iw;r irm il.ULX EAST OREGOXIAS, PEMLETOV, OKEGOX. THCnSDAY, JUXE 22, 1911. eight r.tun I. the t"ch:iii alitlos in connection with of the high school honile msly block proceedings. The people of this city voted four to one fir a new high school ami only I'ubiislHii n.:i!y an.l Seal I Weekly at 1'en-iile laxniv.Ts were :-lU)ve.l to vote S i It i ; rettv com lusive that IVn- clet.n A. IMiKPKMH.NT NKWSPAPKll. .iiouin. Oregon, by tUe .ast ui:i:i;o.iAN 11 m.isaiNG 1 00. , :.oo , Sl'r.SCKllTlOS KATES. Illv, one year. ly luall 5.00 school lnuv, six iikiml.8. liy mail Ituv. three m. nulls, by mail .... 1U. eiie ni.'hih. by uiail lwtl.r, eiie ear, by earner li;. i uiiuuhs. by carrier ... Iaily, tluw tu. nubs, by carrier.. laily. one mom a. by carrier fcvnu-Weekly, one year, by mall., feruii -Weekly, six mouths, by mall, fcenii-Weekly, lour oioutUs. by mall l le sire a new hii?li The Piuly Kast Oregoulan la kept on sale at the oresou News Co., 32U Morrison at reel, l'orilaud, Oregon. Northwest News Co, Portland, Oregon. Ckicai:.) Hureau, i'oti Security HulMiuj:. WastniiKtou, L. C, Uureau. 501 Four- i leeutn street, A. V. Member 1'nlteJ Presa Association. Kntered at the postoffice at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mail matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Taper. That tho boiwis a'.'c pnv! as :i finin- .50 clal investment was readily proven 7.50 8.7o by the easy with which they were sold. 1 J5 T'"' IVn '.loton School Iv.ml issue was 1.50 I ,;., .if on n'-ro fivcrtVf r:v. .75 i .50 'than r.r.y other similar bond issue sol,) in ihe northwest this year. The nucstions raised seom ta per tain merely to the technical validity i f the hon.ls. It seems about ii hard for a bond issue "to pet through the jungles of the law as for a camel to get through the eye of the scriptural ih edle. If there is anything wrong with the bond issue doubtless it can be reme died. Only it may mean the loss of valuable time. THE- HOPE. Oft have I looked into the brow of night wondering "With bitter fancv why so hard The way. so brief the life, so dull the poor reward. Duty so wearying and wrong so bright; And as I looked ray question ing thoughts took flight Into resplendant space, nil silver-starred; My petty self seemed feeble, chained and barred. But man I knew would tri umph in the right, Ptill voyaging toward Life's upper skies Where each shall live him self, complete and free. And each, unmocked, shall round his destiny. And justice shall smile down with starry eyes. For, as with Night the spark ling' hosts arise, So shall there come a we do not see. Charles Erskine Scott Wood in the Pacific Monthly. "MISTOOKEX:" The Irishman who appeared be fore Judge Phelps seeking ' naturali zation papers and declared Oieorge .i- ,A , . i. . .. : . . .w. I . aMiinuii'ii n ue me u ef-iiit'iii. il niu I'niteJ States was no worse mistaken a good American citizen who i I than as being examined for jury duty in murder tr'al, and was asked if he : lieved in capital punishment. "Xo do not believe in capital punish- Mncnt," h- replied. "If a man is to be (hanged then hang him at the county l ' stat. Pon't take him to the capi tal." Xor was Judge Phelps' Irishman any less informed than was a gentle man from Cold Springs who was try ing to qualify as a juror in a murder trial during the time Judge W. R. man from the northwest part of the county had been on a trip to Tacoma and when Col. Haley asked him if he i Ellis was on the bench. The gentle- :l i I considered that the state should have it prove the defendant guilty or that world , . ' , : . , . , , . . tne (leienuanc snouni De required to prove his innocence replied, "I don't know, I just got back from Tacoma and don't know anything about this case." AFTEIi A FA I It IEAL. In taking up a campaign for cheaper lights and power the Com mercial club is doing work that should result in tangible good to the city. If the move is successful we will obtain a reduction that will mean the sav ing of part of the many thousands of dollars now paid the Pacific Power & Light company every month." It U a matter of common report and has been for a long time that Pendleton patrons of the gas and el ectric company have not been treated with the same liberality as have the people of Walla Walla and other towns In Washington. This is said to be true with reference to electricity for lighting and power purposes and also with reference to gas. Why is this? Is it right for the company to give cheap rates to Wash- I Ington towns and then make its divi dends by charging high prices in Pendleton? Certainly it is not. Pen dleton does not wish to be the "goat" and will not be if , local people can help themselves. And there are ways of helping our etlves if we have to use them. The kist