TIGHT rAGES OAILY EAST OltEGONIAV rENPLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, Jl'XE 27, 1911. t i(a&.f jhmwif. in the Portland fire yesur- L- 'J, tj;e-'-! ' ' ' ,;- is i t Fire Chief Campbell n In: i no dangers he wili not face a. JM.ri.....i:NT .VKASl'Al'UB. vmt ln:o .i.u.g.r utter having first r.ii'ICl b.i.'k illd !V li) Jo- fwiui.ni I'; .j :-. ! tai Weklj- at 1'en- ttg saved their live .l.-',..u. urr,;-n, by the ; IAT oiUX.iMAN l'l i;LISU:.j CX T!u M"11 !ikts honor leaders ;vj,o uo :;eir duty bravely. The rule 3.oi) ' f tfie i that the lartain shall rt formers wore tortured to death: the t"tI number of victims is not known. iwo 1 nue.i states senators) M. K ry ... La., and Daniel of Vir- Sinla. lay at the point of death. M 1.C UI ITIi.'X KATES. Tily, or. -.r. tr ruai: ltti. ki i:.;:.s. Lv u.a:l Lft.... '.i.rev o...:.U.. l Uiil I'M.;.. vu tu ty a:aii t i'if jiir. ly iar:nr six t'V litrr.-r .... L... liiv'j.::.!. ty L'irrier... !..... .-:.e .-n;i.. t.v i"rrer m-uu V.-fc:. .ue jvur. t't mail... l-ci iv;y, . d. 'Lj mail.. fcai 'iWri.v, ;Vur cLihs by mail. -0 1-.. th.. .i-t f, 1.. .t.,M- ...v .... . ...... t .1.- .-.lifWIItJ SUljl f as l.lij 7.5') ' 3.7i ' .00 1.50; a rid are 7S .30 f-i.t of -.vhi. i Rough Kider are the jroUJ..t 1 y.-l it i'el ed. lr. v. arf.ire officers the rnwt la ;:e like to ad their men danger. The that they l,.rt raore of- in battle than did ar.v other 7t l'i:ir !r.s: itv alan U kept oa te or.;..j ,Vm Co.. S-J Morrison fleet Kret. lVrt.u:4. urja. I Nortl.mwt Nevrs Co.. rortlasd. Oregon. ! r' '4-'ln'-''nt in the Spanish war, i-uira... ;'. wiumj kuiiu.ek. When :i 1 f p.. id r-ioin., ' thief is JfeLtti ree:. X. W. raging tue lire r.erally on the ground and if. direc.inj; the fighting he often overlooks the personal danger in ti I I. ,U V. 1. . . e. . . . . i iin.ii iic mu ue i-'iaeea. uave re;hon Mala 1 ! i,mI,bt 11 'J this anJ l'ed in the jerfornianee of liis lIeVr I'r.lted 1'ress Awociation. Eaiered at tfc jwmtoffli-e t Pendletoo, urecon. u Mfuna ilass mall natter. TOltW S lUKTHDAV SKIHTH. Vtrni-int has but two r, jiresenta tivitf iu the l.,;ver house of iun.:rvs! andlMvl.l Johnson Foster. who is ilean of the delegation is fifty-four to lay. He has reiresented his Mate in every cmKress inee the fi:'ty sveiu'i. io::iln from the First .iist rlci .Mr. Fost.r is- a i:raJu..te of .t. J"!m?burr; Aiaderay and Da: tsiaouth. He . :i? ; ciniif.t j to the b..r la ! lias Serv.'J as ri'sevuilng attoriMy of Chittend-n county, state senator fr.:n the Kline county, commk-i..ii. r of state i.ixi s an j chairman of the board of railroad conitn issioners. La-t year Mr. Foster served as chairman of the coa-.mission which represented the government and people of th-i t'niu-d states at the celebration of the first centfnnlal of he independ ence of the Mexican repub!!? nt the City of .Mexico. 1 Ofn.-lal City anl Cor.ntr Paper. duty. Portland " Itoi le may well do something to hon- r the .'nemory of their late fire chief. He deserves it. i l.OING OX. 1 1MI AND tiAME. j Life is not a!! work. There must ! I"- some j.lay and to the average man I fine recreation may be had in whlp- l-ins a trout stream or in hiking over ( hilU and canyons after game. To fish or hunt l- good sport and it a ids to the health and happiness of n.. nkind. . i Put if fishing and hunting are to be ; continued as a permanent thing in Umatilla county and in other sec itions then the proper steps must be , .-'i eutvLMiji: tae Mreains ana What is the purport of the scheme toward which all time is going? What is the great aeonian goal The joy of going on. And are there any souls so ttrong. such feet with swiftness shod. That they shall reach it. reach some bourne, the ulti mate of God? There U no bourne, no ultimate. The very farthest star But rims a sea of other stars that stretches just as far. There's no beginning ani no J commission, are seeking to have tnd. As in the pone. The greatest joy of joys shall be the Joy of going on. By fan Walter Foss (Auth or of "The Calf Path ") I 'for protecting the game at the pro le r seasons. Local