East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 27, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The highest point of woman's hap
piness is reached only through moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child
within her amis. Yet the mother-to- i
i -f ? . . . t
uc 13 irn.cn lcanui oi nature orueai
and shrinks from the suffering inci
dent to its consummation. Imtfor
nature's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and in Mother's
friend is to be found a medicine of
(Special Correspondence.)
lU'i'iiiirtun, Ore., June 6. In for
mer years residents of the west end
and especially the irrigated section,
have been bothered with stock run
ning at large. This can now be done
away with entirely, as at last fies.-iion
of the legislature, a herd law was
. "mhmimI fur Hie northwestern collier of
great value to every expectant mother. tmat!lla county.' This law v.. ti
lt is an oily emulsion for external cure., bv ..nator Burgess.
Ornamental Salad.
For nn ornamental milad, soak half
a pint of white haricot beans all
night; cover with mlik and boll
slowly till tender, but not broken;
drain and set aside to cool; then mix
thoroughly with a dressing compos
ed of one table-spoonful each of vine
gar, minced parsley and chopped
young shallots, with three of oil and
salt and pepper to taste. In the cen-
Sumpter, Ore., Juno 27. The x-ttl-zens
of Sumpter are aroused over the
mysterious actions of Gustave
Frtnchcr, a German lad, aged about
18. This boy recently arrived here
from Germany and lives with rela
tive, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beyer. He
can not speak Knglish. For the last
application, composed of ingredients
which act with beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
System involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the suffer
ing through which the mother usually
passes. The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother in the
comfort, it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
it brings a1xut after baby comes.
Mother's Friend
it for sale at
drug stores.
Write for our
free book for
exnectant moth
ers which contains much valuable
A. number of farmers around Her
miston, Ktanfield and other sections,
which this bill prtects, have had a
great deal of trouble, and in one or
two instances stock has been taken
up, but the farmers doing so were at
a loss to know what to do.
The statelaw 'provides that parties
finding stray stock may take the ani
mals up and sell them unless the
owner calls for same within fifteen
days after due notice is given. The
owners of stray stock must pay all
costs for taking same up.
lltisliros CllllllgtM.
J. G. Wagoner has traded his re
maining 20 acres of project land for
a general store at Outlook, Washing
ton. Mr. Wagnor will not remove nia
family from Hermiston until later in
er of a rather (shallow glass bowl J week ne claims. U) be under the In
LLC curly white htArt of an , fluence of an old-time German gen
information, and many suggestions lh(. ummer
of a helpful nature. j c. II. Oswalt, manager of the Unl
BRADFllLD REGULATOR IW., Atlanta, ua. vcrsul Suit.s & Exchange office, has
I been transacting business in Wash
1 lngton.
THINKS GIVE VP S.VfO.OOO. j Frank Sloan and E. X. Wheeler
! were over from Stanfleld yesterday
Inheritance Tax IniHsod on Horace looking over the Orchard company's
GrenficMH Ltigtrnirc. 'hotlines In which they have Inter-
Denver, Colo. Two travel-worn tstS- They both expect to leave short
trunks left In a hotel here by Horace y for the east where they will sill
Grenficld, of Mount Vernon, N. T., j Hermiston lands. ,
have been opened by the public ad- p Garner of the U. S. It. S., has
ministrator and found to contain I a force 0f men at work d'gging test
$300,000. on which the state will col-I noies on me Butte southwest of town,
led Inheritance tax. Grenfleld was They are prospecting to see if suffl
kllled In an automobile accident near I c(.nt rock can be found to riprap he
here May 7. I proposed Butter creek reservoir.
Grenfleld was wealthy and his wld-J
ow and daughter came here for the! 2a(0 VOLTS FAIL TO KILL.
body, and later began looking up his
extensive mining Interests In the portluntl Painter Terribly llurmil,
state. An attorney told the public i , nrulsed by Fall Will IJve.
administrator that he should take Oregon City, Or. For 10 minutes
endive, trimmed into a not too strag
gling Hhupe. The leaves of this must
be loosened and laid again In Its for
mer shape. Now lay the beans
around in a circle ami pushing these
aside in several places, fill the cavi
ties with bacon. The pretty green,
surrounded with white and flecked
with narrow black lines, Is very or
namental. Cream Salad Dressing.
Beat the yolks of six eggs with half
a cup granulated sugar. Add a cup
of vinegar and cook in a double boil
er until it thickens.
Kemove from the stove and while
still hot add a tablespoon butter and
a tablespoon of mustard, having first
been blended smoothly. When cold
add a cup of cream beaten to a stiff
froth. Keep In a cold place.
Southerner Ar-ks IIIU'litiM-k Cost
Displacing: George Washington.