legislature passed the Malarkey public service commission bill and T.hen that law becomes operative the railroad commission will have the power to regulate the service and the rates of light, power and gas com panies. In all probability the com mission would rule that Pendleton is entitled to the same rates as the Washington towns. Then there is another recourse open to the people of Pendleton. If pow er and iights cannot be had at Just rates from the present company a municipal electric plant may be In atalled. Ey going to the north fork of the Umatilla river ample power may be obtained. Many good busi nessmen feel Pendleton should ob tain and develop that power when It constructs its mountain water sys tem Fred Walters, the milling man, has also fug'eti'l at times he might develop additional power and sup ply Pendleton w ith c lertri city. But It Is more than probable that v; hen full attention Is called to the inequality in the comparative rates a reduction wl:l be made for the benefit of the Pendleton patrons by the Pacific power Light company. The managers of that company are capable and reasonable bu.-lnesH.men. They know the people of this city are but showing common business sense in asking for lower rates and that the patrons of anv public service corporation are entitled to be heard with reference to the rates charged by such a corporation. If they have a proper conception cf their own du ties in the matter they will feel no re sentment that this subject nan been raised. On the coirtrary they will meet our people frankly and openly and grant auch reductions as will be Just and equitable. MOKE KEASOXS TIIAX ONE. In Walla Walla the ministerial as sociation has requested that the newspapers publish their Sunday an nouncement in the Saturday evening editions instead of in the Sunday morning papers as has been the cus tom in the pitst. The reverend gen tlemen fear they are participating in the violation of the Sabbath when their notices appear in the Sunday papers. They need not wjjrry greatly on that score. Nevertheless the Wal la Walla clergy are on the right track when they request that their notices be published Saturday evening. An evening paper Is read by the people while a morning paper is merely scanned. Arising late on the Sabbath day no man or woman, no matter how devout, is going to spend much time I reading the morning paper. The I church announcement are pretty li able to be overlooked entirely. If practical sense and religion go hand in hand then the Walla Walla ministers do very well. THE HIGH SCHOOL HOXIS. It will ba a regrettable thing if Through the selection of J. H. Owinn as grand vice chancellor of the Knights of Pythias Pendleton has been honored. Xext year Mr. Gwinn will become the grand chancellor and to be the state leader of a big fra ternity is a position to which any man might well aspire. This will be the second time Pendleton has held the grand chancellorship, the former of ficial having been County Judge J. W. Maloney who this year was re elected as the grand keeper of the exchequer. The Chicago man, See, deserves a place in Jail along with other fm posters and the girl victims might well be consigned to the home for the feeble minded. The Indian war veterans deserve all the honar that Is showered upon Sarsaparilla Cures n.11 humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds up the whole system. Vj-i It today In usual iloold foi in or L.r. d tablets called Sarsat&bS. Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the AUTO CAB! Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 814" Main St. I n . ' , . . i r ' -a-'J We know of no other medicine which has been so suc cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Almost ever)' woman you meet has either been benefited bv it, or knows some one who has. In the Finkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their own ygr.atures that they have regained their health by taking Ly.Ua E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Coloma, 'Wisconsin. " For throe years I was troubled with female weakness, irregularities, backache and hearing down pains. I saw an ad vertisement of Lydia K. I'inkhani's VeKetftblo Compound and decided to try it. After taking several bottles I found it was helping me, and I I in list say that I am perfectly well now and can not thank you enough for what Lydia 10. l'ink- iham's Vegetable Compound has done for me." Mrs. John Wentland, 1U F. V., No. 3, Box (JO, iColoma, "Wisconsin. Women who are suffering from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound to restore their health. i H them. Life In tlie Oregon country in the early days was not a Bwe"et and peaceful dream. : The coronation is over and the Amnrican snobs who saw it may re turn and tell of the grand spectacle and of how conspicuous they were. JCXE 22 IX HISTORY, 1298 Battle of Falkirk, Edward I., with 80,000 English defeated the Scottish army under Wallace with great slaughter. 