sportsmen, led by 4. their member of the fish and game WENT TO THE DOGS. Of all th things that may befall a church, nothing could be much stranger than the destruction of a ; little house of worship north of Hud- i son Bay. as reported by Bishop Wil-; Hams of Marauette. t He had attended a synod of the Canadian church at Winn peir. and there had seen a missionary bishop, ! who had been six weeks on the way,! having come nvst of the distance in . a canoe. The misslnary bishop re-: ported gravely that the d'"w of a 1 brother bishop had "gone to the ' dogs." j Being asked, for an explanation, he j said that the Eskimos in the diocese ' had built a church with whales' ribs' for rafters and covered it wih v.al- rus hide. The little church held SO : persons; but in the time that elapsed ' between two services the building was! set upon by a pack of famished dogs j and demolished in a few hours. Youth's Companion. 1 Absolutely Pure The only baking powder enado from Royal Grapes Cream of . Tartar HoAlum.NoUrca Fhcsphaia 11 II SPOKE YO MAXY. A young Boston lawyer who is go ing to be married soon met another young lawyer who was married 'way last year on the street Thursday eve ning. They exchanged felic't itions and injuhies. "The only thing that bothers me." explained the about to be happy man, "is the subject of expense. Of course, I'm not plugging Into this thing wi;h my eyes shut, but "X"W, look here." interrupted the experienced benedict. "I ll tell you an absolute fact. I don't spend half the money I did before I was mar ried." "You don't?" exclaimed the other. "How do you work that?" "I don't have it to spend." Boston Traveler. Pacific Soo Spokane Route GO EAST THRU Kootenay and Arrow Lakes and Canadian Rockies The most beautiful and mag nificent scenery in the world. Splendid train service. Luxu rious hotels and chalets and nu merous natural attractions. The playground of America. VEKY LOW RATES EAST LIBERAL STOP-OVERS LOXG LIMITS For further Information and Il lustrated folder write M. E. MALOXE. T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, G. A. 11 Wall St., Spokane. I Hotel St. George Bar GFIO. DAUVKAr, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gcntle mens Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. S8 I hatchery installed at Gibbon. It is I S '"'d move and should succeed. In I ! . I the course of time this county will have a far greater population than j a", present. Tho;e people" will need j recreation just as people do ' now. j Look to the future by installing the 1 WHILE WE ABE AT IT. J hatchery and by such an enforcement Xow that people are considering I the game laws as will prevent the extermination of the game. the subject of the Pacific Power 4: Light company and the prices given Its patrons it will be timely to con sider one or two other features in connection with the service rendered by the light company. There has long been complaint and Just complaint because street lights do not burn continuously. .Scarcely a night goes by but some of the arc lights fail to burn and frequently the smaller street lights fail to shine. At times several lights in a row on one FAME ACROSS THE SEA. It has been some time since Col. Wood has said much about Col. Boyd fir since Col. Boyd expressed his feelings concerning Col. Wood so the following from the Weston Lead er fills a long felt want: "Even if without particular honor at home, the Weston Leader Is sure ly becoming famous "across the pf.nd." A letter from Mr. Peter ICearv of Tieatlllell Wlmhlerlnn "Parlf street will be out of business and i , A . Duirej, .cngiuiiu, Kent 10 us on em bossed stationery, says: "Will you please send me a specimen copy of yc ur paper; also the yearly terms of subscription." A certain Colonel Boyd, who runa a village paper in the suburbs, will please sit up and tak notice if he is not overcome with envy." the street left Jn inky darkness. Does the city receive a rebate on Its monthly bill to make up for this lack of illumination? If so the East Oregonian is In Ignorance of the fact. What is the rule