wjortik"" PAGE EIGIIT DAILY EAST OKFCOXIAX, rEXPLETO?:. OItEGO.V,I.l)XKSl.Y, Jl'XE II, 19U. EIGHT PAGES Fruits and Vegetables the fresh, crisp and iucy kind. Everything the market otters in fresh fruits and green vegetables is found here first. You'll find our quality highest and prices lowest. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Jliuvnhcvs Will Sow: I Tin: !.v;il Lady .ht.valee-i will en j joy ;ui iJ'lernoon nt sewing tomorrow as Mrs. ll.irgre has issued a gener i al '.nxltation to the in to bring their lUovil' s ami thimbles to her h.me, 604 Lewis .street. iconomy Jars Just received, larso line of Economy fruit jars, which we are sellins at the lowest i-.rii-o. Tops always on liana. Choice' of STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY IfiO. WHERE ALL ARE FLEASFD. FRANK O'GARA, Pre. BERNARD O'CAIU. Soc-Tre. Caitttl to Minnesota. Attorney ,T. P. Winter and wife ami Mis. Winter's sister. Miss Sehroe 01 r. l-c't is:. r.l.iy afternoon for Per hum, Minn., in response to a message statin.; that the ladies' father was tv ill ,ii his lu:-.;o in that city. puts Tom Pie" eh .1 11 'W Vlocti'io sisn. , Swerineii, proprietor of the restaurant, has just Installed L'Ueuic sign readable from !th sides which is intended biai-iin liyht for the hungry th.ir.--ty. as a and 0 IS JUDGE AND HAS A JURY How many people in Umatilla county know that there is such a tri bunal of justice as a sheriff's court It is safe to say that there are very j Vl.,.t h-eucth had had prevailed. few whose knowledge extends thus ! West of the Rocky mountains in the weekly crop bulletin issued yesterday. In the corn and wheat grow.ng . states west of the Mississippi severe I heat caused rapid evaporation of j moisture. Nearly ideal weather prevailed in ( the spring wheat growing states and! the week was unusually favorable. Warm weather continued and good ra'ns recurred in the more eastern portion of the cotton belt where se- T Inebriates in Court. .l imes Williams and M. Casey broke in.i jail last evening by the assistance t ie night officer, both having im- 1 too freely from the fountain : '.H'or. They were given the option - Judge Fitz Gerald of remaining r three days in jail or paying over fine of five dollars. Williams o the latter alternative while u.-vy took the former, chiefly be ta o .necessity demanded it. I'll far, yet there is a sneriff court in session in the county court room to day with Deputy Sheriff Joe Blake ley acting as "his honor" with all the dignity of a supreme Judge. Besides the Judge there is a jury of six lis tening to the evidence which is being taken in the case om of B. B. Rich ards of Athena vs. Mrs. Frank Myers of Helix, in which the ownership of a piano is involved. It seems that Kichards attached a piano in the first place but afterwards lost possession of it through subsequent legal proceed ings and that the case before the sher iff and his jury today is to determine to whom the piano belongs. Attorney H. I. Watts is representing Richards, while Attorney G. -W. Coutts is coun sel for the defendant. According to court house officials, this is the first time a sheriff's court has been held in Umatilla county. It is possible, however, that somewhere in remote history occurred such a session which the present generation lias forgotten. it was cool during the early part of the week but more favorable tempera tures prevailed during the later part. It was mostly dry. except over the more northern portions, but irriga tion water is generally plentiful and the weather of tlfe week, as a whole, was the most favorable of the season. t Special Correspondence.) Holdman, June 14. Everybody Is reparing machinery, preparing for harvest. The prospects are flue for a gooit crop, tiur city mercnant is still in Portland. Pr. Campbell was in Holdman to day. Undo Sam Margate went to He lix today after wood and lumber, pre paring to build a residence In the near future. Frank Holdman just arrived from Portland. Chester Miller of Wallula and George- Brand ingburg of Holdman, made a Round-up trip on the range so the boys come back well stlred up. R. L. Harp went to Pendleton to day. Ace Dobner of Pendleton Is out spending a few days with his son George on the Adams ranch, three miles north of Holdman. Roy Ktter has returned from Spo kane where he has been spending a few days with his uncle. Mrs. John Wilke will leave next week to spend a few days with her father and mother in Weston. John Gentry was In town yester day, riding his saddle horse. John has a fine animal. There will be a dance at the Hold man hall Saturday evening, June 17. Everybody Invited. Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Sermon nt 11, sec- Sundays of each Hoi I R 'users Here Tonight. The Musical Sckhardts, better known, as the Swiss Poll Ringers. wiU be heard at the Christian church to- piaht and, although the season is . ond and fourth s :iewhnt ! tf, a good audience is ex- ; month. peeted i" view of the reputation fori On last Saturday the Ladles' Aid ixeelleiu-v which the iv.mpany has i served ice cream In the basement at g lined. Pel! r'ngiii' 's by no means I the church with a clean-up of $10. ty of ir.ii-U- presented ' flllNA TO SEND WARSHIPS TO MEXICO NEXT WEEK INTENSE HEAT. IS UNFAVORABLE TO CROPS Washington, June 14. Intense heat, much sunshine and a serious defi ciency in precipitation marked the weather of the last week over large portions of the great agricultural dis tricts of the country as summarized Pekin, June 14. The Chinese