EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST ORrXOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY JUNE 20, 1911. PAGE Til 1 1 EE THE PRICE Dressed in our famous clothes of quality you can meet and mingle with the best dressed men, without feeling embar assed or out of place. those great big silver dollars jingling in your Besides, vou can think with pride, of pocket, that you have saved yourself, ) ntlemen, When Vou Purch ase four 4fEi of Jul; Clothes in This Store It's easy .to buy Men's Clothes, when you trade where they sell themj RIGHT, and it's easy to secure your "good time" money for the 4th of July, free, when you secure your entire outfit here, because you save good hard coin on every purchase. MEN'S OVERALLS. Lot 880 Boss of tho Komi heavy weight bine bib overalls, best grade : '. 80p Men's JJest Quality Blue Striped Overalls .. 50 Junipers to Match. MEN'S WORK AND PRESS SHOES. You'll find the best wearing, easiest feeling and lowest pric ed shoes at this store. Men's Work Shoes 11.50 Meu's Work Shoes, $2.50 values !l.9S Men's Work Shoes, $4.50 values $3.50 Elk Skin Shoes, $2.50 values S1.75 Extra large and varied line of the famous Packard dress shoes, $1.00 and $5.00. We are sole a cents. MEN'S HOSIERY. Common Cotton Work Sox, pair 5 (!ood Black or Tan, value 10c, at pair 5 Fancy Nose, regular 25c value .'. 8 l-3 . Fancv Hose, regular 2 for 35c value 10V Black. Brown and Tan Lisle 25 All Silk in all colors, 75c value 50tf MEN'S CLOTHING It is conceded by all that we are in a class by ourselves when it comes to giving the greatest Men's Clothing values in Pendleton. We are sole agents for A B. Kirchbaum & Co., of Philadelphia, the largest clothing manufacturing con cern in the world. Call and ask us why they are the largest. Can you match this? all $12.50 and $15 CO summer suit?, just the kind you would like to wear on July 4th to go for a few days only, choice at. $7.75 MEN'S SKIRTS FOR DRESS OR WORK. Men's Work Shirts, 50c values 30c4 Men's Black Sateen Shirts, 75c values 49 Men's Black Sateen Shirts, $1.00 values 75c4 Men's Soft Collar Shirts, $1.50 values 90 Men's Neirligee Shirts, 75c values - 49 Muleskin Gloves, 35c value . 20 Muleskin gloves, better grade 33 Heavy Cotton Gloves 5 Heavy Cotton Gloves, jauntier, pair MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Sizes "4 to 44; every wanted color, weight and weave. Men's Balbriggan Underwear - 25 Men's Balbriggan Underwear, 75c values 45 Blood's Underwear, brown, blue and pink .. 45 Men's Union Suits. $1.00 vr.lne , 50e Men's Poros-Knit Union Suits, best quality . 81.00 All standard $3.00 hats going at ".. $2.35 We are authorized selling agents for J. B. Stetson hats. We buy direct from factory and not through any jobber. Our line is complete. LOTH IHQ LESS EXPENSE MAKES OUR PRICES LOWER PENDLETON, OREGON STANFIELD DIKE MAY NOT BE BUILT (Special Correspondence.) Stanfleld, Ore, June 26. The men who have been working Just below StanfleM digging test lilts for , the purpose of determining the depth to led rock, which work has been go ing on for some time under the di lution ii the U. S. reclamation ser vice engineers, have discontinued their efforts here. Numerous tests v- fro made but the efforts to find the bed rock have been fruitless. This work has been carried on with a view to Including In the estimate the cost of the proposed west Umatilla exten sion and probable cost of a dike with a concrete core along the west side of town. In order to make this dike of any service nt all In protecting this city against the rise of water In the proposed reservoir, it would be ab solutely necessary to have the con crete wall rest upon a bed rock foun dation. The testa have been made to n depth of 4 0 to 60 feet but in no instance has bed rock been reached, there being 20 to 30 feet of volcanic ash soil, the remainder of the bor ing being through clay and cement gravel. At the new school house site the well that was recently drilled Is II feet deep and no bed rock wns struck, so it seems very improbable that It will not be considered by the engineers of the t. S. reclamation service as feasible to build tho pro posed dike for the reason that the depth to bed rock, while not known at this time, is too great to Justify even a report favoring its construc tion. Tln length would be ubout one and one-half miles. Liquors You'll Like 4? because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goods In our establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by ag, pure ly distilled, and is fully guaran teed by us. The same way with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every article wo handle. You get more than your money's worth in quantity and quality. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 188. and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177 PETERS & MORRISON, Props. Items of Slanflfid Polk. Architect C. M. Himebaugh has bi en transacting business in Portland this week. Geo. A. Anderson left for Fargo, X. D., Wednesday expecting to re turn In about two weeks. E. p. Marshall, vice president of the Inland Irrigation Co., was down from Pendleton Wednesday. Ur. H. W. Coe returned from Port land Wednesday. Geo. C. Coe has returned from a week's visit in Portland. Abstractor Johns of Pendleton, was a Stanfleld visitor Friday. Hon W. J. Furnish returned Sat urday morning, from a business trip to Portland and departed for We naha to spend Sunday. Mayor James M. Kyle left Thursday for Ohio on a business tr'p. Zne Houser was a motor passen ger to Pendleton this morning. Mr. Green of Spokane is here to day looking after his extensive land interests near here. Mrs. W. C. Spencer, went to Pen dleton on the motor this morning. Geo. L. Ward is spending the day at Echo with his father who suffer ed a slight paralytic stroke yesterday. Russell Peterson wns a Pendleton visitor today. C. E Wood of Amenla, North Da kota, who has been visiting Geo. Lv Dunning, returned home today. Mr. Wood has an orchard tract in the Furnish project and Is well pleased with his investment. Raby'a Vital Point. The most delicate part of a baby Is Its bowels. Every ailment that It suffers with attacks the bowels, also endangering in most cases the life of the infant. McGee's Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysentarv and nil de rangements of tho stomach or bowels. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Motorcyclist Beheaded. Snllnn, Kans. George Higgins. cus. todonlan of schools at Colby, Kans., was beheaded and Instantly killed to day when he rode a motorcycle Into a barbed wire stretched across the country tend near Colby. suggestions nm milady. JELLIED TONGUE Smoked tongue Is delicious served in an aspic jelly border. Put the tongue in a mold or dish and tie a string around so the two ends will nearly meet: try to have the string hidden by putting it as near the bottom as possible, ("oak one box of gelatine in a cupful of cold water for an hour. Put Into a saucepan one quart of consomme or good soup stock, or If in a hurry use a couple of teaspoonfuls of beef extract to a quart of water; add a couple of slices of oidon, a stalk, of celery, a couple of bay leaves, a l't tle spice and some salt and pepper, simmer gently for ten or f fteen min utes, then add the soaked gelatine. Stir until dissolved, strain and pour this around the tongue and let it harden, then garnish the dish with cucumbers." SPORTING CALENDAR. V Locating Experiment I'uriu. Salem, Ore. Joseph Buchtel has made arrangements for the purchase of ten acres adpoining the monument erected at Campoeg in memory of the provisional convention which saved the Oregon country to the United States. This tract wl'.l be added to the three acres the state already owns there for a state park surround ing the monument. At a meeting of the men interested this week it was decided to raise $1200 in $100 subscriptions, buy the land and ask the legislature two years hence to appropriate enough to repay the money advanced for tho land and construct buildings.. Tramps Cut Weeds nt 1 hiker. Baker, Ore. Baker will prove an Inhospitable place for the hobo from this time on, for the police depart ment has adopted the policy of ar resting every vag. They are then put on the streets cutting weeds. Something New THE GREATEST IMPROVE MENT OP THE AGE, THE CENTRAL NEEDLE SEWING MACHINE. No moro crooked spine or aching backs when us ing a machine. Call and see them. Old machines taken In exchange. Jesse Failing Main Street Near Bridge. SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CONSTANT ACTIVITY IN STHEET I M PI SO VF.M K NTS Necessarily, a hardship on a lew in every city, but they arc generally willing to stand it for the hem-fit of tl-.o many. Commenting upon the reactionary -spirit that is slightly apparent in La Giande in opposition to so much street Improvement, the La Grande Observer voices the sentiment of ev ery city of experience in the follow ing editorial: "There is not the least doubt thai many taxpayers do foci the heavy ex pense of improvement, and in some cases it is working more or less of a hardship on them. But tho fact re mains, 'if