EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OBSOONTA2T, PKWDLKTOIf, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, If 11. PAGS 111 KM FELT BAD ALL THE TIME Shellhorn Lady Suffered a Great Deal, Bat Is All Right Now. Shellhorn, Ala. In a letter from thia place, Mrs. Carrie Mar eayt : "A ahort time ago, I commenced to have weak pells and headaches. I felt bad all the time, and aoon crew ao bad I couldn't atar up. I thought I would die. At last my husband got me a bottle of Cardut, and It helped me; ao he got aome more. After 1 had taken the aecond bottle, I was entirely well. ' I wish every lady, Buffering from womanly trouble, would try CarduL It la the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I ever used." Cardul la a woman's tonic a strengthening medicine for women, made from ingredients that act spe cifically on the womanly organs, and thus help to build up the womanly con atltutlon to glowing good health. Aa a remedy for woman's Ills, It haa successful record of over SO years. Your druggist sells It Please try It H. B - Write to: Ladle' Advljory Dept., Chatta Mon Madiclnt Co., Chatunoot i. Tcnn., for Special Imtructumt, and M-page buuk, "Horn TruUBMl of Women," mm In plain wrapper, on raquaat. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, f'.reworks, or of any other nature, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. Its the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for burns, bolls, sores, skin eruptions, eczema, chapped hands, corns or piles. 25c at Koep pem. WOMAN, LOVELY WOMAN. But Alan, Without Ilcautlful Hair No Woman Can Be Handsome. We ask every woman reader of this paper to give Parisian Sage a thor ough trial, and we gladly make them this liberal offer: Get a large 60 cent bottle from Tallman & Co. today. Use It as di rected for two weeks. If at the end of that time you are not satisfied with the results, say so to Tallmans and they will give you your money back. Besides being a delightful and In vigorating hair dressing, Parisian Sage will cure dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching of the scalp, or mon ey back. NIGHTS OP UNREST. No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace for the Surfercr from Kidney Troubles. No peace for the kidney sufferer Pain and distress from morn to night. Get up with a lame back. Twinges of backache bother you all day, Dull aching breaks your rest at night. Urinary disorders add to your mis ery. Get at the cause cur ethe kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills will work the cure. They're for the kidneys only Have made great cures In Pendle ton. Mrs. J. H. Hutchison, 6627 Lllleth street, Pendleton. Oregon .says: "I had a great deal of trouble from harp, shooting pains through my back, sometimes extending Into my bead. I was nervous, did not rest well and bad headaches. My strength and ambition left me and I felt all run down. The use of three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills gave me such great relief that I hlnk highly of them. Another member of my fam ily took Doan's Kidney Pills and Joliis me In advising their use to all per sons afflicted with kidney complaint" For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co, Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. .Portland, Otwcon ' .... , .... ,..,,...., h. ,h. SISTERS OF THE HOLY MMES OF JESUS AND BARY. GW, Atoimitni Cillnlou Cnrm. Muilf . Ait. Slocutloa and Commer cial Df pit. rf,wtr Wml, Rrinrd Moral and Inlrllrctual Tmlninf . Write lorAnnouacrmrnt. Mir ft IISTf.lt MWW'l ti. Af,ir'i AisAimi. IVrW The Well Known Chinese Doctor Cure a a y! and all dis eases that Ute ri u man flesh la heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, herbs remedies a composed o Chinese! buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmleaa a we use no doibhjqb or urun. v operations. No knife used. ach troubles, liver kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth- nia, uqi twm" " ... , plaints and rheumatism and all n tka hlond. Wa cure n.niiii. imin cu m - to stay cured, and guarantee to cure an ainas oi nm ana rui Diseases of men and women. Call ... him nr wrlta. HnnnultA- tlon free. If you are unable to call and sea him, send two oenu in stamps for symptom Diana, ao - THE L. CHING WO CH1NESK MKDIUINH JU. sot W. Roue Bt,jgajtoWanaxWn RmMant and Par (lenool inr turn " chaw ol Blrtra