Washington, D. C. A resident of
Memphis, Tenn., has asked Postmas
Iter General Hitchcock to send him the
department's price list . on stamps
bearing Individual photographs
"I would like to get some stamps
with my picture on them," the letter
stated. "Kindly send me your price
list for such work, also stating wheth
er thev will be reserved for my special
use or will be used by anybody that
wants to buy stamps. I want them
to be for my own use only and would
like to have them In the style of the
George Washington stamp."
charge of the estate. An officer went Harry Henderson, of Portland,
Handlers Cry for Knln
Astoria, Ore. Unless relief from
the present drought by heavy rains
t'm" I comes- within the next week, dairy
eral, who in the feudal days fought
a battle to the death with 15 oppo
nents, and single handed killed the
whole number.
At the time the lad retires for the
night and sleep has taken possession
of him, he says the visitor from the
spirit land takes charge and for from
two to three hours the youth Is en
gaged in mortal combat with an Im
aginary foe. supposed to be French
soldiery of the knighthood period. The
weapons are real knives and a lance.
While the battle Is on young
Frencher makes a weird illustration
of the way men battled In those days.
The butcher knife must bo sharpen
ed to a keen edge for service to satis
fy the youthful illustrator performing
in his dreamland spectacle, and is
wielded with dexterity. He slashes
right and left, forward and back
ward, in circles and semicircles, and
decribes all the styles and parries of
sword play In the most dramatic
manner imaginable until the fight is
over and the enemy slain.
to the hotel where Grenfleld had reg- moved in painting and steelwork on ranchers oeclare that the hay crop
lstered, found the trunks and opened the suspension bridge across the Wil- j wm jje ruined In this section. Only
them. He was surprised by the dis- laniette river here, hung suspended i the fjei,is on the tidelands give any
covery of J50.000 In government 30 feet above the bridge roadway uy , promise of even an average yield, and
bonds, a $10,000 bill, much currency, a single power wire carrying 2300
together with gilt-edged railroad volts of electricity. When the wire
bonds and Jewelry valued, at $500,000. snapped Henderson fell. The force of
1 the drop was partially broken by
GRIMY PACKS AXP HANDS workmen from the paper mills who
XI'CKSSAHY TO HOLD JOBS caught him. Several hundred men
coming off shift witnessed the accl-
Houston, Texas, June 27. Any dent,
train or englneman on the Harriman Though fearfully burned and suf
system who comes Into a terminal ft-r'.ng from bruises caused by his 30
with a clean face and hands Is U- foot drop, Henderson, the physician
able to discharge. This novel order says, will live. He is now being cared
recently has been promulgated on for at the Wildwood hospital here,
the lines of the Southern Pacific, a Those who saw the accident say
Hanlnian property, and Is general Henderson touched the power wire
from coast to coast. 1 while painting and was then thrown
The order Is a step toward the pre- across it so that he received the full
vi nt ion of wrecks. A study of the. force of the powerful current.
wrecks by officials of the system de- '
vcloped the fact that a majority oc- MLST WIRE ACCIDENT REPORTS
ciir"d In the yards or near the ter-
initials of the divisions. This situa- Railroads Ordered to Immediately
tion led to the belief that as the train Send Notice to Washington
approached the terminal all hands re- , After July 1.
laxed vigilance. It was found In these 1 Washington, D. C. Every common
cases that the crews took time to railway carrier will be required, after
vah the grime from their hands and July 1. 1911, to report to the inter
facts so they could enter the terminal state commerce commission by tele
turn over their train and leave the graph "any collision, derailment or
vards at once. ! other accident" resulting In the death
' By the terms of the order abolu- : of one or more persons,
tlon's are permitted only after the ! By the terms of an order issued to
train Is In. Should nn employe come day by the commission, the report
Into the terminal with shiny coun- must be sent "Immediately after the
tenance and pink, rosy hands, this occurrence of the accident" by a re
fact hereafter Is to be taken that ho sponsible officer of the carrier,
neglected his duties and he becomes! Details of railway accidents have
Pablo to discharge. j not in the bfen reported prompt-
, I ly to the commission. 'In many ln-
stances they are obtainable only by
His Guilt Edged Clianee. 'circuitous methods. The commission
Mrs. Murphy OI hear yer brother- hvUxg requlrea by .nw to keep a rec-tn-Iaw,
Uat Kecgan, is pretty bad off. orJ of 8Uch accldcntSl decided more
Mrs. Casey Shurc, he's good for a t1rnstic ruU,s ot reporting were neces
year yit. 1 8ary.
Mrs. Murphy As long as thot? J
Mrs. Casey Yls; he's had four dif- Happiness isn't as high as the stars
ferent doctors, and each one av thlm j, generally has a cottage in the val
gave him three months to live. j(v-
those on the upper lands will not
produce by half their average.
There is not enough hay in sight
to last until December, and prices of
dairy products will go soaring unless
rain lulls soon. Many small dairy
men will be practically forced out of
business. What is left of last year's
crop Is being held where possible, and
will brln fancny prices should the
crop fall.
Name Good Advertising, So Company
Is Incornorutcd.
Columbus, Ohio. The whole Damm
family has gone into the dry cleaning
business. Not being ashamed of the
name, and, incidentally, not over
looking any bets, the family has Just
incorporated the Damm Cleaning
company of Cleveland, with $15,000
capital stock. The incorporators are
A. J. Damm, J. L. Damm, E. A.
Damm, Joseph Damm and J. M.
