-w. - -a - v Butt BwV d ,- r .'t-'mwM''t. PAGE SIX UMATILLA TOHAVE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER MAsOMc DANCE IS ENJOY A 1U.K OCCASION Now Ycsvtahlcs Kind Tliolr Way to Market In tlc V4 End Town Now Toiuils Cluh lias Ikvn KoniK-d With Sixteen Member. t Special Correspondence.) Umatilla, June 16. It is stated that a well known Umatilla gentle man will soon start up an up to date weeky paper in this city. The paper will also be equipped with an up to date prlntery. Rrrak In Irrigon Ditch, A large break was found In the Ir rigon ditch a little above this city and a number of teams and a gang of men are now employed in repair ing the same. New Vegetables. New potatoes, peas and other vege tables are finding their way to the market this week. The potatoes are A No. 1 quality and the ranchers say that the crop will be an excellent one. New Tennis Club. A new tennis club is being form ed here this week and about sixteen have already signified their inten tion of joining it. The courts will be near the athletic grounds. Bathing Cluh Reorganized. The Umatilla Bathing club is re organizing after an almost twelve month vacation and it expects to have the bath'ng houses and running boards ready next week. Masonic Danoe. The local Masons are giving a giving a dance Friday evening, June 1. in Pounds' hall. Pendleton Unit ed Orchestra will furnish the music. Personal Mention. J. W. Duncan has returned from a short visit to his daughter, Mrs. F. P, Connor in Portland. Mrs. Dun can win femuin in roruancl sever&J months, . ..' I . 'S. w. H. SwiUler has returned from a visit to friends in Portland. Alex Milburn was in Portland for the past two weeks and has returned. Mrs. F. E. Ubil who was In Port land the week-end, has returned. H. J. Burnham and Mrs. Burnham were Portland visitors during the Rose Carnival. They have returned. Robert Lingow, the former yard master here, has been appointed to me same position at Wallace, Idaho. .Mrs. Lingo and family will follow in a tew weeks. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lingo have resided here for a long time and the departure is genuine ly regretted. W. F. HiRR'ns has returned fmm California where he had been visiting c?s parents. F. L. Pullington. engineer nf Grande, has been assigned the motor car and entered on his new duties on jnonaay. Mrs. S. A. Saylor, of Portland, has arrived and taken a cottage on the river for the summer months. Mrs. fraylor has many friends here who re pleased to see her In good health Is of two kinds -conceit and the big nea mat comes from t sick head ache. Does you. head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and ore? Tou can can it In no tim h cting on your liver with Ballard's "erDine. Isn't It worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll fcet A. C. Koeppen ft Bros. fpokane. Wash., June It. Man agers of dairies In and near Spokane will Issue a Joint order on June 21, compelling milkers and other male workers In their establishment to shave every other day. Thomas S. Griffith, president of the Glen Tana Dairy farm, said be believes the plan originated by J. B. Haggin, a mil lionaire dairyman In Kentucky, will be adopted In all parts of the coun try The local dairymen already have ruled against tobacco chewing arM have installed wash basins and lai.n SPOKANE DAIRIES TO ABOUSKERS dries in connection with the mllklns; .m "rnoul "nt from member-1 tables. The milker, wear whit? u 2 ' "hlbecau P"cal view. re- which are ch.ngeTeverV JaJ Sm'P rdln Pron,bltlon- Colquitt made of the dalrym"? wTat. whfle a h" fr the non""U on the' ban on whSSn ? "without question I nroh h mn "T""' the one of sanitary Important .uch an fh T ' k' 7' bt toT order might make itfflcul! 2 ? c sen id v 7 .be6n I""1 criU ' cure sufficient help, even at th. prS- Method,"? chur'ch- " fr" ""l ent wage scale, which ran, from JC churc. I 135 to 145 a month, in ... ..... ..!'ora. "ow on e time of the is announced, facial adornments the way of whiskers must go. ..-.I. "i In Dill While Crate Lincoln, Neb., June 15. Allts White, novelist, eriltm Empora Gazette and author famous query. "What's the r the matter -.w, ftumias;- was the commence ment orator at the fortieth annual txerel.