East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 16, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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8hut out Chicago and ut the locals!
out of the lend in tho pennant race.
The game was a pitchers' battle be
tween Itrown and Hunts, In which two
("'null's ami u racrlfloo resitted In the
only run.
Score R. II. K.
Chicago . .' 0 4 1
Phl'nJelphiu 1 7 0
liiown and Archer; Burns and
Tkh Things to Keep You Cool
Wash Goods Sale
When the warm summer days beam upon you, the one way to keep
cool is to wear thin thingsThis is your opportunity to buy "thin things"
cheap this wash goods sale offers you a choice lot of rare bargains.
If you wish to make your own wearables, remember, we carry filmy,
thin materials and just the proper trimmings to match, you can dress
well and economically now, for light materials are low in price.
Our entire stock of wash goods is divided into seven lots at 5c, 9c, 11c,
14c, 19c, 24c and 37c per yardprices never before offered at this
time of year.
Boys! Don't Forget
tbat we are giving baseball suits and catcher's and pitcher's out
fits away
one with every boys' suit we sell for $5.00 or more. These
suits sell for $1.50 and the pitcher's and catcher's outfits for
You can buy "Em" if you want to
The suit consists of padded pants, belt, shirt and cap.
The pitcher's and catcher's outfit consists of breast protect
or mask, catcher's mitt, ball and pitcher's tip. This is a snap
boy's, don't let it pass.
Womens and Misses Middies
Come in white and navy and white and red, finely made, full
range of sizes, $1.49 to $1.98. A fine warm weather garment.
Womens White Linen Skirts
Made plain and plaited at $2.25 and $3.50.
White and Tan Indian Head Skirts
Made in plain and plaited models $1.25 to $1.98.
Childrens Wash Dresses 1-3 off
Dandy little dresses, beautifully made and trimmed, just the
thing for warm weather; good assortment; great variety of col
ors; sizes 2 years to 14 years. Price 75c to $4.50 each,
For Saturday Only 1-3 off .
New House Dresses
Come in blue, grayfi lavender and pink, $1.49, $1.98.
Come in blue, gray, lavender and piuk, $1.49, $1.98.
kimona and regulation sleeves.
Pendleton's Coolest, Cleanest Grocery in Our Basement. Phone M. 17
If voii enjoy having your Grocery needs come from an abso
lutely clean and sanitary store The Peoples Warehouse is that
OXE store in Eastern. Oregon. Order your Saturday and Sun
day needs here. Order early.
Iresh shipment Sugar Cured Hams, Mild and Sweet, lb. 20
and 22.
Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen 25
Prepared Breakfast Foods:
Quaker Corn Flakes, special today, 3 pkgs. . 25
Puffed Wheat, 2 packages - 15
P.'.ffed Rice, package 15
Gray? Nuts, package
Grape Fruit, Nature's Tonic, take our word for it, choice fresh
ones, each - - lvr
Choice Ripe Oranges, sweet as honey, dozen...
('antelopes, each ..
30 to 60
Fig Pudding, cans
15 and 25
Choice Pineapple, G cans ...... $1.00
Salad Dressing Powder, ono can makes 1 quart of delicious
dressing, cans, each 15
Our Celebrated Ehmaiin Olive Oil, littles 35, 60, $1.00
Jiiijxjrted and Domestic Sardines, cans 5 to 40
Extra Fancy Sweet Midget Pickles, pint ... 30
Pimento Cheese, packages 15; jars 25
Olive and Club Cheese, jars 25
Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, jars 50 and 40
Cherries in Maraschino, bottles 35, 60, $1.00
Mushrooms, cans 23 and 40
Imported and Domestic Fancy Wafers, Crackers and Cookies.
Melon Maniroes, each . 5
Stuffed Pickles, 4 for 25
Imported Swiss Cheese, pound 45
Everything the market affords in frosh fruits and vegetable.
no one thing missing.
. Washington 8, St. I.ouIh 7.
WuslTngton. June 16. Washing
ton defeated St. Louis In a hard hit
ting game, lloth Powell and Hughes
were driven from the rubber through
the fusllade of hits. A home-run by
Mian featured.
Score R. II. E.
Washington 8 11 1
St. Louis 7 15 1
' Hughes, Groom and Alnsmlth;
Powell, Hamilton and Clarke.
' Uoston 4, Cleveland 2.
Uoston, June 16. Securing a lead
of three runs In the first inning, Bos
ton won a Blow game from Cleveland
yesterday afternoon. The hitting
and fielding of Olson, and the field
ing of Pall were features.
Score n. H. E.
Boston ., . . 4 6 ft
Cleveland 2 6 2
Wood and Nunamaker; Klelnow,
Dlnnding and Easterly.