of Bt. John Baptllt IKplarapal' OolUllaW. Aeaamle an lUmantarr Dapartiaants. Mule, Art, Ilocntlen, Ormnailan. FsroaUlof addmxTIIK SISTER HI I FIUOK OtncrV. St. Helena Hull MANY SOUTHERN CATTLE 111 PORTLAND YARDS nuN or en ass stuff AIUUVES ON MARKET Food Hogs Are IUglier But Light Stuff Is Mcklo Lower Lamb Trade Is Weaker and Early Drop of 50 Cents la Expected. (From Tuesday's Journal.) In the Stockyards. North Portland. Hogs higher for feeders, lower for killers; cattle easier; sheep steady; lambs weaker. South Omaha Hogs 10 to 11c lower; cattle slow to 10c lower; sheep steady. Chicago Hogs steady; cat- tie strong; sheep steady. Today's run of cattle, while not a record breaker, supplied the trade with all the stock It can possibly use for awhile. Shipments were from California and consisted of 36 loads. There was an easier feeling in the cattle trade at North Portland today, but cconslderlng the extent of the ar rivals of grass stuff, this was not to be wondered at. The shipments from California were in excellent condition but were not unloaded until a late hour. Cattle values at North Portland are: Best steers $6.10 6.25 Fancy grain steers 6.10 Ordinary grain steers 6.00 Ordinary Bteers 6.75 Best grass steers 6.25 Best cows $5.40 5.60 Medium cows 5.15 Ordinary cows 4.755.00 Poor to fair cows 3.00 4.00 Best Bulls 6.00Q5.25 Fancy bulls 4.75 Ordinary bulls 4.00 p 4.25 CALVES. Best light $7.00 Ordinary 6.85 Poor , $3,001(14.00 Interesting Yards HcHrt. An interesting report of livestock .shipments and receipts at the yards has been issued by O. M. Plummer, secretary of the Portland Union Stock yards company. The report shows thut total receipts of cattle for May, 1911, were 8,223 head, compared with' 7,1 S6 a year ago. Shipments from the yards during the same period were 8,202 head,' compared with 6, 918 a year ago. Cattle receipts from January 1 to date show a total of 39,- 784 compared with 28,695 a year ago, an Increase of 1,089 head. Shipments for the ame period were 8,202 head compared with 6.918 a year ago. In the hog division the receipts for the first five months of the year were 82,197, compared with 29,928 a year ago. Shipments for the simi lar period were 7.465,. compared with 7,980 a year ago. Sheep and lamb receipts for the first five months of 1911 show a total of 109,239, compared with 44,021 a year ago, while shipments this year to date were 23,197, compared with 18,161 a year ago. At Chicago today there was a strong tone In the cattle trade with no change In prices. South Omaha cattle prices were slow to 10c lower with top steers at $6.15 and cows at $5.60. Ijimbs (lathering Weakness. While selectej fed east of the moun tain wethers sold today at North Portland at $1. the lamb trade was weaker and the expectations are for an early drop of about 60c. There were heavy offerings of sheep In the North Portland trade today, with total offerings of 1,697 head, compared with 1.211 a week ago. At South Omaha there was a steady tone for sheep and lambs, with no exchange in prices. Wethers were quoted at $4 5? 4.60 and lambs at $6.50 Gi 7.25. Chicago was steady for sheep and lambs today, with no change In pri ces. Heavy shipment of sheep continue to be made to the east from eastern Oregon, entire trainlonds going from Echo to Chicago. Sheep and lamb prices at North Portland today: Yearlings $4.2 Wethers $3.504.00 Ewes 3.00 3.50 Lam Its 6.00!?i6.50 Feed sheep 2.00 ( 3.50 Hog Market Mixed. Hogs were about a nickel lower in the North Portland yards today. There were only limited arrivals, most of the shipments consisting of feders. The lutter sold at $7.35 or an advance of 10c over previous quo tations but finished hlgs were down about 5c with some 211 pound stuff at $6.80. At Chicago there was a steady tone In the hog trade today with no change in prices. South Omaha swine was weak with values 10c to 15c lower at $6 for tops. This makes the landing basis of Ne braska hogs here $7.10. Nominal swine values at North Portland: Best blockers $6.90 Medium light 6.75 Heavy packers 6.60 Hough packers $6.00f6.60 Feeders '. 