- of the University of xe. braska today. The day's program will close with a reception by the chancellor this evening. STOP In j In THAT STOMACH TKOUBLB As scion m you notice the appetite lagging-, digoatloa becoming weak bowel, oostlve, take flOSTETTER'S STODACH BITTERS HILLS' MURDERER SUSPECT IS SEEN Startling evidence that the man who murdered the f,ur members of William Hill's family last week is still In the immediate neighborhood of Ardenwad, where last weeks murders took place, came early today when Gus Obrist, a dairyman, was at tacked by a man believed to be the murderer, says the Portland Journal. Obrist works for A. J. Dysle. a young dairyman, recently married, who has lived in Ardenwald for the past month. For three weeks, late at night and early In the morn'.ng, Dysle and Obrist have seen a rough looking man hanging about the barns and the house, who would disappear In the woods across the road when he saw that he was observed. Dysle thought the man might be one of the many tramps that infest the neighborhood, owing to the prox imity or the Southern Pacific tracks, which ruu. near the house, until he saw the man after the Hill murders. Then he notified the police and sher iffs office and took care not to leave his young wife alone in the house. At 2 o'clock this morning, Obrist had f'.nished milking the cows in the barn, behind the Dysle house, und was walking down the lane that runs from the barn to the house when the same man whom he had seen a num ber of times before ran up behind him and struck him in the back of the ueck. at the same time bringing his knee up so as to strike Obrist in the back. Obrjst is a young Swiss who has been In this country but a short while. He is sturdily built and managing to shake off his assailant, ran for the house. The .nan who had attacked him ran on down the lane, jumped the fence into the road and crossed th road in to the thicket of woods that lies be tween the road and the Johnson creek bottoms. It is the belief of those who have been working on the Hill case for the past SlS flays that the man who mur dered the Hills and the man who has been prowling about the Dysle home and other farms within a short dis stance of Ardenwald, are the sace. Deputy Sheriff Phillips, Deputy Sheriff John Talley and T. F. Cowing. Jr., a brother of Mrs. Ruth Hill, one of the victims of Friday morning's murders, hurried out to the Dysle place early this morning and spent the day scouring the woods into which the man fled and from which he has been seen to come on the occasions of his v.sus to the Dysle place and neigh- uu ling larms. These woods are about mii, i and not more than a quarter of a mile wide, but are extremely thick and nuisiae mat slopes down to me jonnson creek bottom ih. "8" oi way or the railroad. When Obrist told Dvsle nt th. tack this morning Dysle telephoned tne snerirf and the police. Two po licemen got to the Dysle place within "n an nour out were unable to find anytning or Obrist's assailant. They "ra oogs barking loudly at a farm ... oiner siae or the Johnson creek ooiioms, nowever. ant it l Bimnn. me man ran in tnat direction. POLITIfAF. VPITE VWITO u j Republicans ar. rciniin ..... - ..,v.v.uB v.ci iUB inueclsion of democratic support Harmon or Wilson. Democrats are lanc-hm .ir, uAiM - o o tucii "..rc.es over tne predicament they claim their leaders have gotten the republicans into over the tariff R is said that ov. wnnn' mendation of certain oditnr. .k- Independence thev hv h- i criticizing public men and his declar ation for publicity as one or th. safeguards of the nennio um .. . . " tun .1 1 ill j the support of certain governors In . ti- a. .!..... . . . . Ohio progressives have started a campaign to obtain a morn II he ml constitution for the'ir state next year. Persons of every political party who believe that the new constitution should be drafed in the Interest of the people rather than of special privOege have banded totethor the campaign. I Governor Colauit nf tvo. I fused to permit the Methodist church of whles Is a member, to expel! him Without k. flffht frnm I ""onai aem. mOfTfltlrt innuanf In. . hence there promise, to be a merry governor Harmon of William Jennings Bryan. nas lost no time In an niing that he will not h a dldate for the presidential nomlna tlon again, but he does not like War mon and Harmon has already given luiice mai mere la no love lost be tween himself, Bryan and Governor Wilson of New Jersey. He wll stand on nis record as a nroirreiivo one of the proudest things to which he directs emphasis In the series of bills 17 in all which he was forced through after Ohio had vainly de- manhejed their passage for years. HuiM-ratlon there Is not so much the ordinary varatlnn a- a single bottle of Hood's Sarsap- wnicn rerresnes thetlred blood, sharpens the dulled appetite, restores the lost courage. Take Hood's Sar saparilla this summer. A political campaign involving a l-nlted States senatorshlp, the gov ernorship and other Important state office, will soon be on in full blast In Kentucky. DAILY EAST ORE GOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, Jl'XE MRS. LOVE STATES CAME HOME TO DINNER MUCH INTOXICATED Wife of Sidney Love Takes Witness Stand to Defend Herself Against Cluirucs Made by HubniKl Has Quit Cigarettes. Baker, Ore , June 16. Looking pale andjivorn out, Mrs. Marjorie Burnes Love took the witness stand yester day to defend herself from the charg es brought against her by her hus band. SiJney