Xnt York 5, Detroit 0.
New York, June 15. The New
York Americans shut out Detroit,
Fisher allowing the visitors only four
shattered hits. Mullin was hit free
ly by ah locals.
Score R. H. E.
Di-.lt 0 4 3
New York and Casey; Stanage, Fish
er and Sweeney.
Standing of the Teams.
W. L.
Portland 41
San Francisco 42
Oakland 40
Vernon 3i
Sacramento 34
Los Angeles 29
Hevultn Yesterday.
Portland 7. Vernon 3.
Los Angeles 2, Oakland 1.
San Francisco 6. Sacramento 4.
Portland Defeats Vernon.
Los Angeles, June 16. Seaton was
too much for Vernon yesterday and
Portland won, 7 to 3. But seven Ver
non players reached second base, while
Raleigh was easy for Portland, who
piled up three base hits.
Score R. H. E.
Vernon 3 6 3
Portland 7 IS 1
Raleigh and Ilogan; Seaton and
Frisco 6, Sacramento 4.
Sacramento, Cal., June 16. San
Francisco. Cal., June 16. San Fran
cisco made it three straight for the
series thus far by timely bunching of
hits off Baum In the first, third and
ninth Innings yesterday, winning by
a score of 6 to 4. Sacramento threat
ened to find Henley early in the
game and he was relieved by Meikle
who held the locals to four hits In
the last six innings.
Score R. h. e.
San Francisco 6 9 8
Sacramento 4 10 2
Henley, Meikle and Schmidt; Baum
and LaLonge, Thomas.
Amp-la 2, Oakland I.
Oakland, Cal., June 1. Oakland's
good performance at the but yester
day proved of no avail, although
Zacker distinguished himself with a
home run and a double. Two errors
at critical moments by Wares contrib
uted to a Los Angeles victory. How
arde stole two bases in tho third In-
n.ng and scored. Smith made the
necessary tally In the fifth on a sin
gle, a sacrifice and two misplays by
Wa res.
Score R. h, e.
Los Angeles 2 3 0
Oakland i g 6
Delhi and Smith; Pernoll and
if. !
Help for All
Andrew Carnegie once suggested as an epitaph for his
own tombstone what he said was the secret of his success :
" Here lies a man who surrounded himself with men
abler than himself."
Many able people are working for you, scientiits, inventors,
manufacturers, all trying to mate something yoa want Doyou use
their brains and their efforts "surround yourself with them" or do
you plod along by yourself, years behind the times ?
Take your own home. Have you your share of modern im
provrrnents there money-saving, labor-saving, health-promoting? One
of the most important of these is a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove.
A Nrw Perf-dion rtrave never overlieati a kitclien. Il ivet your itrength. It
uve fuel end time. With ti e New Perfection oven with the glut doort you can
go on with your ironing or njr other wotk, and Kill be sure at a glance the joint U
touting properly. Mde with 1 . 2 and 3 burnm. with
lofiff, ttirquoM IjIim ensmrlrd ehtmnyi.
riaaiwm-!y pnnhfd throughout. I he
f.T ti,jvetcjn be hmn wilh of
binet top. which ii titled with
op helves, towel KU, elr..
Dealeri eTerrwhere : or write (or de-
crtotive arcular te the Dearest ageacr
of the
Standard Oil Company
i Incorporated)
Good, healthy flesh can only be
gained by the use of the proper food,
together with natural action of the
organs of assimilation. Nine people
out of ten in order to weigh as much
as they ought and be perfectly healthy
should use Samose, the great flesh
forming food and health restorer.
Weigh yourself before commencing to
use these little tablets, and see how
your weight Increases from week to
Samose does not contain a part'clc
of starch or pepsin, nor Is it any nau
seating preparation, such as is usu
ally recommended to make people fat.
and which does not build up good
healthy tissues. Saniose has valu
able flesh-forming properties, tones
up and strengthens the whole system,
helps the food that is eatn to be)
assimilated In a natural manner, and
absolutely restores health to all the
organs.. s
If you are not perfectly satisfied
with the results from Samose, Koep
pen Bros, will return your money
without any quibbling. .
1 sports
Xew York. Passengers and crew
of the White Star Line steamship
Celtic, brought with them to New
York today a revival of the sea ser
pent tales of other years. They re
ported having passed early yesterday
morning a formidable looking crea
ture which was going at highspeed
In pursuit of a school of young
whales. The monster, they said, had
wings, although it appeared to be an
aquatic animal, and rose frekucntly
ten feet or more from the water.
WhaleB and pursuer faded from sight
within a few minutes.
Uoston 8, I'ittsbiinr 7.