7,25 Among the Shlpiters. Cattle J. W. Hunt, Merced, Cal., 10 loads; J. A. Robinson, Merced, 10 loads; Robinson Bros., Merced, 6 loads; A. J. Hanon, Gault, Cal., 2 loads; Charles Horton, Gault, 2 loads; Charles Horton, Gault, 2 loads; Mr. Whltten, by boat, 32 head; M. Akin, Gault. Cal., 8 loads; Charles Merril, Deer Island, Or., 1 load. Sheep and lambs C. M. Smith, Condon, Or., 4 loads; J. S. Keney, Hoppner, 1 lond; A. B. Ford, Tarn hilt. Or., 2 loads. Mixed stuff A. R. Ford, McMInn- vllle, Or., 1 load hogs and sheep Congressman John A. Martin of the Second Colorado district is mention ed for the democratic nomination for governor of his state at the next el ectlon. I' NEWS-OF TIE ! ; a THWEST i Circuit Conn In Hillsboro. HUsboro, Or. Judge Campbell is holding an adjourned session of the circuit court here this week and next. Several cases have been set for trial within the next few days and others for the regular term, commencing on the third Monday in July. Ready for Paving. Hlllsboro, Ore. The old street planking is being torn up to make way for the new paving to be laid In the business section of the city. Bids are to be opened on Saturday evening for both sewer and paving work and actual construction will soon begin. Will Build for Picture nouse. The Dalles, Or. C. W. Murphy and L. B. Lazelle of Portland are to con duct a new motion picture theater here. George Ruch of this city will build a brick building at Second and Laughlln streets for the enterprise. Plans are laid to have everything ready by August 15. Madras Service Is Running. The Dalles, Or. Passenger service on the O.-W. R. & N. and Deschutes railways was inaugurated Sunday be tween this point and Madras. Trains leave Madras dally at 9 a. m., rlv: ing here at 1:65 p. m. The returning train leaves here at 12:50 p. m. and arrives at Madras at 5:45 p. m. Met at Saloni Tomorrow. Salem, Or. The Willlamette Uni versity track and field team will meet the team from the Chemawa Indian training school tomorrow on the var sity field. The meet is expected to be an interesting one, as the Indians are good on the distance runs and the sprints and will make the collegians hustle If they win. At Tiilierpulosis Hospital. Salem, Or. Members of the state commission for the treatment of tu berculosis are holding an adjourned meeting at the institution today for the purpose of Investigating the con ditions of the hospital and the pa tients and looking over the work be ing done on the grounds. F.bftrician Weds Actor. Vancouver. Wash.. June 12. Miss Lillian Long, a New York actress, and George E, Taylor, an electrician of Philadelphia, were married here to day by Jay V. Fike. Justice of the peace. They met in Portland but came to Vancouver because they could not give evidence that they had uvea In Portland the required time. Attend Grand Iodpe. Dayton, Wash. Dr. E. H. Van Pat ten, J. L. Wallace and F. W. Guern sey left yesterday for Spokane to at tend the annual meeting of grand lodge A. F. and A. M. this week. Mrs. Fred Harmon and Mrs. E. H. Van Patten will leave today for the same place to attend the annual ses sesslon of the grandch apter Eastern Star. Japs Invade Rogue River. Grants Pass, Or. Rogue River val ley is about to be invaded with Jap anese truck gardeners. The first in stance of this kind is at Ashland, where the Japanese have rented 40 acres of land for gardening purposes. Whether or not they will be welcom ed remains unsettled. The owner of the land will receive $15 an acre for the growing season and in addition the lessees must take care of the 1-year-old fruit trees that are on the acreage. The Japanese come from California, where they cultivated gar dens. The entire 40 acres will be planted to tomatoes and cabbage. I'esllval Visitors Got Berries. Hood River, Or. Owing to the fact that their coming had not been an nounced soon enough beforehand the Ad club of Portland was not met here last night by the directors of the local Commercial club. Secretary Skinner received the news in time, however, to have two crates of Hood River ber ries sent to the train. These were dis tributed to passengers who were re turning to their homes from the Rose Festival. The Commercial club re ceived from the Portland boosters an enormous strawberry, made of red carnations, which is on exhibition at the club rooms today. Coos School Supervisor Xumed. Marshfield, Or. The county board of education, acting under the new law, has appointed Dr. J. T. McCor mac as one of the supervisors to look after 30 of the schools in this district come from errors in diet, from too little exercise or from the mis takes we commit without thinking of consequences. These sicknesses may be slight at first, but