Damm. This is the first time that
an' Ohio corporation has ever been
formed by the Damm family.
Mexico City. A petition signed by
several hundred leading women of
the capita! and neighboring cities de
manding the privilege of voting at the
coming national election has been
sent to President De La Barra. They
contend that there is nothing in the
constitution prohibiting women suf
frage. A club is being formed to promote
the candidacy of Madero and Gomez
for president and vice president respectively.
JUNE 30th
Any changes or additions to listings or advertis
ing matter for this issue must he arranged for
on or lief ore this date.
The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company
i rr n
ii wmmx h 1
ii 11 he1 st-lM::-
"The Best in the World"
As the bride led her friends into her
cool, spotless kitchen, they broke into a
chorus of approval.
"Well, I am proud of it," she said, "and proudest of
all of my stove. It's a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove,
and 1 think thev are the best in the world. They toast,
roast, broil and 'bake equally well really to perfection
and the kitchen stays much cooler and cleaner than with any
other range. This stove cuts my kitchen work almost in half."
There is no wood or coal to carry for a New Per
fection; no ashes to clean up. It is ready for use as soon
as lit; out at a touch of the fingers economical as well as
quick and convenient.
Oil Cook-Stove
Made wiih I, 2 and 3 humeri, wilb
Ions, turquciae blu cntmelea chimney.
Hmndionvlr fiouiitd throughout. Th
2-trA 3-bumtr,toveieri b rudwilhor
without ubinel top, which i, fitted with
drop thrive towel riclw, tc.
Unkra every where s or writ tor do
cripuvt circular to lha Burnt titocy
oi tttt
Standard Oil Company
llncori orated I
;II Kxclles Medfortl.
Medford, Ore. Great excitement
prevails in Medford ns the result of
the uncovering of 11 large body of
rich ore in the Sterling gold quartz
mine, nine miles to the southwest. The
strike whs made Tuesday afternoon,
samples of the ore arriving here to
dpy. Theso samplfs show values ex
ceeding $2000 a ton.
Sometimes, when we get in the
swim, we raise the biggest racket
hollerin' for rope.
Known For Its Strength
The First National
win-: ox iwvuoix
Washington, D. C. When the clerk
of the house of representatives reach
es the name of Dies on the roll call, I
a tall handsome Texan, who sits well
back on the democratic side, is sup
posed to arise and answer yea or nay.
When the mall man calls at 3002
Bunker Hill road. Mount Ranler, Md.,
a suburb of the national capital, the
same handsome Texan answers to the
name of Marion Davis.
Representative Marlon Dies of the
second Texas district has been known
in Texas and Wasthington for many
years by that name, which is his real
name. The people of Mount Ranier
welcomed the Texan into their midst
just about a year ago aes Marion Da
vis and he is known by tha name and
none other there.
Representative Dies married Miss
Genevieve Miller, his stenographer,
some time ago and has not been seen
about the capitol during the last six
weeks. His friends could not account
for his absence mid were fearful lest
some harm had liefnlli'li him.
When "Hid Man Miller." a messen
ger in the house postofiice, was ask
ed about his son-'.nlaw he stated he
knew absolutely nothing about hint or
his bride. He did not even admit that
he was connected by marriage with
the Texan congressman.
"Well, I'm Dies, all right,"
Davis admitted, when seen at
bungalow recently. "I'm the
you 're looking for, I suppose. 1
married the sweetest and" best
woman in the world. We earn
here to get away ftt.ni people.
"We do not care for society and
we want to save a little money, it s
a fact that we are still drawing salar
ies from t'lU'le Sam, I as a congress
man and my wife as a congressman's
secretary, just as we drew two salar
ies before we got mnrried. I do not
see nnythiiiR wrong in that. Many
others do it.
"I Intended to quit public life, but
I have changed my mind. I am going
back to Texas and come back to con
gress or make an awful fight to get
here, just because my private life
has been criticised.
"My former wife and
congenial. We separated
ed up $30,000
and I gave her
I were un
I had sav-
I let her divorce me
every nickel of the
money that 1 had earned by hard
knocks. I then married the woman
I loved. We'll live where we please
and how we please and we think It
Is no one's affair.
A Suro Mediod.
"Was your speech successful "
"Not very." replied the statesman
who does not deceive himself. "The
only way I could get any great
amount of applause was to say
'George .Washington" or 'Abraham
Economy in Painting
Your House
does not mean buying the paint sold at the
lowest price per gallon. It means getting the
paint that covers the most surface per gallon
and gives the greatest number of years of service
in other words, the best value for your dollar.
costs less because it takes less and lasts longer.
Let us show you pleasing color combinations,
estimate quantity needed, or be of
any other service we can, whether
you buy or not.
Come in ond get an Acme Quality Painting
Guide Book and some color suggestions.
Hale & McAtee
Lincoln' and then wait."