Pittsburg, June 16. Uoston defeat
ed Pittsburg. Five runs In the eighth
gave them tho game. The local team
apparently had the game high and
dry before that period.
Score: It. H. E.
Pittsburg 7 8 1
Koston 8 8 3
Hendrix, Adams, Steele and Gibson;
Weaver, lirown and Kling.
lirooklyn I. Cincinnati 0.
Cincinnati, June 16. Rucker had
the better of Suggs in a pitchers' bat
tle here this afternoon and Hrooklyn
'won. Brooklyn made Its run on a
single, a sacrifice and an error.
Score: rt. II. E.
Brooklyn 1 7 2
Cincinnati 0 6 2
Rucker and Bergen; Suggs and
McLean, Clark.
New York 3, St. Ixnils 0.
St. Louis, Juno 16. New York
won the opening game from St. Louis
and Is again lending the National
league. Sullee was effective In all
but the seventh. In which the visitors
fell on him and scored runs on a base
on balls, two triples and a double.
Score R. II. E.
New York 3. 7 0
St. Louis 0 7 0
Crandall and Myers; Sallee and
Philadelphia 1, Chicago 0.
Chicago, Juno 16. Philadelphia
Until Relieved by Lycia 1.1. Piak
'jam's Vegetable Ccr.:;;c::.iJ.
)"vittvillu, X. Y. '-Hi-fore I start
nl lo tuko Lydia U. Tinklum's Vi'ru-
lauiu lompottuu 1
suffered nearly all
llii! time, with head
aches backaches,
and bearing down
pains, and bad a
contiuupus imln in
1. f k . ! 1 . 1 l
uiy icib huio. ig
made me sick if I
tried to walk much,
and my back was so
weak that I was
obliged to wear
corsets all the time.
Hut now I do not have any of tlieso
troubles. I have a line strong baby
daughter now, which 1 did not have
before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound." Mn. A. A.
Giles, Kouto 44, Dewittvillo, N. Y.
The above Is only ono of the thou
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by the
Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that
Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis
eases of women, and that every such
suffering woman owes it to herself to
at ieast give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial before submit
ting to an operation, or giving up
hope of recovery.
Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass.,
Invites all Hick women to write
hrr for advice. Sho has (raided
thousands to health and her
id vice is free.
seventh when Portland got five runs
of three hits gave the locals the game
over Spokane yesterday.
Score: R. H. E.
Spokane 2 7 2
Portland 8 7 1
Schwenck and Ostdlek; Bloomfield
and Bradley.
Seattlo 6, Tacoma 8.
Seattle, June 16. Seattle obtained
a lead of four runs In the first Inning
ywterday and xlcfVted Taivima
to S. Hall for Tacoma was somewhat
wild and was hit often and hard.
Zackert pitched good ball for the lo
cals. Score: R. H. H.
Seattle 6 12 2
Tacoma 3 6 3
Zackert and Shea; Hall and Burns.
Vancouver H, Victoria 6.
Vancouver won a free hitting game
from Victoria yesterday, 11 to 8. En
gle and McCreary were batted hard.
A triple play by Vancouver In the
second Inning with the bases full was
the feature, rtrashear was injured
while sliding Into third base and re
tired, Strleb taking his place.
Score: It. II. E.
Vancouver 11 15 6
Victoria 6 12 l
Engle and Lewis McCreary and
Governor John Burke of North Da
kota has accepted an invitation to
speak at the annual meeting of the
Iowa State lior association to be hell
In O.skaloost at the end of June.
Standing of tho Teams.
W. L. Pet.
Spokane 38 18 .679
Tacoma 37 21 .638
Vancouver 35 23 .603
Seattle 25 31 .448
Portland 23 32 .4i8
Victoria 12 45 .2 1 1
jvc,-.m1im Yctttortluy,
Portland 8, Spokane 2.
.Seattle 6, Tacoma 3.
Vancouver 11, Victoria 8.
Portland Wins Again.
Portland, Ore., Juno 16. Luck In
getting hits at the hit moment and
clumsy handling of. the ball In tho
Ftrr Inmntf tod Cr-ildW
lm M You Have Always Bougl
taars tha
iMgnatart of
For a Day or
4-room cottapo furnished
in n desirnhlo residence dist
rict, only ?700.
1800 acres fine farm and
rnnoc hind, 11 )cnd of brood
snares, 2 cows, chickens, pips
and farming implements,
this is ono of tho best buy?
in the state. 5000 will
handle this property.
$550 will buy n neat cot
tage on Sycamore street on
fnsy terms.
Heal Estate and Insurance.
Phono Main 5.
Orpheum Theatre
For Men, Women and Children.
Program Cham ( imUt'u, m ttUmr.