gov ernment announced today that the cruiser Hai Young will be sent to Mexican waters within a week "for the protection of the Chinese sub jects." Three hundred Chinese were slain recently at Torren, Mex., by the insuirectos. Mine Inspectors Meet. Charleston, W. Va., June 14. The National Tssociation of Mine Inspec tors convened here today, with nearly every important mining district of the country represented. The visitors will remain here through the week and most of them will go to White Sulphur Springs next week to attend the annual meeting of the West Vir ginia Mining Institute. It Is report ed that greater progress has been made In the last two years to safe guard the miners of the country than in the entire previous history of the industry. I i. J . .... ) .4?X M it a.fM ii s?rC M ST 3 -T1 r. so P"1 ' V 1" ' ; icheon the nn'y varie for a large number of different musi cal instruments are carried. One of the principal features will be the ap pearance of Miss Nannie Ptrachan, the Scottish prima donna, in a num ber of songs of her nat ve land. WASHINGTON Ol I !( IAL MARKIF.S A WAITRESS Anniversary ,!' uij.- I'IimkI. Today is June 14, the anniversary of the famous Heppner flood in which r.ianv lives were lost and much dis aster wrought in the county seat of! Mr. Springfield, Mo. Twenty-four hours after thev first met l a din ing room of n local hotel where she was head waitress and he a guest, V. V. Viies, chief clerk of the census bureau at Washington and Mrs. Bue i.".:i Paden nf Springfield, were mar ried in Fort Scott, Kas., on May 27. Skiles was on his vacation and Our I Your $4.50 and $5.00 Summer Oxfords for They are all of Boston Store quality the kind make walking a pleasure that THE BOSTON STORE PEXDLETOX PREPARES 1X)R ROI XD-UI CROWD (Continued from page one.) the neighboring county. It was Just eight years ago that the news was flashed to every part of the ' earth that a cloudburst had sent a deluge down upon the little city of Hep pner wiping out her business houses and taking a heavy toll of human life. So great was the damage done and the loss of life that the Heppner flood has been written down as one of the big disasters of the century. Disruption in Indian Family. Has a husband the right to sell his wife's horse especially after the ani mal had ceen presented to their son? This is the issue In a family squabble which Deputy Sheriff George Strand was forced to listen to last evening andof which he has now washed his hands. It seems that Wild Bill, the well known Indian, sold a horse that his wife had raised and presented to their son. Seeking redress, Mrs. Wild Bill and her nephew-ln-law, Henry Charley, renowned over the northwest as a jockey, appealed to Strand to have Wild Bill arrested but they were advLsed to reclaim their horse and hnlj it. o.oK1.iS V 'n the best society the eon eroodies used are th lunch- e kind we se ii. That means that when you wish to give your family or friends a treat you show wis dom in choosing from our extensive stock. Our luncheon goodies add to your reputation as a iiostcw and give increased delight to your family. A selection of all the best and most delicious is car ried. You can pick delicacies here to please ALL tastes. WATCH OUR DISPLAY WINDOWS. .HERE ARE SOME OF THE VARIETIES: IMrnril Not an Indian. It was erroneously stated in this paper last evening that Henry Picard, the reservation rancher, who was kill ed by lightning Monday night, was a French-Indian. Mr. Plcard's na tionality was French and no reflec tion was intended by the statement that he had red blood In his veins. The Information to that effect was ob tained from a source that Is usually reliable, but which has proved itself like all others not to be infallible, An apology is extended to the bereaved widow and children, there being six of the latter Instead of two as report ed at first. The body of the victim of the electrical storm will be inter red at Adams. has now returned to Washington. They kept their marr.age a secret un til today when Mrs. Viles left this i ::y. Mr. ViUV home is at Mansfield, Mo. t iiaritlos Meet to Close. Boston, June 14. With a great general session this evening, at which various philanthropic topics will be discussed by men and women of na tional reputation, the thirty-eighth annual National Conference of Char ities and Corrections will be brought to a close. The meeting has been the most successful in the history of the organization and presages a re newed warfare against various social and economic evils throughout the country. WARNS AGAINST WHINING. Sardines Goosellvers and Truffles Crlsr 'Anchovies ' Deviled Ham Fancy Balm on Boneless.. Herring Shrimp Lobster , Crabs Olive Oil Ripe, Green and Stuffed Olives Peanut Butter Plmentoes Pickles, sour, sweet and dill Jellies and Jams Cookies of all kinds. Cheese Gray Bros. Grocery "Quality Grocers." An Exciting Runaway. D. P.. Waffle, the well known drayman, has a considerable harness and blacksmith bill to pay as the re sult of an exciting runaway of his team yesterday afternoon about 3..T). Mr. Waffle had driven across the river and had stopped his team to fix the bridle on one of the horses. In doing so, one of the straps brok the animal shook the bridle off and with Us mate started at a rapid clip for the business part of the city. The passage crross the bridge was made In safety anil the horses proceeded without disaster until the corner of Main and Alta streets was reached when, In swerving from an automo bile, they dashed