La Grande is ever to be the city we all claim for her, improve ments must be made. The same his tory has applied to every city in tho country. When the time came for Improvement it hit some very hard, but later no one would think of abol ishing the Improvement for the ex pense Incurred. "Now regarding bitulithlc pave ment, the Observer believes In get ting the best pavement at least money for the people. So far as known, bi tulithlc pavement, when properly laid, Is recognized as tho best pave ment. This Is not a boost for bitu lithlc: it Is n statement of cold fact which any Individual can ascertain by proper research. Kansas City, Mo., has just finished an investiga tion of different pavings from an eco nomic point of view, and although bitulithlc has been used little In that city the board of investigation has decided it is tho best pavement now on the market. But bltullth'c must be properly laid to give results." In La Grande we feel, as we have always felt, that the city council made no mistake In selecting bitu lithlc as the hard surface pavement of the city. (Paid Advertisement.) Monday. South Atlantic States' tennis cham pionships begin at Atlanta, Ga. Tennessee state tennis champion ships commence at Memphis, Tenn. Festival of Empire sports at Crys tal Palace, London, continiuing through week. Cricket, University of Pennsylva nia vs. University of Toronto at To ronto. Tuesday. "Money" Mellody vs. Joe Stein, ten icunds, at Brown Gym. A. A., New York. Annual intercollegiate rowing re- jgatta on the Hudson, at Poughkeep- sie. N. Y. United Sportsmen of Pennsylvania I tournament at Huntingdon, Pa. Western Golf association's open tournament at Kent, C. C, Grand Rapids, Mich. Summer racing meet begins at Newmarket track, England. Wednesday. New plant at Polo grounds, home of New York Giants, will be opened. Thursday. Yale-Harvard freshman four regat ta on the Thames at New London, Conn. Hudson river league golf champion ships begin at Dockland, N. Y. National aviation meet begins at Michigan State fair grounds, De troit. Friday. Harvard-Yale freshman eight race, two miles, at New London, Conn. Harvard-Yale 'varsity four race, two miles, at New London, Conn. HarvariS-Yale 'varsity eight race, four miles, at New London, Conn. i Amateur Athletic Union national track unj field meet begins at Pitts burg, Pa. California championship polo game between Burlitigamo and San Mateo clubs. Saturday. Finals in A. A. I, national track and field championships at Pitts burg, Pa. New York Motor Boat Club begins race from New York to Albany anl return. International Aviation Cup races begin in England. Championship regatta of Atlantic Yacht club in Graresend Bay, New York. National automobile circuit road race at Riverhead, L. I. Five hundred mile pigeon flight from Warrensburg, Mo., to Cincinnati. SLEEPS SIXTY-FIVE DAYS. BOY BADLY INJURED IN MOWING MACHINE BLADES Hood River, Ore. Frank Carroll, the small son of J. H. Carroll, a sur geon of Seattle, who Is here spend ing the fcummer at the home of his aunt, Mrs. J. H. Sutthoff, in the Oak Grove section, while playing in a barnyard Wednesday afternoon where a Japanese laborer was adjusting a now mower preparatory to cutting a hop patch, became entangled In the blades of the machine and sustained serious Injuries. Both legs were ter ribly mangled. The Japanese quick ly bound the bleeding limbs and the lad was rushed in an automobile to the hospital here, where he Is re ported to be resting wel. Do vou read the East OregoalanT APPETITE GONE? DIGESTION POOR? ROWELS COSTIVE? SYSTEM RUN DOWN? THENBY ALL MEAN'S TRY U OSTETTER'fO CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER Young Woman Awakes Hungry ami Then Fails to Keep Awake. Vandalia, 111. Miss Hazel Schmidt who has been asleep at the home oC her father here for sixty-five days, awoke last night and asked for something to eat. She was conscious and was placed in a chair beside her couch, but she soon was In slumber- land again. Members of the family are worn out by the constant vigil at her side. I Drink I Hires! The Genuine Rootbeer Absolutely pure. Refreshes you when thirsty, invigorates you when tired, delights you at any time. Order a case from the exclusive bottlers Pendleton Soda Works Phone Main 4 59. ew Telephone Oireetory f FOR STACY ADAMS and SELZ ROYAL BLUE SHOES at A. EKLUHD'S s PENDLETON WIT., or.osis JUNE 30th Any changes or additions to list inns or advertis ing matter for this issue must ho arranged for on or ho fore this date. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Read the want ad today.