East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Calling cards, wed
ding stat'onery, com
mercial stationery and
Job "printing to order
at the East Oregonl&n.
VOL. 24
NO. 7215
. . , z - H-f'd -e" 'cs.
Mildred Bridges Testifies in
"Absolute Cult" Case at
Chicago Today
Stephen Hridgcs Plcada Willi Dau
ghter U) Desert Sec Rut Latter Re
fuses Male Exiccts Dor to llreuk
Down and (,lvo Details of "I "Itch"
Chicago, Juno 21. "They may
crucify me on the cross of public op
inion and place on my head the
crown of condemnation and thrust
my sides with the spears of malice
but they cannot force from me a
single word hurting Mr. See. He Is
Iny light." This statement was made
by Mildred Bridges, high priestess of
the Absolute Cult of See before she
resumed the 'stand to testify in the
case of The state brought ugulnst him
on statutory charges in which the
girl is mentioned. Before the trial
was resumed today Stephen fridges
pleaded with her to dusrt See. She
rcfused to do so. That there has been!
a quarrel between tho "Two Lights"
was seen today when Mildred snub
bed Mona Rees. Mildred admitted
that she believed See's teachings but
Fhe could not remember any religious
rlti-s practiced at the Junior com
monwealth that were damaging. She
could not recall reading a passage In
the book of truth which said: "Mil
dred ! the IJght of my house; tho
house of the Lord, and she shall not
depart therefrom." She cleverly par
ried any questions concerning rela
tions with See.
Witness Is Trapped.
l,i!er in the examination Miss
Bridges was trapped when she iden
tified a letter as her own handwrit
ing. Af cr she denied that she ever
called to see hr "husband" a letter
which I. ; 1 been taken from his safe
was real. In part it said: "I fee)
that I've now entered Into the true
spirit of wifehood. I feel we are on
a truer basis than ever before. From
this day I'll pick up my life and en
ter the rpirlt of wifehood and bo a
true wife. No matter where you may
be always remember that there Is a
little girl at home loving you your
girl-wife. Evelyn. T love you." The
state now hopes to break down the
witness and force her to give the de
tails of the "rites" practiced In the
"Commonwealth." During the recess
See entered tho witness room and be
gan talking to Mona Roes and Mil
dred. Stephen Bridges saw him and
chased him from tho room.
Claim Ag-enls III Conference.
St. l'aul. Minn., June 21. Freight
claim agents who represent 226,000
miles of railroad and steamship lines
in the United States, Canada and
Mexico, are In St. Paul today attend
ing their regular national conference
of tlieir association. The purpose of
the meeting is to prepare rules for
the prompt settlement of freight
J. S. Tustln, freight claim agent of
the Missouri Pacific at St. Louis, is j
president of the national body, and j
W. I. Taylor of Richmond, Va., the j
Wcleynn Commencement.
Midiljetown, Conn., June 21. Aj
conn -t for the U eh pric was a fea
ture of the commencement exercises
at Wesleynn University today. De
grees wen- conferred upon an un
usually largo class.
Miss Ruby Ilazk'tt arrived yester
day from lief home In Chicago to
spend the summer with her uncle
and mint, Mr. and Mrs. William
Sluslier. She made the trip across the
continent by way of tho Canadian
Becauso of legal obstacles in con
nection with the disposal of the $100,
000 high school bond Issue the mon
ey from tho sale of the bonds is not
yet forthcoming and according to
members of the board they do not
know "where they are at."
Owing to tho technical nature of
the questions Involved Chairman
Tollman today declined to make any
statement of the same aside from
saying that the matter Is not yet
worked out. In behalf of tho school
beard Charles H. Carter, attorney for
the board issued the following state
ment: "In regard to tho proposed bond is
sue of $100,000 by school district No.
16, tho matter has been held up for
Los Angeles, June 21. Con-
tending that tho true bills re-
cently returned by the grand
Jury ' egalnst Connor, Maple,
and Bender hold In the charges
of attempting to dynamite the
hall of records building were
illegally obtained, Attorneys
Job Harrlman, Lccompte Dav-
is and Joseph Scott, represent-
ing the defense appeared in
Judge Willis' court today and
wanted to have indictments
quashed. The case was con-
tinued until Friday when ad-
dltional arguments will be
Taft Makes Address nt Yale Coni
mencenieiit Today Will Address
Canadian Club ut New York on
Way Home to Washington.
New Tork, June 21. Before start
ing for New Haven this morning to
attend the Yale commencement ex
ercise. Pres'dcnt Taft completed his
special message to congress recom-
mending the amendment of the pure
food law designed to restore the ef
ficiency of the measure. The su
premo court's recent decision emas
culated the pure food law which se
riously Impeded Its operation. The
message has been forwarded to
Washington to be read before the
senate and house before adjourn
ment tonight.
