DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, rENDLETON. OREGO.V, MONDAY .UWE 20, 1011. EIGHT PAUE8 r r.c.r. eight Fruits and Vegetables the fresh, crisp and jucy kind. Everything the market offers In fresh fruits and green vegetables is found here first. Tou'll find our quality hlghrst and prices lowest. Newsy Notes of Pendleton GOLD MEDAL FOR iconomy Jars Just reooivo-.l, large line of K.'onomy fruit Jars, whl.-h wo tiro selling at the lowest prices. Tops always on hand. t'lirroiit Literature Club. A special meeting of the Current Literature club is 10 be held at. 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. J. McAllister. Go to lYutornity Convention. ltoss l'eiidleton, a junior in the I'niveisity of Washington, is visiting with friends in the city of his name today. Together with Cress Sturgis, he will leave tonight for Pittsburg where they will attend the convention oi the riii tiainnvi Delta fraternity. OTHER PRIZES AWARDED IX O. A. C. CONTEST STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED. FRANK O'GARA. Pr. BERNARD O'GARA. Soo.-Tiva. SMUGGLERS WEALTHY CAUSE BABE'S DEATH ri'NISH MAN WHO TCRXED DOWN 8300.000 BRIBE the English lightweight here July 4. Hobo Dougherty is his sparing part ner. Moran is training hard at San Kafael and says he will be able to put up the fight of his career. At present various odds are being offered with Wolgast favorite at about 10 to S over the Britisher. PORTLAND HAS RIVAL CITY. Richard Parr, Government's Human Bloodhound, Made Victim of Mil- lionairtV Desire for Revenge. j (Continued from page one.) ' New York, June 26. The refusal of a 1300,000 bribe, to abandon an! investigation into a jewel smuggling ease in v hich three millionaires are alleged to be involved, today has cost Richard Parr, eiposer of the biban tic sugar frauds trust case, the life of his infant son and perhaps will ci'St that of his wife's, who is seri ously ill following the birth of child which was dead. She became hysteri cal when enemies of her husband, called her over the phone and told her that Tarr had been Intimate with another woman. Parr says that the millionaires had some one to phone her purposely. He says the million aires have been smuggling jewels for a beautiful "Mrs. Jenkins' and that they oi'fertd him $300,000. to desist trailing them after Mrs. Jenkins told him of their scheme. He has turned the information over to Customs Col lector L b and a huge scandal is expected. WOLGAST IS FAVORITE. American Clinmp Carries Odds and Moran Expects Victory, San Francisco, June 2G. Cham pion Ad Wolgast, who has arrived here is in training at the Seal Rock house for his fight with Owen Moran, Stctllicads for Vnmtilla. The trout of the Umatilla river will be augmented by the addition of thousands of steelhead fry, if the recommendations of the state wardens are followed, according to their an nouncement this morning. They stat ed that there are at present 2,000,000 steelhead fry In the hatcheries at Bonnyville and Wallowa and they will recommend that the great majority of tHese be planted In the Umatilla Trout Banquet Touight. The two wardens will be entertain ed tonight by the Umatilla County Fish & Game association with a trout banquet. Members were out yester day and tcday with rod and line and, as a result, a large number of beau tiful fish have been secured for the feed. Fallowing the banquet, Mr. Fin ley will speak to the sportsmen on the game laws of the state. Lecture Tomorrow. Tomorrow night Mr. Finley will ad. dress the general public on the "Habits and Life of Birds" on which subject he is a recognized authority all over the United States. He has siient a large part of his lif in this 'study and his knowledge is intimate and accurate as well as extremely in teresting. He will illustrate his lec ture, which will be entirely without cost, with slides which have been made from pictures which he has himself taken. Gels Life Iii-urniioe. Henry Luau this morning received a wan:. tit for $1000 from the Knights i f the Maccabees, being the payment of an insurance policy taken out by the late Sanford Strout in that order. The warrant was made out in favor of Ida I.. Strout, site being the benefi ciary named. Charles Burrow to Wexl. Announcements have been receiv ed here of the coming marriage of Vr. Charles C. Burrow, formerly of this city, to Miss Nellie Loveland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Loveland of Caldwell, Idaho. The wedding is to occur at Caldwell on Juuo 2S. Dr. Burrow is now prac ticing dentistry at Vale. Youthful Gardners in Oregon Show Much Interest In Competitive Truck Growing. Six in Police Court. Six names were inscribed on the police court docket this morning and three of the unluek six were com mitted to jail five on the same charge. Richard j three Clark pleaded guilty of being a vag but sentence" was suspended to al low him lime to get to the city lim its. William Taylor, the colored boy familiary known as "Shine" and who had just finished one jail sentence, was recommitted for a period of five days on a charge of disorderly con duct as ;i result of chasing an Indian with a pitchfork. Frank Jones and Jchn Doe, booked for disorderly con duct, failed to appear and their ball was declared forfeited. . Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallis. Ore., June 26. A handsomo gold medal is to bo awarded to the boy who makes first place in tho veg etable growing contest conducted by the Portland Y. M. C. A. under the direction of the Oregon Agricultural College. Tho Judging of tho gardens and their products have begun. Mr A. G. B. Bouquet of tho college horti culture department went to the Rose City for the -purpose. He will an nounce the results later, awarding be side the gold medal a large list of other prizes. Including books, sweat ers, football outfits, fishing tackle, watches, baseball paraphernalia and other articles. A cash prize of $5 is to be given by Mr. Bouquet to the boy having the best exhibit of vege tables to show. The contest opened In April, and includes the growing of peas, head lettuce, Sflnach and radishes, with some 300 boys entered. In September there will be a second exhibit of the products of those who are growing tomatoes, celery, squashes and cu cumbers. Mr. Bouquet has made a number of trips to Portland to in- $4.50 and $5.00 Summer Oxfords for ! struct tho young gardncrs in the sci- F. Peale drew twolence of their new occupation, through drunk and Mike Cool lectures and the distribution of the bulletins on the subject of which he is the author. This is the second contest the col lege has conducted for young peo ple, to interest and instruct them in the profitable occupations of field and farm. The poultry raising con test conducted last year at Portland proved immensely popular, and that being conducted by the Eugene Y. M. C. A. under the auspices of the col lege also has an enthusiastic corps cf entries. Dies to Save Wife's Name. Albany, X. Y.. June 26. Because he has refused to sign a petition ask ing for a commutation of his sen tence, Charles L. Green will be elec trocuted at Clinton prison today. Mrs. Green has made an affidavit confusing that her husband shot her, OlI LAWS DEFEAT STAN FIELD TEAM In a game replete with sensational baseball, the "has beens" and "would bees" of Pendleton demonstrated that they can still heave the sphere In victorious form. The stalwarts of Statitield and vicinity were trounced t the same time killing her daughter "n thcir own camP by the score of because he had discovered that she i l" a s 'l " "" mY ue was unfaithful to him She swears ! eame follow. i no ieatur. or tne game was Mc- Monles catch of that he will not permit her to testi fy to anything that will help hiin. because it would hurt her name, so he welcomes death rather than have the people say a word against her character. It Is believed Green could be saved if he made an attempt to help those who would help him. He has had one respite against his will and says he Is ready and willing to die. JOHN 1)., WILL soox REORGANIZE STANDORD CO. New York Officials Claim Ignorance of Plans and Public to be Kept In Dark for Tlmo Being. New Work, June 26. To assist in the immediate reorganization of the Standard Oil company, which is necessary, owing to the recent su preme court decision, John D. Rock efeller, Is founder, will arrive here tomorrow from Cleveland. Officials of the company say they have no de tails of the new plan which will not be announced until the dissolution of the trust and its reorganization In the new form is accomplished. When you give an order at this store you can absolutely rest assured that the order will be filled with positive fidelity. No substitution or carelessness. We are paid to please you. You receive the frreatest attention when the or der is priven. It is filled correctly and delivered to the minute. Courtesy and painstaking care form a larpre part of our business success and you may be sure WE IvXOW you appreciate ' that kind of treatment. Send us a trial order today and let us show that we knom how to please you and RETAIN your custom. mbbbbbbbbbbbbssbbmbm Just received a nice lot of Imported Summer Sausages" of all kinds Gray Bros. Grocery "Quality Grocers." Phone Main 2C. Next to Poet Office Alaskan' claims are cancelled long fly into center field. It looked like a homer but just as the ball was passing oyer him, the Outlaw fielder jumped in the air and speared it, turned a somersault and arose with the horsehlde in his hand. The following is the line-up of the Pendleton aggregation. McMonlos and Walsh, cf; Drake, 2b; Hays, If; Hoover, lb; Corby, ss; Sposer, 3b; McGlnnis and Finch, rf; Williams, c; Milne and Stanley, p. The following figures show the de tails of the fray: R. H. E. Pendleton 11 10 2 tanfleld 6 8 1 SEEK TO OUST MABEL WARNER (Continued from page one.) They are all of Boston Store quality the kind that make walking a pleasure THE BOSTON STORE management of tho place, I have this much to say. It has been the weed bed of the country, seeding not only this land but the neighboring land also. Last year the plowing was fin ished June 12. It was not harrowed until fall, consequently the . wheat sown upon such ground will hardly yield a bumper crop." "I have been upon the place for nearly three years. No administra tor has called during that time to see if tho place was properly farmed or to divide tho grain or hay. When Judge H. J. Bean decided the case in my favor, I gave Mr. Warner a lease upon the land and the lease cites, "That In case the supreme court de cides against me, one third of the grain or rent shall go to the estate.' If the place had been farmed right Hince uncle died, the so'l would not have been Impoverished as it is to day nor would it have been overrun with weeds as it was until this spring. Senator X. R. Ccott Is authority for the statement that West Virginia will give Taft a bigger vote next year than ever. Even If Life is a rough road, there's many a hurricane that blows us over the rough places into a bed of blossoms. Free Demonstration Of Butterick Patterns, this