13S2 Battle of Iji Rochelle (Hun dred Years' War). 1415 John Huss, a Bohemian of Burgundy. 1497 Rattle of lllackheuth (Flammock's rebellion) between the royal troops under Henry VII., and the rebels under Flammock and Lord Audley. Th rebels were defeated with heavy loss. 1777 Battle of Tlconderoga. 1S04 The Dutch governor of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope or dered all Englishmen to leave the cape with'n two months. 1X2 There was a great depression in all business interests, especially in the New England states, where there were many failures among the manu facturers, money being scarce, 1S4H The difficulties and disturb ances occasioned by the disbanding of clergyman whot had udooted the opinions of Wickliff, was burned at ! the operat ves in the national worK the stake shops at Paris began. 1476 Battle of Jl'orat Switerland j 1910 Airship passenger s. rvice In and defeat of Charles the Bold, Duke I augurated fit Dusseldorf, Germany. Summer Excursion Tickets East-bound OX SALE OX XCMEKOUS DATES MAY 16 TO SEPTEMBER 7, 191 1 Northern Pacific Railway The ORIGINAL Scenic Highway A FEW SAMPLES SIMILAU REDUCTIONS TO MANY OTIIEK POINTS IN THE EASTERN" UNITED STATES AND CANADA, AS WELL AS THE MIDDLE WEST. St. Paul $00.00 New York . Minneapolis 00.00 Philadelphia Dultith 00.00 Omaha . . . Superior 00.00 Detroit , . . Chicago 72.50 Iloston $108.50 108.50 00.00 82.50 110.00 St. Louis 70.00 Montreal, Que 103.00 Long limits and liberal stopovers. Low rates for Great Lukes steamer trips. We serve those "Great Big Baked Potatoes." Let us arrange you Itinerary It will be a pleasure . Route of the N. Coast Limited REMEMBER THESE EVENTS. Astoria Centennial Aug 10 to Sept. 9 Tacoma Carnival of Nations. .. .July 3 to S .Seattle Golden Potlatch July 17 to 22 Pendleton Round-up Sept. 14 to 16 Minneapolis Civic Celebration July 2 to 8 Duluth Water Pageant July 20 to 22 Yellowstone Park July 15 to Sept. 15 Through Sleepers Dally to Official Park Entrance. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt., Portland, Oregon. Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the . Pendleton people who have visited these tr&ctf HILL & I1IBBERD, OWNERS At die office of MARK MOOR.HOUSE CO. A GREAT SNAP Jf sold at once, 640 acres of good wheat land 5 miles northwest of Pendleton, ovor four hundred acres good growing wheat, plenty of wa ter, good 5-room house and barn, well fenced, all for the imiall price of 113,500, 1-2 cash, terms on balance. address D. Kemler 210 W. Pendleton, Bluff St. Oregon. Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVEAU, Proprietor. fa A'- European plan. Everything first-class. All modern conveni ences. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Large, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George Is pronounced one of the most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running in all rooms Rooms $1 and $1.50 Block and a half from depot See the big electric sign. special! For a Day or Two l-room cottage furnished in a desirable residence dist rict, only ?700. 1S00 acre fine farm and range land, 1 1 head of brood mares, 2 cov, chickens, pigs and farming implements, (his is one of the best buys in the state. ? 5000 will handle this property. $550 will buy a neat cot tage on Sycamore street on pasv terms. Teutsch (Si) Bickers Real Estate and Insurance. Phono Main 5. PASTIME THFftTRF Cass Matlock, Prop. HfcJST PJCTUUE8 MOKE PICTURES LATEST PIOTLTKES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nincs. Refined and n tertaining for th enrie family. Next ta French ftextauranf Entire change threw tiinfi each week. Be aure and pp the next change. Adnlta 10c Children under 10 years, 5c Pendleton Beer THE BEST Qyality-quality first, last and all the time-is the watchword in the produc tion of City Brewery Beer You do not find it lacking in that "life" so necessary to 'erivo it the required zest. You assist in providing employment for home labor, build ing up your home city and supporting institutions tha't place money in circulation here, when you buy homo products in preference to those that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at the following places: BILLY'S PLACE, W. .T. . Bogart, Prop. BREWERY DEPOT, Paul Ucmmelgarn, Prop. OPERA BAR, Anton Kraft, Prop. STATE SALOON, .11. J. Lntourelle, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOOX, J. 1L Taylor, Prop. T Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON, IBREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . SSI10.030.0U 8 RESOURCES OVERT S2.000.000.00 SECURITY