potato races, egg laces, field sports, enough to keep you all busy watching them. And Then That Ball Game, Free to all BETWEEN THE BUCKAROOES AND WESTOX BLUE MOUNTAIN LEAGUE TEAMS. You, can't beat it, John. It's Independence Day, and you can be independent of expense. What do vou know about this? A WILD MULE RACE for a Ilamley Saddle. Some class! They're w WILD that a WHITE MAN'S HOUSE SCARES THEM. Band Concerts by Pendleton and Athena bands all the time. Snappy music. You ccn't keep your feet still. Everybody happy. Then that dancing, afternoon.and evening, absolutely FREE, with music of the best , , , . - t Let the children sec the fire works, the best ever in this county. Comfortable seats under a nice shade. AND ALL FREE Come in everybody. AH can be accomodated splendid New Grandstand in the at the Round-Up Park, and no charge for anything at all. The finest Staduim in the Northwest oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o