DAILY EAST OHEUONIAN. PKVDLETON, OREGON, TIU KSDAY, Jt N'E 22, 1911 PAGR THHEE r Our entire line of the famous MONARCH SHIRTS, to be moved out of the store. You can help us. Listen! FOR. FRIDAY AND SATURD EIGHT PAGES 1TM AY NLY We will place on sale 150 fine MONARCH GOLF SHIRTS, ranging in size from 14 1-2 to 1 6 1-2, sold regularly the world over for $1.25 each, and representing all the new and desirable shades and patterns. ABSOLUTELY YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE FROM THE ENTIRE LINE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPORTS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 11, Plttslnirg 1. Chicago, June 22. Chicago batted Pittsburg's pitchers nil over tho field and won easily yesterday. Mclntyrc held the visitors to four scattered hits. The lone run of the visiturs was the result of a single and two errors. The score: , It. H. E. Chicago 14 17 4 Pittsburg 1 4 3 Mclntyrc, Hichtr and Archer, Gra ham; Cainnitz, Steele, Hendrlx and Gibson. St. I.oiiIh 5, Cincinnati 2. Cincinnati, June 22. St. Louis won from Cincinnati yesterday In easy style. The home team made many errors at critical times. Salleo pitch ed well and received fine support. Score: H. H. K. St. Limit" 5 9 0 Cincinnati . .' 2 6 5 f-'a". e and Hllss; Suggs and .SIc Lcan. Clark. Now York 1, IWMon 0. New York, June 22. New- shut out Hoston yesterday, scoring three runs In the first Inning on two bases on balls, hits by Murray and Merkle and Jones' error. Doyle's home run In the seventh added the final tally. Score: R. H. E. Boston 0 7 1 New York 4 8 1 Weaver and Kllng; Mathewson and Myers. Philadelphia 2, Ilrooklyn 1. Brooklyn. June 22. Philadelphia won from Brooklyn yesterday In 16 Innings. The visitors tied the score in the ninth and won out on Luderus' single, nn out, Seanlon's wild throw end prolan's hit, , Score: R- H. E. Philadelphia 2 6 2 Brooklyn 1 9 2 Alexander and Dooln; Scanlon and Bergen. York AMEItlCAN LEAGUE. P Clilcngo 4. St. liuU i. St. Mollis, June 22. After two were out in the eighth inning yesterday Chicago fell n Pulty and scored three runs and won the third game of tho series. Chicago 4 8 0 St. Louis ...2 8 2 Walsh and Block, Payne; Pelty and Cl.lllv". I lost ot i 11, New York p. New York, Juno 22. Boston hit both Fisher and Andy Coakley free ly yesterday and took the third game front the locals, Klllllny got into trouble in the eighth and was relieved by Wood. Score: H- E- Boston 11 IT 1 New Y'ork 3 5 3 Klllllny, Wood and Nunamaker; Fisher, Coakley and Blair. Washington 1-1, Philadelphia 2-6. Philadelphia, June 22. Philadel phia won both games of the double header with Washington yesterday. The Visitors made costly errors in both games, while Morgan and Coombs pitched effectively for the homo club. , - ' First game: It. II. E. Washington 1 3 2 Philadelphia 2 9 1 Gray and Ainsmith; Morgan and Thomas. Second jrnmo: Tt II E. Wnrhington 1 ', ; Philadelphia 9 0 Groom and Street; Coombs, and Lapp. Detroit 5, Cleveland 3. Detroit, June 22. Detroit's timely hitting and Lafitte's fine pitching In pinches gave the locals a victory over Cleveland yesterday. Cobb hit safe ly in his 31st consecutive game. Score: R. H. E. Cleveland 3 2 Detroit 5 9 5 Hlandlng and Fisher; Lafitte and Stanage. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Standing; of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Portland 44 43 .379 San Francisco 4ti 37 1 .5Ti4 Vernon 41 4 1 .5n0 Oakland 4 3 41 ..112 Sacramento 36 43 .4.16 Los Angeles 33 49 .402 Results Yesterday. Oakland 8, Portland 1. Los Angeles 2 Sacramento 0. San Francisco 6, Vernon 5. Ilcnvers Lso to Oakland. San Francisco, June 22. Harl Maggart, repentant and willing to turn out for morning practice, spong ed the record of misdeeds off his slate yesterday when he came hack into the Oakland toani and In the first Inning batted a home run and scored a team mate, Later In tlig game Maggart scored again, his efforts real ly contributing three runs to the eight chalked up for Oakland against the one tally registered by Portland. Not satisfied by his batting contri bution, Maggart, in the seventh, made three putouts, preventing Portland from making a hit in that inning. Portland scored its lone run In the first Inning, Score; . R. II. E. Portland . 