President at Yale.
New Haven, June 21. President
Taft was present today at the Yale
commencement exercises.
This afternoon he will hold a re
ception In honor of the graduates,
their families and invited guests.
Address Canadian Club.
While en route to Wash'ngton, Taft
will address the Canadian club at
New York. It la understood that he
will talk favorably to reciprocity. The
president will attend the cotton cen
tennial carnival at Fallriver, Friday.
At the reception Judge Lurton
made an address as did also Taft and
President Hadley.
S4H-ks Life Sentence.
Harrisburg, I'a., June 21. Charles
Hickman, the notorious Beaver coun
ty murderer who twice escaped from
prison and is now under sentence of
death, has finally despaired of again
winning freedom through his own ef
forts and his application for com
mutation of sentence to life imprison
ment will be acted upon today by the
state board of pardons.
Governor .Marshall Scaks,
Philadelphia, June 21. Governor
Thomas It. Marshall of Indiana de
livered the principal "'oration at the
commencement exercises of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania today. Bish
op Perry of the Protestant Episcopal
church in Rhode Island, acted as
chaplain. This afternoon the alumni
held their class reunions.
Mar.-lifleld. Ore., June 21. The
Shasta Limited mail robbers are hid
ing in the woods near hen1 or con
cealed in the logging camps. Three
deputies from Die posse trailing them
arrived here today and begun prep
arations to sareh the camps. Sher
iff Gage has left for Allehany to Join
the possp to guide them. The dogs
lost tho trail late yesterday and are
unable to find It again, according to
reports here.
seme time on legal questions concern
ing the district nnd its affairs by the
lawyers in Chicago who were en
gaged by the bidders to pass on the
validity of the bonds. The matter
will probably be settled one way or
the other soon."
In the event tho Chicago attorneys
rule against the bonds because of
technicalities it is possible another
election may become necessary before
the new high school can bo assured.
The high school bonds were sold
to the First National bank of this
city but they were taken contingent
upon tho validity of tho bonds and
pending the decision regarding this
point the sale of the bonds has not
been completed.
-1 -i.v.
James II. (iwinn. Elected s t;innd V
Lclicvcs in Her Right. She Sajs. uu.l ;
Will Know Reason if rrope. ly l :
Taken Away from Her.
Declaring emphatically that she '
was far from t a ten inro suo..;i sevi '
in her long fight tor the estate of
h.-r uncle and step-father, Ja.ie
Young, Mabt 1 Warner was in the c ty ,
sterday to consult iier attorney, X.
Y. I'.ailey. and hi r mem w h.; Just as
belligerent and there was just a.s
much 1'ght of battle in her eyes a, i
ever. 1
"Don't you think I'm going to lie :
dow n," she said in answer to a query, i
"I am going to fight to the last ditch.
There Is forty thousand dollars at
stake and I do not propose to lose
It until It is taken away rroi me. I
know, whether the law decides for or
against me. that Uncle Jim intended
i.:S'S . iVf- '',.'!.:t'-v v .::';VV' -"
that property to descend to me, and Lodge- No. 4.
'f I don't get it I am going to know j Under the rules of the grand lodge
the reason." the grand vice chancellor is required
Asked regarding the motion for a j to visit half the lodges of the state
rehearing which she has ju-t filed, during his term of office. The re
she said It was for the purpose of maining half are to be visaed during
making the supreme court cite the j the officials' term as grand chancel
law by which it ruled against ht-r i,,r. there are nearly 10 subordi-
over the motion to dismiss tiled by
ner attorney on me g.-ounos mat one
of the appellants was dead without
any legal represontat.ve at the tune;
the appeal was taken,
II llae My Innings
Not oiilly did she declare thai the
will 'giving her the property was val
id but she intimated in strong terms
that the document exhibited by the
oilier allege, 1 heirs was a forgery.
"The truth will out." she said,
some day I'll expose the g.in
has b en after my property. 1 may
be a gray haired woman wlnn it
Happens, inu as suiv as i am .wane.
Warner, i i i, it. i in re .s an o:u
saying about when till v s fall out
Well, when that happens, I'll
my innings. Watch me."
The attorneys for the su,cirsful
iieu.s Hiqie.ti uim 'Mill in II OJ lll.S lill-
cm development, declaring it tin. ir
belief that it is but a plan to' delay
the filial settlement until alter har
vest, as Mrs. Warner and lit r bus
band have a crop m on the three
c ... ... i.n
thls year this land has been farmed
t., ai......... i..io
by the administrator and the earn- j
ings, almost seventeen thousand dol
lars, have been placed in tho bank
sn that at the final settlement there
will be a considerable sum in cash
besides the real estate disposed of.
Rankers Hold Sessions.