into a telephone pole In front of the Horseshoe rest aurant. Both animals were thrown to the pavement but fortunately es caped Injury. The front gears of the wagon, however, were considerably damaged as was the harness wh'eh was almost entirely stripped from the horses. Walter MeCormmach, who was driving his auto Into Main street from Alta Just as the team came al ong, had a narrow escape from a dis astrous collision and only saved him self by applying the mergency brak. Dr. Ilurlstonu Says Growling Hinders Good Works ami Kotunls progress. Indianapolis, Ind. "Workers and Whiners" formed the basis of an in teresting sermon Sunday morning by the Rev. Albeit Hurlstone, pastor ot Roberts I'ark M. hj. church. "Whiners binder God's work in the world," said the speaker. "Whin ing is paralyzing. It matters not how well you are rdessed, if you are a whiner your influence is destroyed. Nearly every good enterprise Is hin dered by the whiner. who is constant ly on the lookout for slights. "Difficulties cause brave men to take heart, but furnish fuel for the grow ler. :mall men may harass great men and retard good work. The root of whin i - id sin. Pull the hub.t up by the root and you will find that sin in your heart causes you to be a whin er and coinplainer about other peo ple. Religious grumblers are the worst. Let us keep out bitterness for sin and our swords for the devil. The best way to overcome the contempt ible spirit of the whiner is to become an earnest, sweet-spirited worker in toe world's great harvest field." park will not be disfigured and cheapened by advertisements. At the meeting of the board of directors and officials lnct night, a committee re ported unfavorable to the idea of sell ing the space on the back of the grandstand and fences for the exploit ation of business houses although a considerable sum of money could -be realized from such a scheme. Also it was decided that no signs could be erected within the grounds and the Bond Bros, scoreboard at the conclusion of the ball season, will be taken over by the Round-up associa tion and the name of the park and the dates of the wild west show substi tuted for the advertisement. Inas much as Bond Bros, were tacitly as Eured that their ad would he allowed to remain for the Round-up, they will be reimbursed for their expenses. Detective E. B. Wood of the O.-W. R. & N. company arrived in the city today. BYPTO SPECTACiES & EYEGLASSES With them the eyesllght of youth is' re-established and to all appear ance Krjptoks are the same as young folks glasses, with nothing to dis tinguish them from the latter but the wearers own pleasant knowledge of their wonderful far and near quali ties. Without Hon tn or cement, no edges to catch dirt, or become cracked or jagged in cleaning. Just perfect sight with the discomfort and unslghtltness left out. They should be worn by all who need double vision glasses. Wo fit them to gto you comfort ami satisfaction. DALE R.OTHWELL OPTOMETRIST. WIUi Wm. IlanHcom. THE HANGS SEIjF TO EVADE TRIAL. Chinaman Aceiiwd of Murder Com mits Suicide in Ills Cell. Pittsburg, Pa. Tom Tee, a China man, who was to have been put on trial tomorrow for the murder of a countryman, hanged himself in th county Jail this morning. He had made a rope of a towel and was sus pended from a window grating when found by a guard. Tee was charged with killing Ycj Cheek Wah In a North Side Chinese restaurant during a quarrel, April 1 He also was under Indictment In Phil adelphia for the murder of Joe Fo-jk In October, 1908. Hot Weather demands cool garments, such as cool underwear; we have a nice lot of drummer's samples sold nt a price. We also have a lot of soft shirts; our price will ho interesting. THE HUB ES25t;i. 745 Main Street. 73etween Taylor Hardware and Pendleton Drug Co. IS Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR JUNE LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 12.00 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED $1.00 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.00 MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 75c Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date methods. Phone Main 169. 208 1-2 E. Alta. Homo Luxuries ire of many kinds, but we make a luxury out of a necosslty. In Bath Rooms we use the greatest precau tion to install only the latest and most sanitary appliances. Bath Tubs and all Plumbing from this shop is the best ob tainable. Satisfactory .estimates on new or repair work at Pendleton's only exclusive plumbing shop. BeddoI& Miller Corner Court and Garden Sts. Phone Black S566. 8 A GREAT BARGAIN 640 acres, all in wheat, well watered, good iinprorcmsau. This land has produced 48 busheh to the acre, and may 4 it this year, the prospect is fine. $40.00 per acr buy it. Including entire crop and-machinery, terms easy. I have some fine alfalfa and fruit farms on McKay umi Birch creek, prices very reasonable, terms easy. If you are looking for business property, a raaidanee, o suburban home, drop in and we will talk it over. E. T. WADE Tenurie Big. Office phone Main 455 ; Res. B. S271. Pendleton, Or a 3 i Boys Wash Suits (I In a great variety of styles and many beautiful and popular pat terns. All colors and white. Just what the boy needs for. comfort and service during the summer. Ages 2 1-2 Years to 9. Prices Range at 75c 90c, $ 1 .00, $ 1 .25 and $ 1 .65 Full line of summer underwear fof women, men and children. The WONDER STORE Phone Main 2C. Next to Poet Office Da you read the East OrgonlnT