1 2 Oakland 8 10 2 Kucstner and Murray, Kuhu; Pla ter and Mdr.e. Angels 2. Sacramento 0, Sacramento, Cal., June 22. After cutting off three threat-tied Angels' runs between third and home In the first eight Innings ami pulling' out of several holes when the visitors looked dangerous. Sacramento lost a shutout gamo In the ninth inning yesterday when Maloney's muff of Aklns" fly opened tho way for two runs on sin gles by Dillon and Smith. The locals' inability to lilt was still in evidence, three hits being all that were gath ered off Crlger's deivery. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 2 8 2 Sacramento 0 3 4 Crlger ui: i Smith; Fitzgerald and Thomas. Frisco 1, Vernon .I. Los Angeles, June 22. San Fran cisco won from Vernon ycH.rOay 6 to 5. Vernon came from behind with a ru-h in the seventh, and scored four runs, when Miller was replaced by Henley, who quenched Hogan's hopes of winning in short order. Stewart pitched a steady game against his former team mates. The features of the game were Burrell's batting and a lightning play by McArd'o, who picked Patter-, n's hit to second ' If the grass with one hand and scooped the ball to f rst a step in advance of the runner. Vernon 3 13 2 San Francisco 6 11 2 Stewart and Brown; Miller Hen ley and Schmidt. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Stniidlnj; of the Tennis W. L. Pet. Spokane 4') 24 .623 Taeoma 40 24 .623 Vancouver 39 24 .619 Portland 29 34 .4 G'J Seattle 2S 34 .432 Victoria -13 49 .210 Results Yesterday. Seattle 3. Spokane 2. Taeoma 13, Portland 8. , Taeoma Swamps Portland. Portland, Ore., June 22. Both teams had a regular batfest yester day. Taeoma batting a little the oft ener and thereby winning. Garrett was knocked out of the box after he had allowed nine hits, two of them for home runs in the first three in nings. Atyixfeyer, who succeeded him did a little better, only four runs being secured off him. Portland started to bat Uiggins in the fourth and pounded merrily away at him for five innings, netting their eight runs therein. Score: R. H. E. Taeoma 13 17 4 J'ort'unU S 13 2 lliggins and Seibt; Maxmeyer and Bradley. Seattle 3, Spokane 2. Seattle, Juno 22. Seattle landed on Kraft in the seventh inning yesterday four two base hits counting three runs and won from Spokane 3 to 2. The visitors were held to five hits and two runs by Fullerton, who was wild at times but effective in the pinches. Both teams played a good game ill the field. Score: R. 11. E. Seattle 3 0 0 Spokane 2 3 1 Fullerton and Shea; Kiaft and Oi-t-dlek. Hasty. Mrs. E. W. Croup, mother of Mrs. George H. Upthegrove, is visiting her daughter for a week at Hermiston. Mrs. Croup is from Walla Walla. J. Lamhrith of Pendleton was a Visitor to the project town yesterday. 'He was" looking after his land inter ests here. Carl S. McNaught went by auto mobile to Umatilla this afternoon, ac companied by William J. Bown who recently purchased land of the Max well Land & Irrigation company. Rev. T. J. Hazleton of Portland is looking after the inter !. L :-Timons Prison League : is trying to have a th the churches here at th" ests of V . uni f r :' W .land, ervic. :i lay. ' .-.a i' ..a been received bv the secretary of the Umatilla River Wa ter Users' association from Hon. F. C. Brainwcll that ile expects to visit the proj'-it town sometime next week. He will make a few days' stay. C. K. Bland Is home from one of his extended trips. He will leave again next week and expects to be gone several weeks, making his ter ritory. Mr. Bland Is traveling for a merchandise company out of Spo kane and one of the largest and best lace companies in the United States. BRIEF BREEZY NOTES ABOUT ECHO PEOPLE (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Jvfne 22. J. G. Thom as left Tuesday for Filer, Idaho, where he will erect an alfalma meal mill and install the machinery in the same for the