ISemidji, Minn., June 21. Ad
dresses by Dr. George E. Vincent, the
new president of the University of
Minnesota, and former Congressman
James A. Tawncy will be delivered
this evening before the Minnes'ta
Hankers' association. A business ses
sion was held this morning, followed
by a pike dinner.
New London, Conn., June 21.
Soma of the leading financiers of
New England are on the program of
the annual meeting opened at East
ern Point today by tho Connecticut
Rankers' association.
Pert Smith, prominent sheepman
of the J. E. Smith livestock company,
was here last evening from Meach
am, having come down by auto with
C. W. Nlbley.
;- 'i
of the Kni-lits ofwno nas been provisional head of the
" government since Manuel was de
Election .Means l aiu-t iiicnt to Head
-f Order. .11 Oregi.ii During Follow
liii,' Y-ar Maloucy Again Chosen
us M:.stT cl Exchequer.
(Staff 'or.-;,ondence.)
As.ora Ore.. June 21. James H.
Givinn of Pcniletoi,, was honored to
dry !. i ho Knights or Pythias grand
!o:!; through being chosen as grand
ce chan. tllir f ,r the coming year.
Tile honor al.-o means that he will be
the head of the order in Oregon next
yc:;r. since it is tlie invariable rule
of the order to elt vale the grand vice
chanctllor tj the grand chancellor
ship the following year.
During the past two years Mr.
Gtv'.un has served as a member of the
Brand tribune and he has long been
prominent in the affairs of the order,
being a representative from Damon
I nale lodges within the state the task!
j f visiting the lodges is not an easy
j one and requires much time.
Malouey Re-elected.
.1. W. Maloney, past grand chan
cellor of the order, was again re
ek cted as grand master of exchequer,
.-, position w li h lo has filled with;
iiedii during many w-ars I
L' ! The next sv
. gra lid lodue is
sioll of
to be li
the Oregon
aod in Port-
During tlie
year Frank j
will serve asj
Wrightniaii of SuVin
i-.uid chancellor he
lli! V 11 1 i. UCl U
v ,.Vated to that position from the po-
v iion .,; ..i- ,,,i . : i.. n.-,,. n 1
sltior, of grand vi
I the grand lodge
: il-.aneillor. Al
o'l'icrs under the
Uor a iv chosen
grand vi.-o ,han,-
'from the finer" ar.d do not rotate.
Tulsa. Okla.. June 21. Ilecause
I of the threatened nt rfeivnee of
Governor Cruce of Oklahoma, the
c'arl Morris-Jim Fiynn fight sched-
i . , ,, , . - . , ... .. .
ere for July 4. will not
place on that date, but will be
i in some other state at a later date.
I R. F. Ufer, manager of Carl Morris,
who was promoting the fight late-
today issued the following statement:
"Since the governor of the great
nnd glorius state of Oklahoma has
seen fit to take a stand aga nst some
thing he feared would be a smudge
on the name of the state, the Morris
Klynn boxing contest, scheduled to be
held at Tulsa. July 4, will not be held
in Oklahoma.
"1 will advise Governor Cruce to
get busy and remove some otl..r
things that may be injuring the state's
good name.
"The fight will be held in some oth
er state, and while II cannot be stag
ed July 4, it will be soon thereafter.
"(Signed )
"1!. F. UFER."
Wisconsin Eagles.
Marshfleld, Wis.. June 21. All of
the aeries in the state are represent
ed here today by big delegations to
the annual state convention of
Fugles. Liberal prizes will be award
ed in the various contests.
Washington, June 21.
When the Hardwick sugar in
vestigating committee resumed
today, Horace, son of the late
sugar king Havemeyer was re
called. He. testified the reas
able combination was positive
a benefit to the public. He de
clared that the uniting of the
National sugar refining com
pany ar.d Yonkers refineries in
to the National Sugar li'fining
company of New ' York was of
more benefit to the public than
to the company.
World's powers Including England
and United States Will Recognize
the X"v Republic When President
is Installed.
Lisbon, June 21. Anselmo Braam-
camp was elected president of Portu-
gal today. He will succeed Braga,
posed. Braumcamis who has been
president of the Lisbon municipal
council was elected by constituent as
sembly recently chosen by popular
election. Other powers, including
England and United States will recog
nize the new republic when the new
r resident is installed.
Keil, Germany, June 21. The sec
ond division of the American battle
ship squadron on its cruise of inter
national courtesy, dropped anchor
here today. Admiral Badger and his
staff boarded the imperial yacht and
were received ceremoniously by the
Los Angeles June 21. Charged
with murder and arson by the Mex
ican consul at San Diego, Capta n
Rhys Pryce, the former general of
the insurrecto army announced today
from his ee l that he would fight ex
tradiction. The complaint says
Pryce is guilty of tho murder of Jose
Larroque, a Mexican jailer, killed
May 9 during the capture of Tia
Juana. Pryce was given forty days
to prepare his defense and oppose extradition.