they hinder work, prevent advancement or bring depression and spoil enjoyment. What is worse, they lead to serious physical disorders if not checked in time ; but you CAN check them easily and quickly. They will Naturally Yield To such a safe, simple, reliable family remedy as Beecham's Pills. In every household where this famous and unequalled medicine is known, the whole aspect of life is changed for the better. Be ready to help yourself and your family to overcome trouble and to regain, and keep, good bodily conditions by having on hand for immediate use For feoiaiaa, B.ech.m'i PiUa an apeci.Ur suitable. Sea Instructions with each box. Sold everywhere. In hoses 10c. and 25e. TINY BABY HAD IL On Hands, Face, Nose and Mouth. Hard Crust Formed and Cracked Open. Blood Ran. Itched Fright fully, Mitts on Hands. No Rest. Got Cuticura. In 3 Days Relief. In a Week Cured Without a Mark. "I hare a little baby almost a year old. When It tu two monthi old It got eczema on top ol both her hands, on her face and inside bar now and mouth. She refused to drink and one of her eyes almost closed up. A hard cru;t formed and would crack opea and the blood ran out. It itched so (right fully that the poor mug . Kin coma not rest. We had to kwp mitts on her hands to keep her from scratch ing at her face and her mother was forced to ait in a rock nz 'chair with the baby oar ana nutm. we had a very eood doc tor and he did all that he nosslblv could to Teller the baby's torture but the results were not what we had looked for. "We hud read of the Cuticura remedied so we went to the drua; store and eot some Cuti cura soap and Cuticura ointment. We uvd them Just as directed and in three days the crust began to come off. In a week there was no more scab and now the baby Is cured with out a mark sleeps soundly in her cradle and her parents in their bed, with no more sleep less nlehts because of the bahv's suffering. Cuticura seems a wonderful remedy for this disease and any one havlnc eczema should not delay In retting it. Henrv M. Fogel, R. F. D. 1. Bath. Pa., Dec. 9. 1900." Cuticura Remedies sold tbmuebont the world Potter Dnin A rtiem. Corp.. Sole Preps.. Boston. -Malled free. 32-paee Cutlrnra baolt. containing UiTaluiDie adrire on the Treatment of Skin Troubles. of the county. Another supervisor will be named for the remainder of the schools in the other part of the county. The county superintendent under the old plan found it possible to visit all of the schools only about once a year, but with the assistance of the two superintendents the schools can be watched more closely. The Big Head !s of two kinds conceit and the big head that comes from a sick head ache. Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore? Tou can cure it In no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's Herblne. Isn't it worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll get A. C. Koeppen & Bros. It. is a fact not generally known that there are more confederate vet erans in the present congress than there are survivors of northern arm ies. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local appliances, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is cansed by an Inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and nnlesa the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Send for circulars free. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. SPECIAL BARGAINS AS LONG AS STOCK LASTS 15,000 ft. 8i4 Dry O. G. Ootterlng, lime end eliort lenctln. per ft I 100.(100 ft. Quarter Hound, ai-incli, clear, kiln dried fir, per 100 ft.... 31a Flooring. No. 1 and 2 standard, 4 and n ft. lcnctus, per M $11. OS SOME REGULAR CATALOG PRICES B-ciws I'anel n.iors, first quality, nrleht. 14 aires, now 1.30 Cottaee Front Doora. .13.60, $2.46 ft S.S5 Art Front noora s.uo up Window Trim. nets. K. D SO Intdile Door Frames. K. P 76 3 Send Us Your Lial for Estimating i (SEND SEND FOR CATALOG No. 44 n-f-r-T-nrir-r - saw a-aw DREADFU ECEl W II sT U t Ills of Life s mm j Want WANTED. WAITED 8ALESMAN for exclusive territory. Big opportunities. Ne experience necessary. Complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shad and ornamental stock. Cash weak, ly. Outfit free. Toppenlsh Nurs ery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have it sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGON'IAX, In remitting you can deductc ten per cent from the pub Usher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendle ton, Ore. Classified PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKJ3SLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputics. Judd building, corner Slain and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 664. DENTISTS. E. A. MANX. DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black 3421; residence 'phone, Black 2961. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 73. VETERINARY STJRGEOXS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 416. Residence, 915 East Court street. Res. Phone Main 69. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.. GRADU ate of McKilllp Veterinary College of Chicago. Office phone Main 20. Res. 516 Bush St., phone Main 27. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despaln building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ir. Despain building. CARTER & SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American- National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORH3Y AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despaln building. GEORGE W. COCTTS, ATTORNEY at law. estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON ATTOR- neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE, ATTOR- neys at law. Off.ce in Despaln building. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walks, etc. Phone black 3786, or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Austloneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street. Phone Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D. Goey, prop, At the old stand, Alta street lc rear of Tallman Co. Bast Oregonlan by carrier, Ho per month. Ms WANTED ( Continued ) WANTED Ladles, bring In your hair combings. Highest cash prices paid. Madam Kennedy's Hair Par lors, 607 East Court street Phon Red 3751. FOR BALE. FOR SALE Standard bred Slngl Comb Black Minorca eggs, tl.it setting; 18.00 per 100. til Jan St. Phone Black 5091, Pendleton. Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc.. for Sale at East Oregonlan office). FOR RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms In East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. Directory INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, anjr bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec BENTLET & LEFFINGWELL, RE All estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 815 Mala street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all time".. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossed private and business satlonery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work, it's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan, Main street, next to postofflce. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE- sorlption for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc, for sale at East Oregonlan office. FRATERNAL ORDERS. nr A. F. and A. M., meets the ' v first and thlaxl Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. afts&ffr K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor diality invited to attend. D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher. K. R. S. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R. & X. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave... 9:30a.m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 2:20 a. m. Portland Limited 12:15 p.m. Fast Mail 11:45 p.m. Motor 5:30 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 8:15 a.m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mail 1.60 a. m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:15a.m. Chicago Limited 5:15 p.m. Motor 10:40 a.m. Portland Local, arrive. . . 5:00 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 4:15 p.m. Washington Div. Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla Local .... 5:25 p. m. Pendleton Passenger ... 7:00a.m. Spokane local 3:00 a.m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendletoa Pendleton local 2:15 a.m. Walla Walla local 9:00 a.m. Pendleton Passenger ... 5:00p.m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Pendleton Passenger 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 7:30 a. m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10.00 a. m. Mixed train 7:30 a.m. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS AT Oregonlan offloa. Price llo.