week, by Mrs. C. C. Herrlck, special repre sentatlvo of the Butterick Pub. Co. Expert advice on sewing, and pat terns fully explained at THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Where It Pays to Trade. Save Your Coupons. (Continued from page one.) In possession of action must ultl- assured that It is facts upon which mately be taken." Hundreds of .Millions Involved. Tho decision means that approxi mately one hundred million dollar", worth of Alaska coal lands will be conserved to the people. A probable immediate opening to the develop ment of Alaska. Ilnliiiwr Also Talks. Seattle, Wash., June 28. When told today of the decision at Wash ington regarding the Alaskan coal Ianis over which he lost his gov ernment job, former Secretary of the Interior liallinger, who is staying h re. at first refused to talk con cerning the decision. Later he changed his mind and stated that he believed Commissioner Dennett had cancelled the palontn without suffi cient evidence. "The decision of tho commissioner Is politienl and not ju dicial," said liallinger. The decision means also the vln dicatinn of former General Land agent Glavls and Pinchot. who wer dismissed from the service after their famous clash with Secretary Ballln ger. Also It Is possibly the death of the Morgan-Guggenheim plan to gob ble the Alaskan resources and the Impending influx of Alaskan coal to Pacific coast markets, eliminating the British Columbian coal. "I Tolil ym So." Pincliot. New York. June 26. Glfford Pin chot, when seen today in regard to the decision, said: "The cancellation of the claim is sufficient proof by the administration Itself, that the fight against the coal monopoly of Alaska is not only successful but was necessary to tho government. This action Insures the cancellation of a multitude of fraudulent claims. "If the fight had not been made the Cunningham claims would have been patented long ago and at this time the coal monopoly of Alaska would be an assured fact. "The vigorous attempt by counsel for the Interior department to show that the claims were valid, leaves no doubt but that they would have been patented had the administration been allowed to proceed." estate In and to the said property, threatens and will unless restrained by order of the court, commence other and various suits, actions and other proceedings In the courts for the purpose of hindering, delaying, harassing and annoying the plaintiffs and causing them great and unneces sary trouble and expense,'' It alleges, also, that Mabel Warner i3 threatening to appeal the case to I the supreme court and "in further-1 ance of the conspiracy will forge and attempt to forge other pretended wills and documents and file other wrongful claims against the said es- state." Want Injunction Enforced. ir An injunction was granted several years ago, restraining Mrs. Warner from taking possession of the land but that belligerant ludy, in defiance of tho order, entered upon the prop erty with her husband and has lived li. ere row for almost threo years. It in an attempt to secure the en forcement of this injunction that the present suit has been filed by the attorneys of the heirs, Fee, Slater and Stei.ver. Mr!. Warner Makes Denial. In the complaint it Is alleged that since she entered upon possession, she has not taken proper care of tho hind, but this Mrs Warner denies. "Mr. Warner has poisoned the squir rels," she says, "and has the place free from weeks. As to tho previous HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated & TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. nOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggist of East ern Oregon. The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, Oil WANT PCHE MEDICINES $1.00 F" 1R.EE Call at our store and ask for one or our famous Watch Every person who can solve this puzzle, upon purchasing goods to the amount of $2.00, will receive abso lately free, $1.00 in merchandise. It Is easy worked when you know how. Call and ask for one. Test your sk'U and knowledge. Wm HANSCOM THE Jeweler Hlght class repair work of all kinds. AH Work Promm ami Guaranteed. DO NOT FORGET when phoning your order for meat, that WE CARRY A COM PLETE LINE OF FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, and our prices are RIGHT. Fresh fruits and vegetables received dally. "Everything to eat. Groceries and meat." 0 atthe CASH MARKET Phono Mnin 10 Cor. E, Court and Johnson Sl. Pendleton Dye Works CUT- PRJCES FOR JUNE LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED S2.S0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED $1.00 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.00 MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 75c Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date methods. Phone Main 169. 20 1-2 E. Alta. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A STOCK RANCH? I have 480 acres, 200 of same tillable, black rich soil, will grow grain, alfalfa and fruit, all fenced, never falling spring of water. This land is close to the reserve In the foot hills, and Is an Ideal hog ranch. $8.00 per acre will buy It. ' I have other tracts from 1000 to 15000 acres In a body at pri ces ranging from $8 to $15 per acre. Having 12 years experience In the stock business in this county, I am In a position to show you some of the. best propositions to be found. In Pendleton I have business property, residence and suburban homes at low watermark prices. Come and see me. E. T. WADE Temnle Big Office phone Main 455 ; Res. B. 8271. Pendleton, Om