The first real spectacle of the cor-
Oregon lMonecrs' Reunion. onation week occurred this afternoon
Portland, Ore., June 21. "01d'v'hen the king and queen and their
times" of Oregon are today holding ; suites progressed through the west
the thirty-ninth annual reunion of ' end streets to the fnternation.il show
the State Pioneer Association. A , at Olympia. Tonight the Duke of
"kloshe wa wa" or campfire will be ' Connaught, the king's uncle gave a
held this evening, when several and- I dinner to their majesties and visiting
ent fiddlers will engage ill a contest. ' royalties and envoys. Hammond at
The pioneer association Is composed tended.
only of those who came to the Pa- !
cific coast prior t the close of 1S50.
At Round-up Park tin r
construction work in progro
ork of buil.iiiK
rrals and paddocks
fur the -tuck which will be used dur-'
ing the vil.l wc.-l show has been com- j
:ncnc! and will be hurried to com- I
According to lhihi;ion Manager
Mark M jorliouse, these corrals an il
paddocks will be arranged for con-'
cnieiice so that there will be no K - i
lay or mishap in running the wold
horses and steers to and from the
(Continued on page eight.)
For the purpose of iaking up the
subject of cheaper rates on light and
power for Pendleton a meeting of
the city Interests committee of the
Commercial club will be held at the
club rooms at S:30 this evening. The
members of the committee are T. G.
Montgomery, E. J. Murphy, mayor, W.
J. Clarke, J, V. Tallman and G. M.
The meeting for this evening Is
slated to occur Immediately after tho
adjournment of the council. It Is
called pursuant to notion taken nt the
meeting of the board of managers
i uisv r i iiiuj w neu newspaper cup
I pings telling of reductions In rates at
T 1 T I
Preparations areMade to Care
tor Casualties Which are
Considered Inevitable
Section Two and One Half Miles
Wide and Three Miles Long Will
Do Reserved for Ceremony in the
Heart of City Guard of Yiitlng
Royalty Increased.
London, June 21. In anticipation
of the climax tomorrow of the coro
nation week, two thousand ambu
lances, hundreds of physicians and
nurses and all the emergency hos
pitals have been engaged to care for
the casualties which are considered
Inevitable. Preparations have been
made against accidents In case any
of the grandstands collapse or fire
breaks out.
Guard Is Increased.
Precautions were redoubled today
to guard tin visiting royalty. All of
the houses along the line of march
have, been inspected by the Scotland
Yard to see that they contain no
plots or bombs.
Tonight the b'g gates will, be clos
ed and the rectangle two and one
half miles across and three miles
long in the heart of London, where
the ceremony is to be held will be
closed to traffic, for two days. No
one will be allowed to enter or depart
from the rectangle save those with
Trade Impaired.
It is expected that the embargo
trade in the rectangle will cause se
rious inconvenience as the congestion
of traffic was so heavy last night that
provisions to last through two days
were not all received and only a
little more could be secured today.
Transfer Coronation Robes.
The coronation robes jewels and
other regalia were taken today from
Rucklngham Palace to Westminster
Abbey. They are under a special
guard of the king's life guards.
Visitors Enter Gates.
Though the vehicles are prohibit
ed, the visitors will be allowed to
pass through the gates tonight until
the police conclude that a sufficient
number has been admitted. No one
will then be allowed to enter or de
part save for a few hours Thursday
Spoclacle This Afternoon.
Present Gresliani Sword.
Bloomington, Ind., June 21. Mrs.
Walter Q. Gresliani, widow of the In
diana soldier, cabinet officer and ju
rist, today presented to Indiana Uni
versity the sword curled by General
Gresham during his service in the
civil war. The presentation was a
feature of the commencement exer
cises and was witnessed by many
veterans and army officers. General
Gresham was a nat've of Indiana and
during the war he manifested such
in litary ability that he was made a
brigadier general. President Arthur
;ipj olnttd ii i m attorney general, and
later be became secretary of the
treasury. He died in Washington in
i 3 5
To-.mi Celebrates Centennial.
; Corinth. Me., June 21. A celebra
; tioii of the centennial anniversary of
j the founding of the town of Corinth
! was held today and attracted many
j visitors from other states.
North Yakima and Wr.lla Walla weru
It Is the opinion of members of the
city interests committee and of oth
ers that Pendleton has not been given
equitable treatment by Pacific Power
& Light company and they hope to
obtain a marked reduction.
According to members or the com
mittee they propose to investigate
the subject as fully as possible and
the first step will probably bo to di
rect Secretary Keefe or some member
of the committee to gather accurate
data showing the rates at North
Yakima. Walla W'alla and other points
as compared with the rates charged
In Pendleton.