C. Love, In his action for divorce. She was under direct ex amination all the forenoon by her at torney. Benjamin Tuska, and answer ed questions readily at most times, faltering occasionally when her home life was brought up. Once she was visibly affected when the events Just prior to the birth of her baby were discussed. . Sha wore a heavy veil, ns she has all through the hearing. She recited at length the details of her acquaintance with Love. "Dur ing his courtship," she said, "he was affectionate, and my marriage with him was one of pure love. He told me always during those days that we were to live In New York, as he would not care to live in Chicago at all. Home Drunk, Vjrly, Sullen. . "The beginning ' of my illness was one night when he came home to din ner very much Intoxicated. I had nver but once before seen him so much undr th? influence of liquor. His condition was such th.it lm swayed and I had never seen that be- rore. All through dinner that night he was ugly and sullen to mo. nn.i w hile I was too ill. i went to the the atre with. him. Spine friends were with Us and saw how I felt, so would r.ot accompany us. We returned home in wie motor and when we arrived he did not heln me out hut lof alight as best I could." Re thetl or dered the chauffeur to drive him to ft ciub snd left me standing alone on tne street at midnight." "The next day the doctor told him what was the nature of my Illness and he, was greatly pleased. He came back and was very kind to me In deed." She then told how they had gone to Newport, and while she lay 111 In bed he had the house full of guests every night, making so much noise I could not sleep." Visited Hospital Sleepily. Shortly afterward, when she was. taken to the Roosevelt hospital in New Tork, for an operation for the removal or her appendix, the wife testified that he came to see hr euerv day, corroborating Love's statement. uui, me aaaea, -ne never stayed long, and orten-times laid down and siepi wnne ne was there " She also acknowledged that he was very Kina ana good to her after her return irom tne hospital. She dwelt at some length on the details Of hl8 failure In himlnaaa aov ing that after the crash came, he had atKea ner to lend him some money, and that she had done bo. tn th tent of S7000 and later hnri a cnecx tor 13000. About thin Hma she testified, the baby was born, and ner motner suggested the trin to En land. Her mother, she M mm tn her room and they talked the plans ever ana Mrs. Burns called to Sidney, who was In the next room, to nub him If he and Marjorie would not go to cngiana with her and live as her guests. He agreed." she added, "ind n-iti. tears in his eyes thanked my mother for her kindness and showed in every way mat ne was deenlv nffeotorf k i . ,. r ' Has Quit Cigarettes, she Says. un cross-examination, whlph wa startea bv Attornev Rand shnrttv iore noon, sne asserted she had given up smoking cigarettes and hnil nnt smoked since she left New Tork. She said she did not think it nlro nt Mr Band to ask her If she bad smoked today, after testifying that hVi nled that Love had not known of her smoKing until after their marriage, saying he had encouraged it during meir engagement. 0ll Ut.. Inch A Kto ury IwMMk, Wm mUtot l'itMTHK .MTM .UFEBIOKI unwu, It. h1m IUl J I Alt. f1 Umlu4 r 1 rirririiMiai i mm OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE HUSBAND WAS CRUEL IPe Quelle Cafe and Oyster House Meals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 2'mAJX STREET " ARE TO E A VOTE O. A. C. AI.VMM ASS'N ADOPTS 1 1 E EE 1 1 EN 1 I' S I Important Questions of pulley Will le Subnitttod to Moiiibcrshlp u Is Done in Eastern Collogvs Associ ation Has mid Secretary. Corvallls, Ore., June 16. As a re sult of action taken at the annual meeting of the Oreeon Agricultural College Alumni association the prin ciple or tne rerorms will henceforth be used at times In connection with alumni affairs. The executive com mittee of the association Is authorized to take a vote of the entire alumni membership on any question of al umni policy when In the judgment of the comm'ttee it Is desirable to do so. The plan of submitting important Issues to the vote of all the graduates of the institution is in voarue In ninnv of the large eastern colleges and It is believed the scheme will work par ticularly well In Oreiron where the uses of the initiative and referendum are well understood. One question has already been re ferred to the membership of the O. A. C. alumni and the vote will be taken within a short time. The ques tion Is jpon the adontlon of a mo tion introduced by Carle Abrains, '00, of Salem, to the effect that the O. A. C. alumni recommend one man for membership upon the board of re- gents. It is probable that during the coming year several questions will be submitted to the O. A. C grads though at this time the one mentioned above is the only question ready for sub mission. Officer of the O. A. C. alumni as. sodation for tjie ensuing year are E. B. Aldilsh, president; A. G. Roquet, vice president ttilj Marry llolgate, Rt?crel:iry-treasurer. The executive committee consists of the president, secretary and the following, Mrs. C. M. MeKellops, Corvallls, Mark Wea therford, Albany, and Mrs. John Ful ton, Corvallls. The secretary-treasurer is to be paid a salary, the amount to be reg ulated by the executive committee. Baby's Vital Point. The most delicate part of a baby Is Its bowels. Every ailment that ft suffers with attacks the bowels, also endangering in most caw. the Ufa of the Infant McGee'. Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysentary and all de rangements o( tjje stomach or bowels. A. c. Koeppen It Bros. "V; ANGLER GETS "PADDLE CAT." Strange Creature Is Taken From the uuppewa tuver. Chippewa Falls, WU.William Leipnitz of this city, while f'shing In the Chippewa river, caught the strangest specimen of the finny tribe ever seen here. It is called by old ALL" 6RADS Refinish r- 3 5S IS EASY : Shabby, scmchec are unsightly and a c be made to look bri pense and you can VA1 stains and varnishes i all kinds of surfaces t able, lus finished other e: color ca 10, 1911. rlvermcn n "paddle cat," and who say it hud been many years since one has been seen in these waters. This fish wus flftv-two Inches lone and weighed twenty-two pounds. The euson It Is called a "tuddlo cat" Is on account of the queer shape of the Head. The "puddle" Is the nose of the fish, und on this one it measured twelve inches. The fish had ears that hung down six inches below the gills The mouth opened at leaBt six Inches In color the fish has a bluish cust. The fish Is snld to be a salt water specimen where It is often found, but It Is a mystery how the fish has stray. ed up Into the cool fresh waters of ; tne I'liippewa. LOCAL FIRM WILL CONTINUE VALUABLE AGENCY The Pendleton Drug Co. of this city has Just closed a deal whereby it will continue to be agents for ZE MO the well known remedy for ec zema, dandruff, and all diseases of the skin and scalp. The extraordinary leap that this clean liquid external treatment for skin affections has made into public favor in the last few years proves Its wonderful curative properties and makes It Indeed a valuable addition to the fine stock of remedial agents curried by the Pendleton Drug Co. They have a limited supply of samples, one of which will be given free to any skin sufferer who wishes to test the merit of the medicine. A booklet "How to Preserve the Skin." w'li also be given to those Interested. ITS TOtJB KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake the Catie f Ton Troubles A Pendleton Citizen Show, now to Cure Them. Many neoola never nnnMt thai kidneys. If suffering from a lama. weak or aching back they think that It I. only a muscular weakness vhm urinary trouble seta in they think it will soon correct itself. And .0 it ! with all the other symptom, of kid ney disorders. That I. Just where the danger 11... Tou must car. these troubles or they may lead to diabetes or Bright, disease. The beat rem edy 1. Dsan'a Kidney Pills. It cure, all Ills which are caused by weak or diseased kidneys. Pendleton pt.pl. testify to permanent ear.. Mr.. Thomas Myers, III R. Court treet, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "X member of nor family complained a great deal of sharp pain. In th back and was also caused much treable by two frequent Msrtakaa of tha kldnev secretions. Wktn a trial of Dean. Kidney Pill, was rattotlM, tftll rem edy was procured and th. Oonteats of two boxe. restored the kidneys to a normal condition, bringing roU.f from all the distressing symptoms of kid ney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price II cent. roater-ICIIbarn Oo Buffalo, New Tork. sol. agonta for the United Btates. Remember the nam. Dean', and tate ne other. Fur AN 3 elf. EIGHT PAGES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated PS TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and JIT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. Liquors You'll Like because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goods In our establishment Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by ag, pure ly distilled, and is fully guaran teed by us. The same way with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every article we handle. You get more than your money's worth. In quantity and quality. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 188. and Pioneer Bottling Work Phone Main 177 PETERS A MORRISON, Prop. arred 1 ft-- CNSIVE furniture that your home can w at slight cx- r on, giving to feet and dut of beautifully iy, walnut or is. Call for Hale & McAtee PENDLETON Oregon Do row r4 th Bast OrafonlaaT