Filer Alfalfa Mil! com pany. Mr. Thomas was accompanied by F. W. Godfrey and C. S. Corder, who will assist him with the work. I Miss Malissa Briggs, who spent eight months with her foster parents in Iowa, surprised her many friends I by unexpectedly arriving here the first of the week. Miss Briggs will visit this week at this place and Hermiston and leave on Monday for La Mesa, Cal. Attorney R. R. Johnson was a busi ness visitor here monday from Pen dleton. W. J. Stapish returned Tuesday from a visit with his family at Walla Wal la. L. L. Hunter, deputy stock inspec tor of Wheeler, Morrow and Gilliam counties, is a visitor here yesterday and today. ' Louis Scholl, Jr., returned Tuesday evening from Walla Walla. Bert Logsdon and Chas. Frledly are attending court at Davenport, Wash. Miss Quintilla Matthews and Miss Hazel Gillett came down from Pen dleton Monday and were met by T. D. Matthews, who took them out to his Butter Creek farm. Hugh D. Smith was a visitor at th county scat yesterday. Mis:; Iluih C'ark is visiting ii Pen dleton. Tho; R s-i. w h has been sick th p'st tax -lays, s gradually Improv ing. Preston Hammer Is here from Cor vallis on a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hoskins are at Freewater attending the campmeetinf and annual conference of the U. B. church, which convened there yes terday. Supt. L. W. Keeler and Principal O. A. Cannon of this place, are attend ing the teachers' examination in Pendleton. Do you read tne East OregontanT OOO0OOOOOGOOGOO3QOQOOOOOOOOO9OOOOOOOOOOO O O O o EM MOID INTERESTING NOTES i Aids Nature The reat success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form.- With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" re-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, puri6es nd enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in short establishes sound vigorous health. It your dealer offers aotnethlnt "' Aood," it I probably better FOR HIM It paya better. Bat you are thinking ot the cure not the profit, ao (Acre's nothing "oar as food" tor you. Say so. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med icine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of msilinf enly. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., June 22. Miss G. Heath and Ruth Skinner left today for Portland, from there they will go to Santa Cruz, Calif., to spend a short vacation. J. D. Rice and J. K. Shotwell spent several tluya in Spokane the first of the week, on their return they were accompanied by Mr. Larson and Mr. Downer, who are interested in Hermiston lauds. 11. M. Gunn, J. A. Yeager, August Bensel, Mrs. Byron O. Monkmaii, Miss Lucy Carson, Miss Clara Bry ant are Hermiston teachers taking county examination in Pendleton this week. W. J. Warner, local attorney, spent today in the county seat transacting business. J. John and son have arrived from Akron, Ohio. Mr. John recently pur chased 10 acres of tho Skinner land from the Orchard company, of which I. C Holland is local manager. Mrs. James Loudenstager, who was seriously Injured In the motor acci dent some weeks ago, is still con fined to her bed, but is getting along nicely. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 0 o o o s o o mm! HNSElrlTB at HALF PRICE and LESS II BAY IN Friday, June 23, Com. at i T.MJLK XO. 1. JiOiiuLu- V up to 10c yard" Embroidery for lliis one (lav 3 1-2c Yd. TA1U.E NO. 2. Euibnii'lerv tliat sold regularly for 1-2 l-2e to lv, Fridav onlv 7 1 -2c Yd. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o c o o Q 0 0 This Embroidery and Insertion ranges in width up to 27 in. o 0 O 9 O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o TA1U.E xo. s. Your choice of all our 20e to .'J.V Em broidery and Insertion, Friday only 1 6c Yd. TA13LK NO. 4. Embroidery ar.d Insertion solil rejrnlar ly.for 40c to (1V, to ,1 at 27c Yd. O o 0 o o o o o o Gordon & Go. Have Said Go -And Go It Must. S TERMS CASH The Womider Store of Pendleton, in the hands of CORDON & COMPANY of Spokane, Wash. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo e o o o o o o o o