in other places with reference to this subject and what prices do other cities pay for street lighting? It is a subject that should be investigated, not with a view to hazing the electric; company need lessly but with a view to obtaining for Pendleton the very best service possible and the lowest obtainable rates. Another improvement that has long been desired by local people and one that should be Insisted upon nowj If the rain continues much longer that further street paving Is to be ! passing strangers may mistake some elone is the removal of the electric A Spokane report says the com mission plan is working well in that city. How would It work in a town the size of Pendleton? It is a good time to consider the subject for Pen dleton Is to have a city election in December. and telephone poles from Main street. Those poles are unsightly, they spoil the appearance of the street and the effect of the cluster lights. Further more the overhead wires are danger ous. Every time a fire occurs on Main street the lives of firemen and of bystaiders are menaced through the existence of the overhead electric Ires. At Walla Walla and in many other towns there are no electric or tele phone poles on the business treets. They should be ousted in Pendleton. The telephone trust and the electric trust are owned by eastern multi millionaires who have so much mon ey they will never be able to count It Make the task easier for them by requiring these companies to place their wires underground or on the back streets. Get the poles and overhead wires off Main street and install cluster lights at regular Intervals along the street. Then Pendleton will look Its part as the "Biggest town of Its size in the west " A HEROIC EIRE CHIEF. When Fire Chief Dave Campbell was killed in the Portland fire yes terday morning there was enacted a tragedy that shocked the entire north west. Campbell had been so long at the head of the Portlanl department and had such a splendid record for efficiency that his fame had spread far beyond the borders of the city of Portland. There are many local peo ple who knew the chief and who feel renulno rearret over his death. But death Is a fate that Is liable t" take a fireman at any time. In the performance of their duty fire Tghters must take their lives in their hands. This Is as true of the heads of departments as of truck men. The strong chief will eend his of the wheat fields for forests. Instead of Pinchot going to Taft it appears ihat the president has gone to Pinchot. JI XE 27 IX HISTORY. 1534 The L'niversity of Oxford unanimously determined that the Jurisdiction of the pope did not ex ceed the ministry of any other bish op. 1651 Milton's book burned at Toulouse by an arrest of the parlia ment. The famous "Defense of the People" was twelve days later burn ed by the common executioner at Par is, under a judicial sentence. 1758 Virginia adopted the consti tution of the United States. 1854 Eight Russian ships sailed out of Sebastopol and attacked the allied naval forces. 1806 Battle of Buenos Ayres (Napoleonic wars). 1862 Seven days' fight around Richmond, resulting in the defeat of the federals. 1864 Battle of Kennesaw moun tain. 18 94 A. Casimlr-Perier elected president of France to succeed the murdered Carnot. 189S The third Manila expedition, consisting of the transport ships In diana, Ohio, Morgan City and City of Para, commander by General Arthur MacArthur, sailed from San Fran cisco. 1903 In a murderous popular out break In the Province of Yedz, in Southern Persia, many of the religious The Human Heart The heart n wonderful double pump, through the action of , the blood stream is kept sweeping round and icuad through the body at the rate ol seven miles an hour. " Remember this, that our bodies will not stand the strain of over-work without good, pure blood any more than the engine can run smooth ly without oil." After many years of study in the active practice of medicine, Dr. K. V. Pierce found that when the stomach war. cut cf order, the blood impure and there were symptoms of general break down, a tonic made of the glyceric extract of certain roots was the best corrective. This he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Being made without alcohol, this " Medical Discovery " helps the stomach to assimilate the food, thereby curing dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases attended with excessive tissue waste, notably in convalescence from various fevers, for thin-blooded people and those who are always " catching cold." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 31 one cent stamps (or the French cloth-bound hook of 1004 pages. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Orpheum Theatre " J. P. HEDBIWACK, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATESMOTIOU PICTURES For Men, Women and Children HEE PROGRAM IX TODAY ' PAPER. tmcT'n Chmrjtm oa Malay's, Tuesday's and FykUf a. Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these trscts. HILL & KIBBERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Blood Humors Corrmorly cause plrnples, bolls, hives, r.'-:r.:i or s iit rheum, or some other for in of eruption; but sometimes they e7lst In h s; -ien-,; Indicated by feel ings of weakness, languor. lo.s3 of a p-P'-tlte, '" ?en r..l :!' ity, without can i:.(; t.ay l.:uklnjf out. T!.y xje!y-l and lh.- whole sys if.r., rr.iov.tel, trengthened and t'.--l f y 'u cod's Garsaparilla V:t !t todiv In usual liquid form or cl.ocolalel tablets called Sarsatabs. !T DO THAT ! iOU LL VfcNT IT .dOME.r t, v 0 f I t -N-'-t-r--rrv3j The money many men "fool away" in one year would start them on the road to true independence. When one has once he pnn to travel this road by banking his money he never turns lack. It's a comfortable feeling. .Make OUIl Bank YOUR Hank. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent, com pounded semi-annually. The American National Bank PEN'DLETON. OREGOX. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY PENDLETON'S rOPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort FUN, PATHOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., iron., Wed., FrL Xext Door to St. Georqe Hotel. Admission 5 and 10 )) Summer Excursion Tickets East-bound ON SALE OX XOIEIiOrs DATES MAY 16 TO SEPTEMBER 7. 1911 Northern Pacific Railway The ORiGINAL Scenic Highway A EEAV SAMPLES SIMILAR REDUCTION'S TO MANY OTHER POINTS IX THE EASTERN UNITED STATES AND CANADA, AS WELL AS THE MIDDLE WEST. St. Paul $60.00 Minneapolis 60.00 Duluth 60.00 Superior 60.00 Clilcajro 72.50 St. Louis 70.00 New York $108.50 Philadelphia . 108.50 Omulin 60.00 Detroit 82.50 Boston 110.00 Montreal, Que 105.00 Long limits and liberal stopovers. Low rates for Great Lukes Bteamer trips. We serve those "Great Bis Baked Potatoes." Let us arrange you Itinerary It will be a pleasure Route of the X. Coast Limited REMEMBER THESE EVENTS. Astoria Centennial Aug. 10 to Sept. 9 Tacoma Carnival of Nations. .. .July 3 to E Seattle Golden Potlatch July 17 to 22 Pendleton Round-up Sept. 14 to It Minneapolis Civic Celebration July 2 to 8 Duluth Water Pageant July 20 to 22 Yellowstone Park July 15 to Sept. IS Through Sleepers Dally to Official Park Fntrance. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt, Portland, Oregon. $6500 50 acres of alfalfa land, all cleared, within 100 yards of railroad station. About 20 acres in alfalfa, good orch ard, small house, good barn and out buildings, gasoline pumping plant of sufficient capacity to irrigate entire tract, $3000 cash, balance ?asy terms. 112 Acres 9 MILES SOUTH OF PENDLETON. $2500 cash, balance two and four years. 20 acres growing alfalfa, CO acres un der the ditch, about 5 acres in orchard; two barns; good 4-room house, and numerous out buildings; 1-3 of crop goes with place if sold at Jnor. Teutsch (k Bickers Real Estate and Insurance. Phone Main 5. PASTIME THEATRE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Showi afternoon and eve nings. Refined aad en 1irt"ining for th entii-e (' fmnily. Next to French Ttettaurant ' Entire change three timee ouch wlc Be sure and ii'c the next change. Adults 10c Children r.nder 10 years, Be. 4